By Yarbrough                                          H.R. No. 1075
         77R16556 JKB-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, Diane Henry of Austin was recently named Teacher of
 1-2     the Year at Kiker Elementary School, and she is most worthy of this
 1-3     special recognition; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, An educator for nearly three decades, Mrs. Henry has
 1-5     taught in the Austin Independent School District for the past 23
 1-6     years and at Kiker Elementary School since 1992; she is a graduate
 1-7     of Oklahoma University and taught in Oklahoma and New Mexico before
 1-8     moving to Texas in 1978; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, Throughout her career in education, this dedicated
1-10     woman has worked diligently to help her students become lifelong
1-11     learners; as a first grade teacher, she gives her young charges a
1-12     strong foundation on which to build and she also shares with her
1-13     professional peers techniques and ideas that she has found to be
1-14     effective; and
1-15           WHEREAS, Among the many noteworthy initiatives she has
1-16     supported in her classroom over the years has been the Buddy
1-17     Program, which pairs first grade students with  fourth grade
1-18     students to the benefit of both; and
1-19           WHEREAS, Mrs. Henry goes above and beyond to make sure the
1-20     needs of all of her students are being met, and she also serves as
1-21     site director for Kiker Elementary School's Voyager Program,
1-22     providing a safe place for children to continue to learn after the
1-23     close of school each day; and
1-24           WHEREAS, A born teacher, Diane Henry is greatly admired by
 2-1     all who know her for her commitment to the students of Kiker
 2-2     Elementary School; now, therefore, be it
 2-3           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
 2-4     Legislature hereby congratulate Diane Henry on her selection as
 2-5     Teacher of the Year at Kiker Elementary School and commend her for
 2-6     her outstanding contributions to the field of education in Texas;
 2-7     and, be it further
 2-8           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-9     prepared for Mrs. Henry as an expression of high regard by the
2-10     Texas House of Representatives.