1-1           WHEREAS, Jetta E. Roberts of El Paso, a member of the Texas
 1-2     Silver Haired Legislature (TSHL), is a tireless and highly
 1-3     respected advocate for senior citizens at the state and federal
 1-4     levels; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, The Texas Silver Haired Legislature is composed of
 1-6     116 members who are 60 years of age or older; elected by their
 1-7     peers, these volunteer activists develop resolutions to address the
 1-8     needs of senior citizens and lobby their legislative delegation on
 1-9     resolutions that have been deemed priorities by the TSHL; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Mrs. Roberts, now serving her fourth two-year term
1-11     in the TSHL, was initially moved to action by her concern over
1-12     abuse of the elderly; she has been praised for her unflagging
1-13     efforts in rallying support from legislators for TSHL proposals,
1-14     some of which she herself has drafted; and
1-15           WHEREAS, In addition to the state group, Mrs. Roberts is a
1-16     delegate to the National Silver Haired Congress and an area
1-17     representative for the National Committee to Preserve Social
1-18     Security and Medicare; and
1-19           WHEREAS, This admirable Texan has a long history of community
1-20     involvement; she is a member of The El Paso Women's Club and a
1-21     lifetime member of the Woman's Auxiliary of both the Disabled
1-22     American Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for the
1-23     past two years, she has been president of the Northeast El Paso
1-24     Civic Association; the House of Treasures, an El Paso project to
 2-1     teach children and others the skills of senior artisans, has
 2-2     benefited from her service on its advisory board; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, In August 2000, KBNA Radio of El Paso conferred on
 2-4     Mrs. Roberts its Hidalgo Award for volunteer work that has
 2-5     significantly benefited the local Hispanic community; and
 2-6           WHEREAS, Through her wholehearted commitment to safeguarding
 2-7     and improving the lives of America's senior citizens, Mrs. Roberts
 2-8     is working to better the lives of countless Texans and she is
 2-9     indeed deserving of special recognition; now, therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-11     Legislature hereby honor Jetta E. Roberts for her exemplary public
2-12     service as a Silver Haired Legislator and extend to her sincere
2-13     best wishes for success in her worthy endeavors; and, be it further
2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-15     prepared for Mrs. Roberts as an expression of high regard by the
2-16     Texas House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 593 was adopted by the House on May
         5, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House