By Tillery                                            H.J.R. No. 45
         77R2834 GGS-D                           
                                 A JOINT RESOLUTION
 1-1     proposing a constitutional amendment to require the governor to
 1-2     call a special session for the appointment of presidential electors
 1-3     under certain circumstances.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Section 8, Article IV, Texas Constitution, is
 1-6     amended to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 8. (a)  The Governor may, on extraordinary occasions,
 1-8     convene the Legislature at the seat of Government, or at a
 1-9     different place, in case that should be in possession of the public
1-10     enemy or in case of the prevalence of disease threat.  His
1-11     proclamation therefor shall state specifically the purpose for
1-12     which the Legislature is convened.
1-13           (b)  The Governor shall convene the Legislature in special
1-14     session to appoint presidential electors if the Governor determines
1-15     that a reasonable likelihood exists that a final determination of
1-16     the appointment of electors will not occur before the deadline
1-17     prescribed by law to ascertain a conclusive determination of the
1-18     appointment.  The Legislature may not consider any subject other
1-19     than the appointment of electors at that special session.
1-20           SECTION 2. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
1-21     submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 6, 2001.
1-22     The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
1-23     proposition:  "The constitutional amendment requiring the governor
1-24     to call a special session for the appointment of presidential
 2-1     electors under certain circumstances."