1-1           WHEREAS, Allison Smith of Plano has been named one of Texas'
 1-2     top honorees in the 2001 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
 1-3     program, joining student volunteers similarly recognized in each
 1-4     state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Selected as a Distinguished Finalist, Ms. Smith, 17,
 1-6     was chosen based on criteria such as personal initiative, effort,
 1-7     impact, and personal growth; she will receive a bronze medallion
 1-8     from Prudential at a local ceremony; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, The awards program was created six years ago by The
1-10     Prudential Insurance Company of America in partnership with the
1-11     National Association of Secondary School Principals; almost 23,000
1-12     5th through 12th grade students from across the country were
1-13     considered for awards in this year's program; and
1-14           WHEREAS, A senior at Plano Senior High School, Ms. Smith
1-15     founded and directs a student-operated volunteer service staffed by
1-16     more than 75 individuals who have provided much-needed assistance
1-17     with projects at food banks, orphanages, homeless shelters, and
1-18     foreign-aid organizations; and
1-19           WHEREAS, This outstanding young Texan has demonstrated a
1-20     commendable level of compassion and accomplishment, and she has set
1-21     an inspiring example for her friends, fellow students, and
1-22     community members; now, therefore, be it
1-23           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
1-24     Legislature hereby congratulate Allison Smith on being named a
 2-1     Distinguished Finalist in the 2001 Prudential Spirit of Community
 2-2     Awards program and extend to her warmest best wishes for success in
 2-3     all her future endeavors; and, be it further
 2-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-5     prepared for Ms. Smith as an expression of high regard by the Texas
 2-6     House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1054 was adopted by the House on May
         25, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House