1-1           WHEREAS, On February 21, 2001, many proud residents of Grand
 1-2     Prairie will be in Austin to celebrate Grand Prairie Day at the
 1-3     State Capitol, and this occasion  is an opportune time to pay
 1-4     tribute to the city's many noteworthy attributes; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, This outstanding North Texas community was founded
 1-6     at the end of the Civil War under the name Deckman; renamed Grand
 1-7     Prairie in 1877, the city grew steadily in the ensuing years with
 1-8     the arrival of railroads and the subsequent opening of Hensley
 1-9     Field by the United States military in 1928; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Grand Prairie experienced a substantial boom during
1-11     World War II, as the region was home to the military field and
1-12     several large defense plants, and between 1940 and the war's end
1-13     the city's population ballooned from approximately 1,600 to more
1-14     than 18,000 residents; and
1-15           WHEREAS, With a population of nearly 120,000 people today,
1-16     Grand Prairie features a wide range of industry and commerce, and
1-17     its central location amid the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex has
1-18     enabled it to become an established distribution center; furniture,
1-19     aircraft, boats, plastics, chemicals, and machine parts are among
1-20     the many items manufactured within the city; and
1-21           WHEREAS, In addition to a burgeoning economy, the city is
1-22     home to a number of entertaining tourist attractions, such as Lone
1-23     Star Park, the Traders Village market, the Palace of Wax, and
1-24     Ripley's Believe It or Not; popular local events include the
 2-1     Prairie Dog Chili Cookoff, Oktoberfest, the Western Days Rodeo, the
 2-2     Prairie Lights annual Christmas lights display, and the National
 2-3     Championship Indian Pow-wow; moreover, Grand Prairie offers ample
 2-4     opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy themselves at scenic
 2-5     Joe Pool Lake and at its numerous parks; and
 2-6           WHEREAS, Truly a community in which its citizens can take
 2-7     great pride, Grand Prairie is indeed deserving of special
 2-8     legislative recognition for its significant contributions to the
 2-9     Lone State State; now, therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-11     Legislature hereby recognize February 21, 2001, as Grand Prairie
2-12     Day at the State Capitol and extend a warm welcome to the city's
2-13     visiting delegation.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 327 was adopted by the House on
         February 21, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House