By Craddick                                           H.C.R. No. 45
         77R2839 MW-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of longtime Midland resident Bernold M.
 1-2     "Bruno" Hanson on April 13, 2000, at the age of 71, has brought a
 1-3     great loss to the family and friends of this highly esteemed
 1-4     gentleman; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Born on May 7, 1928, Mr. Hanson graduated from the
 1-6     University of North Dakota with a bachelor of science degree in
 1-7     engineering geology and earned a master of science degree in
 1-8     geology from the University of Wyoming; he also served two years in
 1-9     the United States Army as a topographer; and
1-10           WHEREAS, In 1951 Mr. Hanson moved to Midland to work for
1-11     Magnolia Petroleum Company and then Humble Oil & Refining;  he
1-12     later created the Hanson Corporation, establishing himself as a
1-13     successful independent oil operator and prominent consulting
1-14     geologist; during this period he made several important field
1-15     discoveries in the Permian Basin, while his consulting work took
1-16     him to 18 foreign countries; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Over the course of his career Mr. Hanson authored 17
1-18     geological abstracts; he held virtually every office in the
1-19     American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), including that
1-20     of president, and maintained affiliations with numerous other
1-21     geological and petroleum organizations; and
1-22           WHEREAS, The many awards he received are emblematic of the
1-23     great contributions he made to the oil industry; these honors
1-24     included the Sidney Powers Memorial Award, the highest accolade a
 2-1     petroleum geologist can receive, and the Distinguished Service
 2-2     Award, both from the AAPG; the North Dakota Governor's Award for
 2-3     National Leadership of Excellence; the Arthur Gray Leonard Award
 2-4     from the University of North Dakota; Distinguished Alumnus awards
 2-5     from both of his alma maters; and an honorary doctorate in geology
 2-6     from the University of Wyoming; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, Mr. Hanson was a lifelong conservationist, serving
 2-8     as the first president of the AAPG's Division of Environmental
 2-9     Geoscientists and the presenter of the Bruno Hanson/Midland College
2-10     Award for environmental excellence in the oil industry; his
2-11     expertise and environmental activism were further recognized by
2-12     Governor George W. Bush, who appointed him to the Texas Low-Level
2-13     Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority; and
2-14           WHEREAS, In addition to his professional contributions, this
2-15     accomplished individual gave significant time and energy to
2-16     academic and civic undertakings in his community; geology students
2-17     at Midland College benefited from his efforts as chairman of the
2-18     school's Petroleum Tech Advisory Council and from the help he
2-19     rendered in obtaining various grants for the geoscience computer
2-20     program; and
2-21           WHEREAS, He was also an ardent supporter of the Boy Scouts of
2-22     America; a Distinguished Eagle Scout, Mr. Hanson received the
2-23     Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope awards and served as Buffalo
2-24     Trail Council president, national camping chairman, and regional
2-25     vice president, as well as co-author of the 1979 edition of The Boy
2-26     Scout Handbook; and
2-27           WHEREAS, Mr. Hanson will long be remembered for his many
 3-1     contributions to the oil industry, his community, and the State of
 3-2     Texas, and his spirit will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of the
 3-3     many people whose lives he so deeply touched; now, therefore, be it
 3-4           RESOLVED, That the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas
 3-5     hereby pay tribute to the life of Bernold M. "Bruno" Hanson and
 3-6     extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family:  to his wife,
 3-7     Marilyn M. Hanson; to his son, Eric K. Hanson; to his daughters,
 3-8     Karen E. Hanson Flowers and Gretchen H. Bakke; to his eight
 3-9     grandchildren; to his sister, Marcella Melsted; and to his many
3-10     other relatives and friends; and, be it further
3-11           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
3-12     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
3-13     House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in
3-14     memory of Bernold M. "Bruno" Hanson.