1-1           WHEREAS, Dr. John D. Horn, superintendent of the Mesquite
 1-2     Independent School District, has provided outstanding leadership in
 1-3     education and in the community for the past 38 years; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Dr. Horn has led the Mesquite ISD for 15 years,
 1-5     overseeing the education of more than 32,000 young people; before
 1-6     coming to Mesquite he headed the Allen Independent School District
 1-7     for eight years; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, For the last three decades Dr. Horn has worked
 1-9     closely with governors, legislators, and state commissioners of
1-10     education through his service on countless boards and advisory
1-11     committees; among these have been the Dallas County Local Workforce
1-12     Development Board, Mesquite Economic Development Foundation, Texas
1-13     Business and Education Coalition, Texas Center for Partners in
1-14     Education, and Texas Academy of Math and Science; and
1-15           WHEREAS, This notable Texan played an instrumental role in
1-16     establishing the Texas Center of Educational Research, as well as
1-17     the Texas Professional Development and Technology Centers, which
1-18     were created in conjunction with Texas A&M University--Commerce;
1-19     and
1-20           WHEREAS, A former president of the Texas Association of
1-21     School Administrators, Dr. Horn has also given generously of his
1-22     time and talents to many civic organizations, among them the
1-23     Mesquite Chamber of Commerce, Mesquite Rotary Club, and Boy Scouts;
1-24     and
 2-1           WHEREAS, The recipient of a long list of accolades, Dr. Horn
 2-2     has been chosen as Texas Superintendent of the Year by the Texas
 2-3     Association of School Administrators and selected as one of the
 2-4     leading school district superintendents by the Texas Association of
 2-5     School Boards; the chambers of commerce in Mesquite and Allen both
 2-6     recognized him as Citizen of the Year, the Administrative
 2-7     Leadership Institute conferred on him the Golden Deeds for
 2-8     Education Award, and the Mesquite ISD Board of Trustees recently
 2-9     named a new high school after him; and
2-10           WHEREAS, Dr. Horn's success is due in part to his
2-11     collaborative style, which emphasizes staff development and the
2-12     involvement of parents and community and business leaders; he also
2-13     understands the importance of a well-informed board of trustees and
2-14     takes care to see that the board receives all the information it
2-15     needs to make sound decisions, along with leadership training to
2-16     facilitate its deliberations; and
2-17           WHEREAS, Possessing a thorough understanding of education
2-18     issues, strong administrative skills, and a clear and ambitious
2-19     vision, Dr. Horn has united the community and the Mesquite ISD
2-20     around a common set of goals and continues to provide the wise and
2-21     steady guidance essential to their realization; in consequence of
2-22     his many eminent contributions, it is entirely fitting that he be
2-23     honored at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-24           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-25     Legislature hereby commend Dr. John D. Horn, superintendent of the
2-26     Mesquite ISD, for his distinguished career and exemplary service to
2-27     the people of Texas; and, be it further
 3-1           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 3-2     prepared for Dr. Horn as an expression of high regard by the Texas
 3-3     House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 284 was adopted by the House on March
         12, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House