1-1     By:  Ellis, et al.                                     S.B. No. 353
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed January 23, 2001; January 25, 2001,
 1-3     read first time and referred to Committee on Education;
 1-4     March 1, 2001, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; March 1, 2001,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 353                   By:  Bivins
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to certain programs to develop the technology workforce in
1-11     Texas by supporting and promoting higher education in engineering
1-12     and computer science.
1-14           SECTION 1.  Chapter 51, Education Code, is amended by adding
1-15     Subchapter V to read as follows:
1-17           Sec. 51.831.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this subchapter is to
1-18     establish programs to:
1-19                 (1)  increase the number of engineering and computer
1-20     science graduates from Texas public institutions of higher
1-21     education; and
1-22                 (2)  increase collaborative efforts between
1-23     universities, engineering and computer science departments, and
1-24     private companies in Texas.
1-25           Sec. 51.832.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
1-26                 (1)  "Account" means the technology workforce
1-27     development account.
1-28                 (2)  "Consortium" means the Texas Engineering and
1-29     Technical Consortium.
1-30                 (3)  "Coordinating board" means the Texas Higher
1-31     Education Coordinating  Board.
1-32                 (4)  "Eligible computer science institution" means a
1-33     general academic teaching institution that offers a baccalaureate
1-34     degree program in computer science.
1-35                 (5)  "Eligible engineering institution" means a general
1-36     academic teaching institution that offers a baccalaureate degree
1-37     program in engineering that is accredited by the Accreditation
1-38     Board for Engineering and Technology.
1-39                 (6)  "General academic teaching institution" has the
1-40     meaning assigned by Section 61.003.
1-42     (a)  Eligible engineering institutions, eligible computer science
1-43     institutions, and private companies as described by Subsection (b)
1-44     may establish and administer the Texas Engineering and Technical
1-45     Consortium as a resource-sharing program operated within an
1-46     eligible institution to:
1-47                 (1)  provide a forum for eligible institutions and
1-48     private companies to consolidate research grant applications and
1-49     research projects;
1-50                 (2)  strengthen instruction in engineering and computer
1-51     science;
1-52                 (3)  institute recruitment, development, and retention
1-53     programs for students in engineering and computer science programs;
1-54                 (4)  share instructional and research resources; and
1-55                 (5)  coordinate activities related to engineering and
1-56     computer science instruction, research, and public service.
1-57           (b)  The consortium must include at least one eligible
1-58     engineering institution or eligible computer science institution.
1-59     Each participant in the consortium must be:
1-60                 (1)  an eligible engineering institution;
1-61                 (2)  an eligible computer science institution; or
1-62                 (3)  a private company that contributes at least
1-63     $100,000 each year to the consortium.
1-64           (c)  At the end of each two-year period or any other period
 2-1     determined by the consortium, the consortium may transfer its
 2-2     administrative functions to another eligible institution
 2-3     participating in the consortium.
 2-4           Sec. 51.834.  CONSORTIUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  The
 2-5     consortium shall appoint an advisory committee to advise and make
 2-6     recommendations to the consortium regarding the operations and
 2-7     activities of the consortium.
 2-8           (b)  The advisory committee must include a representative of
 2-9     each consortium participant.
2-10           (c)  The advisory committee is subject to Chapter 2110,
2-11     Government Code.
2-12           Sec. 51.835.  GIFTS, GRANTS, AND DONATIONS; TECHNOLOGY
2-13     WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT.  (a)  The consortium may solicit and
2-14     accept gifts, grants, and donations of any kind and from any
2-15     source, including foundations, corporations, and institutions of
2-16     higher education, for the purpose of implementing this subchapter.
2-17           (b)  The consortium shall transfer money received under
2-18     Subsection (a), other than money retained to administer the
2-19     consortium, to the comptroller for deposit to the credit of the
2-20     technology workforce development account.
2-21           (c)  The technology workforce development account is an
2-22     account in the general revenue fund.  Money in the account may be
2-23     appropriated only for the purpose of awarding grants under this
2-24     subchapter.
2-25           (d)  The account consists of gifts, grants, and donations
2-26     deposited to the credit of the account under this section.
2-27           (e)  The coordinating board shall administer the account and
2-28     shall adopt any rules necessary to administer the account.
2-30     (a)  The legislature may appropriate money from the undedicated
2-31     portion of the general revenue fund, in addition to money from the
2-32     technology workforce development account, for the purpose of
2-33     awarding grants under this subchapter.
2-34           (b)  For a state fiscal biennium, the amount appropriated
2-35     from the undedicated portion of the general revenue fund under
2-36     Subsection (a) may not be less than the sum of:
2-37                 (1)  the amount of money deposited to the credit of the
2-38     account during that biennium under Section 51.835; and
2-39                 (2)  the market value of any in-kind contributions
2-40     accepted by the consortium during that biennium under Section
2-41     51.835, as determined by the comptroller based on information
2-42     provided to the comptroller by the consortium and verified by the
2-43     coordinating board.
2-44           (c)  Subsection (b) does not prohibit the legislature from
2-45     appropriating an amount under Subsection (a) that exceeds the
2-46     minimum matching amount computed under Subsection (b).
2-47           Sec. 51.837.  GRANT PROGRAM.  (a)  The coordinating board
2-48     shall use money appropriated under Section 51.836 to award grants
2-49     on a competitive, peer-review basis to eligible engineering
2-50     institutions and eligible computer science institutions to:
2-51                 (1)  increase the number of graduates with
2-52     baccalaureate degrees in engineering and computer science;
2-53                 (2)  increase the size of engineering and computer
2-54     science programs;
2-55                 (3)  recruit students to enter engineering and computer
2-56     science programs, including:
2-57                       (A)  students from groups or backgrounds that are
2-58     traditionally underrepresented in the fields of engineering and
2-59     computer science, including female students; and
2-60                       (B)  students from public or private junior
2-61     colleges or technical institutes;
2-62                 (4)  provide scholarships for students in engineering
2-63     and computer science programs;
2-64                 (5)  provide retention and mentoring programs for
2-65     students in engineering and computer science programs;
2-66                 (6)  provide supplemental compensation for faculty and
2-67     support personnel in engineering and computer science departments;
2-68                 (7)  provide research and laboratory equipment to
2-69     engineering and computer science departments;
 3-1                 (8)  provide for distance learning programs in
 3-2     engineering and computer science; and
 3-3                 (9)  fund other related activities.
 3-4           (b)  In awarding grants under this section, the coordinating
 3-5     board shall consider with respect to the engineering or computer
 3-6     science program of each eligible institution:
 3-7                 (1)  faculty;
 3-8                 (2)  instructional and research resources;
 3-9                 (3)  current enrollment;
3-10                 (4)  quality of curriculum;
3-11                 (5)  placement record of graduates;
3-12                 (6)  past performance in increasing graduates; and
3-13                 (7)  any other appropriate factor.
3-14           Sec. 51.838.  COORDINATING BOARD ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  To
3-15     advise the coordinating board regarding grants awarded under this
3-16     subchapter, the coordinating board shall appoint an advisory
3-17     committee consisting of the following 11 members with significant
3-18     expertise in engineering, computer science, or higher education:
3-19                 (1)  six members who are representatives of private
3-20     companies participating in the consortium; and
3-21                 (2)  five members who are representatives of higher
3-22     education.
3-23           (b)  The advisory committee is subject to Chapter 2110,
3-24     Government Code.
3-25           Sec. 51.839.  ANNUAL REPORTS.  (a)  An eligible engineering
3-26     or computer science institution that is awarded a grant under this
3-27     subchapter shall report to the coordinating board regarding the use
3-28     of that grant not later than September 1 of each year.
3-29           (b)  Not later than October 31 of each year, the coordinating
3-30     board shall provide to the governor, the legislature, and the
3-31     consortium participants a report consolidated from reports
3-32     submitted to the coordinating board by eligible institutions under
3-33     this section.
3-35     REPORTS.  (a)  To evaluate the effectiveness of the grant program
3-36     under this subchapter, the coordinating board shall appoint an
3-37     advisory committee consisting of:
3-38                 (1)  higher education representatives; and
3-39                 (2)  experts in the fields of engineering and computer
3-40     science.
3-41           (b)  The grant program evaluation committee is subject to
3-42     Chapter 2110, Government Code.
3-43           (c)  The grant program evaluation committee shall report the
3-44     results of its evaluation to the coordinating board not later than
3-45     September 1 of each even-numbered year.
3-46           (d)  The coordinating board shall report the results of the
3-47     evaluation to the governor, the legislature, and the consortium
3-48     participants not later than October 31 of each even-numbered year.
3-49           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
3-50                                  * * * * *