1-1           WHEREAS, Lillian Condra of Austin is retiring in September
 1-2     2001, after more than a decade of dedicated service in offices of
 1-3     members of the Texas House of Representatives; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A diminutive dynamo, Mrs. Condra is noted in the
 1-5     Capitol Complex for her boundless energy, impressive networking
 1-6     abilities, resourcefulness, and grandmotherly concern for her
 1-7     colleagues; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, After graduating from Big Spring High School, she
 1-9     was hired to work at State National Bank by its president, T. S.
1-10     Currie; during her time there, the capable young woman advanced
1-11     from check runner to head bookkeeper to head teller while also
1-12     co-owning a card and gift shop; and
1-13           WHEREAS, Mrs. Condra began her employment in the halls of
1-14     state government as an administrative aide with Representative M.
1-15     A. Taylor in January 1989; her next endeavor was with attorney and
1-16     author Sarah Weddington as a secretary and office manager, and she
1-17     returned to the house in December 1990 to assist the Honorable
1-18     Carolyn Park, Tom Ramsay, Nancy Moffat, and Alec Rhodes, before
1-19     joining the staff of Representative Dan Ellis; and
1-20           WHEREAS, Married to Austinite Bill Condra since 1953,
1-21     Mrs. Condra, with her husband, has enjoyed a happy and fulfilling
1-22     48-year relationship; blessed with two sons, the couple have
1-23     welcomed eight beloved grandchildren and one great-grandchild into
1-24     their close-knit family; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, Retirement will afford this lovely lady more time
 2-2     with her family as well as the opportunity to hone her Scrabble
 2-3     skills, a game this southpaw is known to play by spelling words
 2-4     backwards on the board, according to her right-handed friends; and
 2-5           WHEREAS, During her years of service to the Lone Star State,
 2-6     Lillian Condra has acted with integrity and dedication and it is a
 2-7     privilege to join her family, friends, and colleagues in
 2-8     recognizing her; now, therefore, be it
 2-9           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-10     Legislature hereby congratulate Lillian Condra on the occasion of
2-11     her retirement from the Capitol office of Representative Dan Ellis
2-12     and extend to her sincere best wishes for happiness and good
2-13     fortune; and, be it further
2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-15     prepared for Mrs. Condra as an expression of high regard by the
2-16     Texas House of Representatives.
         Laney                   Goodman                  Merritt
         Alexander               Goolsby                  Miller
         Allen                   Gray                     Moreno of Harris
         Averitt                 Green                    Moreno of El Paso
         Bailey                  Grusendorf               Morrison
         Berman                  Gutierrez                Mowery
         Bonnen                  Haggerty                 Naishtat
         Bosse                   Hamric                   Najera
         Brimer                  Hardcastle               Nixon
         Brown of Kaufman        Hartnett                 Noriega
         Brown of Brazos         Hawley                   Oliveira
         Burnam                  Heflin                   Olivo
         Callegari               Hilbert                  Pickett
         Capelo                  Hilderbran               Pitts
         Carter                  Hill                     Puente
         Chavez                  Hinojosa                 Ramsay
         Chisum                  Hochberg                 Rangel
         Christian               Hodge                    Raymond
         Clark                   Homer                    Reyna of Bexar
         Coleman                 Hope                     Reyna of Dallas
         Cook                    Hopson                   Ritter
         Corte                   Howard                   Sadler
         Counts                  Hunter                   Salinas
         Crabb                   Hupp                     Seaman
         Craddick                Isett                    Shields
         Crownover               Janek                    Smith
         Danburg                 Jones of Lubbock         Smithee
         Davis of Harris         Jones of Bexar           Solis
         Davis of Dallas         Jones of Dallas          Solomons
         Delisi                  Junell                   Swinford
         Denny                   Keel                     Talton
         Deshotel                Keffer                   Telford
         Driver                  King of Parker           Thompson
         Dukes                   King of Uvalde           Tillery
         Dunnam                  Kitchen                  Truitt
         Dutton                  Kolkhorst                Turner of Coleman
         Edwards                 Krusee                   Turner of Harris
         Ehrhardt                Kuempel                  Uher
         Eiland                  Lewis of Tarrant         Uresti
         Elkins                  Lewis of Orange          Villarreal
         Ellis                   Longoria                 Walker
         Farabee                 Luna                     West
         Farrar                  McCall                   Williams
         Flores                  McClendon                Wilson
         Gallego                 McReynolds               Wise
         Garcia                  Madden                   Wohlgemuth
         George                  Marchant                 Wolens
         Geren                   Martinez Fischer         Woolley
         Giddings                Maxey                    Yarbrough
         Glaze                   Menendez                 Zbranek
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1220 was adopted by the House on May
         24, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House