By Wolens                                              H.R. No. 358
         77R7751 GMW-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
 1-2     welcome the members of the Dallas Assembly to the State Capitol on
 1-3     February 26, 2001; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, This outstanding organization was formed in 1962 and
 1-5     provides a forum for leaders in business, education, government,
 1-6     religion, and other civic fields to discuss local, state, and
 1-7     national issues as they relate to Dallas; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, Composed of 150 individuals, the Dallas Assembly
 1-9     represents a diverse group of Dallas citizens, allowing for a wide
1-10     variety of viewpoints and affording members the opportunity to make
1-11     valuable professional contacts and alliances; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Its many activities include an annual off-site
1-13     seminar, informal meetings with discussions led by assembly
1-14     members, special events, and numerous other Dallas improvement
1-15     initiatives; moreover, the assembly hosts monthly luncheons that
1-16     have featured such renowned guests as Margaret Thatcher, Al Gore,
1-17     Kay Bailey Hutchison, and John Silber; and
1-18           WHEREAS, The Dallas Assembly has proven itself to be a superb
1-19     community service organization, and its dedicated civic leaders are
1-20     most certainly deserving of special recognition at this time; now,
1-21     therefore, be it
1-22           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
1-23     Legislature hereby recognize the members of the Dallas Assembly for
1-24     their significant achievements and extend to them sincere best
 2-1     wishes for an enjoyable visit to the State Capitol; and, be it
 2-2     further
 2-3           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-4     prepared for the members of the Dallas Assembly as an expression of
 2-5     high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.