77R8540 MKS-D By Maxey, Capelo H.C.R. No. 84 Substitute the following for H.C.R. No. 84: By Maxey C.S.H.C.R. No. 84 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, Federally funded community-based safety-net 1-2 programs, which are specifically designed to assist low-income 1-3 persons without health insurance and those who live in areas that 1-4 lack health care services, play a significant role in the delivery 1-5 of medical care and related services to the large number of 1-6 Americans who cannot afford health insurance; and 1-7 WHEREAS, Texas' large size and shared border with Mexico are 1-8 geographical factors that present the state with unique challenges 1-9 in serving its residents and increase the importance of all types 1-10 of safety-net health care programs; of a total of 254 Texas 1-11 counties, 176 entire counties and an additional 47 partial counties 1-12 are federally designated as medically underserved areas; these 1-13 areas include all but one of the counties along the Rio Grande; and 1-14 WHEREAS, These medically underserved areas are characterized 1-15 by a high percentage of elderly residents, high poverty rates, high 1-16 infant mortality rates, and a lower ratio of primary care providers 1-17 than the national average; furthermore, these areas typically serve 1-18 working poor, minority members, foreign born, or noncitizens who 1-19 rely on community-based safety-net programs for medical care; and 1-20 WHEREAS, Federal safety-net programs are particularly 1-21 important to the four U.S.-Mexico border states, including Texas, 1-22 which rank among the six states with the highest percentage of 2-1 uninsured persons under 65 partly because of the large numbers of 2-2 immigrant households among their populations; such households are 2-3 more than twice as likely to lack health insurance as are 2-4 households of native-born citizens, and a recent study found that 2-5 immigrants and children who arrived between 1994 and 1998 account 2-6 for 59 percent of the growth of the uninsured; and 2-7 WHEREAS, Community health centers are a cost-effective way to 2-8 provide primary and preventive care to populations lacking medical 2-9 care and can reduce the inappropriate use of emergency rooms and 2-10 hospitalizations; and 2-11 WHEREAS, Increasing the number of community health centers 2-12 would be a tremendous benefit for those Texans living in poor and 2-13 underserved communities as well as for the 56 percent of Texas' 2-14 noncitizen residents who are uninsured by providing greater access 2-15 to regular sources of both primary care and preventive health 2-16 services and allowing medical services to target common health 2-17 problems in these populations; now, therefore, be it 2-18 RESOLVED, That the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas 2-19 hereby respectfully request the Congress of the United States to 2-20 expand the number of and funding for federally funded community 2-21 health centers and other federal community-based safety-net 2-22 programs specifically directed to poor and medically underserved 2-23 communities in states with the highest numbers of uninsured 2-24 residents; and, be it further 2-25 RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official 2-26 copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to 2-27 the speaker of the house of representatives, and to the president 3-1 of the senate of the United States Congress, and to all members of 3-2 the Texas delegation to the congress with the request that this 3-3 resolution be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a 3-4 memorial to the Congress of the United States of America. 3-5 BEGCAPTION 3-6 Memorializing congress to expand the number of community-based 3-7 safety-net programs serving the poor and medically underserved 3-8 communities. 3-9 ENDCAPTION