By Hardcastle                                          H.R. No. 917
         77R14002 GMW-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, June 23, 2001, marks the 150th anniversary of Fort
 1-2     Belknap, and the occasion provides an opportune time to recognize
 1-3     this noteworthy part of Texas' heritage; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, In 1851, the U.S. government, recognizing the need
 1-5     to protect settlers on the western frontier, established a chain of
 1-6     forts between the Red River and the Rio Grande; the key fort in
 1-7     that chain was Fort Belknap, which was founded by General William
 1-8     G. Belknap of the U.S. Infantry and was erected along the banks of
 1-9     the Clear Fork and Brazos rivers near freshwater springs in Young
1-10     County; and
1-11           WHEREAS, In addition to protecting the citizens of the Lone
1-12     Star State, Fort Belknap became a hub of connecting roads across
1-13     central Texas; a stage line for mail and passengers ran between the
1-14     fort and Dallas, while the Butterfield Overland Mail Company
1-15     operated a line from St. Louis to San Francisco by way of Fort
1-16     Belknap; and
1-17           WHEREAS, After a brief period of overseeing the peace of the
1-18     community and neighboring Indian reservations, the fort was shut
1-19     down around the outbreak of the Civil War; although it was briefly
1-20     reactivated following the war, the fort lowered its U.S. flag for
1-21     the last time and officially closed in September 1867; and
1-22           WHEREAS, In 1936 the Works Progress Administration allocated
1-23     funds for the restoration of Fort Belknap, and today its place in
1-24     Texas history is preserved and celebrated as it is a proud part of
 2-1     the Texas Forts Trail; now, therefore, be it
 2-2           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
 2-3     Legislature hereby commemorate the 150th anniversary of Fort
 2-4     Belknap and extend to all those associated with its
 2-5     sesquicentennial celebration sincere best wishes for an enjoyable
 2-6     event.