By Lucio                                               S.B. No. 319
         77R1057 QS-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Interagency
 1-3     Council for the Homeless.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Section 2306.001, Government Code, is amended to
 1-6     read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 2306.001.  PURPOSES. The purposes of the department are
 1-8     to:
 1-9                 (1)  assist local governments in:
1-10                       (A)  providing essential public services for
1-11     their residents; and
1-12                       (B)  overcoming financial, social, and
1-13     environmental problems;
1-14                 (2)  provide for the housing needs of individuals and
1-15     families of low and very low income and families of moderate
1-16     income;
1-17                 (3)  contribute to the preservation, development, and
1-18     redevelopment of neighborhoods and communities, including
1-19     cooperation in the preservation of government-assisted housing
1-20     occupied by individuals and families of very low and extremely low
1-21     income;
1-22                 (4)  assist the governor and the legislature in
1-23     coordinating federal and state programs affecting local government;
1-24     [and]
 2-1                 (5)  inform state officials and the public of the needs
 2-2     of local government; and
 2-3                 (6)  serve as the lead agency for:
 2-4                       (A)  addressing at the state level the problem of
 2-5     homelessness in this state; and
 2-6                       (B)  coordinating interagency efforts to address
 2-7     homelessness.
 2-8           SECTION 2. Section 2307.006, Government Code, is transferred
 2-9     to Subchapter K, Chapter 2306, Government Code, redesignated as
2-10     Section 2306.256, and amended to read as follows:
2-11           Sec. 2306.256 [2307.006].  TRANSITIONAL [TRANSITION] HOUSING
2-12     PILOT PROGRAM. (a)  If funds are available, the department shall
2-13     operate a transitional housing pilot program in four areas of the
2-14     state.
2-15           (b)  The program must address the needs of the homeless for:
2-16                 (1)  interim housing;
2-17                 (2)  physical and mental health services;
2-18                 (3)  literacy training;
2-19                 (4)  job training;
2-20                 (5)  family counseling;
2-21                 (6)  credit counseling;
2-22                 (7)  education services; and
2-23                 (8)  other services that will prevent homelessness.
2-24           SECTION 3. Sections 2307.001-2307.005 and 2307.008,
2-25     Government Code, are transferred to Chapter 2306, Government Code,
2-26     redesignated as Subchapter GG, and amended, and Subchapter GG,
2-27     Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by adding Sections
 3-1     2306.782, 2306.786, and 2306.787 to read as follows:
 3-3           Sec. 2306.781.  DEFINITION [2307.001. DEFINITIONS]. In this
 3-4     subchapter, "council" [chapter:]
 3-5                 [(1)  "Council"] means the Texas Interagency Council
 3-6     for the Homeless.
 3-7           Sec. 2306.782.  ADVISORY ROLE.  The Texas Interagency Council
 3-8     for the Homeless serves as an advisory committee to the department.
 3-9     The council may recommend policies to the board.  The board must
3-10     provide written justification for not accepting council
3-11     recommendations and must consider council recommendations in
3-12     preparing its low income housing plan under Section 2306.0721.
3-13                 [(2)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
3-14     Housing and Community Affairs.]
3-15           Sec. 2306.783 [2307.002].  MEMBERSHIP. (a)  The Texas
3-16     Interagency Council for the Homeless is composed of:
3-17                 (1)  one representative from each of the following
3-18     agencies, appointed by the administrative head of that agency:
3-19                       (A)  the Texas Department of Health;
3-20                       (B)  the Texas Department of Human Services;
3-21                       (C)  the Texas Department of Mental Health and
3-22     Mental Retardation;
3-23                       (D)  the Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
3-24                       (E)  the Texas Department on Aging;
3-25                       (F)  the Texas Rehabilitation Commission;
3-26                       (G)  the Texas Education Agency;
3-27                       (H)  the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
 4-1     Abuse;
 4-2                       (I)  the Department of Protective and Regulatory
 4-3     Services;
 4-4                       (J)  the Health and Human Services Commission;
 4-5                       (K)  the Texas Workforce Commission;
 4-6                       (L)  the Texas Youth Commission; and
 4-7                       (M)  the Texas Veterans Commission; [and]
 4-8                       [(N)  the workforce development division of the
 4-9     Texas Department of Commerce;]
4-10                 (2)  one representative from the office of the
4-11     comptroller appointed by the comptroller;
4-12                 (3)  two representatives from the department, one each
4-13     from the community affairs division and the housing finance
4-14     division, appointed by the director; and
4-15                 (4)  three members representing service providers to
4-16     the homeless, one each appointed by the governor, the lieutenant
4-17     governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives.
4-18           (b)  A member of the council serves at the pleasure of the
4-19     appointing official or until termination of the member's employment
4-20     with the entity the member represents.
4-21           (c)  A member of the council must have:
4-22                 (1)  administrative responsibility for programs for the
4-23     homeless or related services provided by the agency that the member
4-24     represents; and
4-25                 (2)  authority to make decisions for and commit
4-26     resources of the agency, subject to the approval of the
4-27     administrative head of the agency.
 5-1           Sec. 2306.784 [2307.003].  OPERATION OF COUNCIL. (a)  The
 5-2     members of the council shall annually elect one member to serve as
 5-3     presiding officer.
 5-4           (b)  The council shall meet at least quarterly.
 5-5           (c)  An action taken by the council must be approved by a
 5-6     majority vote of the members present.
 5-7           (d)  The council may select and use advisors.
 5-8           (e)  The department shall provide clerical and advisory
 5-9     support staff to the council.
5-10           Sec. 2306.785 [2307.004].  DUTIES OF COUNCIL. The council
5-11     shall:
5-12                 (1)  survey current resources for services for the
5-13     homeless in this state;
5-14                 (2)  initiate an evaluation of the current and future
5-15     needs for the services;
5-16                 (3)  assist in coordinating and providing statewide
5-17     services for all homeless individuals in this state;
5-18                 (4)  increase the flow of information among separate
5-19     providers and appropriate authorities;
5-20                 (5)  develop guidelines to monitor the provision of
5-21     services for the homeless and the methods of delivering those
5-22     services;
5-23                 (6)  provide technical assistance to the housing
5-24     finance division of the department in assessing the need for
5-25     housing for individuals with special needs in different localities;
5-26                 (7)  establish a central resource and information
5-27     center for the homeless in this state; and
 6-1                 (8)  ensure that local or statewide nonprofit
 6-2     organizations perform the duties under this section that the
 6-3     council is unable to perform [develop, in cooperation with the
 6-4     department and the Health and Human Services Commission, a
 6-5     strategic plan to address the needs of the homeless in this state].
 6-6           Sec. 2306.786.  DUTIES OF STATE AGENCY COUNCIL MEMBERS. (a)
 6-7     Each agency represented on the council shall report to the
 6-8     department a standard set of performance data, as determined by the
 6-9     department, on the agency's outcomes related to homelessness.
6-10           (b)  Each agency shall contribute resources to the council.
6-11           Sec. 2306.787.  PUBLIC HEARINGS. (a)  The council may hold,
6-12     throughout the state, public hearings on homelessness issues.
6-13           (b)  The department shall provide to the secretary of state
6-14     for publication in the Texas Register a notice of the hearings and
6-15     shall provide for the notice to be given in any newsletter
6-16     published by a nonprofit organization addressing the problem of
6-17     homelessness, local newspapers, and other appropriate sources.
6-18           Sec. 2306.788 [2307.005].  REPORT. The council shall submit
6-19     annually a progress report to the governing bodies of the agencies
6-20     represented on the council.
6-21           Sec. 2306.789 [2307.008].  GIFTS AND GRANTS. The council may
6-22     accept gifts and grants from a public or private source for use in
6-23     carrying out the council's duties under this subchapter [chapter].
6-24           SECTION 4. Section 2307.007, Government Code, is repealed.
6-25           SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.