By Hilderbran                                         H.B. No. 3579
         77R7446 JD-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the imposition by a taxing unit of ad valorem taxes on
 1-3     personal property not producing income that is otherwise exempt
 1-4     from taxation.
 1-6           SECTION 1. Section 11.14, Tax Code, is amended by amending
 1-7     Subsection (e) and adding Subsections (f)-(k) to read as follows:
 1-8           (e)  In any tax year, a taxing unit that elects [A political
 1-9     subdivision choosing] to tax property otherwise made exempt by this
1-10     section, pursuant to Section 1(e), Article VIII, [Section 1(e), of
1-11     the] Texas Constitution, may not do so until the governing body of
1-12     the taxing unit [political subdivision] has held a public hearing
1-13     on the matter, after having given notice of the hearing at the
1-14     times and in the manner required by this section [subsection], and
1-15     has found that the action will be in the public interest of all the
1-16     residents of that taxing unit [political subdivision.  At the
1-17     hearing, all interested persons are entitled to speak and present
1-18     evidence for or against taxing the property.  Not later than the
1-19     30th day prior to the date of a hearing held under this subsection,
1-20     notice of the hearing must be:]
1-21                 [(1)  published in a newspaper having general
1-22     circulation in the political subdivision and in a section of the
1-23     newspaper other than the advertisement section;]
1-24                 [(2)  not less than one-half of one page in size; and]
 2-1                 [(3)  republished on not less than three separate days
 2-2     during the period beginning with the 10th day prior to the hearing
 2-3     and ending with the actual date of the hearing].
 2-4           (f)  A public hearing required by Subsection (e) may not be
 2-5     held before the 30th day after the date the notice of the public
 2-6     hearing on the proposal to tax the personal property is given.  The
 2-7     hearing must be on a weekday that is not a public holiday.  The
 2-8     hearing must be held inside the boundaries of the taxing unit in a
 2-9     publicly owned building or, if a suitable publicly owned building
2-10     is not available, in a suitable building to which the public
2-11     normally has access.  At the hearing, the governing body must
2-12     afford adequate opportunity for proponents and opponents of the
2-13     proposal to tax the property to present their views.
2-14           (g)  The notice of a public hearing may not be smaller than
2-15     one-half page of a standard-size or a tabloid-size newspaper, and
2-16     the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type.  The
2-17     notice must:
2-18                 (1)  contain a statement in the following form:
2-20                          EXEMPT PERSONAL PROPERTY
2-21           "The (name of the taxing unit) will hold a public hearing on
2-22     a proposal to tax personal property located in the (name of the
2-23     taxing unit) that is otherwise exempt from taxation.
2-24           "The public hearing will be held on (date and time) at
2-25     (meeting place).
2-26           "(Names of all members of the governing body, showing how
2-27     each voted on the proposal to consider taxing the personal property
 3-1     or, if one or more were absent, indicating the absences.)"; and
 3-2                 (2)  contain the following information:
 3-3                       (A)  the unit's adopted tax rate for the
 3-4     preceding year, expressed as an amount per $100;
 3-5                       (B)  the total amount of taxes imposed on the
 3-6     personal property in the preceding year, if the taxing unit taxed
 3-7     that property in the preceding year;
 3-8                       (C)  the unit's proposed tax rate for the current
 3-9     tax year, expressed as an amount per $100; and
3-10                       (D)  the total amount of taxes that would be
3-11     imposed on the personal property in the current tax year, if the
3-12     taxing unit elects to tax the personal property in the current tax
3-13     year.
3-14           (h)  The notice may be delivered by mail to each property
3-15     owner in the taxing unit, or the notice may be published in a
3-16     newspaper.  If the notice is published in a newspaper, the notice
3-17     may not be in the part of the paper in which legal notices and
3-18     classified advertisements appear.
3-19           (i)  At the public hearing the governing body shall announce
3-20     the date, time, and place of the meeting at which the governing
3-21     body will vote on the proposal to tax the personal property.  After
3-22     the hearing the governing body shall give notice of the meeting at
3-23     which the governing body will vote on the proposal to tax the
3-24     personal property and the notice shall be in the same form as
3-25     prescribed by Subsections (g) and (h), except that the notice must
3-26     state the following:
 4-1           "The (name of the taxing unit) conducted a public hearing on
 4-2     a proposal to tax personal property that is otherwise exempt from
 4-3     taxation on (date and time public hearing was conducted).
 4-4           "The (governing body of the taxing unit) is scheduled to vote
 4-5     on the proposal to tax personal property that is otherwise exempt
 4-6     from taxation at a public meeting to be held on (date and time) at
 4-7     (meeting place)."
 4-8           (j)  The meeting to vote on the proposal to tax the personal
 4-9     property may not be earlier than the third day or later than the
4-10     14th day after the date of the public hearing.  The meeting must be
4-11     held inside the boundaries of the taxing unit in a publicly owned
4-12     building or, if a suitable publicly owned building is not
4-13     available, in a suitable building to which the public normally has
4-14     access.  If the governing body does not take action to tax the
4-15     personal property by the 14th day, the governing body must give a
4-16     new notice under Subsection (i) before the governing body may adopt
4-17     the proposal to tax the property.
4-18           (k)  The comptroller by rule shall prescribe the language and
4-19     format to be used in the part of the notice required by Subsection
4-20     (g)(2).  A notice under Subsection (g) is not valid if the notice
4-21     does not substantially conform to the language and format
4-22     prescribed by the comptroller under this subsection.
4-23           SECTION 2. This Act takes effect January 1, 2002, and applies
4-24     only to an ad valorem tax year that begins on or after that date.