By Carona                                              S.B. No. 223
         77R1561 MCK-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to sale of surplus or salvage state property.
 1-4           SECTION 1. Section 2175.121, Government Code, is amended to
 1-5     read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 2175.121.  STATE AGENCY NOTICE TO COMMISSION. A state
 1-7     agency that determines it has surplus or salvage property shall
 1-8     inform the commission and the comptroller of the property's kind,
 1-9     number, location, condition, original cost or value, and date of
1-10     acquisition.
1-11           SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 2175, Government Code, is
1-12     amended by adding Section 2175.1215 to read as follows:
1-13           Sec. 2175.1215.  ADVERTISING ON COMPTROLLER WEB SITE. Not
1-14     later than the second day after the date the comptroller receives
1-15     notice from a state agency that the agency has surplus or salvage
1-16     property, the comptroller shall advertise the property's kind,
1-17     number, location, and condition on the comptroller's web site.
1-18           SECTION 3. Section 2175.122, Government Code, is amended to
1-19     read as follows:
1-20           Sec. 2175.122.  COMMISSION NOTICE TO OTHER ENTITIES. The [On
1-21     receiving notice from a state agency that the agency has surplus or
1-22     salvage property, the] commission shall inform other state
1-23     agencies, political subdivisions, and assistance organizations of
1-24     the comptroller's web site that lists surplus and salvage property
 2-1     that is available for sale [the property's kind, number, location,
 2-2     and condition].
 2-3           SECTION 4. Section 2175.123, Government Code, is amended to
 2-4     read as follows:
 2-5           Sec. 2175.123.  DIRECT TRANSFER. During the 10 business [30]
 2-6     days after the date the property is posted on the comptroller's web
 2-7     site [following dissemination of information under Section
 2-8     2175.122], a state agency, political subdivision, or assistance
 2-9     organization may coordinate directly with the reporting state
2-10     agency for a transfer of the property at a price established by the
2-11     reporting agency.
2-12           SECTION 5. Section 2175.124, Government Code, is amended to
2-13     read as follows:
2-14           Sec. 2175.124.  NOTICE OF TRANSFER TO COMPTROLLER;
2-16     REMOVAL FROM WEB SITE. (a)  If property is transferred under this
2-17     subchapter [to a state agency], the participating entities
2-18     [agencies] shall report the transaction to the comptroller.
2-19           (b) On receiving notice under this section, the comptroller
2-20     shall, if necessary:
2-21                 (1)  debit and credit the proper appropriations; and
2-22                 (2)  adjust state property accounting records.
2-23           (c)  Not later than the second day after the date the
2-24     comptroller receives notice under Subsection (a), the comptroller
2-25     shall remove the property from the list of surplus and salvage
2-26     property for sale on the comptroller's web site.
2-27           SECTION 6. Section 2175.125, Government Code, is amended to
 3-1     read as follows:
 3-2           Sec. 2175.125.  PRIORITY FOR TRANSFER TO STATE AGENCY. During
 3-3     the 10 business [30] days after the date the property is posted on
 3-4     the comptroller's web site [of notice under Section 2175.122], a
 3-5     transfer to a state agency has priority over any other transfer
 3-6     under rules adopted by the commission.
 3-7           SECTION 7. Subchapter D, Chapter 2175, Government Code, is
 3-8     amended to read as follows:
3-10                       PROPERTY BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING
3-11           Sec. 2175.181.  SALE USING INTERNET AUCTION. (a)  If a
3-12     disposition of a state agency's surplus or salvage property is not
3-13     made under Subchapter C, the commission shall sell the property
3-14     using an Internet auction site.  The commission shall post the
3-15     property on the Internet for at least 10 days.
3-16           (b)  The commission may set a minimum sales price for the
3-17     property.
3-18           Sec. 2175.182.  DISPOSITION BY COMPETITIVE BIDDING OR
3-19     AUCTION. If a disposition of a state agency's surplus or salvage
3-20     property is not made under Subchapter C or under Section 2175.181,
3-21     the commission may [shall]:
3-22                 (1)  sell the property by competitive bid or auction;
3-23     or
3-24                 (2)  destroy the property as provided by Subchapter E
3-25     [delegate to the state agency authority to sell the property by
3-26     competitive bidding].
3-27           Sec. 2175.183 [2175.182].  PURCHASER'S FEE. (a)  The
 4-1     commission or a state agency disposing of property under this
 4-2     subchapter shall collect a fee from the purchaser.
 4-3           (b)  The commission shall set the fee at an amount that is:
 4-4                 (1)  sufficient to recover costs associated with the
 4-5     sale; and
 4-6                 (2)  at least two percent but not more than 12 percent
 4-7     of sale proceeds.
 4-8           Sec. 2175.184 [2175.183].  ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE. If the
 4-9     value of an item or a lot of property to be sold under Section
4-10     2175.182 is estimated to be more than $5,000, the commission [or
4-11     the state agency authorized to sell the property] shall advertise
4-12     the sale at least once in at least one newspaper of general
4-13     circulation in the vicinity in which the property is located.
4-14           Sec. 2175.185 [2175.184].  REPORTING SALE; PROPERTY
4-15     ACCOUNTING ADJUSTMENT. (a)  On the sale by the commission of
4-16     surplus or salvage property, the commission shall report the
4-17     property sold and the sale price to the state agency that declared
4-18     the property as surplus or salvage.
4-19           (b)  A state agency for which surplus or salvage property is
4-20     sold or that sells surplus or salvage property under authority of
4-21     the commission shall report the sale and amount of sale proceeds to
4-22     the comptroller.
4-23           (c)  If property reported under this section is on the state
4-24     property accounting system, the comptroller shall remove the
4-25     property from the property accounting records.
4-26           Sec. 2175.186 [2175.185].  PROCEEDS OF SALE. (a)  Proceeds
4-27     from the sale of surplus or salvage property, less the cost of
 5-1     advertising the sale, the cost of auctioneer services, and the
 5-2     amount of the fee collected under Section 2175.183 [2175.182],
 5-3     shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriate appropriation
 5-4     item of the state agency for which the sale was made.
 5-5           (b)  The portion of sale proceeds equal to the cost of
 5-6     advertising the sale and the cost of auctioneer services shall be
 5-7     deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the appropriation
 5-8     item of the commission or other state agency from which the costs
 5-9     were paid.
5-10           Sec. 2175.187 [2175.186].  PURCHASER'S TITLE. A purchaser of
5-11     surplus or salvage property at a sale conducted under this
5-12     subchapter obtains good title to the property if the purchaser has
5-13     in good faith complied with:
5-14                 (1)  the conditions of the sale; and
5-15                 (2)  applicable commission rules.
5-16           SECTION 8. Subchapter G, Chapter 2175, Government Code, is
5-17     amended by adding Section 2175.373 to read as follows:
5-18           Sec. 2175.373.  STATE AGENCY PROPERTY NEEDS. The commission
5-19     shall create a list of property needed by state agencies that may
5-20     be acquired through the federal surplus property program.
5-21           SECTION 9. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.