1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Ben Klinger of Houston on November
 1-2     26, 2000, at the age of 77, has brought a great loss to the family
 1-3     and friends of this esteemed gentleman; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A native Houstonian, Mr. Klinger graduated from
 1-5     Lamar High School in 1941 and was active for many years as a member
 1-6     of that class's graduate association called the 41ers; during World
 1-7     War II, this distinguished gentleman answered his country's call to
 1-8     duty and served as a lieutenant with the 15th Air Force,
 1-9     courageously navigating B-17s in 30 missions over Italy; and
1-10           WHEREAS, After the war, Mr. Klinger returned home to help
1-11     with the family business, Klingers, until 1948 when he and his
1-12     wife, Alice, opened their own store, Variety Fair, in Rice Village;
1-13     fulfilling his dream of owning his own business, Mr. Klinger
1-14     remained involved in the operation of Variety Fair for 52 years;
1-15     and
1-16           WHEREAS, This successful Texan contributed greatly to the
1-17     prosperity of the Rice Village business community, and he was duly
1-18     recognized in 1988 when he was named the Chamber of Commerce
1-19     Citizen of the Year; the impact Mr. Klinger had on his community
1-20     and the genuine admiration and respect felt for him were expressed
1-21     during the poignant moment on December 3, 2000, at 3 p.m. when
1-22     Christ the King Lutheran Church tolled its bells 77 times in his
1-23     memory; and
1-24           WHEREAS, An active member of the Congregation Emanu El,
 2-1     Mr. Klinger participated in its choir for many years; he served as
 2-2     congregation treasurer and president of the Congregation Emanu El
 2-3     PTA, and he was honored with the Congregant of the Year award in
 2-4     1977; and
 2-5           WHEREAS, Mr. Klinger will long be remembered for being a
 2-6     loving husband and father, a skilled businessman, and an
 2-7     outstanding citizen; moreover, his influence will forever be felt
 2-8     because of the positive impact his life had on all who knew him,
 2-9     and he will indeed live on in the hearts of those many people he so
2-10     deeply affected; now, therefore, be it
2-11           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-12     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Ben Klinger and
2-13     extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family:  to his wife
2-14     of 56 years, Alice; to his children, Harold and Cyndy Klinger, and
2-15     Cathy and Buster Irby; to his five grandchildren; to his longtime
2-16     employee and family friend, Janet DeLeon; and to his many other
2-17     relatives and friends; and, be it further
2-18           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-19     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
2-20     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
2-21     Ben Klinger.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 123 was unanimously adopted by a
         rising vote of the House on April 5, 2001.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House