1-1     By:  West, et al.                                      S.B. No. 576
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed February 7, 2001; February 8, 2001,
 1-3     read first time and referred to Committee on Education;
 1-4     March 26, 2001, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; March 26, 2001,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 576             By:  Van de Putte
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the University of North Texas System and the component
1-11     institutions of that system.
1-13           SECTION 1.  Chapter 105, Education Code, is amended to read
1-14     as follows:
1-16                      SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
1-17           Sec. 105.001 [105.005].  University of North Texas System.
1-18     The University of North Texas System is composed of:
1-19                 (1)  the University of North Texas; [and]
1-20                 (2)  the University of North Texas Health Science
1-21     Center at Fort Worth; and
1-22                 (3)  the University of North Texas at Dallas.
1-23           [Sec. 105.01.  University of North Texas.  The University of
1-24     North Texas is a coeducational institution of higher education
1-25     located in the city of Denton.]
1-26           Sec. 105.002 [105.02].  Definitions.  In this chapter:
1-27                 (1)  "Board" means the board of regents of the
1-28     University of North Texas System.
1-29                 (2)  "Health Science Center" means the University of
1-30     North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth.
1-31                 (3)  "System" means the University of North Texas
1-32     System including its components and entities ["University" means
1-33     the University of North Texas].
1-35           Sec. 105.051 [105.11].  Board of Regents.  The organization,
1-36     control, and management of the University of North Texas System and
1-37     each component institution of the system is vested in a board of
1-38     nine regents appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.
1-39           Sec. 105.052 [105.12].  Term of Office; Removal; Vacancy.
1-40     The term of office of each regent is six years, with the terms
1-41     [term] of three regents expiring every two years.  Members of the
1-42     board may be removed from office for inefficiency or malfeasance of
1-43     office.  Any vacancy that occurs on the board shall be filled by
1-44     the governor for the unexpired term.
1-45           Sec. 105.053 [105.14].  Oath.  Each member of the board shall
1-46     take the constitutional oath of office before assuming the duties
1-47     of his office.
1-48           Sec. 105.054 [105.15].  Officers; Meetings.  The board shall
1-49     elect a chairman and any other officers it considers [deems]
1-50     necessary.  The chairman may convene the board when the chairman
1-51     considers [he deems] it expedient to consider any business related
1-52     to the system [university].
1-54           Sec. 105.101 [105.41].  General Powers and Duties.  (a)  The
1-55     board may direct, govern, operate, support, maintain, [shall]
1-56     manage, and control the system [university].
1-57           (b)  The board may:
1-58                 (1)  erect, equip, maintain, and repair system
1-59     [university] buildings;
1-60                 (2)  purchase libraries, furniture, equipment, fuel,
1-61     and supplies necessary to operate the system [university];
1-62                 (3)  employ and discharge personnel, including faculty,
1-63     to carry out the board's powers and duties [of the university];
1-64                 (4)  adopt rules and policies for the administration of
 2-1     the board's [its] powers and duties;
 2-2                 (5)  in accordance with the rules of the Texas Higher
 2-3     Education Coordinating Board, prescribe for each component
 2-4     institution programs and courses leading to customary degrees as
 2-5     are offered at outstanding American universities and award those
 2-6     degrees, including baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degrees
 2-7     and their equivalents;
 2-8                 (6)  establish admission standards for each component
 2-9     institution;
2-10                 (7)  perform other acts that contribute to the
2-11     development of the system [university] or to the welfare of
2-12     [university] students of component institutions; and
2-13                 (8) [(6)]  delegate a power or assign a duty of the
2-14     board to an officer, employee, or committee designated by the
2-15     board.
2-16           Sec. 105.102.  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS.  (a)  The board
2-17     shall appoint a chancellor who serves as chief executive officer of
2-18     the system.
2-19           (b)  The board shall appoint a president of each component
2-20     institution who serves as chief executive officer of the
2-21     institution.  The president of the University of North Texas Health
2-22     Science Center at Fort Worth must be a licensed physician who
2-23     possesses a doctor of osteopathy degree from an accredited college
2-24     of osteopathic medicine and must have been licensed to practice
2-25     medicine in a state of the United States for at least five years
2-26     [105.42  CONTRACTS WITH CITY FOR UTILITY SERVICES.  The board may
2-27     contract with the city of Denton for the furnishing of water and
2-28     other utility services to the university.  The rates to be charged
2-29     the university shall not exceed those regularly established,
2-30     published, and declared rates for similar customers; and if there
2-31     are no similar customers, the rates to be charged shall be those
2-32     established by the city of Denton for commercial users.  The city
2-33     may make any adjustments, discounts, and special rates that the
2-34     governing authorities of the city may see fit to provide for the
2-35     university.]
2-36           [Sec. 105.43.  ADMISSIONS, COURSES, AND DEGREES.  (a)  The
2-37     board may prescribe the number of students that may be admitted to
2-38     a course, department, school, college, or degree program under its
2-39     governance.]
2-40           [(b)  The board, with the approval of the Texas Higher
2-41     Education Coordinating Board, may prescribe courses leading to
2-42     customary degrees as are offered at leading American educational
2-43     institutions and may award those degrees and their equivalents.]
2-44           [(c)  A new department, school, or degree program may not be
2-45     instituted without the prior approval of the Texas Higher Education
2-46     Coordinating Board].
2-47           Sec. 105.103 [105.44].  Eminent Domain:  Restriction.
2-48     (a)  The board may exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire
2-49     land for the use of the system [university].
2-50           (b)  The board must exercise the power of eminent domain in
2-51     the manner provided by Chapter 21, Property Code, but the board is
2-52     not required to provide a bond for appeal or a bond for costs.
2-53           (c)  The board may not use the power of eminent domain to
2-54     acquire land that is dedicated to a public use by another
2-55     governmental entity.
2-56           Sec. 105.104 [105.45].  Donations, Gifts, Grants, and
2-57     Endowments.  (a)  From any source, including the federal
2-58     government, a municipality, a foundation, a trust fund, a
2-59     corporation, another education agency, or any other person, the
2-60     [The] board may accept donations, gifts, grants, and endowments of
2-61     money or property, real or personal, for the system [university] to
2-62     be held in trust and administered by the board for the purposes and
2-63     under the direction, limitations, and provisions declared in
2-64     writing in the donation, gift, grant, or endowment.
2-65           (b)  The donation, gift, grant, or endowment must be
2-66     consistent with the laws of this state and with the objectives and
2-67     proper management of the system [university].
2-68           Sec. 105.105 [105.46].  Funds Received for Trust Services.
2-69     (a)  The board may deposit in an appropriate system [university]
 3-1     account outside the state treasury all funds received as
 3-2     administrative fees or charges for services rendered in the
 3-3     management or administration of a trust estate under the control of
 3-4     the system [university].
 3-5           (b)  The funds under Subsection (a) [of this section] may be
 3-6     spent by the board for any educational purpose of the system
 3-7     [university].
 3-8           Sec. 105.106 [105.47].  Disbursement of Funds.  (a)  Except
 3-9     as otherwise provided by law, the board shall disburse all
3-10     appropriations to the system [university].
3-11           (b)  Except as otherwise provided by law, the board may adopt
3-12     rules for:
3-13                 (1)  the disbursal of appropriations and other funds;
3-14                 (2)  the auditing and approval of system [university]
3-15     accounts; and
3-16                 (3)  the issuance of system [university] vouchers and
3-17     warrants.
3-18           Sec. 105.107 [105.48].  SYSTEM [UNIVERSITY] PROPERTY.
3-19     (a)  The board has the sole and exclusive management and control of
3-20     system [university] lands.
3-21           (b)  The board may acquire by purchase, donation, exchange,
3-22     condemnation, or otherwise:
3-23                 (1)  land, including improvements, for the use of the
3-24     system [university]; and
3-25                 (2)  other real property that is necessary or
3-26     convenient to carry out the purposes of state-supported
3-27     institutions of higher education.
3-28           (c)  Except as otherwise provided by law, the board may sell,
3-29     exchange, lease, or dispose of any land or other real property
3-30     owned by or acquired for the board or the system [university].
3-31           [Sec. 105.49.  VENUE AND SERVICE OF PROCESS.  (a)  Except as
3-32     otherwise required by law, venue for a suit filed against the
3-33     university, the board, or officers or employees of the university
3-34     is in Denton County.]
3-35           [(b)  Service of citation and other required process must be
3-36     made on the attorney general and on an individual named by board
3-37     rule as a representative of the board.]
3-38           Sec. 105.108 [105.50].  CONTRACTS.  (a)  Except as provided
3-39     by Subsection (b) [of this section], a contract with the system
3-40     [university] must be approved by the board.
3-41           (b)  The board by rule may delegate to a representative of
3-42     the board or an employee of the system the authority to negotiate,
3-43     execute, and approve a contract with the system [university].
3-44           (c)  A contract that is not approved in accordance with this
3-45     section is void.
3-46           Sec. 105.109.  JOINT APPOINTMENTS.  The board may make joint
3-47     appointments in the component institutions of the system, with the
3-48     salary of any person who receives a joint appointment to be
3-49     apportioned to the appointing institution on the basis of services
3-50     rendered.
3-51           Sec. 105.110.  RESEARCH PARK.  (a)  The board may authorize
3-52     the establishment of a research park by one or more component
3-53     institutions of the system.
3-54           (b)  The administrator of the research park may use private
3-55     or public entities for scientific and technological research and
3-56     development in the surrounding region.  [105.51.  MENTORING
3-57     PROGRAM.  (a)  The board may establish a mentoring program at the
3-58     university.  The program may provide mentoring, tutoring, and other
3-59     resources to students at all levels of the educational system to
3-60     assist students to:]
3-61                 [(1)  succeed in their education and achieve
3-62     appropriate educational goals; and]
3-63                 [(2)  prepare for the transition from being a student
3-64     to becoming an independent adult member of society.]
3-65           [(b)  The program may recruit, train, coordinate, and support
3-66     mentors and tutors, and may provide other resources, to students in
3-67     the communities primarily served by the university who are students
3-68     at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081, or
3-69     who are otherwise in need of services to assist them in
 4-1     successfully completing their education and becoming productive
 4-2     members of the community.]
 4-3           [(c)  The board shall establish in connection with the
 4-4     program a continuing study and evaluation of mentoring activities
 4-5     and research into the best practices and methods of mentoring.]
 4-6           [(d)  Not later than January 1, 2001, and at other times
 4-7     determined by the board, the board shall prepare a report relating
 4-8     to the operation of the program.  The report shall include:]
 4-9                 [(1)  a description of the program;]
4-10                 [(2)  information relating to the students served by
4-11     the program;]
4-12                 [(3)  an analysis of the effects of the program on
4-13     student performance, including effects on drop-out rates, school
4-14     attendance, grades, performance on assessment tests, graduation
4-15     rates, and entry into higher education programs;]
4-16                 [(4)  the costs of the program and the sources of funds
4-17     used to support the program; and]
4-18                 [(5)  the board's recommendations for continuing the
4-19     program and for any changes in the law authorizing the program.]
4-20           [(e)  The board may use available institutional funds, as
4-21     defined by Section 51.009, to support the program.  The board may
4-22     solicit and accept gifts, grants, and donations from any public or
4-23     private source to support the program.]
4-25                           HISTORICAL COLLECTION]
4-26           Sec. 105.151.  MANDATORY VENUE; SERVICE OF PROCESS.
4-27     (a)  Venue for a suit filed against the system, the board, the
4-28     University of North Texas, or officers or employees of the
4-29     University of North Texas is in Denton County.
4-30           (b)  Venue for a suit filed solely against the health science
4-31     center or officers or employees of the health science center is in
4-32     Tarrant County.
4-33           (c)  Venue for a suit filed solely against the University of
4-34     North Texas at Dallas or against officers or employees of the
4-35     University of North Texas at Dallas is in Dallas County.
4-36           (d)  In case of a conflict between Subsection (a), (b), or
4-37     (c) and any other law, Subsection (a), (b), or (c) controls.
4-38           (e)  Service of citation or other required process must be
4-39     made on the attorney general and on an individual named by board
4-40     rule as a representative of the board.
4-41           (f)  This section does not waive any defense or any immunity
4-42     to suit or liability that may be asserted by an entity or other
4-43     person described by Subsection (a), (b), or (c).
4-44           Sec. 105.152.  POLICE JURISDICTION.  Campus peace officers
4-45     shall have the same jurisdiction, powers, privileges, and
4-46     immunities as specified in Section 51.203, Education Code.
4-48     AUTHORITY.  (a)  By contract between the municipality and the
4-49     component institution, the governing body of the municipality may
4-50     delegate to the institution the authority to regulate the parking
4-51     of vehicles on any public street running through or immediately
4-52     adjacent to property owned or occupied and controlled by the
4-53     institution.
4-54           (b)  The contract may authorize the component institution to
4-55     assign and regulate parking spaces for its use, to charge and
4-56     collect a fee from its personnel and students for parking, to
4-57     prohibit parking, and to charge and collect a fee for removing
4-58     vehicles parked in violation of law or ordinance or in violation of
4-59     a rule governing the parking of vehicles adopted by the board.
4-60           (c)  The contract must be approved by resolution of the board
4-61     and the governing body of the municipality.
4-62           (d)  The component institution shall have jurisdiction over
4-63     property owned or controlled by the institution to the extent that
4-64     it may:
4-65                 (1)  assign and regulate parking spaces for its use and
4-66     charge and collect appropriate fees for parking and improper
4-67     parking;
4-68                 (2)  prohibit parking where it considers necessary; and
4-69                 (3)  set and collect fees for and remove vehicles
 5-1     parked in violation of its rules and regulations or of state law.
 5-3     SECURITY PERSONNEL.  Sections 105.152 and 105.153 do not:
 5-4                 (1)  limit the police powers of the municipality or its
 5-5     law enforcement jurisdiction;
 5-6                 (2)  render a campus peace officer an employee of the
 5-7     municipality or entitle a campus peace officer to compensation from
 5-8     the municipality; or
 5-9                 (3)  restrict the power of the component institution
5-10     under other law to enforce laws, ordinances, or rules regulating
5-11     traffic or parking. [105.61  DESIGNATION.  The historical
5-12     collection of the university, consisting of books, documents,
5-13     stamps, coins, firearms, implements of warfare, relics, heirlooms,
5-14     and other items of historical importance, is designated a State
5-15     Historical Collection, to be known as "The State Historical
5-16     Collection of the University of North Texas."]
5-17           [Sec. 105.62.  GIFTS AND DONATIONS.  The board may accept and
5-18     receive gifts, donations, and collections of books, documents,
5-19     stamps, coins, firearms, implements of warfare, relics, heirlooms,
5-20     and collections of all kinds having historical importance and
5-21     value, to be used in teaching the youth of this state.]
5-22           [Sec. 105.63.  RULES AND REGULATIONS.  The board may make any
5-23     rules and regulations regarding the receiving and holding of these
5-24     gifts, donations, and collections, that it considers necessary and
5-25     advisable.]
5-27                               AT FORT WORTH]
5-28           Sec. 105.201.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "university"
5-29     means the University of North Texas.
5-30           Sec. 105.202.  UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS.  The University of
5-31     North Texas is a coeducational institution of higher education
5-32     located in the city of Denton.
5-33           Sec. 105.203.  CONTRACTS WITH CITY FOR UTILITY SERVICES.  The
5-34     board may contract with the City of Denton for the furnishing of
5-35     water and other utility services to the university.  The rates to
5-36     be charged the university may not exceed those regularly
5-37     established, published, and declared rates for similar customers.
5-38     If there are no similar customers, the rates to be charged shall be
5-39     those established by the City of Denton for commercial users.  The
5-40     city may make any adjustments, discounts, and special rates that
5-41     the governing authorities of the city may consider appropriate to
5-42     provide for the university.
5-43           Sec. 105.204.  MENTORING PROGRAM.  (a)  The board may
5-44     establish a mentoring program at the university.  The program may
5-45     provide mentoring, tutoring, and other resources to students at all
5-46     levels of the educational system to assist students to:
5-47                 (1)  succeed in their education and achieve appropriate
5-48     educational goals; and
5-49                 (2)  prepare for the transition from being a student to
5-50     becoming an independent adult member of society.
5-51           (b)  The program may recruit, train, coordinate, and support
5-52     mentors and tutors and may provide other resources to students in
5-53     the communities primarily served by the university who are students
5-54     at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081, or
5-55     who are otherwise in need of services to assist them in
5-56     successfully completing their education and becoming productive
5-57     members of the community.
5-58           (c)  The board shall establish in connection with the program
5-59     a continuing study and evaluation of mentoring activities and
5-60     research into the best practices and methods of mentoring.
5-61           (d)  At the times determined by the board, the board shall
5-62     prepare a report relating to the operation of the program.  The
5-63     report must include:
5-64                 (1)  a description of the program;
5-65                 (2)  information relating to the students served by the
5-66     program;
5-67                 (3)  an analysis of the effects of the program on
5-68     student performance, including effects on dropout rates, school
5-69     attendance, grades, performance on assessment tests, graduation
 6-1     rates, and entry into higher education programs;
 6-2                 (4)  the costs of the program and the sources of funds
 6-3     used to support the program; and
 6-4                 (5)  the board's recommendations for continuing the
 6-5     program and for any changes in the law authorizing the program.
 6-6           (e)  The board may use available institutional funds, as
 6-7     defined by Section 51.009, to support the program.  The board may
 6-8     solicit and accept gift, grants, and donations from any public or
 6-9     private source to support the program.
6-11           Sec. 105.251.  DESIGNATION.  The historical collection of the
6-12     University of North Texas, consisting of books, documents, stamps,
6-13     coins, firearms, implements of warfare, relics, heirlooms, and
6-14     other items of historical importance, is designated as a State
6-15     Historical Collection, to be known as "The State Historical
6-16     Collection of the University of North Texas."
6-17           Sec. 105.252.  GIFTS AND DONATIONS.  The board may accept and
6-18     receive gifts, donations, and collections of books, documents,
6-19     stamps, coins, firearms, implements of warfare, relics, heirlooms,
6-20     and collections of all kinds having historical importance and
6-21     value, to be used in teaching the youth of this state.
6-22           Sec. 105.253.  RULES REGARDING GIFTS AND DONATIONS.  The
6-23     board may adopt any rules regarding the receiving and holding of
6-24     these gifts, donations, and collections that it considers necessary
6-25     and advisable.  [105.71.  ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH
6-26     TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FORT  WORTH.  (a)  There is hereby
6-27     created a health science center in the city of Fort Worth to be
6-28     known as the University of North Texas Health Science Center at
6-29     Fort Worth, which consists of a college of osteopathic medicine,
6-30     and which is a separate institution and not a department, school,
6-31     or branch of the University of North Texas, but under the
6-32     direction, management, and control of the Board of Regents of the
6-33     University of North Texas.]
6-34           [(b)  The board shall have the same powers of direction,
6-35     management, and control over the health science center that it
6-36     exercises over the University of North Texas, but the board shall
6-37     act separately and independently on all matters affecting the
6-38     health science center as a separate institution.]
6-39           [(c)  The board, with the approval of the Texas Higher
6-40     Education Coordinating Board, may prescribe courses at the health
6-41     science center leading to customary degrees, diplomas, or
6-42     certificates, but may not include an M.D. degree.]
6-43           [Sec. 105.72.  LOCATION.  The board shall select a site for
6-44     the college in Tarrant County.]
6-45           [Sec. 105.73.  RULES AND REGULATIONS; COURSES.  (a)  The
6-46     board may make rules and regulations for the direction, control,
6-47     and management of the medical school which are necessary for it to
6-48     be a medical school of the highest quality.]
6-49           [(b)  The board, with the approval of the Coordinating Board,
6-50     Texas College and University System, may prescribe courses leading
6-51     to the customary degrees and certificates granted by osteopathic
6-52     medical schools.]
6-53           [Sec. 105.74.  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS.  The board of
6-54     regents of the University of North Texas may appoint a chancellor
6-55     who shall serve as chief executive officer of the University of
6-56     North Texas and the University of North Texas Health Science Center
6-57     at Fort Worth. The board of regents shall appoint a president of
6-58     the University of North Texas and a president of the University of
6-59     North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth who shall serve as
6-60     chief operating officers of each institution, respectively.  The
6-61     president of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at
6-62     Fort Worth shall be a licensed physician who possesses a doctor of
6-63     osteopathy degree from an accredited college of osteopathic
6-64     medicine and licensed to practice medicine in some state of the
6-65     United States for a minimum of five years.]
6-66           [Sec. 105.75.  TEACHING HOSPITAL; FACILITIES.  (a)  A
6-67     complete teaching hospital for the medical school shall be
6-68     furnished at no cost or expense to the state.]
6-69           [(b)  The board shall make provision for adequate physical
 7-1     facilities for use by the medical school in its teaching and
 7-2     research programs.]
 7-3           [Sec. 105.76.  JOINT APPOINTMENTS.  The board of regents is
 7-4     specifically authorized to make joint appointments in the
 7-5     university and the health science center under its governance; the
 7-6     salary of any such person who receives such joint appointment to be
 7-7     apportioned to the appointing institution on the basis of services
 7-8     rendered.]
 7-9           [Sec. 105.77.  AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ENTITIES.  The board of
7-10     regents may execute and carry out affiliation or coordinating
7-11     agreements with any other entity, school, or institution in Texas
7-12     to provide clinical, postgraduate, including internship and
7-13     residency, or other levels of medical educational work for the
7-14     medical school.]
7-15           [Sec. 105.78.  GIFTS AND GRANTS.  The board may accept and
7-16     administer grants and gifts from the federal government, and from
7-17     any foundation, trust fund, corporation, or any individual or
7-18     organization for the use and benefit of the medical school.]
7-19           [Sec. 105.79.  SUPERVISION BY COORDINATING BOARD.  The
7-20     medical school is subject to the continuing supervision of and to
7-21     the rules and regulations of the Coordinating Board, Texas College
7-22     and University System, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
7-23     61 of this code.]
7-24           [Sec. 105.80.  MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMISSION POLICIES.  The Board
7-25     of Regents shall promulgate appropriate rules and regulations
7-26     pertaining to the admission of students to the medical school which
7-27     will provide for admission of those students to its entering class
7-28     each year who are equally or as well qualified as all other
7-29     students and who have entered a contract with or received a
7-30     commitment for a stipend, grant, loan or scholarship from the State
7-31     Rural Medical Education Board.  The State Rural Medical Education
7-32     Board may contract with medical students providing for such
7-33     students to engage in a general or family practice of medicine for
7-34     not less than four years after licensing and a period of medical
7-35     residency, as determined by the rules and regulations established
7-36     by the State Rural Medical Education Board, in cities of Texas
7-37     which have a population of less than 5,000 or in rural areas, as
7-38     that term may be defined by the State Rural Medical Education
7-39     Board, and said Board is hereby given the authority to define and
7-40     from time to time redefine the term rural area, at the time the
7-41     medical practice is commenced.  This contract shall provide for a
7-42     monthly stipend of at least $100 to be granted by the State Rural
7-43     Medical Education Board to each person under contract with the
7-44     state while enrolled as a medical school student.]
7-45           [Sec. 105.81.  ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF LAND.  The
7-46     board may acquire by purchase, donation, or otherwise for the use
7-47     of the school any land or other real property necessary or
7-48     convenient for carrying out its purposes as a state-supported
7-49     institution of higher education, and may sell, exchange, lease, or
7-50     otherwise dispose of any land or other real property owned by or
7-51     acquired for the school.  The power of acquisition and disposition
7-52     is restricted to area within Tarrant County.  The proceeds from any
7-53     sale of land or other real property shall be added to the capital
7-54     funds of the school.]
7-57     (a)  Campus security personnel commissioned under Section 51.203 of
7-58     this code have concurrent jurisdiction with police officers of the
7-59     City of Denton to enforce all criminal laws, including traffic
7-60     laws, of the state and all ordinances of the city regulating
7-61     traffic on any public street running through the property of the
7-62     university and on any public street immediately adjacent to
7-63     property owned or occupied and controlled by the university.]
7-64           [(b)  The form and content of traffic citations issued for
7-65     violations of law shall be similar to the type used by the State
7-66     Highway Patrol and shall be filed in the municipal court or any
7-67     justice of the peace court with jurisdiction of the offense.]
7-68           [Sec. 105.92.  ASSISTANCE TO CITY POLICE.  (a)  The board of
7-69     regents and the city council of Denton may enter into written
 8-1     agreements, authorized by resolution of each governing body, to
 8-2     authorize the regular employed peace officers of the university to
 8-3     assist the peace officers of the city in enforcing the laws of the
 8-4     state and the ordinances of the city at any location in the city.]
 8-5           [(b)  To be valid, an agreement under Subsection (a) of this
 8-6     section must be approved by the attorney general.]
 8-7           [(c)  While acting pursuant to the agreement in Subsection
 8-8     (a) above and when such act is outside the property of the
 8-9     university or outside any public street running through, adjacent
8-10     to, or within property owned or occupied and controlled by the
8-11     university, the peace officers of the university are under the
8-12     jurisdiction and command of the chief of police of Denton.]
8-13           [(d)  Neither the state nor the university is liable for
8-14     actions of a campus police officer acting under the jurisdiction
8-15     and command of the chief of police of Denton.]
8-17     AUTHORITY.  (a)  By contract between the city and the university,
8-18     the city council of Denton may delegate to the university the
8-19     authority to regulate the parking of vehicles on any public street
8-20     running through or immediately adjacent to property owned or
8-21     occupied and controlled by the university.]
8-22           [(b)  The contract may authorize the university to assign and
8-23     regulate parking spaces for its use, to charge and collect a fee
8-24     from its personnel and students for parking, to prohibit parking,
8-25     and to charge and collect a fee for removing vehicles parked in
8-26     violation of law or ordinance or in violation of a rule governing
8-27     the parking of vehicles adopted by the board.  All parking
8-28     violations shall be filed in the Municipal Court of Denton or the
8-29     justice of the peace court having jurisdiction over the offense.]
8-30           [(c)  Before the contract is considered by the city council
8-31     or the board, the attorney general and the city attorney of Denton
8-32     shall review and either approve the contract or file written legal
8-33     objections to the contract with the chief executive officer of both
8-34     the board and the council.  The contract must be approved by
8-35     resolution of the board and the city council.]
8-36           [(d)  The university shall have jurisdiction over its
8-37     personnel and students upon property owned by the university to the
8-38     extent that it may (1) assign and regulate parking spaces for its
8-39     use and charge and collect appropriate fees for parking and
8-40     improper parking; (2) prohibit parking where it deems necessary;
8-41     (3) set and collect fees for and remove vehicles parked in
8-42     violation of its rules and regulations or the laws of the State of
8-43     Texas.]
8-44           [Sec. 105.94.  CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER.  This subchapter
8-45     does not:]
8-46                 [(1)  limit the police powers of the city or its law
8-47     enforcement jurisdiction;]
8-48                 [(2)  render a campus peace officer an employee of the
8-49     city or entitle a campus peace officer to compensation from the
8-50     city; or]
8-51                 [(3)  restrict the power of the university under other
8-52     law to enforce laws, ordinances, or rules regulating traffic or
8-53     parking.]
8-55           Sec. 105.301 [105.95].  ESTABLISHMENT; SCOPE. (a)  The Texas
8-56     Academy of Mathematics and Science is established as a division of
8-57     the University of North Texas [State University] for the following
8-58     purposes:
8-59                 (1)  to provide an enriched school for gifted and
8-60     talented high school juniors and seniors to complete their high
8-61     school education and to attend college courses for credit;
8-62                 (2)  to identify exceptionally gifted and intelligent
8-63     high school students at the junior and senior levels and offer them
8-64     a challenging education to maximize their development;
8-65                 (3)  to provide a rigorous academic program emphasizing
8-66     mathematics and science, but also including a strong and varied
8-67     humanities curriculum; and
8-68                 (4)  to reduce the shortage of mathematics and science
8-69     professionals in this state.
 9-1           (b)  The academy is a residential, coeducational institution
 9-2     for selected Texas high school students with interest and potential
 9-3     in mathematics and science under the control and management of the
 9-4     board [of regents of the university].  Faculty members of the
 9-5     university shall teach all academic classes at the academy.
 9-6           (c)  A student of the academy may attend a college course
 9-7     offered by the university and receive college credit for that
 9-8     course.
 9-9           (d)  The board [of regents of the university] shall set aside
9-10     adequate space on the university campus in Denton to be used for
9-11     the operation of the academy and to carry out the purposes of this
9-12     subchapter.
9-13           (e)  The academy is not subject to the provisions of this
9-14     code, or to the rules of the Texas Education Agency, regulating
9-15     public schools, except that:
9-16                 (1)  professional employees of the academy are entitled
9-17     to the limited liability of an employee under Section 22.051 or
9-18     22.052;
9-19                 (2)  a student's attendance at the academy satisfies
9-20     compulsory school attendance requirements; and
9-21                 (3)  for each student enrolled, the academy is entitled
9-22     to allotments from the foundation school program under Chapter 42
9-23     as if the academy were a school district, except that the academy
9-24     has a local share applied that is equivalent to the local fund
9-25     assignment of the Denton Independent School District.
9-26           Sec. 105.302 [105.96].  SUPERVISION BY ADVISORY BOARD.
9-27     (a)  In operating the academy the board shall consider the advice
9-28     of an advisory board composed of nine members.
9-29           (b)  Each of the following shall appoint one member to serve
9-30     on the advisory board:
9-31                 (1)  the chairman of the State Board of Education;
9-32                 (2)  the commissioner of higher education;
9-33                 (3)  the president of the Texas Association of School
9-34     Administrators;
9-35                 (4)  the president of the Texas Association for the
9-36     Gifted and Talented;
9-37                 (5)  the governor;
9-38                 (6)  the lieutenant governor; and
9-39                 (7)  the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.
9-40           (c)  The president of the University of North Texas [State
9-41     University] shall appoint two members to the advisory board.
9-42           (d)  A member of the advisory board serves for a term of six
9-43     years, except that the original advisory board members shall draw
9-44     by lot for terms of two, four, or six years.  If reappointed, a
9-45     member may serve for more than one term.
9-46           (e)  A member of the advisory board may not receive
9-47     compensation for the performance of duties on the advisory board,
9-48     but a member is entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary
9-49     expenses incurred in carrying out official duties from funds
9-50     appropriated for the academy.
9-51           (f)  The advisory board shall make recommendations to the
9-52     dean [director] of the academy concerning the following:
9-53                 (1)  admission criteria;
9-54                 (2)  extracurricular activities;
9-55                 (3)  programs of study;
9-56                 (4)  rules for the discipline of students and for the
9-57     management of the academy and academy programs;
9-58                 (5)  a formula of admission that ensures the admission
9-59     of students from the various geographical areas of the state; and
9-60                 (6)  acceptance of nominations for and the selection of
9-61     students to be admitted to the academy.
9-62           (g)  The advisory board shall conduct an annual evaluation of
9-63     the programs of the academy.
9-64           (h)  A rule recommended by the advisory board under
9-65     Subsection (f) [of this section] shall be consistent with the law
9-66     and, if adopted, shall be enforced by the staff and faculty of the
9-67     academy.
9-68           Sec. 105.303 [105.97].  PROGRAM AND OPERATION.  (a)  The
9-69     academy shall operate on the same fall and spring semester basis as
 10-1    the University of North Texas [university].  Full-time students of
 10-2    the academy must be enrolled for both the fall and spring
 10-3    semesters.
 10-4          (b)  In addition to academic classes, the academy may offer
 10-5    short courses, workshops, seminars, weekend instructional programs,
 10-6    summer programs, and other innovative programs.
 10-7          (c)  The pupil-teacher ratio in all regular academic classes
 10-8    at the academy may not exceed 30 students for each [per] classroom
 10-9    teacher, except that the pupil-teacher ratio may exceed that limit:
10-10                (1)  in programs provided under Subsection (b) [of this
10-11    section], in physical education courses, or in special enrichment
10-12    courses; or
10-13                (2)  if the board determines that a class with more
10-14    than 30 students for each classroom teacher would contribute to the
10-15    educational development of the students in the class.
10-16          Sec. 105.304 [105.98].  EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.  The
10-17    academy may offer any extracurricular activity that a public
10-18    secondary school could offer.  Students attending the academy may
10-19    participate in all extracurricular activities sanctioned by the
10-20    university interscholastic league.
10-21          Sec. 105.305 [105.99].  ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  Except as provided
10-22    by Subsection (b) [of this section], the academy shall admit only
10-23    high school juniors and seniors.
10-24          (b)  The academy may provide for an early admission year to
10-25    allow the admission of a student who is not yet a high school
10-26    junior if the abilities of the student warrant early entry.
10-27          Sec. 105.306 [105.100].  FUNDING.  (a)  The board [of regents
10-28    of North Texas State University] is hereby authorized to use
10-29    available funds or to enter into contracts and accept grants or
10-30    matching grants for the purpose of establishing an academy of
10-31    mathematics and science.
10-32          (b)  Any money received by the academy shall be expended to
10-33    further the functions and purposes of the academy listed in Section
10-34    105.301 [105.95 of this code].
10-35          (c)  This section does not prevent the board from accepting
10-36    federal funds or money from any corporation or other private
10-37    contributor for use in operating or providing programs to the
10-38    academy.
10-39          Sec. 105.307 [105.101].  DEAN [DIRECTOR].  (a)  The board [of
10-40    regents of North Texas State University] may appoint a dean
10-41    [director] of the academy who shall serve at the pleasure of the
10-42    board.
10-43          (b)  The dean [director] shall report to the provost of the
10-44    University of North Texas [university] and shall have a seat on the
10-45    council of deans.
10-46          (c)  The dean [director] shall prepare an annual budget for
10-47    the operation of the academy and submit the budget to the provost
10-48    of the university.
10-49          Sec. 105.308 [105.102].  LIABILITY.  (a)  The liability of
10-50    the state under Chapters 101 and 104, Civil Practice and Remedies
10-51    Code, is limited for the academy and employees assigned to the
10-52    academy and acting on behalf of the academy to the same extent that
10-53    the liability of a school district and an employee of the school
10-54    district is limited under Sections 22.051 and 22.052 of this code
10-55    and Section 101.051, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
10-56          (b)  An employee assigned to the academy is entitled to
10-57    representation by the attorney general in a civil suit based on an
10-58    action or omission of the employee in the course of the employee's
10-59    [his] employment, limits on liability, and indemnity under Chapters
10-60    [Chapter] 104 and 108, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
10-62                    HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FORT WORTH
10-64    CENTER AT FORT WORTH.  The University of North Texas Health Science
10-65    Center at Fort Worth is a coeducational institution of higher
10-66    education that consists of a college of osteopathic medicine and
10-67    other programs as prescribed by the board in accordance with the
10-68    rules of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
10-69          Sec. 105.402.  PROHIBITED DEGREES.  The board may not award
 11-1    an M.D. degree.
 11-2          Sec. 105.403.  TEACHING HOSPITAL; FACILITIES.  (a)  A
 11-3    complete teaching hospital for the health science center shall be
 11-4    furnished without cost or expense to the state.
 11-5          (b)  The board shall provide for adequate physical facilities
 11-6    for use by the health science center in its teaching and research
 11-7    programs.
 11-8          Sec. 105.404.  AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ENTITIES.  The board may
 11-9    execute and carry out affiliation or coordinating agreements with
11-10    any other entity, school, or institution in this state to provide
11-11    clinical, postgraduate, including internship and residency, or
11-12    other levels of medical educational work for the health science
11-13    center.
11-14                       SUBCHAPTER I.  UNIVERSITY OF
11-15                           NORTH TEXAS AT DALLAS
11-16          Sec. 105.451.  UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS AT DALLAS.  (a)  The
11-17    University of North Texas at Dallas is established as an
11-18    institution of higher education and component institution of the
11-19    University of North Texas System in the city of Dallas on property
11-20    designated by the board.
11-21          (b)  The board may accept gifts, grants, and donations and
11-22    may acquire land for the University of North Texas at Dallas.
11-23          (c)  The board may plan for the development of the University
11-24    of North Texas at Dallas and for the academic programs offered by
11-25    the university.
11-26          (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
11-27    the University of North Texas at Dallas may operate as a general
11-28    academic teaching institution with its own chief executive officer,
11-29    administration, and faculty only after the Texas Higher Education
11-30    Coordinating Board certifies that enrollment at the University of
11-31    North Texas System Center at Dallas has reached an enrollment
11-32    equivalent to 2,500 full-time students for one semester.  Until
11-33    that enrollment level is reached, the board may operate a system
11-34    center of the University of North Texas in the city of Dallas.
11-35          SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
11-36    a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
11-37    provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
11-38    Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
11-39    Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
11-40                                 * * * * *