By Najera                                             H.C.R. No. 86
         77R4786 MMS-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, The National Association of Retired Federal
 1-2     Employees (NARFE), founded in Washington, D.C., on February 19,
 1-3     1921, has for 80 years promoted the general welfare of retired
 1-4     federal workers and a just remuneration for their long and faithful
 1-5     service; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, NARFE members understand that it is their duty to
 1-7     align themselves with public and private individuals and
 1-8     organizations to address the challenges and problems of all elderly
 1-9     and retired people in the U.S.; and
1-10           WHEREAS, NARFE has over 400,000 members nationally and almost
1-11     20,000 members in 110 chapters throughout the State of Texas, and
1-12     gives voice to the concerns of a substantial and committed body of
1-13     citizens; and
1-14           WHEREAS, Together these dedicated citizens provide thousands
1-15     of volunteer hours every year assisting hospitals, schools, Meals
1-16     on Wheels, the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, as volunteer
1-17     firemen, the Silver Haired Legislature, on city councils, and on
1-18     government boards, committees, and commissions at every level; and
1-19           WHEREAS, NARFE members have contributed in excess of $3
1-20     million to Alzheimer's disease research, and have pledged to
1-21     increase that amount to $5 million by the year 2005; and
1-22           WHEREAS, The annuities paid to retired federal employees and
1-23     surviving annuitants total $126,547,000 each month, and incomes
1-24     from these plans bolster the local and state economies; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, The men and women of NARFE are carrying forward the
 2-2     loyal and faithful service to this country that distinguished their
 2-3     careers before retirement, and it is a pleasure to honor this
 2-4     outstanding organization for its 80 years of vital contributions to
 2-5     our society; now, therefore, be it
 2-6           RESOLVED, That the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas
 2-7     hereby congratulate the members of the National Association of
 2-8     Retired Federal Employees on the occasion of NARFE's 80th
 2-9     anniversary and commend them for their long-standing devotion to
2-10     public service; and, be it further
2-11           RESOLVED, That February 19-23, 2001, be declared National
2-12     Association of Retired Federal Employees Week in the State of
2-13     Texas.