1-1           WHEREAS, Few individuals in the history of the National
 1-2     Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have made as great a
 1-3     contribution to the program of human spaceflight as George W. S.
 1-4     Abbey; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, A United States Air Force fighter pilot when he was
 1-6     assigned to the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston in 1964,
 1-7     Mr. Abbey subsequently resigned his commission to join the center's
 1-8     permanent staff and held a long series of increasingly responsible
 1-9     positions; after receiving appointment as acting director of what
1-10     is now the Johnson Space Center in 1995, he subsequently became
1-11     director of the center and held that office until early 2001; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Mr. Abbey was a member of the Apollo 13 Mission
1-13     Operations Team, which was presented a Medal of Freedom by
1-14     President Richard M. Nixon in 1970 for its heroic efforts in saving
1-15     the lives of the mission's three astronauts; in 1976 he became
1-16     director of Flight Operations at the center and in that capacity
1-17     was responsible for operational planning and for flight crew and
1-18     flight control activities; as part of this assignment he had
1-19     responsibility for the Space Shuttle approach and landing tests,
1-20     shuttle orbital flight tests, and early operational shuttle
1-21     flights; and
1-22           WHEREAS, From 1985 to 1988, as director of Flight Crew
1-23     Operations, he selected astronaut candidates and flight crews and
1-24     oversaw the management of the flight crews and the center's
 2-1     aircraft; in 1994, after handling various assignments away from
 2-2     Houston for six years, he returned to the Johnson Space Center as
 2-3     deputy director; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, During his tenure as director of the Johnson Space
 2-5     Center, the largest of the NASA space centers, he had
 2-6     responsibility for all U.S. human spaceflight activities, including
 2-7     the Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs; indeed,
 2-8     Mr. Abbey has been credited as the driving force that made the
 2-9     International Space Station a reality; and
2-10           WHEREAS, Working closely with the many other international
2-11     parties engaged in this ambitious enterprise, he saw the first
2-12     stages of construction completed and the first crew to occupy the
2-13     station launched in November 2000 for a four-month stay; the
2-14     station is designed to accommodate crews of up to seven people and
2-15     to host scientific experiments of much longer duration than has
2-16     been possible on the Space Shuttle; and
2-17           WHEREAS, Texans have long taken pride in the eminence of the
2-18     Johnson Space Center, which has enhanced Houston's international
2-19     reputation as a vital locus of scientific progress; and
2-20           WHEREAS, Mr. Abbey's unswerving commitment to the human
2-21     spaceflight program and his effectiveness as its champion have
2-22     been  critical factors in its continuing success, and it is truly a
2-23     great privilege and pleasure to recognize him at this time; now,
2-24     therefore, be it
2-25           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas
2-26     Legislature hereby honor George W. S. Abbey for his immeasurable
2-27     contributions to NASA and the human spaceflight program and express
 3-1     to him its deep appreciation for his nearly four decades of
 3-2     extraordinary service in behalf of this exhilarating endeavor; and,
 3-3     be it further
 3-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 3-5     prepared for Mr. Abbey as an expression of high regard by the Texas
 3-6     House of Representatives.
                                                             Davis of Harris
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1290 was adopted by the House on May
         28, 2001, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House