By Maxey                                               H.R. No. 758
         77R12619 MMS-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The year 2001 marks the 21st anniversary of National
 1-2     Crime Victims' Rights Week in the United States, a time to reflect
 1-3     on the positive changes in our nation's response to victims of
 1-4     crime and to acknowledge the countless efforts of victims and
 1-5     victim advocates within our own state in securing important
 1-6     reforms; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, For years, crime victims were kept out of the
 1-8     courtrooms and in the dark about the status of the accused and of
 1-9     their cases; they had little voice in matters that affected their
1-10     lives in the aftermath of crime, few services to assist them, and
1-11     few avenues through which to seek justice; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Victims today are an integral part of the justice
1-13     process; in Texas, crime victims have played an important role in
1-14     promoting victims' rights and services; their work has helped to
1-15     change laws, policies, and attitudes; and
1-16           WHEREAS, Important partnerships have been formed among
1-17     criminal and juvenile justice agencies, allied professionals,
1-18     victims' services, and the private sector to ensure that crime
1-19     victims are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve; and
1-20           WHEREAS, Our state's commitment to victims' assistance grows
1-21     stronger with each passing year, with numerous system-based and
1-22     community-based programs in place to provide help and hope for
1-23     those hurt by crime; and
1-24           WHEREAS, National Crime Victims' Rights Week is an
 2-1     appropriate time to recognize the great strides we have made, to
 2-2     celebrate the achievements of those who have overcome pain and fear
 2-3     to work for victims' rights and for safer communities, and to
 2-4     commit ourselves, individually and collectively, to that same
 2-5     worthy cause; now, therefore, be it
 2-6           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
 2-7     Legislature hereby recognize April 22-28, 2001, as National Crime
 2-8     Victims' Rights Week and urge all Texans to continue to strive for
 2-9     justice and compassion for victims of crime.