1-1           WHEREAS, This year's Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce banquet
 1-2     featured a special tribute to Fire Chief David Hudgins, as he
 1-3     received both the Outstanding Citizen of 2001 Award and the
 1-4     Chairman's Special Award for his exceptional community service; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, A man of integrity and staunch dedication,
 1-6     Mr. Hudgins moved to Waxahachie in 1986 to become the city's fire
 1-7     chief; since that time he has embraced the community, giving
 1-8     generously of his time and talents to benefit a host of worthy
 1-9     civic initiatives; and
1-10           WHEREAS, During his nearly 15-year residence in this
1-11     close-knit city, Mr. Hudgins has served as the president of
1-12     Historic Waxahachie, president of the Ellis County Museum, and
1-13     chairman of the Gingerbread Trail and the July 4th Parade; he is
1-14     active with the First United Methodist Church; he was a member of
1-15     the Bethlehem Revisited Committee and  cochairman of the Paul
1-16     Richards Memorial; and
1-17           WHEREAS, A newly constructed monument to American veterans
1-18     that stands on the grounds of the Waxahachie Civic Center is one of
1-19     Mr. Hudgins's most enduring contributions, as it was through his
1-20     hard work and perseverance that this fine tribute came to fruition;
1-21     it was for this tremendous undertaking that he was honored with the
1-22     Chairman's Special Award for 2001, placing him among a select few
1-23     whose visionary contributions to the city have surpassed ordinary
1-24     service; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, Highly respected throughout the area, this
 2-2     courageous gentleman is a certified master fire fighter; he
 2-3     currently serves on the advisory board to the Texas State Fire
 2-4     Commissioner and on the Texas Fire Commission Testing Committee and
 2-5     teaches at the Texas A&M Fire School; and
 2-6           WHEREAS, David Hudgins has worked tirelessly toward the
 2-7     betterment of his community as a civic leader and public servant,
 2-8     and it is indeed appropriate that he be given special legislative
 2-9     recognition on his recent honors; now, therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-11     Legislature hereby congratulate David Hudgins on being named the
2-12     Waxahachie Outstanding Citizen of 2001 by the Waxahachie Chamber of
2-13     Commerce and receiving the Chairman's Special Award and commend him
2-14     for the many significant contributions he has made to his community
2-15     and state; and, be it further
2-16           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-17     prepared for Mr. Hudgins as an expression of high regard by the
2-18     Texas House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 513 was adopted by the House on April
         5, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House