By Yarbrough                                            H.R. No. 52
         77R3869 MW-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, On January 20, 2001, Nicholas Shelby Meriwether of
 1-2     Houston is receiving the prestigious Eagle Scout award, and this is
 1-3     truly an occasion for special recognition; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, The son of Rodney and Susan Meriwether, this
 1-5     admirable young man has long been active in Boy Scout Troop No.
 1-6     604, working diligently to earn 32 merit badges as well as winning
 1-7     the bronze medal in 1997 and the silver medal in 1996 at the
 1-8     Council First Aid Meet; in addition, he is a member of the Order of
 1-9     the Arrow and has received a World Conservation Award; and
1-10           WHEREAS, While maintaining the highest standards and
1-11     integrity in his community, school, and troop, Mr. Meriwether has
1-12     brought honor to the posts of patrol leader and senior patrol
1-13     leader, and he has successfully completed his Eagle Scout project,
1-14     which undoubtedly has benefited his community in myriad ways; and
1-15           WHEREAS, An active member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic
1-16     Church, Mr. Meriwether has been an altar server since the fourth
1-17     grade and presently serves as a lector at Sunday Mass; he also
1-18     teaches confirmation classes and has received the Agnes Dei,
1-19     Parvuli Dei, and Ad Altare Dei religious medals; and
1-20           WHEREAS, Mr. Meriwether is a senior at Michael E. Debakey
1-21     High School for Health Professions, where he  participates in a
1-22     host of school-related activities, notably as a member and
1-23     cofounder of the Debakey Art Club, and he plans to attend the
1-24     University of Houston Architectural College in the fall of 2001; he
 2-1     is also active in the community, volunteering at Ben Taub Hospital
 2-2     and helping in other projects such as food drives, clothing
 2-3     collections, and assisting the elderly; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, The elite rank of Eagle Scout is attained by only a
 2-5     handful of young men, and this accomplishment is indeed worthy of
 2-6     highest praise; through outstanding effort and commitment,
 2-7     Mr. Meriwether has proven himself to be an exemplary young Texan,
 2-8     and it is a privilege to recognize him at this time; now,
 2-9     therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-11     Legislature hereby commend Nicholas Shelby Meriwether on receiving
2-12     the Eagle Scout award and extend to him sincere best wishes for
2-13     continued success and happiness; and, be it further
2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-15     prepared for Mr. Meriwether as an expression of high regard by the
2-16     Texas House of Representatives.