By Harris                                              S.B. No. 306
         77R1059 CLG-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the continuation and functions of the State Securities
 1-3     Board; providing penalties.
 1-6                              SECURITIES BOARD
 1-7           SECTION 1.01. Subsections A, B, D, E, F, L, and O,  Section
 1-8     2, The Securities Act (Article 581-2, Vernon's Texas Civil
 1-9     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
1-10           A.  The State Securities Board is hereby created.  The Board
1-11     shall consist of five [three] citizens of the state appointed by
1-12     the governor with[.  With] the advice and consent of the Senate[,
1-13     the Governor shall biennially appoint one member].  Members of the
1-14     Board serve for staggered terms of six years, with as near as
1-15     possible to one-third of the members' terms expiring January 20 of
1-16     each odd-numbered year [The term of each member shall be six (6)
1-17     years from the time of his appointment and qualification, and until
1-18     his successor shall qualify].  Vacancies shall be filled by the
1-19     Governor for the unexpired term.  Members shall be eligible for
1-20     reappointment.  Appointments to the Board shall be made without
1-21     regard to the race, color, disability [creed], sex, religion, age,
1-22     or national origin of the appointees.
1-23           B.  Board members must be members of the general public.  A
1-24     person is not eligible for appointment as a member if the person or
 2-1     the person's spouse:
 2-2                 (1)  is registered as a dealer, [salesman,] agent, [or]
 2-3     investment adviser, or investment adviser representative;
 2-4                 (2)  has an active notice filing under this Act to
 2-5     engage in business in this state as an investment adviser or
 2-6     investment adviser representative;
 2-7                 (3)  is employed by or participates in the management
 2-8     of a business entity engaged in business as a securities dealer or
 2-9     investment adviser; or
2-10                 (4) [(3)]  has, other than as a consumer, a financial
2-11     interest in a business entity engaged in business as a securities
2-12     dealer or investment adviser.
2-13           D.  Each member of the Board is entitled to per diem as set
2-14     by legislative appropriation for each day that the member engages
2-15     in the business of the Board.
2-16           The Governor shall designate a member of the Board as the
2-17     presiding officer of the Board to serve in that capacity at the
2-18     will of the Governor  [They shall select their own chairman].  A
2-19     majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the
2-20     transaction of any business.
2-21           E.  It is a ground for removal from the Board that [if] a
2-22     member:
2-23                 (1)  does not have at the time of taking office
2-24     [appointment] the qualifications required by Subsection A or B of
2-25     this section for appointment to the Board;
2-26                 (2)  does not maintain during [the] service on the
2-27     Board the qualifications required by Subsection A or B of this
 3-1     section for appointment to the Board; [or]
 3-2                 (3)  is ineligible for membership under Subsection B or
 3-3     C of this section or Section 2-1 of this Act;
 3-4                 (4)  cannot, because of illness or disability,
 3-5     discharge the member's duties for a substantial part of the
 3-6     member's term; or
 3-7                 (5)  is absent from more than half of the regularly
 3-8     scheduled Board meetings that the member is eligible to attend
 3-9     during a calendar year without an excuse approved by a majority
3-10     vote of the Board  [violates a prohibition established by
3-11     Subsection C of this section].
3-12           F.  The validity of an action of the Board is not affected by
3-13     the fact that it is [was] taken when a ground for removal of a
3-14     Board member exists [of the Board existed].  If the Commissioner
3-15     has knowledge that a potential ground for removal exists, the
3-16     Commissioner shall notify the presiding officer of the Board of the
3-17     potential ground.  The presiding officer shall then notify the
3-18     Governor and the attorney general that a potential ground for
3-19     removal exists.  If the potential ground for removal involves the
3-20     presiding officer, the Commissioner shall notify the next highest
3-21     ranking officer of the Board, who shall then notify the Governor
3-22     and the attorney general that a potential ground for removal
3-23     exists.
3-24           L.  The Board shall prepare information of consumer interest
3-25     describing the regulatory functions of the Board and Commissioner
3-26     and describing the Board's and Commissioner's procedures by which
3-27     consumer complaints are filed with and resolved by the Board or
 4-1     Commissioner.  The Board shall make the information available to
 4-2     the general public and appropriate state agencies. There shall be
 4-3     prominently displayed at all times in the place of business of each
 4-4     dealer, [salesman, or] agent, investment adviser, or investment
 4-5     adviser representative regulated under this Act, a sign containing
 4-6     the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the Board and a
 4-7     statement informing consumers that complaints against a dealer,
 4-8     [salesman, or] agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser
 4-9     representative may be directed to the Board.
4-10           O.  The State Securities Board is subject to Chapter 325,
4-11     Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence
4-12     as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this Act
4-13     expires September 1, 2013 [2001].
4-14           SECTION 1.02. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
4-15     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Sections 2-1,
4-16     2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8 to read as follows:
4-17           Sec. 2-1.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST. A.  In this section, "Texas
4-18     trade association" means a cooperative and voluntarily joined
4-19     association of business or professional competitors in this state
4-20     designed to assist its members and its industry or profession in
4-21     dealing with mutual business or professional problems and in
4-22     promoting their common interest.
4-23           B.  A person may not be a member of the Board and may not be
4-24     a Board employee employed in a "bona fide executive,
4-25     administrative, or professional capacity," as that phrase is used
4-26     for purposes of establishing an exemption to the overtime
4-27     provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29
 5-1     U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.) and its subsequent amendments, if:
 5-2                 (1)  the person is an officer, employee, or paid
 5-3     consultant of a Texas trade association in a field regulated by the
 5-4     Board; or
 5-5                 (2)  the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or
 5-6     paid consultant of a Texas trade association in a field regulated
 5-7     by the Board.
 5-8           C.  A person may not be a member of the Board or act as the
 5-9     general counsel to the Board if the person is required to register
5-10     as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because of the
5-11     person's activities for compensation on behalf of a profession
5-12     related to the operation of the Board.
5-14     Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee shall provide to
5-15     members of the Board and to Board employees, as often as necessary,
5-16     information regarding the requirements for office or employment
5-17     under this Act, including information regarding a person's
5-18     responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards of
5-19     conduct for state officers or employees.
5-20           Sec. 2-3.  TRAINING. A.  A person who is appointed to and
5-21     qualifies for office as a member of the Board may not vote,
5-22     deliberate, or be counted as a member in attendance at a meeting of
5-23     the Board until the person completes a training program that
5-24     complies with this section.
5-25           B.  The training program must provide the person with
5-26     information regarding:
5-27                 (1)  the legislation that created the Board;
 6-1                 (2)  the programs operated by the Board;
 6-2                 (3)  the role and functions of the Board;
 6-3                 (4)  the rules of the Board with an emphasis on the
 6-4     rules that relate to disciplinary and investigatory authority;
 6-5                 (5)  the current budget for the Board;
 6-6                 (6)  the results of the most recent formal audit of the
 6-7     Board;
 6-8                 (7)  the requirements of:
 6-9                       (A)  the open meetings law, Chapter 551,
6-10     Government Code;
6-11                       (B)  the public information law, Chapter 552,
6-12     Government Code;
6-13                       (C)  the administrative procedure law, Chapter
6-14     2001, Government Code; and
6-15                       (D)  other laws relating to public officials,
6-16     including conflict-of-interest laws; and
6-17                 (8)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
6-18     Board or the Texas Ethics Commission.
6-19           C.  A person appointed to the Board is entitled to
6-20     reimbursement, as provided by the General Appropriations Act, for
6-21     the travel expenses incurred in attending the training program
6-22     regardless of whether the attendance at the program occurs before
6-23     or after the person qualifies for office.
6-25     RESPONSIBILITIES. The Board shall develop and implement policies
6-26     that clearly separate the policymaking responsibilities of the
6-27     Board and the management responsibilities of the Commissioner and
 7-1     employees of the Board.
 7-2           Sec. 2-5.  PUBLIC TESTIMONY. The Board shall develop and
 7-3     implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable
 7-4     opportunity to appear before the Board and to speak on any issue
 7-5     under the jurisdiction of the Board.
 7-6           Sec. 2-6.  COMPLAINTS INFORMATION. A.  The Commissioner or
 7-7     the Commissioner's designee shall maintain a file on each written
 7-8     complaint filed with the Commissioner or Board concerning an
 7-9     employee, former employee, or person registered under this  Act.
7-10     The file must include:
7-11                 (1)  the name of the person who filed the complaint;
7-12                 (2)  the date the complaint is received by the
7-13     Commissioner or Board;
7-14                 (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
7-15                 (4)  the name of each person contacted in relation to
7-16     the complaint;
7-17                 (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
7-18     investigation of the complaint; and
7-19                 (6)  an explanation of the reason the file was closed,
7-20     if the Commissioner closed the file without taking action other
7-21     than to investigate the complaint.
7-22           B.  The Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee shall
7-23     provide to the person filing the complaint and to each person who
7-24     is a subject of the complaint a copy of the Board's  policies and
7-25     procedures relating to complaint investigation and resolution.
7-26           C.  The Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee, at least
7-27     quarterly until final disposition of the complaint, shall notify
 8-1     the person filing the complaint and each person who is a subject of
 8-2     the complaint of the status of the investigation unless the notice
 8-3     would jeopardize an undercover investigation.
 8-5     The Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee shall prepare and
 8-6     maintain a written policy statement that implements a program of
 8-7     equal employment opportunity to ensure that all personnel decisions
 8-8     are made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion,
 8-9     age, or national origin.
8-10           B.  The policy statement must include:
8-11                 (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating to
8-12     recruitment, evaluation, selection, training, and promotion of
8-13     personnel, that show the intent of the Board to avoid the unlawful
8-14     employment practices described by Chapter 21, Labor Code; and
8-15                 (2)  an analysis of the extent to which the composition
8-16     of the Board's personnel is in accordance with state and federal
8-17     law and a description of reasonable methods to achieve compliance
8-18     with state and federal law.
8-19           C.  The policy statement must:
8-20                 (1)  be updated annually;
8-21                 (2)  be reviewed by the state Commission on Human
8-22     Rights for compliance with Subsection B(1) of this section; and
8-23                 (3)  be filed with the governor's office.
8-25     PROGRAM. The Commissioner or the Commissioner's  designee shall
8-26     provide to Board employees information and training on the benefits
8-27     and methods of participation in the state employee incentive
 9-1     program.
 9-2           SECTION 1.03. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
 9-3     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 43 to
 9-4     read as follows:
 9-5           Sec. 43.  INVESTOR EDUCATION. A.  The Board by rule shall
 9-6     develop and implement an investor education initiative to inform
 9-7     the public about the basics of investing in securities, with a
 9-8     special emphasis placed on the prevention and detection of
 9-9     securities fraud.  Materials developed for and distributed as part
9-10     of the initiative must be published in both Spanish and English.
9-11           B.  In developing and implementing the initiative, the Board
9-12     shall use its best efforts to collaborate with public or nonprofit
9-13     entities with an interest in investor education.
9-14           C.  Subject to Chapter 575, Government Code, the Board may
9-15     accept grants and donations from a person who is not affiliated
9-16     with the securities industry or from a nonprofit association,
9-17     regardless of whether the entity is affiliated with the securities
9-18     industry, for use by the investor education initiative.
9-19           SECTION 1.04. As soon as possible after the effective date of
9-20     this Act, the governor shall appoint one member to the State
9-21     Securities Board for a term expiring January 20, 2005, and another
9-22     member to the State Securities Board for a term expiring January
9-23     20, 2007.  As those terms expire, the governor shall appoint
9-24     members to full six-year terms.
9-25           SECTION 1.05. Not later than December 31, 2001, the State
9-26     Securities Board shall implement the investor education initiative
9-27     as required by Section 43, The Securities Act (Article 581-43,
 10-1    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as added by this Act.
 10-2                     ARTICLE 2.  REGULATORY PROVISIONS
 10-3          SECTION 2.01. Section 4, The Securities Act (Article 581-4,
 10-4    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections
 10-5    B, C, D, and E and adding Subsections N, O, P, and Q to read as
 10-6    follows:
 10-7          B.  The terms "person" and "company" shall include a
 10-8    corporation, person, joint stock company, partnership, limited
 10-9    partnership, association, company, firm, syndicate, trust,
10-10    incorporated or unincorporated, heretofore or hereafter formed
10-11    under the laws of this or any other state, country, sovereignty or
10-12    political subdivision thereof, and shall include a government, or a
10-13    political subdivision or agency thereof.  As used herein, the term
10-14    "trust" shall be deemed to include a common law trust, but shall
10-15    not include a trust created or appointed under or by virtue of a
10-16    last will and testament or by a court of law or equity.  [Under the
10-17    criminal penal provisions of Section 29 of this Act, the word
10-18    "person" shall mean a natural person.]
10-19          C.  The term "dealer" shall include every person or company
10-20    [other than a salesman,] who engages in this state, either for all
10-21    or part of his or its time, directly or through an agent, in
10-22    selling, offering for sale or delivery or soliciting subscriptions
10-23    to or orders for, or undertaking to dispose of, or to invite offers
10-24    for any security or securities [and every person or company who
10-25    engages in rendering services as an investment adviser,] and every
10-26    person or company who deals in any other manner in any security or
10-27    securities within this state.  Any issuer other than a registered
 11-1    dealer of a security or securities, who, directly or through any
 11-2    person or company, other than a registered dealer, offers for sale,
 11-3    sells or makes sales of its own security or securities shall be
 11-4    deemed a dealer and shall be required to comply with the provisions
 11-5    hereof;  provided, however, this section or provision shall not
 11-6    apply to such issuer when such security or securities are offered
 11-7    for sale or sold either to a registered dealer or only by or
 11-8    through a registered dealer acting as fiscal agent for the issuer;
 11-9    and provided further, this section or provision shall not apply to
11-10    such issuer if the transaction is within the exemptions contained
11-11    in the provisions of Section 5 of this Act.
11-12          D.  The term ["salesman" or] "agent" shall include every
11-13    person or company employed or appointed or authorized by a dealer
11-14    to sell, offer for sale or delivery, or solicit subscriptions to or
11-15    orders for, or deal in any other manner, in securities within this
11-16    state, whether by direct act or through subagents; provided, that
11-17    the officers of a corporation or partners of a partnership shall
11-18    not be deemed [salesmen or] agents solely because of their status
11-19    as officers or partners, where such corporation or partnership is
11-20    registered as a dealer hereunder.
11-21          E.  The terms "sale" or "offer for sale" or "sell" shall
11-22    include every disposition, or attempt to dispose of a security for
11-23    value. The term "sale" means and includes contracts and agreements
11-24    whereby securities are sold, traded or exchanged for money,
11-25    property or other things of value, or any transfer or agreement to
11-26    transfer, in trust or otherwise.  Any security given or delivered
11-27    with or as a bonus on account of any purchase of securities or
 12-1    other thing of value, shall be conclusively presumed to constitute
 12-2    a part of the subject of such purchase and to have been sold for
 12-3    value.  The term "sell" means any act by which a sale is made, and
 12-4    the term "sale" or "offer for sale" shall include a subscription,
 12-5    an option for sale, a solicitation of sale, a solicitation of an
 12-6    offer to buy, an attempt to sell, or an offer to sell, directly or
 12-7    by an agent [or salesman], by a circular, letter, or advertisement
 12-8    or otherwise, including the deposit in a United States Post Office
 12-9    or mail box or in any manner in the United States mails within this
12-10    State of a letter, circular or other advertising matter.  Nothing
12-11    herein shall limit or diminish the full meaning of the terms
12-12    "sale," "sell" or "offer for sale" as used by or accepted in courts
12-13    of law or equity.  The sale of a security under conditions which
12-14    entitle the purchaser or subsequent holder to exchange the same
12-15    for, or to purchase some other security, shall not be deemed a sale
12-16    or offer for sale of such other security; but no exchange for or
12-17    sale of such other security shall ever be made unless and until the
12-18    sale thereof shall have been first authorized in Texas under this
12-19    Act, if not exempt hereunder, or by other provisions of law.
12-20          N.  "Investment adviser" includes a person who, for
12-21    compensation, engages in the business of advising another, either
12-22    directly or through publication or in writing, with respect to the
12-23    value of a security or to the advisability of investing in,
12-24    purchasing, or selling a security or a person who, for compensation
12-25    and as part of a regular business, issues or adopts analyses or a
12-26    report concerning a security, as may be further defined by Board
12-27    rule.  The term does not include:
 13-1                (1)  a bank or a holding company, as defined by the
 13-2    Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. Section 1841 et seq.),
 13-3    as amended, that is not an investment company;
 13-4                (2)  a lawyer, accountant, engineer, teacher, or
 13-5    geologist whose performance of the services is solely incidental to
 13-6    the practice of the person's profession;
 13-7                (3)  a broker or dealer who receives no special
 13-8    compensation for those services and whose performance of those
 13-9    services is solely incidental to transacting business as a broker
13-10    or dealer;
13-11                (4)  the publisher of a bona fide newspaper, news
13-12    magazine, or business or financial publication of general and
13-13    regular circulation; or
13-14                (5)  a person whose advice, analyses, or report does
13-15    not concern a security other than a security that is:
13-16                      (A)  a direct obligation of or an obligation the
13-17    principal or interest of which is guaranteed by the United States
13-18    government; or
13-19                      (B)  issued or guaranteed by a corporation in
13-20    which the United States has a direct or indirect interest and
13-21    designated by the United States Secretary of the Treasury under
13-22    Section 3(a)(12), Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.
13-23    Section 78c(a)(12)), as amended, as an exempt security for purposes
13-24    of that Act.
13-25          O.  "Federal covered investment adviser" means an investment
13-26    adviser who is registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940
13-27    (15 U.S.C. Section 80b-1 et seq.), as amended.
 14-1          P.  "Investment adviser representative" or "representative of
 14-2    an investment adviser" includes each person or company who, for
 14-3    compensation, is employed, appointed, or authorized by an
 14-4    investment adviser to solicit clients for the investment adviser or
 14-5    who, on behalf of an investment adviser, provides investment
 14-6    advice, directly or through subagents, as defined by Board rule, to
 14-7    the investment adviser's clients.  The term does not include a
 14-8    partner of a partnership or an officer of a corporation or other
 14-9    entity that is registered as an investment adviser under this Act
14-10    solely because of the person's status as an officer or partner of
14-11    that entity.
14-12          Q.  "Registered investment adviser" means an investment
14-13    adviser who has been issued a registration certificate by the
14-14    Commissioner under Section 15 of this Act.
14-15          SECTION 2.02. Section 5, The Securities Act (Article 581-5,
14-16    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
14-17          Sec. 5.  EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS. Except as hereinafter in this
14-18    Act specifically provided, the provisions of this Act shall not
14-19    apply to the sale of any security when made in any of the following
14-20    transactions and under any of the following conditions, and the
14-21    company or person engaged therein shall not be deemed a dealer
14-22    within the meaning of this Act;  that is to say, the provisions of
14-23    this Act shall not apply to any sale, offer for sale, solicitation,
14-24    subscription, dealing in or delivery of any security under any of
14-25    the following transactions or conditions:
14-26                A.  At any judicial, executor's, administrator's,
14-27    guardian's or conservator's sale, or any sale by a receiver or
 15-1    trustee in insolvency or bankruptcy.
 15-2                B.  The sale by or for the account of a pledge holder
 15-3    or mortgagee, selling or offering for sale or delivery in the
 15-4    ordinary course of business to liquidate a bona fide debt, of a
 15-5    security pledged in good faith as security for such debt.
 15-6                C.  (1) Sales of securities made by or in behalf of a
 15-7    vendor, whether by dealer or other agent, in the ordinary course of
 15-8    bona fide personal investment of the personal holdings of such
 15-9    vendor, or change in such investment, if such vendor is not engaged
15-10    in the business of selling securities and the sale or sales are
15-11    isolated transactions not made in the course of repeated and
15-12    successive transactions of a like character;  provided, that in no
15-13    event shall such sales or offerings be exempt from the provisions
15-14    of this Act when made or intended by the vendor or his agent, for
15-15    the benefit, either directly or indirectly, of any company or
15-16    corporation except the individual vendor (other than a usual
15-17    commission to said agent), and provided further, that any person
15-18    acting as agent for said vendor shall be registered pursuant to
15-19    this Act;
15-20                      (2)  Sales by or on behalf of any insurance
15-21    company subject to the supervision or control of the Texas
15-22    Department of Insurance of any security owned by such company as a
15-23    legal and bona fide investment, provided that in no event shall any
15-24    such sale or offering be exempt from the provisions of this Act
15-25    when made or intended, either directly or indirectly, for the
15-26    benefit of any other company as that term is defined in this Act.
15-27                D.  The distribution by a corporation of securities
 16-1    direct to its stockholders as a stock dividend or other
 16-2    distribution paid out of earnings or surplus.
 16-3                E.  Any offer and any transaction pursuant to any offer
 16-4    by the issuer of its securities to its existing security holders
 16-5    (including persons who at the time of the transaction are holders
 16-6    of convertible securities or nontransferable warrants) if no
 16-7    commission or other remuneration (other than a stand-by commission)
 16-8    is paid or given directly or indirectly for soliciting any security
 16-9    holder in this State.
16-10                F.  The issue in good faith of securities by a company
16-11    to its security holders, or creditors, in the process of a bona
16-12    fide reorganization of the company made in good faith, or the issue
16-13    in good faith of securities by a company, organized solely for the
16-14    purpose of taking over the assets and continuing the business of a
16-15    predecessor company, to the security holders or creditors of such
16-16    predecessor company, provided that in either such case such
16-17    securities are issued in exchange for the securities of such
16-18    holders or claims of such creditors, or both, and in either such
16-19    case security holders or creditors do not pay or give or promise
16-20    and are not obligated to pay or give any consideration for the
16-21    securities so issued other than the securities of or claims against
16-22    said company or its predecessor then held or owned by them.
16-23                G.  The issue or sale of securities (a) by one
16-24    corporation to another corporation or the security holders thereof
16-25    pursuant to a vote by one or more classes of such security holders,
16-26    as required by the certificate of incorporation or the applicable
16-27    corporation statute, in connection with a merger, consolidation or
 17-1    sale of corporate assets, or (b) by one corporation to its own
 17-2    stockholders in connection with the change of par value stock to no
 17-3    par value stock or vice versa, or the exchange of outstanding
 17-4    shares for the same or a greater or smaller number of shares;
 17-5    provided that in any such case such security holders do not pay or
 17-6    give or promise and are not obligated to pay or give any
 17-7    consideration for the securities so issued or sold other than the
 17-8    securities of the corporation then held by them.
 17-9                H.  The sale of any security to any bank, trust
17-10    company, building and loan association, insurance company, surety
17-11    or guaranty company, savings institution, investment company as
17-12    defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940,  small business
17-13    investment company as defined in the Small Business Investment Act
17-14    of 1958, as amended, or to any registered dealer actually engaged
17-15    in buying and selling securities.
17-16                I.  Provided such sale is made without any public
17-17    solicitation or advertisements:
17-18                      (a)  the sale of any security by the issuer
17-19    thereof so long as the total number of security holders of the
17-20    issuer thereof does not exceed thirty-five (35) persons after
17-21    taking such sale into account;
17-22                      (b)  the sale or distribution by an employer or
17-23    its participating subsidiary, if any, of a security under a thrift,
17-24    savings, stock purchase, retirement, pension, profit-sharing,
17-25    option, bonus, appreciation right, incentive, or similar employee
17-26    benefit plan for employees or directors of the employer or its
17-27    subsidiary; or
 18-1                      (c)  the sale by an issuer of its securities
 18-2    during the period of twelve (12) months ending with the date of the
 18-3    sale in question to not more than fifteen (15) persons (excluding,
 18-4    in determining such fifteen (15) persons, purchasers of securities
 18-5    in transactions exempt under other provisions of this Section 5,
 18-6    purchasers of securities exempt under Section 6 hereof and
 18-7    purchasers of securities which are part of an offering registered
 18-8    under Section 7 hereof, provided such persons purchased such
 18-9    securities for their own account and not for distribution.
18-10                J.  Wherein the securities disposed of consist
18-11    exclusively of notes or bonds secured by mortgage or vendor's lien
18-12    upon real estate or tangible personal property, and the entire
18-13    mortgage is sold or transferred with all of the notes or bonds
18-14    secured thereby in a single transaction.
18-15                K.  Any security or membership issued by a corporation
18-16    or association, organized exclusively for religious, educational,
18-17    benevolent, fraternal, charitable, or reformatory purposes and not
18-18    for pecuniary profit, and no part of the net earnings of which
18-19    inures to the benefit of any stockholder, shareholder, or
18-20    individual members, and where no commission or remuneration is paid
18-21    or given or is to be paid or given in connection with the
18-22    disposition thereof.
18-23                L.  The sale by the issuer itself, or by a registered
18-24    dealer, of any security issued or guaranteed by any bank organized
18-25    and subject to regulation under the laws of the United States or
18-26    under the laws of any State or territory of the United States, or
18-27    any insular possession thereof, or by any savings and loan
 19-1    association organized and subject to regulation under the laws of
 19-2    this State, or the sale by the issuer itself of any security issued
 19-3    by any federal savings and loan association.
 19-4                M.  The sale by the issuer itself, or by a registered
 19-5    dealer, of any security either issued or guaranteed by the United
 19-6    States or by any territory or insular possession thereof, or by the
 19-7    District of Columbia, or by any state of the United States, or
 19-8    political subdivision thereof (including but not limited to any
 19-9    county, city, municipal corporation, district, or authority), or by
19-10    any public or governmental agency or instrumentality of any of the
19-11    foregoing.
19-12                N.  The sale and issuance of any securities issued by
19-13    any farmers' cooperative marketing association organized under
19-14    Chapter 52, Agriculture Code, or the predecessor of that law
19-15    (Article 5737 et seq., Revised Statutes);  the sale and issuance of
19-16    any securities issued by any mutual loan corporation organized
19-17    under Chapter 54, Agriculture Code, or the predecessor of that law
19-18    (Article 2500 et seq., Revised Statutes);  the sale and issuance of
19-19    any equity securities issued by any cooperative association
19-20    organized under the Cooperative Association Act, as amended
19-21    (Article 1396-50.01, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); and the sale
19-22    of any securities issued by any farmers' cooperative society
19-23    organized under Chapter 51, Agriculture Code, or the predecessor of
19-24    that law (Article 2514 et seq., Revised Statutes).  Provided,
19-25    however, this exemption shall not be applicable to agents [and
19-26    salesmen] of any farmers' cooperative marketing association, mutual
19-27    loan corporation, cooperative association, or farmers' cooperative
 20-1    society when the sale of such securities is made to non-members, or
 20-2    when the sale of such securities is made to members or non-members
 20-3    and a commission is paid or contracted to be paid to the said
 20-4    agents [or salesmen].
 20-5                O.  The sale by a registered dealer of outstanding
 20-6    securities provided that:
 20-7                      (1)  Such securities form no part of an unsold
 20-8    allotment to or subscription by such dealer as a participant in the
 20-9    distribution of such securities by the issuer thereof; and
20-10                      (2)  Securities of the same class, of the same
20-11    issuer, are outstanding in the hands of the public; and
20-12                      (3)  Such securities are offered for sale, in
20-13    good faith, at prices reasonably related to the current market
20-14    price of such securities at the time of such sale; and
20-15                      (4)  No part of the proceeds of such sale are
20-16    paid directly or indirectly to the issuer of such securities; and
20-17                      (5)  Such sale is not directly or indirectly for
20-18    the purposes of providing or furthering any scheme to violate or
20-19    evade any provision of this Act; and
20-20                      (6)  The right to sell or resell such securities
20-21    has not been enjoined by any court of competent jurisdiction in
20-22    this State by proceedings instituted by an officer or agency of
20-23    this State charged with enforcement of this Act; and
20-24                      (7)  The right to sell such securities has not
20-25    been revoked or suspended by the commissioner under any of the
20-26    provisions of this Act, or, if so, revocation or suspension is not
20-27    in force and effect; and
 21-1                      (8)  At the time of such sale, the issuer of such
 21-2    securities shall be a going concern actually engaged in business
 21-3    and shall then be neither in an organization stage nor in
 21-4    receivership or bankruptcy; and
 21-5                      (9)  Such securities or other securities of the
 21-6    issuer of the same class have been registered by qualification,
 21-7    notification or coordination under Section 7 of this Act; or at the
 21-8    time of such sale at least the following information about the
 21-9    issuer shall appear in a recognized securities manual or in a
21-10    statement, in form and extent acceptable to the commissioner, filed
21-11    with the commissioner by the issuer or by a registered dealer:
21-12                            (a)  A statement of the issuer's principal
21-13    business;
21-14                            (b)  A balance sheet as of a date within
21-15    eighteen (18) months of the date of such sale; and
21-16                            (c)  Profit and loss statements and a
21-17    record of the dividends paid, if any, for a period of not less than
21-18    three (3) years prior to the date of such balance sheet or for the
21-19    period of existence of the issuer, if such period of existence is
21-20    less than three (3) years.
21-21                The term "recognized securities manual" means a
21-22    nationally distributed manual of securities that is approved for
21-23    use hereunder by the Board.
21-24                The Commissioner may issue a stop order or by order
21-25    prohibit, revoke or suspend the exemption under this Subsection O
21-26    with respect to any security if the Commissioner has reasonable
21-27    cause to believe that the plan of business of the issuer of such
 22-1    security, the security, or the sale thereof would tend to work a
 22-2    fraud or deceit upon any purchaser or purchasers thereof, such
 22-3    order to be subject to review in the manner provided by Section 24
 22-4    of this Act.  Notice of any court injunction enjoining the sale, or
 22-5    resale, of any such security, or of an order revoking or suspending
 22-6    the exemption under this subdivision with respect to any security,
 22-7    shall be delivered or shall be mailed by certified or registered
 22-8    mail with return receipt requested, to any dealers believed to be
 22-9    selling, or offering for sale, securities of the type referred to
22-10    in the notice; and the prohibitions of (6) and (7) above of this
22-11    Subsection O shall be inapplicable to any dealer until the dealer
22-12    has received actual notice from the commissioner of such revocation
22-13    or suspension.
22-14                The Board may for cause shown revoke or suspend the
22-15    recognition hereunder of any manuals previously approved under this
22-16    Subsection but no such action may be taken unless upon notice and
22-17    opportunity for hearing before the Board or a hearings officer as
22-18    now or hereafter required by law.  A judgment sustaining the Board
22-19    in the action complained of shall not bar after one year an
22-20    application by the plaintiff for approval of its manual or manuals
22-21    hereunder, nor shall a judgment in favor of the plaintiff prevent
22-22    the Board from thereafter revoking such recognition for any proper
22-23    cause which may thereafter accrue or be discovered.
22-24                P.  The execution by a dealer of an unsolicited order
22-25    for the purchase of securities, where the initial offering of such
22-26    securities has been completed and provided that the dealer acts
22-27    solely as an agent for the purchaser, has no direct or indirect
 23-1    interest in the sale or distribution of the security ordered, and
 23-2    receives no commission, profit, or other compensation from any
 23-3    source other than the purchaser.
 23-4                Q.  The sales of interests in and under oil, gas or
 23-5    mining leases, fees or titles, or contracts relating thereto, where
 23-6    (1) the total number of sales by any one owner of interests,
 23-7    whether whole, fractional, segregated or undivided in any single
 23-8    oil, gas or mineral lease, fee or title, or contract relating
 23-9    thereto, shall not exceed thirty-five (35) within a period of
23-10    twelve (12) consecutive months and (2) no use is made of
23-11    advertisement or public solicitation;  provided, however, if such
23-12    sale or sales are made by an agent for such owner or owners, such
23-13    agent shall be licensed pursuant to this Act.  No oil, gas or
23-14    mineral unitization or pooling agreement shall be deemed a sale
23-15    under this Act.
23-16                R.  The sale by the issuer itself, or by a subsidiary
23-17    of such issuer, of any securities which would be exempt if sold by
23-18    a registered dealer under Section 6 (other than Section 6E) of this
23-19    Act.
23-20                S.  The sale by or through a registered dealer of any
23-21    option if at the time of the sale of the option:
23-22                      (1)  the performance of the terms of the option
23-23    is guaranteed by any broker-dealer registered under the federal
23-24    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which guaranty and
23-25    broker-dealer are in compliance with such requirements or
23-26    regulations as may be approved or adopted by the board;
23-27                      (2)  the option is not sold by or for the benefit
 24-1    of the issuer of the security which may be purchased or sold upon
 24-2    exercise of the option;
 24-3                      (3)  the security which may be purchased or sold
 24-4    upon exercise of the option is either (a)  exempted under
 24-5    Subsection F of Section 6 of this Act or (b) quoted on the National
 24-6    Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system and
 24-7    meets the requirements of Paragraphs (1), (6), (7), and (8) of
 24-8    Subsection O of Section 5 of this Act; and
 24-9                      (4)  such sale is not directly or indirectly for
24-10    the purposes of providing or furthering any scheme to violate or
24-11    evade any provisions of this Act.
24-12                For purposes of this subsection the term "option" shall
24-13    mean and include any put, call, straddle, or other option or
24-14    privilege of buying or selling a specified number of securities at
24-15    a specified price from or to another person, without being bound to
24-16    do so, on or prior to a specified date, but such term shall not
24-17    include any option or privilege which by its terms may terminate
24-18    prior to such specified date upon the occurrence of a specified
24-19    event.
24-20                T.  Such other transactions or conditions as the board
24-21    by rule, regulation, or order may define or prescribe,
24-22    conditionally or unconditionally.
24-23          SECTION 2.03. Section 6, The Securities Act (Article 581-6,
24-24    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
24-25          Sec. 6.  EXEMPT SECURITIES. Except as hereinafter in this Act
24-26    expressly provided, the provisions of this Act shall not apply to
24-27    any of the following securities when offered for sale, or sold, or
 25-1    dealt in by a registered dealer or agent [salesman] of a registered
 25-2    dealer:
 25-3                D.  Any security issued or guaranteed either as to
 25-4    principal, interest, or dividend, by a corporation owning or
 25-5    operating a railroad or any other public service utility;
 25-6    provided, that such corporation is subject to regulation or
 25-7    supervision either as to its rates and charges or as to the issue
 25-8    of its own securities by the Railroad Commission of Texas, or by a
 25-9    public commission, agency, board or officers of the Government of
25-10    the United States, or of any territory or insular possession
25-11    thereof, or of any state or municipal corporation, or of the
25-12    District of Columbia, or of the Dominion of Canada, or any province
25-13    thereof;  also equipment trust certificates or equipment notes or
25-14    bonds based on chattel mortgages, leases or agreements for
25-15    conditional sale of cars, motive power or other rolling stock
25-16    mortgages, leased or sold to or furnished for the use of or upon a
25-17    railroad or other public service utility corporation, provided that
25-18    such corporation is subject to regulation or supervision as above;
25-19    or equipment trust certificates, or equipment notes or bonds where
25-20    the ownership or title of such equipment is pledged or retained in
25-21    accordance with the provisions of the laws of the United States, or
25-22    of any state, territory or insular possession thereof, or of the
25-23    District of Columbia, or the Dominion of Canada, or any province
25-24    thereof, to secure the payment of such equipment trust
25-25    certificates, bonds or notes.
25-26                E.  Any security issued and sold by a domestic
25-27    corporation without capital stock and not organized and not engaged
 26-1    in business for profit.
 26-2                F.  Securities which at the time of sale have been
 26-3    fully listed upon the American Stock Exchange, the Boston Stock
 26-4    Exchange, the Midwest Stock Exchange or the New York Stock
 26-5    Exchange, have been designated or approved for designation on
 26-6    notice of issuance on the National Association of Securities
 26-7    Dealers Automated Quotation National Market System, or have been
 26-8    fully listed upon any recognized and responsible stock exchange
 26-9    approved by the Commissioner as hereinafter in this section
26-10    provided, and also all securities senior to, or if of the same
26-11    issues, upon a parity with, any securities so listed or designated
26-12    or represented by subscription rights which have been so listed or
26-13    designated, or evidence of indebtedness guaranteed by any company,
26-14    any stock of which is so listed or designated, such securities to
26-15    be exempt only so long as the exchange upon which such securities
26-16    are so listed remains approved under the provisions of this
26-17    Section.  Application for approval by the Commissioner may be made
26-18    by any organized stock exchange in such manner and upon such forms
26-19    as may be prescribed by the Commissioner, but no approval of any
26-20    exchange shall be given unless the facts and data supplied with the
26-21    application shall be found to establish:
26-22                (1)  That the requirements for the listing of
26-23    securities upon the exchange so seeking approval are such as to
26-24    effect reasonable protection to the public;
26-25                (2)  That the governing constitution, by-laws or
26-26    regulations of such exchange shall require:
26-27                            1st:  An adequate examination into the
 27-1    affairs of the issuer of the securities which are to be listed
 27-2    before permitting trading therein;
 27-3                            2nd:  That the issuer of such securities,
 27-4    so long as they be listed, shall periodically prepare, make public
 27-5    and furnish promptly to the exchange, appropriate financial,
 27-6    income, and profit and loss statements;
 27-7                            3rd:  Securities listed and traded in on
 27-8    such exchange to be restricted to those of ascertained, sound asset
 27-9    or income value;
27-10                            4th:  A reasonable surveillance of its
27-11    members, including a requirement for periodical financial
27-12    statements and a determination of the financial responsibility of
27-13    its members and the right and obligation in the governing body of
27-14    such exchange to suspend or expel any member found to be
27-15    financially embarrassed or irresponsible or found to have been
27-16    guilty of misconduct in his business dealings, or conduct
27-17    prejudicial of the rights and interests of his customers;
27-18                The approval of any such exchange by the Commissioner
27-19    shall be made only after a reasonable investigation and hearing,
27-20    and shall be by a written order of approval upon a finding of fact
27-21    substantially in accordance with the requirements hereinabove
27-22    provided. The Commissioner, upon ten (10) days notice and hearing,
27-23    shall have power at any time to withdraw approval theretofore
27-24    granted by him to any such stock exchange which does not at the
27-25    time of hearing meet the standards of approval under this Act, and
27-26    thereupon securities so listed upon such exchange shall be no
27-27    longer entitled to the benefit of such exemption except upon the
 28-1    further order of said Commissioner approving such exchange.
 28-2                By the same procedure set out in the preceding
 28-3    paragraph with respect to exchanges approved by the Commissioner,
 28-4    the Commissioner may suspend the exempt status of any trading
 28-5    system exempted by the Legislature on or after January 1, 1989, if
 28-6    that system does not at the time of hearing meet the applicable
 28-7    standards for approval of exchanges prescribed by this Act.  The
 28-8    suspension has the same effect as the removal of approval of an
 28-9    exchange.  The suspension remains in effect until the Commissioner
28-10    by order determines that the trading system has corrected the
28-11    deficiency or deficiencies on which the suspension was based and
28-12    maintains standards and procedures that provide reasonable
28-13    protection to the public.
28-14                H.  Any commercial paper that arises out of a current
28-15    transaction or the proceeds of which have been or are to be used
28-16    for current transactions, and that evidences an obligation to pay
28-17    cash within nine months of the date of issuance, exclusive of days
28-18    of grace, or any renewal of such paper that is likewise limited, or
28-19    any guarantee of such paper or of any such renewal.
28-20                I.  Notes, bonds, or other evidence of indebtedness or
28-21    certificates of ownership which are equally and proportionately
28-22    secured without reference of priority of one over another, and
28-23    which, by the terms of the instrument creating the lien, shall
28-24    continue to be so secured by the deposit with a trustee of
28-25    recognized responsibility approved by the Commissioner of any of
28-26    the securities specified in Subsection M of Section 5 or Subsection
28-27    D of Section 6;  such deposited securities, if of the classes
 29-1    described in Subsection M of Section 5, having an aggregate par
 29-2    value of not less than one hundred and ten per cent (110%) of the
 29-3    par value of the securities thereby secured, and if of class
 29-4    specified in Subsection D of Section 6, having an aggregate par
 29-5    value of not less than one hundred and twenty five per cent (125%)
 29-6    of the par value of the securities thereby secured.
 29-7                J.  Notes, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness of
 29-8    religious, charitable or benevolent corporations.
 29-9          SECTION 2.04. Subsection A, Section 7, The Securities Act
29-10    (Article 581-7, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
29-11    as follows:
29-12          A.  Qualification of Securities.  (1)  No dealer or [,] agent
29-13    [or salesman] shall sell or offer for sale any securities issued
29-14    after September 6, 1955, except those which shall have been
29-15    registered by Notification under subsection B or by Coordination
29-16    under subsection C of this Section 7 and except those which come
29-17    within the classes enumerated in Section 5 or Section 6 of this
29-18    Act, until the issuer of such securities or a dealer registered
29-19    under the provisions of this Act shall have been granted a permit
29-20    by the Commissioner; and no such permit shall be granted by the
29-21    Commissioner until the issuer of such securities or a dealer
29-22    registered under the provisions of this Act shall have filed with
29-23    the Commissioner a sworn statement verified under the oath of an
29-24    executive officer or partner of the issuer, or of such registered
29-25    dealer, and attested by the secretary or partner thereof, setting
29-26    forth the following information:
29-27                      a.  The names, residences and post office
 30-1    addresses of the officers and directors of the company;
 30-2                      b.  The location of its principal office and of
 30-3    all branch offices in this State, if any;
 30-4                      c.  A copy of its articles of incorporation or
 30-5    partnership or association, as the case may be, and of any
 30-6    amendments thereto, if any; if a corporation, a copy of all minutes
 30-7    of any proceedings of its directors, stockholders or members
 30-8    relating to or affecting the issue of said security; if a
 30-9    corporation, a copy of its bylaws and of any amendments thereto;
30-10    if a trustee, a copy of all instruments by which the trust is
30-11    created and in which it is accepted, acknowledged or declared;
30-12                      d.  A statement showing the amount of capital
30-13    stock, if any, and if no capital stock, the amount of capital of
30-14    the issuer that is contemplated to be employed; the number of
30-15    shares into which such stock is divided, or if not divided into
30-16    shares of stock, what division is to be made or is contemplated;
30-17    the par value of each share, or if no par stock, the price at which
30-18    such security is proposed to be sold; the promotional fees or
30-19    commissions to be paid for the sale of same, including any and all
30-20    compensations of every nature that are in any way to be allowed the
30-21    promoters or allowed for the sale of same; and how such
30-22    compensation is to be paid, whether in cash, securities, service or
30-23    otherwise, or partly of either or both;  also, the amount of cash
30-24    to be paid, or securities to be issued, given, transferred or sold
30-25    to promoters for promotion or organization services and expenses,
30-26    and the amount of promotion or organization services and expenses
30-27    which will be assumed or in any way paid by the issuer;
 31-1                      e.  Copies of certificates of the stock and all
 31-2    other securities to be sold, or offered for sale, together with
 31-3    application blanks therefor;  a copy of any contract it proposes to
 31-4    make concerning such security; a copy of any prospectus or
 31-5    advertisement or other description of security prepared by or for
 31-6    it for distribution or publication;
 31-7                      f.  1.  A detailed statement prepared in
 31-8    accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and
 31-9    procedures and generally accepted accounting principles, showing
31-10    all the assets and all the liabilities of the issuer, said
31-11    statement to reflect the financial condition of the issuer on a day
31-12    not more than ninety (90) days prior to the date such statement is
31-13    filed.  Such statement shall list all assets in detail and shall
31-14    show how the value of such assets was determined, that is, whether
31-15    the value set forth in said statement represents the actual cost in
31-16    money of such assets, or whether such value represents their
31-17    present market value, or some other value than the actual cost in
31-18    money, and shall show the present actual value of said assets;
31-19    also, whether the value set forth in the statement is greater or
31-20    less than the actual cost value in money and greater or less than
31-21    the present market value of such assets.  If any of the assets
31-22    consist of real estate, then said statement shall show the amount
31-23    for which said real estate is rendered for State and county taxes,
31-24    or assessed for taxes.  If any such assets listed shall consist of
31-25    anything other than cash and real estate, same shall be set out in
31-26    detail so as to give the Commissioner the fullest possible
31-27    information concerning same, and the Commissioner shall have the
 32-1    power to require the filing of such additional information as the
 32-2    Commissioner may deem necessary to determine whether or not the
 32-3    true value of said assets are reflected in the statement filed.
 32-4    Should any of the assets listed in said statement be subject to any
 32-5    repurchase agreement, or any other agreement of like character, by
 32-6    the terms of which the absolute ownership of, or title to said
 32-7    assets is qualified or limited in any way, then the terms and
 32-8    conditions of said agreement by which the absolute ownership of, or
 32-9    title to said assets is qualified or limited, as well as the amount
32-10    and character of the assets subject thereto shall be fully stated.
32-11    Said statement shall list all current liabilities, that is, all
32-12    liabilities which will mature and become due within one year from
32-13    the date of such application, and shall list separately from such
32-14    current liabilities, all other liabilities, contingent or
32-15    otherwise, showing the amount of those which are secured by
32-16    mortgage or otherwise, the assets of the issuer which are subject
32-17    to such mortgage, and the dates of maturity of any such mortgage
32-18    indebtedness.  Such application shall also include a detailed
32-19    income statement, prepared in accordance with generally accepted
32-20    auditing standards and procedures and generally accepted accounting
32-21    principles, which shall cover the last three (3) years' operations
32-22    of the issuer, if such issuer has been in operation for three (3)
32-23    years, but if not, said income statement shall cover the time that
32-24    said issuer has been operating.  If said issuer has not been
32-25    operating, but is taking over a concern of any kind which has been
32-26    previously operating, an income statement showing the operations of
32-27    the concern thus taken over for a period of the last three (3)
 33-1    years next preceding the taking over of said concern shall be
 33-2    included in said statement; said income statement shall clearly
 33-3    reflect the amount of net income or net loss incurred during each
 33-4    of the years shown.
 33-5                            2.  The financial statements required in
 33-6    subparagraph (1) of this paragraph for a small business issuer, as
 33-7    defined by Board rule, may be reviewed by an independent certified
 33-8    public accountant in accordance with the Statements on Standards
 33-9    for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the American
33-10    Institute of Certified Public Accountants in lieu of being audited
33-11    and certified, provided that the small business issuer otherwise
33-12    meets all of the requirements that the Board by rule, regulation,
33-13    or order may prescribe, conditionally or unconditionally.
33-14          SECTION 2.05. Subsection C, Section 10, The Securities Act
33-15    (Article 581-10, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
33-16    as follows:
33-17          C.  Use of Permit to Aid Sale of Securities Prohibited. It
33-18    shall be unlawful for any dealer, [or] issuer, or agent [or
33-19    salesman,] to use a permit authorizing the issuance of securities
33-20    in connection with any sale or effort to sell any security.
33-21          SECTION 2.06. Section 11, The Securities Act (Article 581-11,
33-22    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
33-24    INSPECTION. All information, papers, documents, instruments and
33-25    affidavits required by this Act to be filed with the Commissioner
33-26    shall be deemed public records of this state, and shall be open to
33-27    the inspection and examination of any purchaser or prospective
 34-1    purchaser of said securities or the agent or representative of such
 34-2    purchaser or prospective purchaser; and the Commissioner shall give
 34-3    out to any such purchaser or prospective purchaser or his agent or
 34-4    representative any information required to be filed with him under
 34-5    the provisions of this section, or any other part of this Act, and
 34-6    shall furnish any such purchaser, prospective purchaser, or his
 34-7    agent or representative requesting it, certified copies of any and
 34-8    all papers, documents, instruments and affidavits filed with him
 34-9    under the provisions of this section or of any part of this Act.
34-10    The Commissioner shall maintain a record, which shall be open for
34-11    public inspection, upon which shall be entered the names and
34-12    addresses of all registered dealers, registered agents, registered
34-13    investment advisers, registered investment adviser representatives,
34-14    and persons who have submitted a notice filing under this Act, [and
34-15    salesmen] and all orders of the Commissioner denying, suspending or
34-16    revoking registration.
34-17          SECTION 2.07. Section 12, The Securities Act (Article 581-12,
34-18    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
34-20    RENDERING INVESTMENT ADVICE. A.  Except as provided in Section 5 of
34-21    this Act, no person, firm, corporation or dealer shall, directly or
34-22    through agents [or salesmen], offer for sale, sell or make a sale
34-23    of any securities in this state without first being registered as
34-24    in this Act provided.  No [salesman or] agent shall, in behalf of
34-25    any dealer, sell, offer for sale, or make sale of any securities
34-26    within the state unless registered as an [a salesman or] agent of a
34-27    registered dealer under the provisions of this Act.
 35-1          B.  Except as provided by Section 5 of this Act, a person may
 35-2    not, directly or through an investment adviser representative,
 35-3    render services as an investment adviser in this state unless the
 35-4    person holds a certificate of authority issued under Section 15 of
 35-5    this Act, submits a proper notice filing as provided by Section
 35-6    12-1 of this Act, or is otherwise exempt under this Act.  A person
 35-7    may not act or render services as an investment adviser
 35-8    representative for a certain investment adviser in this state
 35-9    unless the person is registered or submits a proper notice filing
35-10    as an investment adviser representative for that particular
35-11    investment adviser as provided in Section 18 or 12-1 of this Act.
35-12          C.  The Board may adopt rules and regulations exempting
35-13    certain classes of persons from the dealer, [and] agent, investment
35-14    adviser, and investment adviser representative registration
35-15    requirements, or providing conditional exemptions from
35-16    registration, if the Board determines that such rules and
35-17    regulations are consistent with the purposes of this Act.
35-18          SECTION 2.08. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
35-19    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 12-1 to
35-20    read as follows:
35-23    A.  This section does not apply to an investment adviser or
35-24    investment adviser representative that is exempt from registration
35-25    under this Act or Board rule.
35-26          B.  The Board by rule shall authorize a federal covered
35-27    investment adviser or a representative of a federal covered
 36-1    investment adviser to engage in the business of rendering
 36-2    investment advice in this state on submission to and receipt by the
 36-3    Commissioner of:
 36-4                (1)  a notice filing on the form and containing the
 36-5    information prescribed by the Commissioner and, if applicable, the
 36-6    written instrument appointing the Commissioner as the adviser's
 36-7    agent for service of process as required by Section 16 of this Act;
 36-8    and
 36-9                (2)  a fee in the amount determined under Section 35 of
36-10    this Act.
36-11          C.  After the notice filing fee is paid and all the
36-12    requirements for a proper notice filing under Subsection B of this
36-13    section are met, a notice filing submitted under this section takes
36-14    effect and is valid for one year.  A federal covered investment
36-15    adviser or federal covered investment adviser representative may
36-16    renew a notice filing on or before its expiration date on
36-17    submission to and receipt by the Commissioner of:
36-18                (1)  a renewal notice; and
36-19                (2)  a renewal fee in the amount determined under
36-20    Section 35 of this Act.
36-21          SECTION 2.09. Section 13, The Securities Act (Article 581-13,
36-22    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
36-26    DEALER]. A.  A dealer or investment adviser to be registered must
36-27    submit a sworn application therefor to the Commissioner, which
 37-1    shall be in such form as the Commissioner may determine and which
 37-2    shall state:
 37-3                (1)  The principal place of business of the applicant
 37-4    wherever situated;
 37-5                (2)  The location of the principal place of business
 37-6    and all branch offices in this state, if any;
 37-7                (3)  The name or style of doing business and the
 37-8    address of the applicant [dealer];
 37-9                (4)  The names, residences and the business addresses
37-10    of all persons interested in the business as principal, officer,
37-11    director or managing agent, specified as to each his capacity and
37-12    title; and
37-13                (5)  The general plan and character of business of such
37-14    applicant and the length of time during and the places at which the
37-15    applicant [dealer] has been engaged in the business.
37-16          B.  An [Such] application filed by a dealer or investment
37-17    adviser shall also contain such additional information as to the
37-18    applicant's previous history, record, associations and present
37-19    financial condition as may be required by the Commissioner, or as
37-20    is necessary to enable the Commissioner to determine whether the
37-21    sale of any securities proposed to be issued or dealt in by such
37-22    applicant would result in fraud.
37-23          C.  Each application shall be accompanied by certificates or
37-24    other evidences satisfactory to the Commissioner establishing the
37-25    good reputation of the applicant, his directors, officers,
37-26    copartners or principals.
37-27          D.  The Commissioner shall require as a condition of
 38-1    registration for all registrations granted after the effective date
 38-2    of this Subsection D that the applicant (and, in the case of a
 38-3    corporation or partnership, the officers, directors or partners to
 38-4    be licensed by the applicant) pass successfully a written
 38-5    examination to determine the applicant's qualifications and
 38-6    competency to engage in the business of dealing in and selling
 38-7    securities as a dealer or agent [as a salesman], or rendering
 38-8    services as an investment adviser or investment adviser
 38-9    representative.  This condition may be waived as to any applicant
38-10    or class of applicants by action of the State Securities Board.
38-11          E.  Not later than the 30th day after the date a person takes
38-12    a registration [day on which an] examination [is administered]
38-13    under this Act, the Board shall notify the person [each examinee]
38-14    of the results of the examination.  If the [However, if an]
38-15    examination is graded or reviewed by a [national] testing service:
38-16                (1)  [,] the Board shall notify the person [examinees]
38-17    of the results of the examination not later than the 14th day after
38-18    the date [day on which] the Board receives the results from the
38-19    testing service; and
38-20                (2)  if [.  If the] notice of the examination results
38-21    will be delayed for longer than 90 [ninety (90)] days after the
38-22    examination date, the Board shall notify the person [examinee] of
38-23    the reason for the delay before the 90th day.
38-24          F.  The Board  may require a testing service to notify a
38-25    person of the results of the person's examination.  If requested in
38-26    writing by a person who fails a registration [an] examination
38-27    administered under this Act, the Board shall furnish the person
 39-1    with an analysis of the person's performance on the examination.  
 39-2          G.  If the applicant is a corporation organized under the
 39-3    laws of any other state or territory or government or shall have
 39-4    its principal place of business therein, it shall accompany the
 39-5    application with a copy of its Articles of Incorporation and all
 39-6    amendments thereto, certified by the proper officer of such state
 39-7    or government or of the corporation, and its regulations and by
 39-8    laws.
 39-9          H.  If a limited partnership, either a copy of its Articles
39-10    of Copartnership or a verified statement of the plan of doing
39-11    business.
39-12          I.  If an unincorporated association or organization under
39-13    the laws of any other state, territory or government, or having its
39-14    principal place of business therein, a copy of its Articles of
39-15    Association, Trust Agreement or other form of organization.
39-16          J.  It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to prepare a
39-17    proper form to be used by the applicant under the terms of this
39-18    Section, and the Commissioner shall furnish copies thereof to all
39-19    persons desiring to make application to be registered as a dealer
39-20    or investment adviser.
39-21          K.  The Commissioner may accept some or all of the
39-22    examinations administered by the National Association of Securities
39-23    Dealers to fulfill the examination requirements of Subsection D.
39-24          SECTION 2.10. Section 15, The Securities Act (Article 581-15,
39-25    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
39-27    AND INVESTMENT ADVISERS. If the Commissioner is satisfied that the
 40-1    applicant for a dealer's or investment adviser's certificate of
 40-2    registration has complied with the requirements of the Act above,
 40-3    that the applicant has filed a written consent to service as and
 40-4    when required by Section 16 of this Act, and upon the payment of
 40-5    the fees required by Section 35 of this Act, the Commissioner shall
 40-6    register the applicant and issue to it or him a registration
 40-7    certificate, stating the principal place of business and address of
 40-8    the dealer or investment adviser, the names and business addresses
 40-9    of all persons interested in the business as principals, officers,
40-10    directors or managing agents, and the fact that the dealer or
40-11    investment adviser has been registered for a current calendar year
40-12    as a dealer in securities or as an investment adviser.  Pending
40-13    final disposition of an application, the Commissioner may, for
40-14    special cause shown, grant temporary permission, revocable at any
40-15    time and subject to such terms and conditions as the Commissioner
40-16    may prescribe, to transact business as a dealer or investment
40-17    adviser under this Act.  Any dealer or investment adviser acting
40-18    under such a temporary permission, shall be considered a registered
40-19    dealer or investment adviser for all purposes of this Act.
40-20          SECTION 2.11. Section 16, The Securities Act (Article 581-16,
40-21    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
40-23    INVESTMENT ADVISERS. Every company organized under the laws of any
40-24    other state or of any foreign country, or having its principal
40-25    office therein, and every non-resident individual, shall file with
40-26    its or his application for registration as a dealer or investment
40-27    adviser or any notice filing submitted by an investment adviser
 41-1    under this Act an irrevocable written consent that actions growing
 41-2    out of any transaction subject to this Act may be commenced against
 41-3    the person or company [applicant] in the proper court of any county
 41-4    of this state in which the cause of action may arise, or in which
 41-5    the plaintiff may reside, by a service of process upon the
 41-6    Commissioner as the person's or company's [applicant's] agent for
 41-7    that service.  The consent shall stipulate and agree that such
 41-8    service of process shall be taken and held in all courts to be as
 41-9    valid and binding as if due service had been made upon the person
41-10    or company itself according to the laws of this or any other state
41-11    or foreign country.  Such instrument shall be authorized by the
41-12    seal of such corporation, or by the signature of all the members of
41-13    such co-partnership, or by the signature of the president and
41-14    secretary of the association, if it is a corporation or
41-15    association, and shall be accompanied by a duly certified copy of
41-16    the resolutions of the board of directors, trustees, or managers of
41-17    the corporation authorizing the said secretary and president to
41-18    execute the same.
41-19          SECTION 2.12. Section 17, The Securities Act (Article 581-17,
41-20    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
41-22    ADVISERS. The certificate shall be in such form as the Commissioner
41-23    may determine.  Any changes in the personnel of a partnership or in
41-24    the principals, officers, directors or managing agents of any
41-25    dealer or investment adviser shall be immediately certified under
41-26    oath to the Commissioner and any change in the certificate
41-27    necessitated thereby may be made at any time, upon written
 42-1    application setting forth the fact necessitating the change.  Upon
 42-2    the issue of the amended certificates, the original certificate and
 42-3    the certified copies thereof outstanding shall be promptly
 42-4    surrendered to the Commissioner.
 42-5          SECTION 2.13. Section 18, The Securities Act (Article 581-18,
 42-6    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 42-8    OF REPRESENTATIVES OF INVESTMENT ADVISERS. Upon written application
 42-9    by a registered dealer or investment adviser, and upon satisfactory
42-10    compliance with the requirements of the Act above, the Commissioner
42-11    shall register as an agent [agents or salesmen] of such dealer or
42-12    as a representative of the investment adviser such persons as the
42-13    dealer or investment adviser may request.  The application shall be
42-14    in such form as the Commissioner may prescribe and shall state the
42-15    residences and addresses of the persons whose registration is
42-16    requested, together with such information as to such agent's or
42-17    investment adviser representative's [salesman's] previous history,
42-18    record and association as may be required by the Commissioner.
42-19    Such application shall also be signed and sworn to by the agent or
42-20    investment adviser representative [salesman] for whom registration
42-21    is requested.  The Commissioner shall issue to such dealer or
42-22    investment adviser, to be retained by such dealer or investment
42-23    adviser for each person so registered, evidence of registration
42-24    stating the person's name, the address of the dealer or investment
42-25    adviser, and the fact that the person is registered for the current
42-26    calendar year as an agent or investment adviser representative
42-27    [salesman] of the dealer or investment adviser, as appropriate.
 43-1    The evidence of registration shall be in such form as the
 43-2    Commissioner shall determine.  Upon application by the dealer or
 43-3    the investment adviser, the registration of any agent or investment
 43-4    adviser representative [salesman] shall be cancelled.
 43-5          SECTION 2.14. Subsection D, Section 19, The Securities Act
 43-6    (Article 581-19, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is  amended to
 43-7    read as follows:
 43-8          D.  The Board may recognize, prepare, or administer
 43-9    continuing education programs for a person who is registered under
43-10    this Act [dealers, salesmen, or agents].  If participation is
43-11    required by the Board as a condition of maintaining the certificate
43-12    or evidence of registration, a person who is registered under this
43-13    Act must participate in the continuing education programs
43-14    [Participation in the programs is voluntary].
43-15          SECTION 2.15. Section 20, The Securities Act (Article 581-20,
43-16    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
43-18    UNLAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any dealer, agent, investment
43-19    adviser, or investment adviser representative [salesman] to use the
43-20    fact of his registry, by public display or advertisement, except as
43-21    hereinafter expressly provided, for the registration certificate or
43-22    evidence of registration or any certified copy thereof, in
43-23    connection with any sale or effort to sell any security or any
43-24    rendering of services as an investment adviser.
43-25          SECTION 2.16. Section 21, The Securities Act (Article 581-21,
43-26    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
43-27          Sec. 21.  POSTING CERTIFICATES OF AUTHORITY. Immediately upon
 44-1    receipt of the dealer's or investment adviser's registration
 44-2    certificate issued pursuant to the authority of this Act, the
 44-3    dealer or investment adviser named therein shall cause such
 44-4    certificate to be posted and at all times conspicuously displayed
 44-5    in such dealer's or investment adviser's principal place of
 44-6    business, if one is maintained in this state, and shall likewise
 44-7    forthwith cause a duplicate of such certificate to be posted and at
 44-8    all times conspicuously displayed in each branch office located
 44-9    within this state.
44-10          SECTION 2.17. Subsections A and B, Section 22, The Securities
44-11    Act (Article 581-22, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to
44-12    read as follows:
44-13          A.  Permitted Written, Pictorial, or Broadcast Offers.  A
44-14    written or printed offer (including a pictorial demonstration with
44-15    any accompanying script) or a broadcast offer (i.e., an offer
44-16    disseminated by radio, television, recorded telephone presentation,
44-17    or other mass media) to sell a security may be made in this State
44-18    if:
44-19                (1)  a copy of the offer is filed with the Commissioner
44-20    within 10 days after the date of its first use in this State; and
44-21                (2)  the person making or distributing the offer in
44-22    this State is a registered dealer or a registered agent [salesman]
44-23    of a registered dealer, as required by this Act; and
44-24                (3)  either:
44-25                      (a)  the security is registered under Subsection
44-26    B or C of Section 7 or a permit has been granted for the security
44-27    under Section 10, or
 45-1                      (b)  an application for registration under
 45-2    Subsection B or C of Section 7 or for a permit under Section 10 has
 45-3    been filed with the Commissioner; and
 45-4                (4)  if registration has not become effective under
 45-5    Subsection B or C of Section 7 or a permit has not been granted
 45-6    under Section 10, the offer prominently states on the first page of
 45-7    a written or printed offer or as a preface to any pictorial or
 45-8    broadcast offer either:
 45-9                      (a)
45-10                      INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISING ONLY.
45-15    or
45-16                      (b)  other language required by the United States
45-17    Securities and Exchange Commission that in the Commissioner's
45-18    opinion will inform investors that the securities may not yet be
45-19    sold; and
45-20                (5)  the person making or distributing the offer in
45-21    this State;
45-22                      (a)  has not received notice in writing of an
45-23    order prohibiting the offer under Subsection A or B of Section 23,
45-24    or
45-25                      (b)  has received such notice but the order is no
45-26    longer in effect; and
45-27                (6)  payment is not accepted from the offeree and no
 46-1    contract of sale is made before registration is effective under
 46-2    Subsection B or C of Section 7 or a permit is granted under Section
 46-3    10.
 46-4          B.  Permitted Oral Offers.  An oral offer (not broadcast,
 46-5    i.e., not disseminated by radio, television, recorded telephone
 46-6    presentation, or other mass media) to sell a security may be made
 46-7    in this State in person, by telephone, or by other direct
 46-8    individual communication if:
 46-9                (1)  the person making the offer in this State is a
46-10    registered dealer or a registered agent [salesman] of a registered
46-11    dealer, as required by this Act; and
46-12                (2)  either:
46-13                      (a)  the security is registered under Subsection
46-14    B or C of Section 7 or a permit has been granted for the security
46-15    under Section 10, or
46-16                      (b)  an application for registration under
46-17    Subsection B or C of Section 7 or for a permit under Section 10 has
46-18    been filed with the Commissioner; and
46-19                (3)  the person making or distributing the offer in
46-20    this State:
46-21                      (a)  has not received notice in writing of an
46-22    order prohibiting the offer under Subsection A or B of Section 23,
46-23    or
46-24                      (b)  has received such notice but the order is no
46-25    longer in effect; and
46-26                (4)  payment is not accepted from the offeree and no
46-27    contract of sale is made before registration is effective under
 47-1    Subsection B or C of Section 7 or before a permit is granted under
 47-2    Section 10.
 47-3          SECTION 2.18. Section 26, The Securities Act (Article 581-26,
 47-4    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 47-5          Sec. 26.  NOTICES BY REGISTERED MAIL. Any notice required by
 47-6    this Act shall be sufficient if sent by registered or certified
 47-7    mail unless otherwise specified in this Act, addressed to the
 47-8    dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser
 47-9    representative [salesman], as the case may be, at the address
47-10    designated in the application for registration or notice filing
47-11    submitted to the Commissioner.  All testimony taken at any hearing
47-12    before the Commissioner shall be reported stenographically and a
47-13    full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings had
47-14    before the Commissioner on any hearing or investigation.
47-15          SECTION 2.19. Section 35, The Securities Act (Article 581-35,
47-16    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
47-17          Sec. 35.  FEES. The Commissioner or Board shall charge and
47-18    collect the following fees and shall daily pay all fees received
47-19    into the State Treasury:
47-20                A.  For the filing of any original application of a
47-21    dealer or investment adviser or for the submission of a notice
47-22    filing for a federal covered investment adviser, Seventy-five
47-23    Dollars ($75.00), and for the filing of any renewal application of
47-24    a dealer or investment adviser or for the submission of a renewal
47-25    notice filing for a federal covered investment adviser, Forty
47-26    Dollars ($40.00);
47-27                B.  For the filing of any original application for each
 48-1    agent, officer, or investment adviser representative or for the
 48-2    submission of a notice filing for each representative of a federal
 48-3    covered investment adviser [salesman], Thirty-five Dollars
 48-4    ($35.00), and for the filing of any renewal application for each
 48-5    agent, officer, or investment adviser representative or for the
 48-6    submission of a renewal notice filing for each representative of a
 48-7    federal covered investment adviser [salesman], Twenty Dollars
 48-8    ($20.00);
 48-9                C.  For any filing to amend the registration
48-10    certificate of a dealer or investment adviser or evidence of
48-11    registration of an agent or investment adviser representative [a
48-12    salesman], issue a duplicate certificate or evidence of
48-13    registration, or register a branch office, Twenty-five Dollars
48-14    ($25.00);
48-15                D.  For the filing of any original, amended or renewal
48-16    application to sell or dispose of securities, Ten Dollars ($10.00);
48-17                E.  For the examination of any original or amended
48-18    application filed under Subsection A, B, or C of Section 7 of this
48-19    Act, regardless of whether the application is denied, abandoned,
48-20    withdrawn, or approved, a fee of one-tenth (1/10) of one percent
48-21    (1%) of the aggregate amount of securities described and proposed
48-22    to be sold to persons located within this state based upon the
48-23    price at which such securities are to be offered to the public;
48-24                F.  For certified copies of any papers filed in the
48-25    office of the Commissioner, the Commissioner shall charge such fees
48-26    as are reasonably related to costs;  however, in no event shall
48-27    such fees be more than those which the Secretary of State is
 49-1    authorized to charge in similar cases;
 49-2                G.  For the filing of any application for approval of a
 49-3    stock exchange so that securities fully listed thereon will be
 49-4    exempt, a fee of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00);
 49-5                H.  For the filing of a request to take the Texas
 49-6    Securities Law Examination, Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00);
 49-7                I.  For the filing of an initial notice required by the
 49-8    Commissioner to claim a secondary trading exemption, a fee of Five
 49-9    Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and for the filing of a secondary
49-10    trading exemption renewal notice, a fee of Five Hundred Dollars
49-11    ($500.00);
49-12                J.  For the filing of an initial notice required by the
49-13    Commissioner to claim a limited offering exemption, a fee of
49-14    one-tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) of the aggregate amount of
49-15    securities described as being offered for sale, but in no case more
49-16    than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); and
49-17                K.  For an interpretation by the Board's general
49-18    counsel of this Act or a rule adopted under this Act, a fee of One
49-19    Hundred Dollars ($100.00), except that an officer or employee of a
49-20    governmental entity and the entity that the officer or employee
49-21    represents are exempt from the fee under this subsection when the
49-22    officer or employee is conducting official business of the entity.
49-23          SECTION 2.20. Section 41(a), The Securities Act (Article
49-24    581-41, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
49-25    follows:
49-26          (a)  Each of the following fees imposed by or under another
49-27    section of this Act is increased by $200:
 50-1                (1)  fee for filing any original application of a
 50-2    dealer or investment adviser;
 50-3                (2)  fee for filing any renewal application of a dealer
 50-4    or investment adviser;
 50-5                (3)  fee for filing any original application for agent,
 50-6    officer, or investment adviser representative [or salesman];  [and]
 50-7                (4)  fee for filing any renewal application for agent,
 50-8    officer, or investment adviser representative;
 50-9                (5)  fee for submission of a notice filing for a
50-10    federal covered investment adviser;
50-11                (6)  fee for submission of a renewal notice filing for
50-12    a federal covered investment adviser;
50-13                (7)  fee for submission of a notice filing for a
50-14    representative of a federal covered investment adviser; and
50-15                (8)  fee for submission of a renewal notice filing for
50-16    a representative of a federal covered investment adviser
50-17    [salesman].
50-18          SECTION 2.21. Section 42, The Securities Act (Article 581-42,
50-19    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
50-20          Sec. 42.  REDUCED FEES. A. The Board by rule may adopt
50-21    reduced fees, under Sections 35 and 41 of this Act, for original
50-22    and renewal applications of dealers, agents, officers, investment
50-23    advisers, or investment adviser representatives [salesmen] who have
50-24    assumed inactive status as defined by the Board.
50-25          B.  The Board by rule may adopt reduced fees, under Sections
50-26    35 and 41 of this Act, for persons required by this Act to register
50-27    in two or more of the following capacities:
 51-1                (1)  dealer;
 51-2                (2)  agent [or salesman]; [or]
 51-3                (3)  investment adviser;
 51-4                (4)  investment adviser representative; or
 51-5                (5)  officer.
 51-6          C.  Notwithstanding Sections 35 and 41 of this Act, a person
 51-7    shall pay only one fee required under those sections to engage in
 51-8    business in this state concurrently for the same person or company
 51-9    as:
51-10                (1)  a dealer and an investment adviser; or
51-11                (2)  an agent and investment adviser representative.
51-12          SECTION 2.22. The changes in law made by this Act apply only
51-13    to a fee that becomes due on or after the  effective date of this
51-14    Act.  A fee that becomes due before the effective date of this Act
51-15    is governed by the law in effect on the date the fee is due, and
51-16    the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
51-17                    ARTICLE 3.  ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS
51-18          SECTION 3.01. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
51-19    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 13-1 to
51-20    read as follows:
51-21          Sec. 13-1.  INSPECTION. A.  The Commissioner, without notice,
51-22    may inspect a registered dealer or registered investment adviser as
51-23    necessary to ensure compliance with this Act and rules adopted
51-24    under this Act.
51-25          B.  The Commissioner, during regular business hours, may:
51-26                (1)  enter the business premises of a registered dealer
51-27    or registered investment adviser; and
 52-1                (2)  examine and copy books and  records pertinent to
 52-2    the inspection.
 52-3          C.  During the inspection, the dealer or investment adviser
 52-4    shall:
 52-5                (1)  provide to the Commissioner or the Commissioner's
 52-6    authorized representative immediate and complete access to the
 52-7    person's office, place of business, files, safe, and any other
 52-8    location in which books and records pertinent to the inspection are
 52-9    located; and
52-10                (2)  allow the Commissioner or the Commissioner's
52-11    authorized representative to make photostatic or electronic copies
52-12    of books or records subject to inspection.
52-13          D.  A dealer or investment adviser may not charge a fee for
52-14    copying information under this section.
52-15          E.  Information obtained under this section and any
52-16    intra-agency or interagency notes, memoranda, reports, or other
52-17    communications consisting of advice, analyses, opinions, or
52-18    recommendations that are made in connection with the inspection are
52-19    confidential and may not be disclosed to the public or released by
52-20    the Commissioner except to the same extent provided for the release
52-21    or disclosure of confidential documents or other information made
52-22    or obtained in connection with an investigation under Section 28 of
52-23    this Act.
52-24          SECTION 3.02. Section 14, The Securities Act (Article 581-14,
52-25    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 53-1    REPRESENTATIVE [SALESMAN]. A.  The Commissioner may deny, revoke,
 53-2    or suspend a registration issued under this Act, place on probation
 53-3    a dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser
 53-4    representative [salesman] whose registration has been suspended
 53-5    under this Act, or reprimand a person registered under this Act if
 53-6    the person:
 53-7                (1)  has been convicted of any felony;
 53-8                (2)  has been convicted of any misdemeanor which
 53-9    directly relates to the person's securities-related duties and
53-10    responsibilities;
53-11                (3)  has engaged in any inequitable practice in the
53-12    sale of securities or in the rendering of investment advice, or in
53-13    any fraudulent business practice;
53-14                (4)  is a dealer or investment adviser who is
53-15    insolvent;
53-16                (5)  meets one of the following criteria:
53-17                      (a)  is a dealer who is selling or has sold
53-18    securities in this state through an agent [a salesman] other than a
53-19    registered agent;
53-20                      (b)  is an investment adviser who is engaging or
53-21    has engaged in rendering investment advice in this state through a
53-22    representative who is not registered to perform services for that
53-23    investment adviser as required by this Act;
53-24                      (c)  [salesman, or,] is an agent [a salesman] who
53-25    is selling or has sold securities in this state for a dealer,
53-26    issuer or controlling person with knowledge that such dealer,
53-27    issuer or controlling person has not complied with the provisions
 54-1    of this Act; or
 54-2                      (d)  is an investment adviser representative who
 54-3    is rendering or has rendered investment advice for an investment
 54-4    adviser in this state, other than an investment adviser who submits
 54-5    a notice filing under this Act, for whom the representative is or
 54-6    was not registered to represent as required by this Act;
 54-7                (6)  has violated any of the provisions of this Act or
 54-8    a rule of the Board;
 54-9                (7)  has made any material misrepresentation to the
54-10    Commissioner or Board in connection with any information deemed
54-11    necessary by the Commissioner or Board to determine a dealer's or
54-12    investment adviser's financial responsibility or a dealer's,
54-13    agent's, investment adviser's or investment adviser
54-14    representative's [or salesman's] business repute or qualifications,
54-15    or has refused to furnish any such information requested by the
54-16    Commissioner or Board;
54-17                (8)  became registered as a dealer, agent, investment
54-18    adviser, or investment adviser representative [or salesman] after
54-19    August 23, 1963, and has not complied with a condition imposed by
54-20    the Commissioner under Section 13-D;
54-21                (9)  is the subject of any of the following orders that
54-22    are currently effective and were issued within the last five years:
54-23                      (a)  an order by the securities agency or
54-24    administrator of another state, by the financial regulatory
54-25    authority of a foreign country, or by the Securities and Exchange
54-26    Commission, entered after notice and opportunity for hearing,
54-27    denying, suspending, or revoking the person's license as a dealer,
 55-1    agent, [salesman, or] investment adviser, or investment adviser
 55-2    representative or the substantial equivalent of those terms;
 55-3                      (b)  a suspension or expulsion from membership in
 55-4    or association with a member of a self-regulatory organization;
 55-5                      (c)  a United States Postal Service fraud order;
 55-6                      (d)  an order by the securities agency or
 55-7    administrator of another state, the financial regulatory authority
 55-8    of a foreign country, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or by
 55-9    the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, finding, after notice and
55-10    opportunity for hearing, that the person engaged in acts involving
55-11    fraud, deceit, false statements or omissions, or wrongful taking of
55-12    property;
55-13                      (e)  an order by the Commodity Futures Trading
55-14    Commission denying, suspending, or revoking registration under the
55-15    Commodity Exchange Act;
55-16                (10)  is subject to any order, judgment, or decree
55-17    entered by any court of competent jurisdiction which permanently
55-18    restrains or enjoins such person from engaging in or continuing any
55-19    conduct, action, or practice in connection with any aspect of the
55-20    purchase or sale of securities or the rendering of security
55-21    investment advice; or
55-22                (11)  has violated any provision of any order issued by
55-23    the Commissioner or has violated any provision of any undertaking
55-24    or agreement with the Commissioner.
55-25          B.  [The Commissioner shall keep an information file about
55-26    each complaint filed with the Commissioner or Board relating to a
55-27    person registered under this Act.]
 56-1          [C.  If a written complaint is filed with the Commissioner or
 56-2    Board relating to a person registered under this Act, the
 56-3    Commissioner, at least as frequently as quarterly and until final
 56-4    disposition of the complaint, shall notify the parties to the
 56-5    complaint of the status of the complaint unless the notice would
 56-6    jeopardize an undercover investigation.]
 56-7          [D.]  If the Commissioner proposes to suspend or revoke a
 56-8    person's registration, the person is entitled to a hearing before
 56-9    the Commissioner or a hearings officer as now or hereafter required
56-10    by law.  Proceedings for the suspension or revocation of a
56-11    registration are governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code.
56-12          C. [E.]  This section does not affect the confidentiality of
56-13    investigative records maintained by the Commissioner or Board.
56-14          SECTION 3.03. Section  23, The Securities Act (Article
56-15    581-23, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
56-16    follows:
56-19          Anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding,
56-20          A.  If it appears to the commissioner at any time that the
56-21    sale or proposed sale or method of sale of any securities, whether
56-22    exempt or not, is a fraudulent practice or would not be in
56-23    compliance with this Act or would tend to work a fraud on any
56-24    purchaser thereof or would not be fair, just or equitable to any
56-25    purchaser thereof, the commissioner may hold a hearing on a date
56-26    determined by the commissioner within 30 days after the date of
56-27    receipt of actual notice by, or notice by registered or certified
 57-1    mail to the person's last known address is given to, the issuer,
 57-2    the registrant, the person on whose behalf such securities are
 57-3    being or are to be offered, or any person acting as a dealer or
 57-4    agent in violation of this Act.  If the commissioner shall
 57-5    determine at such hearing that such sale would not be in compliance
 57-6    with the Act, is a fraudulent practice, or would tend to work a
 57-7    fraud on any purchaser thereof or would not be fair, just or
 57-8    equitable to any purchaser thereof, the commissioner may issue a
 57-9    written cease and desist order, prohibiting or suspending the sale
57-10    of such securities or denying or revoking the registration of such
57-11    securities, [or] prohibiting an unregistered person from acting as
57-12    a dealer or an agent, or prohibiting the fraudulent conduct.  No
57-13    dealer or[,] agent [or salesman] shall thereafter knowingly sell or
57-14    offer for sale any security named in such cease and desist order.
57-15          B.  The Commissioner may serve a proposed cease and desist
57-16    order on an investment adviser that the Commissioner believes is
57-17    engaging or is likely to engage in fraud or a fraudulent practice
57-18    with respect to rendering services as an investment adviser or
57-19    investment adviser representative or on a person acting as an
57-20    investment adviser or investment adviser representative in
57-21    violation of this Act.  The order must be sent by personal delivery
57-22    or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
57-23    investment adviser's, investment adviser representative's, or
57-24    unauthorized person's last known address and must state the acts or
57-25    practices alleged to be fraudulent or other specific charges.  The
57-26    Commissioner shall hold a hearing not later than the 30th day after
57-27    the date on which notice is served on the investment adviser or
 58-1    investment adviser representative.  After the hearing, the
 58-2    Commissioner shall issue or decline to issue a cease and desist
 58-3    order.  An order issued under this subsection must:
 58-4                (1)  require the investment adviser or investment
 58-5    adviser representative to immediately cease and desist from the
 58-6    fraudulent conduct; or
 58-7                (2)  prohibit an unregistered or other unauthorized
 58-8    person who is not exempt from the registration or notice filing
 58-9    requirements of this Act from acting as an investment adviser or
58-10    investment adviser representative in violation of this Act.
58-11          C.  If it appears to the Commissioner at any time that an
58-12    offer contains any statement that is materially false or misleading
58-13    or is otherwise likely to deceive the public, the Commissioner may
58-14    issue a cease publication order.  No person shall make an offer
58-15    prohibited by such cease publication order.
58-16          D. [C.]  The commissioner may, in the exercise of reasonable
58-17    discretion hereunder, at any time, require a dealer to file with
58-18    the commissioner a list of securities which he has offered for sale
58-19    or has advertised for sale within this State during the preceding
58-20    six months, or which he is at the time offering for sale or
58-21    advertising, or any portion thereof.
58-22          SECTION 3.04. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
58-23    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 23-2 to
58-24    read as follows:
58-25          Sec. 23-2.  EMERGENCY CEASE AND DESIST ORDER. A.  On the
58-26    Commissioner's determination that the conduct, act, or practice
58-27    threatens immediate and irreparable public harm, the Commissioner
 59-1    may issue an emergency cease and desist order to a person whom the
 59-2    Commissioner reasonably believes:
 59-3                (1)  is engaging in or is about to engage in fraud or a
 59-4    fraudulent practice in connection with:
 59-5                      (A)  the offer for sale or sale of a security; or
 59-6                      (B)  the rendering of services as an investment
 59-7    adviser or investment adviser representative; or
 59-8                (2)  has made an offer containing a statement that is
 59-9    materially misleading or is otherwise likely to deceive the public;
59-10    or
59-11                (3)  is engaging in an act or practice that violates
59-12    this Act or a Board rule.
59-13          B.  The order must:
59-14                (1)  be sent on issuance to each person affected by the
59-15    order by personal delivery or registered or certified mail, return
59-16    receipt requested, to the person's last known address;
59-17                (2)  state the specific charges and require the person
59-18    to immediately cease and desist from the unauthorized activity; and
59-19                (3)  contain a notice that a request for hearing may be
59-20    filed under this section.
59-21          C.  Unless a person against whom the emergency order is
59-22    directed requests a hearing in writing before the 31st day after
59-23    the date it is served on the person, the emergency order is final
59-24    and nonappealable as to that person.  A request for a hearing must:
59-25                (1)  be in writing and directed to the Commissioner;
59-26    and
59-27                (2)  state the grounds for the request to set aside or
 60-1    modify the order.
 60-2          D.  On receiving a request for a hearing, the Commissioner
 60-3    shall serve notice of the time and place of the hearing by personal
 60-4    delivery or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.
 60-5    The hearing must be held not later than the 10th day after the date
 60-6    the Commissioner receives the request for a hearing unless the
 60-7    parties agree to a later hearing date.  At the hearing, the
 60-8    Commissioner has the burden of proof and must present evidence in
 60-9    support of the order.
60-10          E.  After the hearing, the Commissioner shall affirm, modify,
60-11    or set aside in whole or part the emergency order.  An order
60-12    affirming or modifying the emergency order is immediately final for
60-13    purposes of enforcement and appeal.
60-14          F.  An emergency order continues in effect unless the order
60-15    is stayed by the Commissioner.  The Commissioner may impose any
60-16    condition before granting a stay of the order.
60-17          SECTION 3.05. Subsection A, Section 24, The Securities Act
60-18    (Article 581-24, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
60-19    as follows:
60-20          A.  If any person or company should take exception to the
60-21    action of the Commissioner under Sections 15 or 18, in failing or
60-22    refusing to register and issue certificate for a dealer or
60-23    investment adviser or evidence of registration for an investment
60-24    adviser representative or agent [salesman], under Section 23 or
60-25    23-2 in issuing an order against the sale of securities or the use
60-26    of materials therein or against the rendering of investment advice
60-27    with respect to a security, or in any other particular where this
 61-1    Act specifies no other procedure, the complaining party may request
 61-2    a hearing before the Commissioner or before a hearings officer as
 61-3    now or hereafter required by law.
 61-4          SECTION 3.06. Section 25, The Securities Act (Article 581-25,
 61-5    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 61-8    [SALESMAN]. The revocation of a dealer's or investment adviser's
 61-9    registration shall constitute a revocation of the registration of
61-10    any agent [or salesman] of the dealer or any investment adviser
61-11    representative of the investment adviser and notice of its
61-12    operation on such agent or investment adviser representative
61-13    [salesman] shall be forthwith sent by the Commissioner to each of
61-14    such agents or investment adviser representatives [salesmen].  All
61-15    registrations and evidences of registration revoked shall at once
61-16    be surrendered to the Commissioner upon request.
61-17          SECTION 3.07. Subsections A and B, Section 25-1, The
61-18    Securities Act (Article 581-25-1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
61-19    are amended to read as follows:
61-20          A.  Whenever it shall appear to the commissioner, either upon
61-21    complaint or otherwise, that:
61-22                (1)  any person or company acting as a dealer, agent,
61-23    investment adviser, investment adviser representative [salesman],
61-24    or issuer (as defined in Section 4 of this Act), or an affiliate of
61-25    a dealer, agent, investment adviser, investment adviser
61-26    representative [salesman], or issuer, whether or not required to be
61-27    registered by the commissioner as in this Act provided, shall have
 62-1    engaged in any act, transaction, practice, or course of business
 62-2    declared by Section 32 of this Act to be a fraudulent practice;
 62-3                (2)  such person or company shall have acted as a
 62-4    dealer, agent, investment adviser, investment adviser
 62-5    representative [salesman], or issuer or an affiliate of a dealer,
 62-6    agent, investment adviser, investment adviser representative
 62-7    [salesman], or issuer in connection with such fraudulent practice;
 62-8    and
 62-9                (3)  the appointment of a receiver for such person or
62-10    company, or the assets of such a person or company is necessary in
62-11    order to conserve and protect the assets of such person or company
62-12    for the benefit of customers, security holders, and other actual
62-13    and potential claimants of such person or company the commissioner
62-14    may request the attorney general to bring an action for the
62-15    appointment of a receiver for such person or company or the assets
62-16    of such person or company.
62-17          B.  Upon request by the commissioner pursuant to Subsection A
62-18    of this Section 25-1, and if it appears to the attorney general
62-19    that the facts enumerated in Paragraphs (1) through (3) of
62-20    Subsection A of this Section 25-1 exist with respect to any person
62-21    or company, the attorney general may bring an action in the name
62-22    and on behalf of the State of Texas for the appointment of a
62-23    receiver for such person or company. The facts set forth in the
62-24    petition for such relief shall be verified by the commissioner upon
62-25    information and belief.  Such action may be brought in a district
62-26    court of any county wherein the fraudulent practice complained of
62-27    has been committed in whole or part, or of any county wherein any
 63-1    defendant with respect to whom appointment of a receiver is sought
 63-2    has its principal place of business, and such district court shall
 63-3    have jurisdiction and venue of such action;  this provision shall
 63-4    be superior to any other provision of law fixing jurisdiction or
 63-5    venue with regard to suits for receivership.  In any such action
 63-6    the attorney general may apply for and on due showing be entitled
 63-7    to have issued the court's subpoena requiring the forthwith
 63-8    appearance of any defendant and his employees, investment adviser
 63-9    representatives [salesmen], or agents and the production of
63-10    documents, books, and records as may appear necessary for any
63-11    hearing, to testify and give evidence concerning matters relevant
63-12    to the appointment of a receiver.
63-13          SECTION 3.08. Section 29, The Securities Act (Article 581-29,
63-14    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
63-15          Sec. 29.  PENAL PROVISIONS. Any person who shall:
63-16                A.  Sell, offer for sale or delivery, solicit
63-17    subscriptions or orders for, dispose of, invite offers for, or who
63-18    shall deal in any other manner in any security or securities
63-19    without being a registered dealer [or salesman] or agent as in this
63-20    Act provided shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon
63-21    conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
63-22    than $5,000 or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than
63-23    two or more than 10 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
63-24                B.  Sell, offer for sale or delivery, solicit
63-25    subscriptions to and orders for, dispose of, invite orders for, or
63-26    who shall deal in any other manner in any security or securities
63-27    issued after September 6, 1955, unless said security or securities
 64-1    have been registered or granted a permit as provided in Section 7
 64-2    of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon
 64-3    conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
 64-4    than $5,000 or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than
 64-5    two or more than 10 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
 64-6                C.  In connection with the sale, offering for sale or
 64-7    delivery of, the purchase, offer to purchase, invitation of offers
 64-8    to purchase, invitations of offers to sell, or dealing in any other
 64-9    manner in any security or securities, whether or not the
64-10    transaction or security is exempt under Section 5 or 6 of this Act,
64-11    directly or indirectly:
64-12                      (1)  engage in any fraud or fraudulent practice;
64-13                      (2)  employ any device, scheme, or artifice to
64-14    defraud;
64-15                      (3)  knowingly make any untrue statement of a
64-16    material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order
64-17    to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances
64-18    under which they are made, not misleading; or
64-19                      (4)  engage in any act, practice or course of
64-20    business which operates or will operate as a fraud or deceit upon
64-21    any person, is guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be:
64-22                            (a)  imprisoned for not less than 2 or more
64-23    than 10 years and fined not more than $10,000, if the amount
64-24    involved in the offense is less than $10,000;
64-25                            (b)  imprisoned for not less than 2 or more
64-26    than 20 years and fined not more than $10,000, if the amount
64-27    involved in the offense is $10,000 or more but less than $100,000;
 65-1    or
 65-2                            (c)  imprisoned for life or for not less
 65-3    than 5 or more than 99 years and fined not more than $10,000, if
 65-4    the amount involved is $100,000 or more.
 65-5                D.  Sell or offer for sale any security or securities
 65-6    named or listed in a notice in writing given him by the
 65-7    commissioner under the authority of Section 23A or 23-2 of this Act
 65-8    shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof
 65-9    shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $5,000 or
65-10    imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, or by
65-11    both such fine and imprisonment.
65-12                E.  Knowingly make or cause to be made, in any document
65-13    filed with the commissioner or in any proceeding under this Act,
65-14    whether or not such document or proceeding relates to a transaction
65-15    or security exempt under the provisions of Sections 5 or 6 of this
65-16    Act, any statement which is, at the time and in the light of the
65-17    circumstances under which it is made, false or misleading in any
65-18    material respect shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon
65-19    conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
65-20    than $5,000 or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than
65-21    two or more than 10 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
65-22                F.  Knowingly make any false statement or
65-23    representation concerning any registration made under the
65-24    provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon
65-25    conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
65-26    than $5,000 or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than
65-27    two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
 66-1                G.  Make an offer of any security within this State
 66-2    that is not in compliance with the requirements governing offers
 66-3    set forth in Section 22 of this Act  shall be deemed guilty of a
 66-4    felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a
 66-5    fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment in the penitentiary
 66-6    for not more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
 66-7                H.  Knowingly make an offer of any security within this
 66-8    State prohibited by a cease publication order issued by the
 66-9    Commissioner under Section 23C [23B] of this Act shall be deemed
66-10    guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced
66-11    to pay a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment in the
66-12    penitentiary for not more than two years, or by both such fine and
66-13    imprisonment.
66-14          SECTION 3.09. The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
66-15    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 29-3 to
66-16    read as follows:
66-18    ASSOCIATION. A.  In this section:
66-19                (1)  "Association" and "corporation" have the meanings
66-20    assigned by Section 1.07, Penal Code.
66-21                (2)  "High managerial agent" has the meaning assigned
66-22    by Section 7.21, Penal Code.
66-23          B.  If conduct constituting an offense under Section 29 of
66-24    this Act is performed by an agent acting in behalf of a corporation
66-25    or association and within the scope of the person's office or
66-26    employment, the corporation or association is criminally
66-27    responsible for the offense only if its commission was authorized,
 67-1    requested, commanded, performed, or recklessly tolerated by:
 67-2                (1)  a majority of the governing board acting in behalf
 67-3    of the corporation or association; or
 67-4                (2)  a high managerial agent acting in behalf of the
 67-5    corporation or association and within the scope of the high
 67-6    managerial agent's  office or employment.
 67-7          C.  It is an affirmative defense to prosecution of a
 67-8    corporation or association under Subsection B of this section that
 67-9    the high managerial agent having supervisory responsibility over
67-10    the subject matter of the offense employed due diligence to prevent
67-11    its commission.
67-12          SECTION 3.10. Section 30, The Securities Act (Article 581-30,
67-13    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
67-15    AS EVIDENCE. Copies of all papers, instruments, or documents filed
67-16    in the office of the Commissioner, certified by the Commissioner,
67-17    shall be admitted to be read in evidence in all courts of law and
67-18    elsewhere in this state in all cases where the original would be
67-19    admitted in evidence; provided, that in any proceeding in the court
67-20    having jurisdiction, the court may, on cause shown, require the
67-21    production of the originals.
67-22          The Commissioner shall assume custody of all records of the
67-23    Securities Divisions within the offices of the Secretary of State
67-24    and of the Board of Insurance Commissioners, and henceforth these
67-25    prior records shall be proven under certificate of the
67-26    Commissioner.
67-27          In any prosecution, action, suit or proceeding before any of
 68-1    the several courts of this state based upon or arising out of or
 68-2    under the provisions of this Act, a certificate under the state
 68-3    seal, duly signed by the Commissioner, showing compliance or
 68-4    non-compliance with the provisions of this Act respecting
 68-5    compliance or non-compliance with the provisions of this Act by any
 68-6    dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser
 68-7    representative [salesman], shall constitute prima facie evidence of
 68-8    such compliance or of such non-compliance with the provisions of
 68-9    this Act, as the case may be, and shall be admissible in evidence
68-10    in any action at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of this
68-11    Act.
68-12          SECTION 3.11. Subsection A, Section 32, The Securities Act
68-13    (Article 581-32, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
68-14    as follows:
68-15          A.  Whenever it shall appear to the Commissioner either upon
68-16    complaint or otherwise, that in the issuance, sale, promotion,
68-17    negotiations, advertisement or distribution of any securities
68-18    within this state, including any security embraced in the
68-19    subsections of Section 6, and including any transaction exempted
68-20    under the provisions of Section 5, or that in the business of
68-21    rendering investment advice, directly or on another person's
68-22    behalf, any person or company who shall have employed or is about
68-23    to employ any device, scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain
68-24    money or property by means of any false pretense, representation or
68-25    promise, or that any such person or company shall have made, makes
68-26    or attempts to make in this state fictitious or pretended purchases
68-27    or sales of securities or shall have engaged in or is about to
 69-1    engage in any practice or transaction or course of business or
 69-2    rendering a service relating to the purchase, investment, or sale
 69-3    of securities which is in violation of law or which is fraudulent
 69-4    or which has operated or which would operate as a fraud upon the
 69-5    purchaser, any one or all of which devices, schemes, artifices,
 69-6    fictitious or pretended purchases, or sales of securities,
 69-7    practices, investment advice, transactions and courses of business
 69-8    are hereby declared to be and are hereafter referred to as
 69-9    fraudulent practices; or that any person or company is acting as
69-10    dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser
69-11    representative [salesman] within this state without being duly
69-12    registered as such dealer, agent, investment adviser, or investment
69-13    adviser representative or without submitting a notice filing
69-14    [salesman] as provided in this Act, the Commissioner and Attorney
69-15    General may investigate, and whenever he shall believe from
69-16    evidence satisfactory to him that any such person or company has
69-17    engaged in, is engaged in, or is about to be engaged in any of the
69-18    practices or transactions heretofore referred to as and declared to
69-19    be fraudulent practices, or is selling or offering for sale any
69-20    securities in violation of this Act or is acting as a dealer,
69-21    agent, investment adviser, or investment adviser representative
69-22    [salesman] without being duly registered or submitting a notice
69-23    filing as provided in this Act, the Attorney General may, on
69-24    request by the Commissioner, and in addition to any other remedies,
69-25    bring action in the name and on behalf of the State of Texas
69-26    against such person or company and any person who, with intent to
69-27    deceive or defraud or with reckless disregard for the truth or the
 70-1    law, has materially aided, is materially aiding, or is about to
 70-2    materially aid such person and any other person or persons
 70-3    heretofore concerned in or in any way participating in or about to
 70-4    participate in such fraudulent practices or acting in such
 70-5    violation of this Act, to enjoin such person or company and such
 70-6    other person or persons from continuing such fraudulent practices
 70-7    or engaging therein or doing any act or acts in furtherance thereof
 70-8    or in violation of this Act.  In any such court proceedings, the
 70-9    Attorney General may apply for and on due showing be entitled to
70-10    have issued the court's subpoena requiring the forthwith appearance
70-11    of any defendant and his employees, investment adviser
70-12    representatives, [salesmen] or agents and the production of
70-13    documents, books and records as may appear necessary for the
70-14    hearing of such petition, to testify and give evidence concerning
70-15    the acts or conduct or things complained of in such application for
70-16    injunction.  The District Court of any county, wherein it is shown
70-17    that the acts complained of have been or are about to be committed,
70-18    shall have jurisdiction of any action brought under this section,
70-19    and this provision shall be superior to any provision fixing the
70-20    jurisdiction or venue with regard to suits for injunction.  No bond
70-21    for injunction shall be required of the Commissioner or Attorney
70-22    General in any such proceeding.
70-23          SECTION 3.12. The heading of Section 33, The Securities Act
70-24    (Article 581-33, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
70-25    as follows:
 71-1          SECTION 3.13.  Subsection L, Section 33, The Securities Act
 71-2    (Article 581-33, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
 71-3    as follows:
 71-4          L.  Waivers Void.  A condition, stipulation, or provision
 71-5    binding a buyer or seller of a security or a purchaser of services
 71-6    rendered by an investment adviser or investment adviser
 71-7    representative to waive compliance with a provision of this Act or
 71-8    a rule or order or requirement hereunder is void.
 71-9          SECTION 3.14. Subsection A, Section 33, The Securities Act
71-10    (Article 581-33, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
71-11    as follows:
71-12          A.  Liability of Sellers. (1)  Registration and Related
71-13    Violations.  A person who offers or sells a security in violation
71-14    of Section 7, 9 (or a requirement of the Commissioner thereunder),
71-15    12, 23C [23B], or an order under 23A or 23-2 of this Act is liable
71-16    to the person buying the security from him, who may sue either at
71-17    law or in equity for rescission or for damages if the buyer no
71-18    longer owns the security.
71-19                (2)  Untruth or Omission.  A person who offers or sells
71-20    a security (whether or not the security or transaction is exempt
71-21    under Section 5 or 6 of this Act) by means of an untrue statement
71-22    of a material fact or an omission to state a material fact
71-23    necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the
71-24    circumstances under which they are made, not misleading, is liable
71-25    to the person buying the security from him, who may sue either at
71-26    law or in equity for rescission, or for damages if the buyer no
71-27    longer owns the security.  However, a person is not liable if he
 72-1    sustains the burden of proof that either (a) the buyer knew of the
 72-2    untruth or omission or (b) he (the offeror or seller) did not know,
 72-3    and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have known, of the
 72-4    untruth or omission.  The issuer of the security (other than a
 72-5    government issuer identified in Section 5M) is not entitled to the
 72-6    defense in clause (b) with respect to an untruth or omission (i) in
 72-7    a prospectus required in connection with a registration statement
 72-8    under Section 7A, 7B, or 7C, or (ii) in a writing prepared and
 72-9    delivered by the issuer in the sale of a security.
72-10          SECTION 3.15.  The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
72-11    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section 33-1 to
72-12    read as follows:
72-14    INVESTMENT ADVISER REPRESENTATIVE.  A.  Liability of Investment
72-15    Adviser and Investment Adviser Representative.  (1)  An investment
72-16    adviser or investment adviser representative who renders investment
72-17    advice in violation of Section 12 or an order under Section 23B or
72-18    23-2 of this Act is liable to the purchaser, who may sue at law or
72-19    in equity, for damages in the amount of any consideration paid for
72-20    that advice.
72-21                (2)  Except as provided by Subsection C of this
72-22    section, an investment adviser or investment adviser representative
72-23    who commits fraud or engages in a fraudulent practice in rendering
72-24    investment advice is liable to the purchaser, who may sue at law or
72-25    in equity, for damages.
72-26          B.  Damages.  In damages under Subsection A(2) of this
72-27    section, the purchaser is entitled to recover:
 73-1                (1)  the amount of any consideration paid for that
 73-2    advice, less the amount of any income the purchaser received from
 73-3    acting on the investment advice;
 73-4                (2)  any loss incurred by the person in acting on the
 73-5    investment advice provided by the adviser or representative;
 73-6                (3)  interest at the legal rate for judgments accruing
 73-7    from the date of the payment of consideration; and
 73-8                (4)  to the extent the court considers equitable, court
 73-9    costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
73-10          C.  Untruth or Omission.  An investment adviser or investment
73-11    adviser representative who in rendering investment advice makes a
73-12    false statement of a material fact or omits to state a material
73-13    fact necessary in order to make the statement made, in light of the
73-14    circumstances under which the statement is made, not misleading,
73-15    may not be found liable under Subsection A(2) of this section if
73-16    the adviser or representative proves:
73-17                (1)  the purchaser knew of the truth or omission; or
73-18                (2)  the adviser or representative did not know, and in
73-19    the exercise of reasonable care could not have known, of the
73-20    untruth or omission.
73-21          D.  Statute of Limitations.  (1)  A person may not sue under
73-22    Subsection A(1) of this section more than three years after the
73-23    violation occurred.
73-24                (2)  A person may not sue under Subsection A(2) of this
73-25    section more than five years after the violation occurs or more
73-26    than three years after the person knew or should have known, by the
73-27    exercise of reasonable diligence, of the occurrence of the
 74-1    violation.
 74-2          E.  Liability of Control Persons and Assistants.  (1)  A
 74-3    person who directly or indirectly controls an investment adviser is
 74-4    jointly and severally liable with the investment adviser under this
 74-5    section, and to the same extent as the investment adviser, unless
 74-6    the controlling person sustains the burden of proof that the person
 74-7    did not know, and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have
 74-8    known, of the existence of the facts by reason of which liability
 74-9    is alleged to exist.
74-10                (2)  A person who directly or indirectly with intent to
74-11    deceive or defraud or with reckless disregard for the truth or the
74-12    law materially aids an investment adviser in conduct for which a
74-13    cause of action is authorized by this section is jointly and
74-14    severally liable with the investment adviser in an action to
74-15    recover damages under this section.
74-16          SECTION 3.16. (a)  A change in law made by this Act that
74-17    applies to a criminal or civil penalty applies only to an offense
74-18    committed or a violation that occurs on or after the effective date
74-19    of this Act.  For the purposes of this Act, an offense is committed
74-20    or a violation occurs before the effective date of this Act if any
74-21    element of the offense or violation occurs before that date.
74-22          (b)  An offense committed or violation that occurs before the
74-23    effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the
74-24    offense was committed or the violation occurred, and the former law
74-25    is continued in effect for that purpose.
74-26                     ARTICLE 4.  CONFORMING AMENDMENTS
74-27          SECTION 4.01. Section 54.6385, Education Code, is amended to
 75-1    read as follows:
 75-2          Sec. 54.6385.  EXEMPTION FROM SECURITIES LAWS.  The
 75-3    registration requirements of The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et
 75-4    seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) do not apply to the sale of a
 75-5    prepaid tuition contract by the board or by a registered securities
 75-6    dealer or registered investment adviser.
 75-7          SECTION 4.02. Section 153.117(a), Finance Code, as amended by
 75-8    Chapters 62, 344, and 356, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular
 75-9    Session, 1999, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
75-10          (a)  The following persons are not required to be licensed
75-11    under this chapter:
75-12                (1)  a federally insured financial institution, as that
75-13    term is defined by Section 201.101 [as that term is defined by
75-14    state law governing bank holding companies and interstate bank
75-15    operations], that is organized under the laws of this state,
75-16    another state, or the United States;
75-17                (2)  a foreign bank branch or agency in the United
75-18    States established under the federal International Banking Act of
75-19    1978 (12 U.S.C. Section 3101 et seq.), as amended;
75-20                (3) [(2)]  a license holder under Chapter 152, except
75-21    that the license holder is required to comply with the other
75-22    provisions of this chapter to the extent the license holder engages
75-23    in currency exchange, transportation, or transmission transactions;
75-24                (4)  a person registered as a securities dealer or
75-25    investment adviser under The Securities Act (Article 581-1 et seq.,
75-26    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);
75-27                (5)  an attorney or title company that in connection
 76-1    with a real property transaction receives and disburses only
 76-2    domestic currency on behalf of a party to the transaction;
 76-3                (6)  a Federal Reserve bank;
 76-4                (7)  a clearinghouse exercising bank payment,
 76-5    collection, and clearing functions; or
 76-6                (8)  another person that the commissioner may exempt by
 76-7    rule if the commissioner finds that the licensing of the person is
 76-8    not necessary or appropriate to achieve the objectives of this
 76-9    chapter.
76-10          SECTION 4.03. Subchapter A, Chapter 182, Finance Code, is
76-11    amended by adding Section 182.0211 to read as follows:
76-12          Sec. 182.0211.  CONFORMANCE WITH SECURITIES ACT. For the
76-13    purposes of Section 182.021(7), "salesman" includes "agent" and
76-14    "adviser" includes "investment adviser."
76-15          SECTION 4.04. Section 2051.005, Occupations Code, is amended
76-16    to read as follows:
76-17          Sec. 2051.005.  CERTAIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXEMPT. This
76-18    chapter does not apply to a person who directly or indirectly
76-19    recruits or solicits an athlete to enter into a contract with the
76-20    person in which, for compensation, the person performs financial
76-21    services for the athlete if:
76-22                (1)  the person is licensed or registered by the state
76-23    as:
76-24                      (A)  a dealer, investment adviser, or agent[, or
76-25    securities salesperson];
76-26                      (B)  a real estate broker or salesperson;
76-27                      (C)  an insurance agent; or
 77-1                      (D)  another professional;
 77-2                (2)  the financial services performed by the person are
 77-3    of a type that are customarily performed by a person licensed in
 77-4    that profession; and
 77-5                (3)  the person does not:
 77-6                      (A)  recruit or solicit the athlete to enter into
 77-7    an agent contract or a professional services contract on behalf of
 77-8    the person, an affiliate, a related entity, or a third party; or
 77-9                      (B)  procure, offer, promise, or attempt to
77-10    obtain for the athlete employment with a professional sports team.
77-11          SECTION 4.05. Section 452.107(c), Transportation Code, is
77-12    amended to read as follows:
77-13          (c)  The executive committee may authorize the negotiation of
77-14    a contract without competitive sealed bids or proposals if:
77-15                (1)  the aggregate amount involved in the contract is
77-16    $25,000 or less;
77-17                (2)  the contract is for construction for which not
77-18    more than one bid or proposal is received;
77-19                (3)  the contract is for services or property for which
77-20    there is only one source or for which it is otherwise impracticable
77-21    to obtain competition;
77-22                (4)  the contract is to respond to an emergency for
77-23    which the public exigency does not permit the delay incident to the
77-24    competitive process;
77-25                (5)  the contract is for personal or professional
77-26    services or services for which competitive bidding is precluded by
77-27    law; or
 78-1                (6)  the contract, without regard to form and which may
 78-2    include bonds, notes, loan agreements, or other obligations, is for
 78-3    the purpose of borrowing money or is a part of a transaction
 78-4    relating to the borrowing of money, including:
 78-5                      (A)  a credit support agreement, such as a line
 78-6    or letter of credit or other debt guaranty;
 78-7                      (B)  a bond, note, debt sale or purchase,
 78-8    trustee, paying agent, remarketing agent, indexing agent, or
 78-9    similar agreement;
78-10                      (C)  an agreement with a securities dealer or
78-11    investment adviser, broker, or underwriter; and
78-12                      (D)  any other contract or agreement considered
78-13    by the executive committee to be appropriate or necessary in
78-14    support of the authority's financing activities.
78-15                        ARTICLE 5.  EFFECTIVE DATE
78-16          SECTION 5.01. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.