By Brown                                               S.B. No. 880
         77R3586 T                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to procedural and technical corrections of the Texas
 1-3     Property Tax Code, with respect to multiple appraisals of a
 1-4     property, notices of delinquency, penalties and interest on
 1-5     deferred taxes, additional penalty on delinquent taxes against
 1-6     property that escaped taxation in previous years, definitions of
 1-7     personal property subject to seizure, notices of sale of seized
 1-8     personal property and real property, excess proceeds of tax sales,
 1-9     costs and expenses incurred in delinquent tax suits, post judgment
1-10     taxes, vacating void tax judgments and tax sales, costs of tax
1-11     sale, remedies of purchaser at void tax sale, redemptions, and
1-12     reenactment of duplicate or overlapping provisions in the Tax Code.
1-14           SECTION 1. Subsections (b) and (c), Section 25.25, Tax Code,
1-15     are amended to read as follows:
1-16           (b)  The chief appraiser may change the appraisal roll at any
1-17     time to correct a name or address, a determination of ownership, a
1-18     description of property, multiple appraisals of a property, or a
1-19     clerical error or other inaccuracy as prescribed by board rule that
1-20     does not increase the amount of tax liability.  Before the 10th day
1-21     after the end of each calendar quarter, the chief appraiser shall
1-22     submit to the appraisal review board and to the board of directors
1-23     of the appraisal district a written report of each change made
1-24     under this subsection that decreases the tax liability of the owner
 2-1     of the property.  The report must include:
 2-2                 (1)  a description of each property; and
 2-3                 (2)  the name of the owner of that property.
 2-4           (c)  [At any time before the end of five years after January
 2-5     1 of the tax year,] T[t]he appraisal review board, on motion of the
 2-6     chief appraiser or of a property owner, may direct by written order
 2-7     changes in the appraisal roll to correct:
 2-8                 (1)  clerical errors that affect a property owner's
 2-9     liability for a tax [imposed in that tax year;], or the inclusion
2-10     of property that does not exist in the form or at the location
2-11     described in the appraisal roll, if the board orders the change for
2-12     either such correction before the end of five years after January 1
2-13     of the tax year for which the correction is sought; or
2-14                 (2)  multiple appraisals of a property [in that tax
2-15     year; or] at any time.
2-16                 [(3)  the inclusion of property that does not exist in
2-17     the form or at the location described in the appraisal roll.]
2-18           SECTION 2.  Section 33.04, Tax Code, as amended by Chapter
2-19     1481, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, is
2-20     repealed.
2-21           SECTION 3.  Subsections (a) and (d) of Section 33.06, Tax
2-22     Code, are amended to read as follows:
2-23           (a)  An individual is entitled to defer or abate a suit to
2-24     collect a delinquent tax if the individual [he] is 65 years of age
2-25     or older and the tax was imposed against property that is owned and
2-26     occupied as a residence homestead by the individual [he owns and
2-27     occupies as a residence homestead the property on which the tax
 3-1     subject to the suit is delinquent].
 3-2           (d)  A tax lien remains on the property and interest
 3-3     continues to accrue during the period collection of taxes is
 3-4     deferred under [as provided by] this section.  The annual interest
 3-5     rate during the deferral period is eight percent [a year] instead
 3-6     of the rate provided by Section 33.01 [of this code].  All interest
 3-7     and penalties that accrued or were incurred or imposed under
 3-8     Sections 33.01 and 33.07 prior to the filing of an affidavit for
 3-9     deferral or prior to the date on which a judgment or order of
3-10     abatement is signed are preserved.  A penalty is not incurred under
3-11     Section 33.01 [may not be imposed] during a deferral period.  The
3-12     additional penalty provided by Section 33.07 [of this code] may be
3-13     imposed during the deferral period.  The additional penalty may be
3-14     collected only if the taxes for which collection is deferred remain
3-15     delinquent on or after the 91st day after the date the deferral
3-16     period expires. A plea of limitation, laches, or want of
3-17     prosecution does not apply against the taxing unit because of
3-18     deferral of collection as provided by this section.
3-19           SECTION 4.  Section 33.065(g), Tax Code, is amended to read
3-20     as follows:
3-21           (g)  A tax lien remains on the property and interest
3-22     continues to accrue during the period collection of delinquent
3-23     taxes is deferred under [as provided by] this section.  The annual
3-24     interest rate during the deferral period is eight percent instead
3-25     of the rate provided by Section 33.01.  All interest and penalties
3-26     that accrued or were incurred or imposed under Sections 33.01 and
3-27     33.07 of this code prior to the filing of an affidavit for deferral
 4-1     or prior to the date on which a judgment or order of abatement is
 4-2     signed are preserved.  A penalty is not incurred under Section
 4-3     33.01 [may not be imposed] on the delinquent taxes for which
 4-4     collection is deferred during a deferral period.  The additional
 4-5     penalty provided by Section 33.07 may be imposed during the
 4-6     deferral period.  The additional penalty may be collected only if
 4-7     the delinquent taxes for which collection is deferred remain
 4-8     delinquent on or after the 91st day after the date the deferral
 4-9     period expires.  A plea of limitation, laches, or want of
4-10     prosecution does not apply against the taxing unit because of
4-11     deferral of collection as provided by this section.
4-12           SECTION 5.  Section 33.08(b), Tax Code, is amended to read as
4-13     follows:
4-14           (b)  The governing body of the taxing unit or appraisal
4-15     district, in the manner required by law for official action, may
4-16     provide that taxes that become delinquent on or after June 1 under
4-17     Section 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032, or 31.04 incur an
4-18     additional penalty to defray costs of collection.  The amount of
4-19     the penalty may not exceed 15 percent of the amount of taxes,
4-20     penalty, and interest due.
4-21           SECTION 6.  Section 33.21, Tax Code, is amended by adding
4-22     Subsection (d) to read as follows:
4-23           (d)  "Personal property" as used in this subchapter and
4-24     subject to seizure  has the following meanings:
4-25                 (1)  the meaning assigned to "tangible personal
4-26     property" by Section 1.04(5) of this code;
4-27                 (2)  cash on hand;
 5-1                 (3)  notes or accounts receivable, including rents and
 5-2     royalties;
 5-3                 (4)  demand or time deposits; and
 5-4                 (5)  certificates of deposit.
 5-5           SECTION 7.  Section 33.23(c), Tax code, is amended to read as
 5-6     follows:
 5-7           (c)  After a tax warrant is issued, the collector or the
 5-8     peace officer shall take possession of the property pending its
 5-9     sale.  The person against whom a tax warrant is issued or another
5-10     person having possession of personal property of the person against
5-11     whom a tax warrant is issued shall surrender the property on
5-12     demand.  The property may be secured by the collector and the peace
5-13     officer at the premises where it is seized pending its sale or,
5-14     alternatively, it may be removed by the collector or peace officer
5-15     to some other more convenient location.  Another person having
5-16     possession of personal property of the person against whom a tax
5-17     warrant is issued and who surrenders the property on demand has no
5-18     liability to any person as a result of making the surrender.  At
5-19     the time of surrender, the collector shall furnish to the other
5-20     person a sworn receipt describing the property surrendered.  This
5-21     subsection shall not be construed so as to create any obligation on
5-22     the part of another person that exceeds, or materially differs
5-23     from, that person's obligation to the person against whom a tax
5-24     warrant is issued.
5-25           SECTION 8.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 33.25, Tax Code,
5-26     are amended to read as follows:
5-27           (a)  Except as provided by subsection (c) [After a seizure of
 6-1     personal property], the collector shall make a reasonable inquiry
 6-2     after a seizure of personal property in order to determine the
 6-3     identity and ascertain the address of any person having an interest
 6-4     in the property other than the person against whom the tax warrant
 6-5     is issued.  The collector [He] shall deliver as soon as possible a
 6-6     written notice stating the time and place of the sale and briefly
 6-7     describing the property seized to the person against whom the
 6-8     warrant is issued and to any other person the collector determines
 6-9     [he discovers] has an interest in the property and whose address is
6-10     ascertained [he ascertains].  The notice of sale shall be delivered
6-11     in a manner authorized by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
6-12           (c)  After a seizure of personal property of the character
6-13     defined under subparts (2), (3), (4), or (5) of subsection (d),
6-14     Section 33.21 of this code, the collector shall apply the seized
6-15     property toward the payment of all taxes, penalties, and interest
6-16     included in the application for warrant and all costs of seizure.
6-17           SECTION 9.  Section 33.42(c), Tax Code, is amended to read as
6-18     follows:
6-19           (c)  If a tax required by this section to be included in a
6-20     suit is omitted from the judgment in the suit, the taxing unit may
6-21     not enforce collection of the tax at a later time[.], except as
6-22     provided by Section 34.04(c)(2).
6-23           SECTION 10.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 33.48, Tax
6-24     Code, are amended to read as follows:
6-25           (a)  In addition to other costs authorized by law, a taxing
6-26     unit is entitled to recover the following costs and expenses in a
6-27     suit to collect a delinquent tax:
 7-1                 (1)  all usual court costs, including the cost of
 7-2     serving process;
 7-3                 (2)  costs of filing for record a notice of lis pendens
 7-4     against property;
 7-5                 (3)  expenses of foreclosure sale;
 7-6                 (4)  reasonable expenses that are incurred by the
 7-7     taxing unit in determining the name, identity, and location of
 7-8     necessary parties and in procuring necessary legal descriptions of
 7-9     the property on which a delinquent tax is due; [and]
7-10                 (5)  attorney's fees in the amount of 15 percent of the
7-11     total amount of taxes, penalties, and interest due the unit; and[.]
7-12                 (6)  reasonable attorney ad litem fees approved by the
7-13     court and incurred in those suits where the court orders the
7-14     appointment of an attorney to represent the interests of a
7-15     defendant served with process by means of citation by publication
7-16     or posting.
7-17           (b)  Each item specified by Subsection (a) of this section is
7-18     a charge against the property subject to foreclosure in the suit
7-19     and shall be collected out of the proceeds of the sale of the
7-20     property or, if the suit is for personal judgment, charged against
7-21     the defendant.  The item of expense specified by Subpart (4) of
7-22     Subsection (a) is a charge against the property and secured by
7-23     lien, regardless of whether a suit is pending, so long as taxes on
7-24     that property were delinquent at the time the item of expense was
7-25     incurred.  In any action brought by a taxing unit for the sole
7-26     purpose of enforcing its lien for expenses incurred under Subpart
7-27     (4), it is an affirmative defense available to the defendant that
 8-1     the amount of those expenses is unreasonable.
 8-2           SECTION 11.  Section 33.49(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
 8-3     as follows:
 8-4           (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) [of this section],
 8-5     a taxing unit is not liable in a suit to collect taxes for court
 8-6     costs, including any fees for service of process, an attorney ad
 8-7     litem, arbitration, or mediation, and may not be required to post
 8-8     security for the costs.
 8-9           SECTION 12.  Section 33.52(d), Tax Code, is amended to read
8-10     as follows:
8-11           (d)  Except as provided by Section 34.01(l), a [A] taxing
8-12     unit's claim for taxes that become delinquent after the date of the
8-13     judgment is not affected by the entry of the judgment or a tax sale
8-14     conducted under that judgment[.], and t[T]hose taxes may be
8-15     collected by any remedy provided by this title.
8-16           SECTION 13.  Section 33.56, Tax Code, is amended to read as
8-17     follows:
8-18           (a)  If, in a suit to collect a delinquent tax, a court
8-19     renders a judgment for foreclosure of a tax lien on behalf of a
8-20     taxing unit, any [the] taxing unit that was a party to the judgment
8-21     may file a petition to vacate the judgment on any one or more of
8-22     the following grounds [for]:
8-23                 (1)  failure to join a person needed for just
8-24     adjudication under the Texas rules of Civil Procedure, including a
8-25     taxing unit required to be joined under Section 33.44(a);
8-26                 (2)  failure to serve a person needed for just
8-27     adjudication under the Texas rules of Civil Procedure, including a
 9-1     taxing unit required to be joined under Section 33.44(a); [or]
 9-2                 (3)  failure of the judgment to adequately describe the
 9-3     property that is the subject of the suit[.]; or
 9-4                 (4)  the property described in the judgment was subject
 9-5     to duplicate appraisals for the tax years included in the judgment.
 9-6           (b)  The taxing unit must file the petition under the same
 9-7     cause number as the delinquent tax suit and in the same court.
 9-8           (c)  The taxing unit may not file a petition if a tax sale of
 9-9     the property has occurred unless:
9-10                 (1)  the tax sale has been vacated by an order of a
9-11     court; [or]
9-12                 (2)  the property was bid off to a [sold to the] taxing
9-13     unit under Section 34.01(j) [34.01(c)] and has not been resold[.];
9-14     or
9-15                 (3)  the tax sale or resale purchaser, or the
9-16     purchaser's heirs, successors or assigns, consents to the petition.
9-17     Consent may be shown by:
9-18                             (i)  a written memorandum signed by the
9-19     purchaser and filed with the court;
9-20                             (ii)  the purchaser's joinder in the taxing
9-21     unit's petition;
9-22                             (iii)  a statement in open court on the
9-23     record in a hearing on the petition; or
9-24                             (iv)  the purchaser's signature of approval
9-25     to an agreed order to grant the petition.
9-26           (d)  A copy of the petition must be served, in a manner
9-27     authorized by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, on each
 10-1    party to the delinquent tax suit.
 10-2          (e)  If the court grants the petition, the court shall enter
 10-3    an order providing that:
 10-4                            (i)  the judgment, any tax sale based under
 10-5    that judgment and, if applicable, any resale are [is] vacated;
 10-6                            (ii)  the tax deed and, if applicable, any
 10-7    resale deed, are cancelled;
 10-8                            (iii)  [and] the delinquent tax suit is
 10-9    revived; and
10-10                            (iv)  except in cases where the judgment is
10-11    vacated under Subsection (a)(4), the taxes, penalties, interest,
10-12    attorney's fees and costs, together with the liens securing same,
10-13    are reinstated.
10-14          SECTION 14.  Subsections (b),(l),(m),(o),(p), and (r) of
10-15    Section 34.01, Tax Code, are amended to read as follows:
10-16          (b)  On receipt of an order of sale of real property, the
10-17    officer charged with selling the property shall endorse on the
10-18    order the date and exact time when the officer received the order.
10-19    The endorsement is a levy on the property without necessity for
10-20    going upon the ground.  The officer shall calculate the total
10-21    amount due under the judgment, including all taxes, penalties, and
10-22    interest, plus any other amount awarded by the judgment, court
10-23    costs, and the costs of the sale.[,] Costs of the sale includes
10-24    [including] the costs of advertising, an additional amount not to
10-25    exceed $40.00 incurred in any physical inspection of the property,
10-26    and deed recording fees anticipated by the sale of the property.
10-27    To assist the officer in making the calculation, the collector of
 11-1    any taxing unit that is party to the judgment may provide the
 11-2    officer with a certified tax statement showing the amount of the
 11-3    taxes included in the judgment that remain due that taxing unit,
 11-4    including all penalties, interest and attorney's fees provided by
 11-5    the judgment as of the date of the proposed sale.  If a certified
 11-6    tax statement is provided to the officer, the officer shall rely on
 11-7    the amount included in the statement and is not responsible or
 11-8    liable for the accuracy of that [the] applicable portion of the
 11-9    calculation.  A certified tax statement given under this subsection
11-10    need not be sworn and is sufficient so long as it is signed by the
11-11    tax collector or the collector's deputy.
11-12          (l)  All of a taxing unit's existing liens of any character
11-13    that are not included and foreclosed in a tax foreclosure judgment
11-14    or that attach to the foreclosed property after the signing of the
11-15    judgment are extinguished as to that property, and the taxes or
11-16    other claims secured by those liens are cancelled and forever
11-17    barred, if:
11-18                (1)  the taxing unit established its delinquent tax
11-19    liens as a participant in the judgment, and
11-20                (2)  the property is bid off to a taxing unit under
11-21    Subsection (j) or (o).
11-22          [Notwithstanding that property is bid off to a taxing unit
11-23    under this section, a taxing unit that established a tax lien in
11-24    the suit may continue to enforce collection of any amount for which
11-25    a former owner of the property is liable to the taxing unit,
11-26    including any post judgment taxes, penalties, and interest, in any
11-27    other manner provided by law.]
 12-1          (m)  The officer making the sale shall prepare a deed to the
 12-2    purchaser of real property at the sale, to any other person whom
 12-3    the purchaser may specify, or to the taxing unit to which the
 12-4    property was bid off.  The taxing unit that requested the order of
 12-5    sale may elect to prepare a deed for execution by the officer[.],
 12-6    in which case the officer shall execute that deed.  As soon as
 12-7    practicable after execution, [T]the officer shall [execute the deed
 12-8    and] either file the deed for recording with the county clerk or
 12-9    deliver the executed deed to the taxing unit that requested the
12-10    order of sale, which shall file the deed for recording with the
12-11    county clerk.  The county clerk shall file and record each deed
12-12    filed under this subsection and after recording shall return the
12-13    deed to the grantee.
12-14          (o)  If a bid sufficient to pay the lesser of the amounts
12-15    specified under Subsection (p) is not received [Notwithstanding
12-16    Subsection (j), if a sufficient bid is not received], the officer
12-17    making the sale may bid off property seized under Subchapter E,
12-18    Chapter 33, to a person described by Section 11.181 or 11.20 for
12-19    less than the lesser of those amounts [tax warrant amount or the
12-20    market value of the property].  Consent to the sale by the taxing
12-21    units entitled to receive proceeds of the sale is not required.
12-22    The acceptance of a bid by the officer under this Subsection is
12-23    conclusive and binding on the question of its sufficiency.  An
12-24    action to set aside the sale on the grounds that the bid is
12-25    insufficient may not be sustained in court, except that a taxing
12-26    unit that participates in distribution of proceeds of the sale may
12-27    file an action before the first anniversary of the date of the sale
 13-1    to set aside the sale on the grounds of fraud or collusion between
 13-2    the officer making the sale and the purchaser.
 13-3          (p)  Except as provided by Subsection (o), property seized
 13-4    under Subchapter E, Chapter 33, may not be sold for an amount that
 13-5    is less than the lesser of the market value of the property as
 13-6    specified in the warrant or the total amount of taxes, penalties,
 13-7    interest, costs, and other claims for which the warrant was issued
 13-8    [due on the property]. If a sufficient bid is not received by the
 13-9    officer making the sale, the officer shall bid the property off to
13-10    a taxing unit in the same manner and subject to the same provisions
13-11    as specified in Subsection (j). A taxing unit that takes title to
13-12    property under this Subsection [seized under that subchapter] takes
13-13    title [to the property] for the use and benefit of that taxing unit
13-14    and all other taxing units that established tax liens in the suit
13-15    or that, on the date of the seizure, were owed delinquent taxes on
13-16    the property.
13-17          (r)  A sale of real property under this section must take
13-18    place at the county courthouse in the county in which the land is
13-19    located. The commissioners court may designate the area at the
13-20    county courthouse where sales under this section are to take place
13-21    and shall record any such designation in the real property records
13-22    of the county. All sales must occur in the designated area. If no
13-23    area is designated by the commissioners court under this section,
13-24    t[T]he sale shall occur in the same area [location] in the
13-25    courthouse that is designated by the commissioners court of the
13-26    county for the sale of real property under Section 51.002, Property
13-27    Code.
 14-1          SECTION 15. Section 34.015, Tax Code, as amended by Chapters
 14-2    181 and 817, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999,
 14-3    is reenacted to read as follows:
 14-4          (a)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter,
 14-5    the governing body of a municipality may provide for the manner in
 14-6    which any land acquired by the municipality may be sold if the land
 14-7    is sold to:
 14-8                (1)  a nonprofit organization that develops housing for
 14-9    low income individuals and families as a primary activity to
14-10    promote community-based revitalization of the municipality;
14-11                (2)  a nonprofit corporation described by 26 U.S.C.
14-12    Section 501(c)(3) that:
14-13                      (A)  has been incorporated in this state for at
14-14    least one year;
14-15                      (B)  has a corporate purpose to develop
14-16    affordable housing that is stated in its articles of incorporation,
14-17    bylaws, or charter;
14-18                      (C)  has at least one-fourth of its board of
14-19    directors residing in the municipality; and
14-20                      (D)  engages primarily in the building, repair,
14-21    rental, or sale of housing for low income individuals and families;
14-22    or
14-23                (3)  a religious organization that:
14-24                      (A)  owns other property located in the
14-25    municipality that is exempt from taxation under Section 11.20; and
14-26                      (B)  has entered into a written agreement with
14-27    the municipality regarding the revitalization of the land.
 15-1          (b)  A municipality operating under this section may be
 15-2    ordinance determine the individuals and families who qualify as low
 15-3    income individuals and families under Subsection (a)(1) or (2). In
 15-4    adopting an ordinance under this subsection, the municipality shall
 15-5    consider median income of individuals and median family income in
 15-6    the area.
 15-7          SECTION 16. Section 34.04, Tax Code, as amended by Chapters
 15-8    1185 and 1481, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999,
 15-9    is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
15-10          (a)  A person, including a taxing unit, may file a petition
15-11    in the court that ordered the seizure or sale setting forth a claim
15-12    to the excess proceeds. The petition must be filed before the
15-13    second anniversary of the date of the sale of the property. The
15-14    petition is not required to be filed as an original suit separate
15-15    from the underlying suit for seizure of the property or foreclosure
15-16    of a tax lien on the property but may be filed under the cause
15-17    number of the underlying suit.
15-18          (b)  A copy of the petition shall be served, in the manner
15-19    prescribed by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended,
15-20    or that rule's successor, on all parties to the underlying action
15-21    not later than the 20th day before the date set for a hearing on
15-22    the petition.
15-23          (c)  At the hearing the court shall order that the proceeds
15-24    be paid according to the following priorities to each party that
15-25    establishes its claim to the proceeds:
15-26                (1)  to the tax sale purchaser if the tax sale has been
15-27    adjudged void and the purchaser has prevailed in an action against
 16-1    the taxing units under Section 34.07(d) by final judgment;
 16-2                (2) [(1)]  to a taxing unit for any taxes, penalties,
 16-3    or interest that have become due or delinquent on the subject
 16-4    property subsequent to the date of the judgment or that were
 16-5    omitted from the judgment by accident or mistake;
 16-6                (3) [(2)]  to any other lienholder, consensual or
 16-7    otherwise, for the amount due under a lien, in accordance with the
 16-8    priorities established by applicable law;
 16-9                (4) [(3)]  to a taxing unit for any unpaid taxes,
16-10    penalties, interest, or other amounts adjudged due under the
16-11    judgment that were not satisfied from the proceeds from the tax
16-12    sale; and
16-13                (5) [(4)]  to each owner of the property.
16-14          SECTION 17. Subsections (d) and (e) of Section 34.05, Tax
16-15    Code, are amended to read as follows:
16-16          (d)  Except as provided by this subsection, all public sales
16-17    requested as provided by Subsection (c) shall be conducted in the
16-18    manner prescribed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure for the
16-19    sale of property under execution. The notice of the sale must
16-20    contain a description of the property to be sold, the sufficiency
16-21    of which is met if the description is stated in the manner provided
16-22    by Section 34.01(f) [which must be a legal description in the case
16-23    of real property], the number and style of the suit under which the
16-24    property was sold at the tax foreclosure sale, and the date of the
16-25    tax foreclosure sale. If the commissioners court of a county by
16-26    order specifies the date or time at which or location in the county
16-27    where a public sale requested under Subsection (c) shall be
 17-1    conducted, the sale shall be conducted on the date and at the time
 17-2    and location specified in the order. The acceptance of a bid by the
 17-3    officer conducting the sale is conclusive and binding on the
 17-4    question of its sufficiency. An action to set aside the sale on the
 17-5    grounds that the bid is insufficient may not be sustained in court,
 17-6    except that a taxing unit that participates in distribution of
 17-7    proceeds of the sale may file an action before the first
 17-8    anniversary of the date of the sale to set aside the sale on the
 17-9    grounds of fraud or collusion between the officer making the sale
17-10    and the purchaser. On conclusion of the sale, the officer making
17-11    the sale shall prepare a deed to the purchaser. The taxing unit
17-12    that requested the sale may elect to prepare a deed for execution
17-13    by the officer[.], in which case the officer shall execute that
17-14    deed. As soon as practicable after execution, [T]the officer shall
17-15    [execute the deed and] either file the deed for recording with the
17-16    county clerk or deliver the executed deed to the taxing unit that
17-17    requested the sale, which shall file the deed for recording with
17-18    the county clerk. The county clerk shall file and record each deed
17-19    under this subsection and after recording shall return the deed to
17-20    the grantee.
17-21          (e)  The presiding officer of a taxing unit selling real
17-22    property pursuant to subsections (h) or (i) of this Section,
17-23    Section 34.015, or Section 34.051, or the sheriff or constable
17-24    selling real property pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of [to]
17-25    this S[s]ection shall execute a deed to the property conveying to
17-26    the purchaser the right, title, and interest acquired or held by
17-27    each taxing unit that was a party to the judgment foreclosing tax
 18-1    liens on the property. The conveyance shall be made subject to any
 18-2    remaining right of redemption at the time of the sale.
 18-3          SECTION 18. Section 34.051(b), Tax Code, is amended to read
 18-4    as follows:
 18-5          (b)  Any taxing unit may enter into an interlocal agreement
 18-6    with the municipality for the resale of tax foreclosed properties
 18-7    to be used for a purpose consistent with the municipality's urban
 18-8    redevelopment plans or the municipality's affordable housing
 18-9    policy. If the tax foreclosed property is resold pursuant to this
18-10    section to be used for a purpose consistent with the municipality's
18-11    urban redevelopment plan or affordable housing policy, the deed of
18-12    conveyance must refer to or set forth the applicable terms of the
18-13    urban redevelopment plan or the affordable housing policy. Any such
18-14    interlocal agreement should include the following:
18-15                (1)  a general statement of the goals of the
18-16    municipality's urban redevelopment plans or its policy regarding
18-17    affordable housing;
18-18                (2)  a statement that the interlocal agreement concerns
18-19    only tax foreclosed property that is either vacant or distressed
18-20    and has a tax delinquency of six or more years;
18-21                (3)  a statement that the properties will be used only
18-22    for a purpose consistent with an urban redevelopment plan or an
18-23    affordable housing policy that is primarily aimed at providing
18-24    housing for families of low or moderate income;
18-25                (4)  a statement that the principal goal of the
18-26    interlocal agreement is to provide an efficient mechanism for
18-27    returning deteriorated or unproductive properties to the tax rolls,
 19-1    enhancing the value of ownership to the surrounding properties, and
 19-2    improving the safety and quality of life in deteriorating
 19-3    neighborhoods; and
 19-4                (5)  a provision that all properties are sold subject
 19-5    to any right of redemption.
 19-6          SECTION 19. Section 34.07, Tax Code, is amended by amending
 19-7    Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
 19-8          (d)  In lieu of pursuing the subrogation rights provided by
 19-9    this section to which a purchaser is subrogated, a purchaser at a
19-10    void tax sale or tax resale may elect to file an action against the
19-11    taxing units to which [the] proceeds of the sale were distributed
19-12    to recover an amount from each taxing unit equal to the
19-13    distribution of taxes, penalties, interest, and attorney's fees it
19-14    received. [the amount paid at the sale].  In a suit filed under
19-15    this subsection, the purchaser may include a claim for, and is
19-16    entitled to recover, any excess proceeds of the sale that remain on
19-17    deposit in the registry of the court or, alternatively, have
19-18    judgment against any party to whom the excess proceeds have been
19-19    distributed.  A purchaser who files a suit authorized by this
19-20    subsection waives all right of subrogation otherwise provided by
19-21    this section.  This subsection applies only to an original
19-22    purchaser at a tax sale or resale and who has not subsequently sold
19-23    the property to another person.
19-24          (f)  A suit against the taxing units under Subsection (d) may
19-25    not be maintained unless the action is instituted before the first
19-26    anniversary of the date of sale or resale.  As used in this
19-27    subsection, the "date of sale" means the first Tuesday of the month
 20-1    on which the sheriff or constable conducted the sale under Section
 20-2    34.01, and the "date of resale" means the date on which the
 20-3    grantor's acknowledgment was taken or, if multiple grantors, the
 20-4    latest date of acknowledgment of the various grantors as shown in
 20-5    the deed.
 20-6          SECTION 20. Section 34.21(b), Tax Code, is amended to read as
 20-7    follows:
 20-8          (b)  If property that was used as the owner's residence
 20-9    homestead or was land designated for agricultural use when the suit
20-10    or the application for the warrant was filed is bid off to a taxing
20-11    unit under Section 34.01(j) or 34.01(p) and has not been resold by
20-12    the taxing unit, the owner having a right of redemption may redeem
20-13    the property on or before the second anniversary of  the date on
20-14    which the deed of the taxing unit is filed for record by paying the
20-15    taxing unit:
20-16                (1)  the lesser of the amount of the judgment against
20-17    the property or the market value of the property as specified in
20-18    that judgment, plus the amount of the fee for filing the taxing
20-19    unit's deed and the amount spent by the taxing unit as costs on the
20-20    property[.], if the property was judicially foreclosed and bid off
20-21    to the taxing unit under Section 34.01(j), or
20-22                (2)  the lesser of the amount of taxes, penalties,
20-23    interest, and costs for which the warrant was issued or the market
20-24    value of the property as specified in the warrant, plus the amount
20-25    of the fee for filing the taxing unit's deed and the amount spent
20-26    by the taxing unit as costs on the property, if the property was
20-27    seized under Subchapter E, Chapter 33 and bid off to the taxing
 21-1    unit under Section 34.01(p).
 21-2          SECTION 21. Section 42.02, Tax Code, is amended to read as
 21-3    follows:
 21-4          Upon written approval of the local appraisal district board
 21-5    of directors, t(T)he chief appraiser is entitled to appeal an order
 21-6    of the appraisal review board determining:
 21-7                (1)  a taxpayer protest as provided by Subchapter C,
 21-8    Chapter 41 [of this code if he has written approval of the local
 21-9    appraisal district board of directors to appeal] or;
21-10                (2)  a taxpayer's motion filed under Section 25.25 to
21-11    change the appraisal roll.
21-12          SECTION 22. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
21-13          SECTION 23. Except as to delinquent tax suits pending before
21-14    the effective date of this Act, the change in law made by SECTION 2
21-15    of this Act applies to all taxes remaining delinquent on the
21-16    effective date of this Act and that become delinquent thereafter;
21-17    and penalties and interest on a delinquent tax are not cancelled
21-18    under Section 33.04, Tax Code, for failure to deliver any notice
21-19    under that section as it existed in its various forms before the
21-20    effective date of this Act.  A delinquent tax subject of a
21-21    collection suit filed before the effective date of this Act is
21-22    governed by Section 33.04, Tax Code, as it existed immediately
21-23    before the effective date of this Act, and that version of Section
21-24    33.04 is continued in effect for that purpose.
21-25          SECTION 24. The change in law made by SECTIONS 3 and 4 of
21-26    this Act applies to penalties and interest accrued before, on or
21-27    after the effective date of this Act on taxes subject to deferral
 22-1    under Sections 33.06 and 33.065, Tax Code, without regard to
 22-2    whether the deferral period began before, or begins on or after,
 22-3    the effective date.
 22-4          SECTION 25. The change in law made by SECTIONS 6, 7 and 8 of
 22-5    this Act applies to all cases in which the application for tax
 22-6    warrant was filed on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
 22-7    case in which the application for tax warrant was filed before the
 22-8    effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect before
 22-9    the effective date, and the prior law is continued in effect for
22-10    that purpose.
22-11          SECTION 26. The change in law made by SECTIONS 9 and 16 of
22-12    this Act applies to the disposition of excess proceeds from a
22-13    property tax foreclosure or a summary  sale of seized property
22-14    regardless of the date on which the judgment was rendered,  the tax
22-15    sale was conducted, or the deposit of proceeds with the court was
22-16    made.
22-17          SECTION 27. The change in law made by SECTIONS 10 and 11 of
22-18    this Act applies to all suits filed before, on, or after the
22-19    effective date of this Act, and to judgments on the merits entered
22-20    on or after the effective date of this Act.
22-21          SECTION 28. The change in law made by SECTION 13 of this Act
22-22    applies to all tax foreclosure judgments rendered before, on, or
22-23    after the effective date of this Act.
22-24          SECTION 29. The change in law made to Subsections (b), (m),
22-25    (o), (p), and (r), Section 34.01, Tax Code, under SECTION 14 of
22-26    this Act applies to all tax sales conducted on or after the
22-27    effective date of this Act, whether the judgment on which the sale
 23-1    is based was entered before, on, or after the effective date.  The
 23-2    change in law made to Section 34.01(l), Tax Code, under SECTION 14
 23-3    of this Act applies only to those taxes and claims, together with
 23-4    the liens securing same, that remain unpaid on or after the
 23-5    effective date of this Act and that are cancelled or extinguished
 23-6    under Section 34.01(l) as amended by this Act, regardless of the
 23-7    date on which the tax sale was conducted.  For purposes of this
 23-8    section, the date on which a tax sale was conducted is considered
 23-9    to be the first Tuesday of the month in which the public auction
23-10    sale occurs.
23-11          SECTION 30. The change in law made by SECTION 17 of this Act
23-12    applies to any resale of property conducted on or after the
23-13    effective date of this Act, based on a judgment signed before, on,
23-14    or after that effective date.  For purposes of this section, the
23-15    date on which a resale is conducted is considered to be the date on
23-16    which a public auction sale occurs under Section 34.05(c), Tax
23-17    Code, or, in the case of a sale under Section 34.015, Section
23-18    34.051, or Subsections (h) or (i) of Section 34.05, Tax Code, the
23-19    date on which the grantor's acknowledgment was taken or, if
23-20    multiple grantors, the latest date of acknowledgment of the various
23-21    grantors.
23-22          SECTION 31. The change in law made by SECTION 19 of this Act
23-23    applies to any resale of property based on an original tax sale
23-24    conducted before, on, or after the effective date of this Act, and
23-25    applies to a suit by a purchaser filed on or after the effective
23-26    date of this Act.  A suit filed by a purchaser before the effective
23-27    date of this Act is governed by the law in effect before the
 24-1    effective date, and the prior law is continued in effect for that
 24-2    purpose.
 24-3          SECTION 32. The change in law made by SECTION 20 of this Act
 24-4    applies to any redemption of property sold for taxes under a
 24-5    judgment rendered or tax warrant issued before, on or after the
 24-6    effective date of this Act.