1-1           WHEREAS, Two Destination ImagiNation teams sponsored by
 1-2     Eastwood High School in El Paso are participating in the event's
 1-3     global competition being held in Knoxville, Tennessee, May 23-26,
 1-4     2001, and are matching wits with other champions from throughout
 1-5     the nation as well as 10 foreign countries; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, Destination ImagiNation, formerly known as Odyssey
 1-7     of the Mind, is a nonprofit organization that works through its
 1-8     affiliates worldwide to encourage young people to exercise their
 1-9     minds through team-based creative problem-solving activities; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Members of the Eastwood High Triplicity Team placed
1-11     first and the Mystery Loves Company Team placed second in their
1-12     respective events at the state tournament in Dallas on March 31,
1-13     2001; and
1-14           WHEREAS, To that end, the Triplicity Team constructed a tiny
1-15     balsa wood and paper structure that could not only support a
1-16     300-pound weight, but also fit inside a homemade cargo container
1-17     that unfolds to become a hand-cranked oxygen pump for a deep sea
1-18     pearl diver; following the appearance of a menacing octopus, team
1-19     members then performed an original sea chantey about the battle
1-20     between man and the ocean beast; coached by parent volunteer
1-21     Marcelo Trejo, the ingenious team members include Adrian "Turtle"
1-22     Betancourt, Eric Hernandez, Alex Jones, Rodolfo "Rocky" Leon,
1-23     Jonathan Mims, and  Adrian Trejo; and
1-24           WHEREAS, The Mystery Loves Company Team won its category by
 2-1     successfully dramatizing a mystery that included a scientific
 2-2     experiment that impacted the story line; the group's intricate plot
 2-3     began with a possible jewel theft and led to the mythical lost
 2-4     continent of Atlantis; led by parent Leslie Nava, the student
 2-5     sleuths include Jackie Eichenlaub, Alyssa Nava, Genevieve Nava,
 2-6     Mando Nava, Brad O'Neill, and Justin Steinert; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, Through creativity and hard work, these bright
 2-8     students have successfully reached the world creative
 2-9     problem-solving championship, making their school, families, and
2-10     the entire community of El Paso extremely proud; now, therefore, be
2-11     it
2-12           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-13     Legislature hereby congratulate El Paso's Triplicity and Mystery
2-14     Loves Company teams on qualifying for the Destination ImagiNation
2-15     Global Finals and extend to each of these talented young people
2-16     best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
2-17           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-18     prepared for the teams as an expression of high regard by the Texas
2-19     House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1273 was adopted by the House on May
         28, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House