1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Zinnie B. Lewis of Dallas on March
 1-2     20, 2001, at the age of 82, has brought a great loss to the family
 1-3     and friends of this esteemed woman; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother,
 1-5     Mrs. Lewis will long be remembered as a caring individual whose
 1-6     kindness and thoughtfulness touched the lives of many, and her
 1-7     family, friends, and community are better for having known this
 1-8     fine Texan; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, During her life of more than eight decades,
1-10     Mrs. Lewis left a lasting legacy of love and cherished memories for
1-11     her family and friends, in whose hearts her spirit will remain
1-12     alive for many years to come; now, therefore, be it
1-13           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
1-14     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Zinnie B. Lewis and
1-15     extend sincere sympathy to members of her family:  to her daughter,
1-16     Diane McFail; to her four grandchildren, Evette, Kevin, Monique,
1-17     and Keddrick McFail; to her 11 great-grandchildren; to her niece,
1-18     Betty Wright; to her great-nieces, Kathy Nealy and Jannetta Harper;
1-19     and to her many other relatives and friends; and, be it further
1-20           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
1-21     prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas
1-22     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
1-23     Zinnie B. Lewis.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 690 was unanimously adopted by a
         rising vote of the House on April 27, 2001.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House