By Puente                                              H.R. No. 273
         77R4433 MJS-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio enjoys a
 1-2     long and distinguished history, and it is a privilege to join the
 1-3     people in this city in recognizing this remarkable building; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Constructed in 1738, the San Fernando Cathedral is
 1-5     the oldest existing structure in San Antonio and the State of
 1-6     Texas; moreover, the church holds the distinction of having the
 1-7     oldest cathedral sanctuary in the United States; and  
 1-8           WHEREAS, Located on the west side of La Plaza de las Islas,
 1-9     the cathedral has been the site of many historical events; the
1-10     troops of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna of Mexico hoisted
1-11     their flag atop its bell tower in 1836, and James Bowie and Ursula
1-12     de Veramendi were married there; and
1-13           WHEREAS, In addition, Colonel Juan Seguin, who took control
1-14     of San Antonio after Texas won its independence, was purported to
1-15     have buried the remains of the defenders of the Alamo under a
1-16     sanctuary railing in the cathedral; today, there is a marble coffin
1-17     in the back of the church with an inscription honoring these brave
1-18     Texans that has been visited by countless people; and
1-19           WHEREAS, Throughout the years, important dignitaries and
1-20     world leaders have visited this venerable house of worship,
1-21     including Pope John Paul II and former United States President
1-22     Lyndon Baines Johnson; and
1-23           WHEREAS, More than 4,000 people attend and celebrate weekend
1-24     masses held at the cathedral, and approximately 900 baptisms, 100
 2-1     weddings, 70 funerals, and numerous other services are performed at
 2-2     the cathedral each year; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, Currently undergoing renovation, this magnificent
 2-4     building remains an architectural marvel and its classic
 2-5     simplicity, unspoiled beauty, and ongoing traditions are an
 2-6     embodiment of San Antonio's rich heritage; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, Named in honor of Saint Ferdinand, the cathedral
 2-8     continues to serve as a cultural, historical, civic, and artistic
 2-9     center for San Antonio, and it is most appropriate to pay tribute
2-10     to this historic building at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-11           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-12     Legislature hereby recognize the San Fernando Cathedral as the
2-13     oldest existing structure in San Antonio and the State of Texas and
2-14     encourage its citizens to visit this treasured Texas landmark and
2-15     to generously support the restoration project; and, be it further
2-16           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-17     prepared for the San Fernando Cathedral as an expression of high
2-18     regard by the Texas House of Representatives.