By Christian                                         H.C.R. No. 216
         77R9742 MJS-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, Dr. Joe Wesley Dickerson of Jasper has been named
 1-2     Mr. East Texas of 2001 by the Tyler County Dogwood Festival
 1-3     Committee, and Dr. Dickerson has indeed proven himself most
 1-4     deserving of this notable accolade; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, A native of Rockland, he graduated from Stephen F.
 1-6     Austin State University and The University of Texas School of
 1-7     Medicine; after serving in the United States Air Force during World
 1-8     War II, he returned stateside and worked as a surgical resident at
 1-9     Cook County Hospital in Chicago before moving to Jasper, where he
1-10     has remained since 1948; and
1-11           WHEREAS, Known throughout East Texas as "The People's Doctor"
1-12     and "Dr. Joe," he was instrumental in the establishment of the Mary
1-13     E. Dickerson Memorial Hospital, named for his wife who died in
1-14     1961; and
1-15           WHEREAS, While still working about 12 hours a day, every day,
1-16     he also maintains an active interest in ancient documents and has
1-17     had a 20-year research association with a noted Princeton
1-18     professor; and
1-19           WHEREAS, Dr. Dickerson's immeasurable contributions and
1-20     lifetime of achievements have earned him a special place in the
1-21     hearts of countless people, and his leadership, vision, and
1-22     compassion have made him a role model in his East Texas community;
1-23     his hard work and dedication in behalf of his fellow Texans is
1-24     truly commendable, and it is most appropriate to pay tribute to him
 2-1     at this time; now, therefore, be it
 2-2           RESOLVED, That the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas
 2-3     hereby congratulate Dr. Joe Wesley Dickerson on being named
 2-4     Mr. East Texas by the Tyler County Dogwood Festival Committee and
 2-5     extend to him sincere best wishes for success and happiness in all
 2-6     his future endeavors; and, be it further
 2-7           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-8     prepared for Dr. Dickerson as an expression of high regard by the
 2-9     Texas House of Representatives and Senate.