By Goolsby                                             H.R. No. 454
         77R9096 WMS-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, March 6, 2001, marks the 50th birthday of our
 1-2     esteemed former colleague, the Honorable Rick Crawford, and it
 1-3     gives the members of this chamber great pleasure to recognize this
 1-4     distinguished gentleman at this time; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, A native of Amarillo, Mr. Crawford attended The
 1-6     University of Texas and worked for a time in real estate before
 1-7     answering the siren call of public service; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, He was elected to the Texas House of Representatives
 1-9     in 1988 and served two productive terms as a member of this body;
1-10     he went on to be a special assistant to the speaker and in 1995 was
1-11     named executive director of the State Preservation Board; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Having immersed himself in an appreciation of
1-13     antiques, artwork, and monuments, Mr. Crawford shrugs off
1-14     suggestions that he has become something of a relic himself, and he
1-15     is currently working on numerous projects, including The Bob
1-16     Bullock Texas State History Museum; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Mr. Crawford has amassed a staggering amount of
1-18     information about Texas history during his tenure as head of the
1-19     State Preservation Board and is blessed with an impressive command
1-20     of this considerable knowledge, as is evidenced by his ability to
1-21     name all the state icons in alphabetical order; and
1-22           WHEREAS, In spite of the fact that he is now eligible for
1-23     membership in AARP, Mr. Crawford prefers to look on the bright side
1-24     of surpassing the half-century mark and plans to take full
 2-1     advantage of whatever senior citizen discounts are available to
 2-2     him; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, Although Mr. Crawford has hit the big "Five-0," he
 2-4     appears as mentally agile as ever and continues to work in behalf
 2-5     of his fellow Texans with the same commitment and determination
 2-6     that have been the hallmark of his public service; now, therefore,
 2-7     be it
 2-8           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
 2-9     Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Rick Crawford on the
2-10     significant occasion of his 50th birthday and extend to him sincere
2-11     best wishes for continued success and happiness.