By Gray                                               H.B. No. 3678
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of an additional statutory county court in
 1-3     Galveston County and to the administration, operation, and
 1-4     jurisdiction of the statutory courts in that county.
 1-6           SECTION 1. Section 25.0861(a), Government Code, is amended to
 1-7     read as follows:
 1-8           (a)  Galveston County has the following statutory county
 1-9     courts:
1-10                 (1)  County Court No. 1 of Galveston County; [and]
1-11                 (2)  County Court No. 2 of Galveston County; and
1-12                 (3)  County Court No. 3 of Galveston County.
1-13           SECTION 2. Section 25.0862, Government Code, is amended to
1-14     read as follows:
1-16     (a)  In addition to the jurisdiction provided by Section 25.0003
1-17     and other law, and except as limited by Subsection (b), a statutory
1-18     county court in Galveston County has:
1-19                 (1)  the jurisdiction provided by the constitution and
1-20     by general law for district courts; and
1-21                 (2)  appellate jurisdiction in all appeals in criminal
1-22     cases from justice courts and municipal courts in Galveston County.
1-23           (b)  A statutory county court does not have jurisdiction of:
1-24                 (1)  felony cases, except as otherwise provided by law;
 2-1     or
 2-2                 (2)  election contests [has concurrent jurisdiction
 2-3     with the district court in family law cases and proceedings].
 2-4           (c) [(b-1)]  The Probate Court of Galveston County has,
 2-5     concurrent with the statutory county courts, the jurisdiction
 2-6     provided by this section and other law for the statutory county
 2-7     courts.
 2-8           (d) [(c)]  The Probate Court of Galveston County has
 2-9     concurrent jurisdiction with the district court in cases in which a
2-10     party to a cause filed in the district court is a personal
2-11     representative as that term is defined by Section 3(aa), Texas
2-12     Probate Code.
2-13           (e) [(d)]  The Probate Court of Galveston County is primarily
2-14     responsible for and shall give preference to probate cases.  The
2-15     Probate Court may enforce an order of the Family District Court for
2-16     the 306th Judicial District relating to a family law matter.
2-17           [(e)  The Probate Court of Galveston County has two terms
2-18     beginning on the first Mondays of January and July of each year.
2-19     Each term of court continues until the next term begins.  The
2-20     County Courts Nos. 1 and 2 of Galveston County have six terms of
2-21     court beginning on the first Mondays of January, March, May, July,
2-22     September, and November of each year.]
2-23           (f)  The elected judge of the Probate Court of Galveston
2-24     County must:
2-25                 (1)  be a citizen of this state and of the United
2-26     States;
2-27                 (2)  be well informed in the laws of this state;
 3-1                 (3)  be a licensed attorney of this state who has
 3-2     practiced law or been a judge of a court in the state for at least
 3-3     five years immediately preceding election; and
 3-4                 (4)  have resided in and practiced law in Galveston
 3-5     County for at least two years immediately preceding election.
 3-6           (g) [(h)]  The judge of a statutory county court shall be
 3-7     paid an annual salary that is not [at least equal to the amount
 3-8     that is $1,000] less than the total annual salary, including
 3-9     supplements and contributions, paid a district judge in the county.
3-10     The salary shall be paid out of the general fund of the county by
3-11     warrants drawn on the county treasury on order of the commissioners
3-12     court.
3-13           (h) [(i)]  A bond is not required of the judge of the County
3-14     Court No. 1, [or] 2, or 3 of Galveston County.
3-15           (i) [(j)  A special judge of a statutory county court or
3-16     statutory probate court may be appointed or elected in the manner
3-17     provided by law for the election or appointment of special county
3-18     judges.  A special judge of the County Court No. 1 or 2 of
3-19     Galveston County is entitled to receive for services performed the
3-20     same rate of compensation as the regular judge.]
3-21           [(l)]  The clerk of the statutory county courts and statutory
3-22     probate court shall keep a separate docket for each court.  The
3-23     clerk shall tax the official court reporter's fees as costs in
3-24     civil actions in the same manner as the fee is taxed in civil cases
3-25     in the district courts.  The district clerk serves as clerk of the
3-26     county courts in a cause of action arising under the Family Code
3-27     and an appeal of a final ruling or decision of the Texas Workers'
 4-1     Compensation Commission, and the county clerk serves as clerk of
 4-2     the court in all other cases.
 4-3           (j) [(m)]  The sheriff shall [may] appoint a deputy to attend
 4-4     County Court No. 1, 2, or 3 of Galveston County or the Probate
 4-5     Court of Galveston County [when required by the judge.  The sheriff
 4-6     shall appoint a deputy to attend County Court No. 1 or 2 of
 4-7     Galveston County] when required by the judge.
 4-8           (k) [(n)]  The official court reporter of each statutory
 4-9     county court and each statutory probate court is entitled to the
4-10     same compensation, paid in the same manner, as the official court
4-11     reporters of the district courts in Galveston County.  Each
4-12     reporter is primarily responsible for cases in the reporter's
4-13     court.
4-14           (l)  Each reporter may be made available when not engaged in
4-15     proceedings in their court to report proceedings in all other
4-16     courts [a jury trial to report jury trials in the following manner:]
4-17                 [(1)  the reporter of the Probate Court of Galveston
4-18     County may report jury trials in the county and, at the request of
4-19     the district attorney, examining trials in the justice courts; and]
4-20                 [(2)  the reporters of the County Courts Nos. 1 and 2
4-21     of Galveston County may report cases in the Probate Court of
4-22     Galveston County].
4-23           [(o)]  Practice, appeals, and writs of error in a statutory
4-24     county court are as prescribed by law for county courts and county
4-25     courts at law.  Appeals and writs of error may be taken from
4-26     judgments and orders of the County Courts Nos. 1, [and] 2, and 3 of
4-27     Galveston County and the judges, in civil and criminal cases, in
 5-1     the manner prescribed by law for appeals and writs of error.
 5-2     Appeals from interlocutory orders of the County Courts Nos. 1,
 5-3     [and] 2, and 3 appointing a receiver or overruling a motion to
 5-4     vacate or appoint a receiver may be taken and are governed by the
 5-5     laws relating to appeals from similar orders of district courts.
 5-6           (m) [(p)]  Section 25.0006(b) does not apply to County Court
 5-7     No. 1, [or] 2, or 3 of Galveston County.
 5-8           (n)  If a jury trial is requested in a case that is in a
 5-9     county court at law's jurisdiction as provided by Subsection (a),
5-10     the jury shall be composed of six members unless the constitution
5-11     requires a 12-member jury.  Failure to object before a six-member
5-12     jury is seated and sworn constitutes a waiver of a 12-member jury.
5-13           SECTION 3. Notwithstanding Section 25.0861, Government Code,
5-14     as amended by this Act, County Court No. 3 of Galveston County is
5-15     created October 1, 2001.
5-16           SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.