1-1           WHEREAS, The members of the Texas House of Representatives
 1-2     wish to pay tribute to the memory of a former colleague, the
 1-3     Honorable Harry P. Whitworth, who passed away on May 15, 1994; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A member of the Texas House of Representatives
 1-5     during the 50th and 51st legislatures, Mr. Whitworth ably
 1-6     represented District 127, which then comprised Bastrop County; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, Former member Bob Davis, who was a contemporary of
 1-8     Representative Whitworth, wrote a poem in his honor, and it reads
 1-9     as follows:
1-10     The voice cried "Mr. Speaker . . ." and a hush fell on the House,
1-11     The gentleman was smiling like the cat that ate the mouse.
1-12     The bill was nothing special to the members or the state,
1-13     It was just one more mandate and defeat would be its fate.
1-14     Then the voice broke forth in mirth and announced to one and all,
1-15     "Surely, Mr. Speaker the rules I just recall,
1-16     Say you can't kill Mr. Whitworth's bill
1-17     When he isn't in the hall."
1-18     Oh the laughter pealed and thundered and all joined in it seemed
1-19     And the bill took on a meaning that it never even dreamed.
1-20     I shook my head in wonder and pondered to myself,
1-21     "Who is this Mr. Whitworth whose bill was on the shelf?"
1-22     Was he a lion or a monster from some dark and evil place
1-23     Who pulled the chains of many with a smirk upon his face?
1-24     So new was this no answer came to me that faithful day,
 2-1     But I came to know the answer after years had passed away.
 2-2     As fortune oft will do public business pressed as close
 2-3     And by chance to see the faces that were never seen by most.
 2-4     And then there came the hours that we simply were at play
 2-5     And another set of faces which there was on display.
 2-6     In a crowd with boots and cattle, or a ballroom dressed to nines
 2-7     He was central to the session like a rack of vintage wines.
 2-8     His laughter it was catching, his strength indwelled and calmed
 2-9     And his thoughts about our Texas were treasured like the psalms.
2-10     So to the ones around him, he was always to the fore,
2-11     And if you were not with him, you were left outside the door.
2-12     Take up the flag and carry forth the banner of the brave
2-13     Who strive with every sinew our heritage to save.
2-14     He knew Victory was as fleeting as the raging Texas wind,
2-15     And no matter what the battle, you must up and fight again.
2-16     For our freedom ebbs and flows in a thousand little waves
2-17     And absent constant watching these will stablish deathly graves.
2-18     And in the fight for rightness was the essence of the man
2-19     I came to know as special, and so came to understand
2-20     That face that showed his wholeness for all the world to see
2-21     Was the one he showed when holding a wee grandchild on his knee.
2-22     It was never for the moment, though the moment be immense.
2-23     It was never for the glory that might come with battle tense.
2-24     It was always for the future, for the ones not yet so strong,
2-25     That he took up his standard and bid us come along.
2-26     Oh, yes he was a lion and he had a frightening roar.
2-27     But he had the dreams and vision that o'er us would soar.
 3-1     Some called Light Horse Harry, some call him much, much worse,
 3-2     I call him Mr. Whitworth and here dedicate this verse.
 3-3     now, therefore, be it
 3-4           RESOLVED, That the members of the House of Representatives of
 3-5     the 77th Texas Legislature hereby honor the many contributions of
 3-6     their former colleague to the State of Texas, and that when the
 3-7     house adjourns this day, it do so in memory of the Honorable Harry
 3-8     P. Whitworth.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1453 was unanimously adopted by a
         rising vote of the House on May 28, 2001.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House