By West                                               H.J.R. No. 27
         77R464 JSA-D                           
                                 A JOINT RESOLUTION
 1-1     proposing a constitutional amendment to require a candidate for the
 1-2     legislature to pass the basic skills examination required by law
 1-3     for students entering public institutions of higher education.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
 1-6     adding Section 7-a to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 7-a. (a)  This section applies only if:
 1-8                 (1)  on the last date provided by law for a person to
 1-9     become a candidate in an election to the senate or house of
1-10     representatives, state law requires a student who enrolls as an
1-11     undergraduate student in a public institution of higher education,
1-12     other than a student exempted by law, to take an examination to
1-13     assess the student's basic academic skills or knowledge; and
1-14                 (2)  the student's performance on the examination may
1-15     require the student to participate in a noncredit course or program
1-16     in basic academic skills or knowledge or to complete other
1-17     requirements not applicable to all students.
1-18           (b)  A person is not eligible to become a candidate for
1-19     election to the senate or house of representatives unless in the
1-20     preceding five years the person has taken the examination described
1-21     by Subsection (a)  of this section and achieved a performance level
1-22     on the examination that would exempt a student from any applicable
1-23     noncredit course or program in basic academic skills or knowledge
1-24     or other requirements not applicable to all students.  This
 2-1     subsection does not apply to a person who previously qualified as a
 2-2     candidate for election to the senate or house of representatives
 2-3     under this subsection.  Each public institution of higher education
 2-4     shall permit a person who certifies that the person is seeking to
 2-5     qualify as a candidate under this subsection to take the
 2-6     examination described by Subsection (a) of this section at the
 2-7     institution at the person's expense and have the institution
 2-8     determine whether the person has achieved a performance level on
 2-9     the examination that would exempt a student at the institution from
2-10     any applicable noncredit course or program in basic academic skills
2-11     or knowledge or other requirements not applicable to all students.
2-12           (c)  This section takes effect January 1, 2002.  This
2-13     subsection expires January 1, 2003.
2-14           SECTION 2. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
2-15     submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 6, 2001.
2-16     The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
2-17     proposition: "The constitutional amendment to require a candidate
2-18     for the Texas Legislature to pass the basic skills examination
2-19     required by law for students entering public institutions of higher
2-20     education."