1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to motor vehicle size and weight limitations and to the
 1-3     operation of commercial motor vehicles; providing penalties.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 521.242, Transportation Code, is amended
 1-6     by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
 1-7     follows:
 1-8           (b)  A person may apply for an occupational license by filing
 1-9     a verified petition only with the clerk of the county court or
1-10     district court in which the person was convicted if:
1-11                 (1)  the person's license has been automatically
1-12     suspended or canceled under this chapter [or Chapter 522] for a
1-13     conviction of an offense under the laws of this state; and
1-14                 (2)  the person has not been issued, in the 10 years
1-15     preceding the date of the filing of the petition, more than one
1-16     occupational license after a conviction under the laws of this
1-17     state.
1-18           (f)  A court may not grant an occupational license for the
1-19     operation of a commercial motor vehicle to which Chapter 522
1-20     applies.
1-21           SECTION 2.  Subdivisions (12), (23), and (25), Section
1-22     522.003, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
1-23                 (12)  "Driver's license" has the meaning assigned by
1-24     Section 521.001 [means a license issued by a state to an individual
1-25     that authorizes the individual to drive a motor vehicle].
 2-1                 (23)  "Out-of-service order" means:
 2-2                       (A)  a temporary prohibition against driving a
 2-3     commercial motor vehicle issued under Section 522.101, the law of
 2-4     another state, or 49 C.F.R. Section 383.5; or
 2-5                       (B)  a declaration by the Federal Motor Carrier
 2-6     Safety Administration [highway administration] or an authorized
 2-7     enforcement officer of a state or local jurisdiction that a driver,
 2-8     commercial motor vehicle, or motor carrier operation is out of
 2-9     service under 49 C.F.R. Section 383.5.
2-10                 (25)  "Serious traffic violation" means a conviction
2-11     arising from the driving of a commercial motor vehicle, other than
2-12     a parking, vehicle weight, or vehicle defect violation, for:
2-13                       (A)  excessive speeding, involving a single
2-14     charge of driving 15 miles per hour or more above the posted speed
2-15     limit;
2-16                       (B)  reckless driving, as defined by state or
2-17     local law;
2-18                       (C)  a violation of a state or local law related
2-19     to motor vehicle traffic control, including a law regulating the
2-20     operation of vehicles on highways, arising in connection with a
2-21     fatal accident;
2-22                       (D)  improper or erratic traffic lane change;
2-23     [or]
2-24                       (E)  following the vehicle ahead too closely; or
2-25                       (F)  operating a commercial motor vehicle in
2-26     violation of Section 522.011 or 522.015.
 3-1           SECTION 3.  Section 522.011, Transportation Code, is amended
 3-2     by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
 3-3           (d)  It is a defense to prosecution under Subsection
 3-4     (a)(1)(A) if the person charged produces in court a commercial
 3-5     driver's license that:
 3-6                 (1)  was issued to the person;
 3-7                 (2)  is appropriate for the class of vehicle being
 3-8     driven; and
 3-9                 (3)  was valid when the offense was committed.
3-10           SECTION 4.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section 522.012,
3-11     Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
3-12           (b)  In granting a waiver under this section, the department
3-13     is subject to any condition or requirement established for the
3-14     waiver by the secretary or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
3-15     Administration [highway administration].
3-16           (c)  In addition to any restriction or limitation imposed by
3-17     this chapter or the department, a restricted commercial driver's
3-18     license issued under this section is subject to any restriction or
3-19     limitation imposed by the secretary or the Federal Motor Carrier
3-20     Safety Administration [highway administration].
3-21           (d)  In this section, "farm-related service industry" has the
3-22     meaning assigned by the secretary or the Federal Motor Carrier
3-23     Safety Administration [highway administration] under the federal
3-24     act.
3-25           SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Section 522.021, Transportation
3-26     Code, is amended to read as follows:
 4-1           (a)  An application for a commercial driver's license or
 4-2     commercial driver learner's permit must include:
 4-3                 (1)  the full name and current residence and mailing
 4-4     address of the applicant;
 4-5                 (2)  a physical description of the applicant, including
 4-6     sex, height, and eye color;
 4-7                 (3)  the applicant's date of birth;
 4-8                 (4)  the applicant's social security number, unless the
 4-9     application is for a nonresident commercial driver's license and
4-10     the applicant is a resident of a foreign jurisdiction;
4-11                 (5)  certifications, including those required by 49
4-12     C.F.R. Section 383.71(a); and
4-13                 (6)  any other information required by the department.
4-14           SECTION 6.  Subsection (a), Section 522.042, Transportation
4-15     Code, is amended to read as follows:
4-16           (a)  The department may issue a commercial driver's license
4-17     with endorsements:
4-18                 (1)  authorizing the driving of a vehicle transporting
4-19     hazardous materials;
4-20                 (2)  authorizing the towing of a double or triple
4-21     trailer or a trailer over a specified weight;
4-22                 (3)  authorizing the driving of a vehicle carrying
4-23     passengers;
4-24                 (4)  authorizing the driving of a tank vehicle; [or]
4-25                 (5)  representing a combination of hazardous materials
4-26     and tank vehicle endorsements; or
 5-1                 (6)  authorizing the driving of a school bus, as
 5-2     defined by Section 541.201.
 5-3           SECTION 7.  Subsection (a), Section 522.062, Transportation
 5-4     Code, is amended to read as follows:
 5-5           (a)  If [Not later than the 10th day after the date the
 5-6     department receives a report of a conviction of] a person holds a
 5-7     commercial driver's license issued by [who has a domicile in]
 5-8     another state and is finally convicted of [or in a foreign
 5-9     jurisdiction for] a violation of a state traffic law or local
5-10     traffic ordinance [relating to motor vehicle traffic control,
5-11     including a law regulating the operation of vehicles on highways,]
5-12     that was committed in a commercial motor vehicle, the department
5-13     shall notify the driver's licensing authority in the issuing
5-14     [licensing] state of that [the] conviction, in the time and manner
5-15     required by 49 U.S.C. Section 31311.
5-16           SECTION 8.  The heading to Section 522.072, Transportation
5-17     Code, is amended to read as follows:      
5-20           SECTION 9.  Subsection (b), Section 522.072, Transportation
5-21     Code, is amended to read as follows:
5-22           (b)  An employer may not knowingly require a driver to
5-23     operate a commercial motor vehicle in violation of a federal,
5-24     state, or local law that regulates the operation of a motor vehicle
5-25     at a railroad grade crossing.
5-26           (c)  In addition to any penalty imposed under this chapter,
 6-1     an employer who violates this section [Subsection (a)  or an
 6-2     out-of-service order] may be penalized or disqualified under 49
 6-3     C.F.R. Part 383.
 6-4           SECTION 10.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 522.081,
 6-5     Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
 6-6           (a)  This subsection applies only to a violation committed
 6-7     while operating a commercial motor vehicle.  A person is
 6-8     disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for:
 6-9                 (1)  60 days if convicted of:
6-10                       (A)  two serious traffic violations that occur
6-11     within a three-year period; or
6-12                       (B)  one violation of a law that regulates the
6-13     operation of a motor vehicle at a railroad grade crossing;
6-14                 (2)  [, or] 120 days if convicted of:
6-15                       (A)  three serious traffic violations[, committed
6-16     in a commercial motor vehicle] arising from separate incidents
6-17     occurring within a three-year period; or
6-18                       (B)  two violations of a law that regulates the
6-19     operation of a motor vehicle at a railroad grade crossing that
6-20     occur within a three-year period; or
6-21                 (3)  one year if convicted of three violations of a law
6-22     that regulates the operation of a motor vehicle at a railroad grade
6-23     crossing that occur within a three-year period.
6-24           (b)  A person is disqualified from driving a commercial motor
6-25     vehicle for one year on first conviction of:
6-26                 (1)  driving a commercial motor vehicle under the
 7-1     influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, including a
 7-2     violation of Section 49.04 or 49.07, Penal Code;
 7-3                 (2)  driving a commercial motor vehicle while the
 7-4     person's alcohol concentration was 0.04 or more;
 7-5                 (3)  intentionally leaving the scene of an accident
 7-6     involving a commercial motor vehicle driven by the person;
 7-7                 (4)  using a commercial motor vehicle in the commission
 7-8     of a felony, other than a felony described by Subsection (d)(2);
 7-9     [or]
7-10                 (5)  refusing to submit to a test to determine the
7-11     person's alcohol concentration or the presence in the person's body
7-12     of a controlled substance or drug while driving a commercial motor
7-13     vehicle;
7-14                 (6)  causing the death of another person through the
7-15     negligent or criminal operation of a commercial motor vehicle; or
7-16                 (7)  driving a commercial motor vehicle while the
7-17     person's commercial driver's license is revoked, suspended, or
7-18     canceled, or while the person is disqualified from driving a
7-19     commercial motor vehicle, for an action or conduct that occurred
7-20     while operating a commercial motor vehicle.
7-21           SECTION 11.  Section 522.087, Transportation Code, is
7-22     amended to read as follows:
7-24     (a)  A person is automatically disqualified under Section
7-25     522.081(a)(1)(B), Section 522.081(b)(1), (3), [or] (4), (6), or
7-26     (7), or Section 522.081(d)(2).  An appeal may not be taken from the
 8-1     disqualification.
 8-2           (b)  Disqualifying a person under Section 522.081(a), other
 8-3     than under Subdivision (1)(B) of that subsection, or Section
 8-4     522.081(d)(1) is subject to the notice and hearing procedures of
 8-5     Sections 521.295-521.303.  An appeal of the disqualification is
 8-6     subject to Section 521.308.
 8-7           SECTION 12.  Section 522.102, Transportation Code, is amended
 8-8     by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
 8-9           (c)  This section and Section 522.103 apply only to a person
8-10     who is stopped or detained while driving a commercial motor
8-11     vehicle.
8-12           SECTION 13.  Section 522.103, Transportation Code, is amended
8-13     to read as follows:
8-14           Sec. 522.103.  WARNING BY PEACE OFFICER.  (a)  A peace
8-15     officer requesting a person to submit a specimen under Section
8-16     522.102 shall warn the person that a refusal to submit a specimen
8-17     will result in the person's being immediately placed out of service
8-18     for 24 hours and being disqualified from driving a commercial motor
8-19     vehicle for at least one year under Section 522.081.
8-20           (b)  A peace officer requesting a person to submit a specimen
8-21     under Section 522.102 is not required to comply with Section
8-22     724.015.
8-23           SECTION 14.  Section 621.001, Transportation Code, is amended
8-24     by adding Subdivisions (10) and (11) to read as follows:
8-25                 (10)  "Single axle weight" means the total weight
8-26     transmitted to the road by all wheels whose centers may be included
 9-1     between two parallel transverse vertical planes 40 inches apart,
 9-2     extending across the full width of the vehicle.
 9-3                 (11)  "Tandem axle weight" means the total weight
 9-4     transmitted to the road by two or more consecutive axles whose
 9-5     centers may be included between parallel transverse vertical planes
 9-6     spaced more than 40 inches and not more than 96 inches apart,
 9-7     extending across the full width of the vehicle.
 9-8           SECTION 15.  Section 621.101, Transportation Code, is amended
 9-9     to read as follows:
9-11     [LOAD].  (a)  A vehicle or combination of vehicles may not be
9-12     operated over or on a public highway [outside the territory of a
9-13     municipality, over or on a state-maintained public highway inside
9-14     the territory of a municipality,] or at a port-of-entry between
9-15     Texas and the United Mexican States if the vehicle or combination
9-16     has:
9-17                 (1)  a single [an] axle weight [that carries a load]
9-18     heavier than 20,000 pounds[:]
9-19                       [(A)  16,000 pounds on high-pressure tires; or]
9-20                       [(B)  20,000 pounds on low-pressure tires],
9-21     including all enforcement tolerances;
9-22                 (2)  a tandem axle weight heavier than 34,000 pounds,
9-23     including all enforcement tolerances;
9-24                 (3)  an overall gross weight on a group of two or more
9-25     consecutive axles heavier than the weight computed using the
9-26     following formula and rounding the result to the nearest 500
 10-1    pounds:
 10-2          W = 500((LN/(N - 1)) + 12N + 36)
 10-3          where:
 10-4          "W" is maximum overall gross weight on the group;
 10-5          "L" is distance in feet between the axles of the group that
 10-6    are the farthest apart; and
 10-7          "N" is number of axles in the group; or
 10-8                (4)  tires that carry a weight heavier than the weight
 10-9    specified and marked on the sidewall of the tire, unless the
10-10    vehicle is being operated under the terms of a special permit[:]
10-11                      [(A)  600 pounds for each inch of tire width
10-12    concentrated on the surface of the highway on a wheel using
10-13    high-pressure tires; or]
10-14                      [(B)  650 pounds for each inch of tire width
10-15    concentrated on the surface of the highway on a wheel using
10-16    low-pressure tires; or]
10-17                [(5)  a wheel that carries a load heavier than:]
10-18                      [(A)  8,000 pounds on high-pressure tires; or]
10-19                      [(B)  10,000 pounds on low-pressure tires].
10-20          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(3), two consecutive sets
10-21    of tandem axles may carry a gross weight [load] of not more than
10-22    34,000 pounds each if the overall distance between the first and
10-23    last axles of the consecutive sets is 36 feet or more.  The overall
10-24    gross weight on a group of two or more consecutive axles may not be
10-25    heavier than 80,000 pounds, including all enforcement tolerances,
10-26    regardless of tire ratings, axle spacing (bridge), and number of
 11-1    axles.
 11-2          (c)  This section does not:
 11-3                (1)  authorize size or weight limits on the national
 11-4    system of interstate and defense highways in this state greater
 11-5    than those permitted under 23 U.S.C. Section 127, as amended; or
 11-6                (2)  prohibit the operation of a vehicle or combination
 11-7    of vehicles that could be lawfully operated on a highway or road of
 11-8    this state on December 16, 1974.
 11-9          [(d)  For the purposes of this section, the load carried on
11-10    an axle is the total load transmitted to the road by all wheels the
11-11    centers of which can be included between two parallel transverse
11-12    vertical planes 40 inches apart, extending across the full width of
11-13    the vehicle.]
11-14          SECTION 16.  Subsections (a) and (e), Section 621.102,
11-15    Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
11-16          (a)  The commission may set the maximum single axle weight,
11-17    tandem axle weight, or gross weight of a vehicle [and its load], or
11-18    maximum single axle weight, tandem axle weight, or gross weight of
11-19    a combination of vehicles and loads, [maximum axle load, or maximum
11-20    wheel load] that may be moved over a state highway or a farm or
11-21    ranch road if the commission finds that heavier maximum weight
11-22    would rapidly deteriorate or destroy the road or a bridge or
11-23    culvert along the road.  A maximum weight [or load] set under this
11-24    subsection may not exceed the maximum set by statute for that
11-25    weight [or load].
11-26          (e)  A vehicle operating under a permit issued under Section
 12-1    623.011, 623.071, 623.094, 623.121, 623.142, 623.181, 623.192, or
 12-2    623.212 may operate under the conditions authorized by the permit
 12-3    over a road for which the commission has set a maximum weight under
 12-4    this section. [This section does not affect a law that authorizes
 12-5    or provides for a special permit for a weight heavier than the
 12-6    maximum weight provided by law.]
 12-7          SECTION 17.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 621.204,
 12-8    Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
 12-9          (a)  A semitrailer that is operated in a truck-tractor and
12-10    semitrailer combination may not be longer than 59 feet, excluding
12-11    the length of the towing device.
12-12          (b)  A semitrailer or trailer that is operated in a
12-13    truck-tractor, semitrailer, and trailer combination may not be
12-14    longer than 28 1/2 feet, excluding the length of the towing device.
12-15          SECTION 18.  Section 621.206, Transportation Code, is amended
12-16    to read as follows:
12-17          Sec. 621.206.  MAXIMUM EXTENDED LENGTH OF LOAD.  (a)  A
12-18    vehicle or combination of vehicles may not carry a load that
12-19    extends more than three feet beyond its front or, except as
12-20    permitted by other law, more than four feet beyond its rear.
12-21          (b) [(c)]  Subsection (a)  does not apply to vehicles
12-22    collecting garbage, rubbish, refuse, or recyclable materials which
12-23    are equipped with front-end loading attachments and containers
12-24    provided that the vehicle is actively engaged in the collection of
12-25    garbage, rubbish, refuse, or recyclable materials.
12-26          SECTION 19.  Subsection (e), Section 621.301, Transportation
 13-1    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 13-2          (e)  A vehicle operating under a permit issued under Section
 13-3    623.011, 623.071, 623.094, 623.121, 623.142, 623.181, 623.192, or
 13-4    623.212 may operate under the conditions authorized by the permit
 13-5    over a road for which the commissioners court has set a maximum
 13-6    weight under this section. [This section does not affect a law that
 13-7    authorizes or provides for special permits for a weight heavier
 13-8    than the maximum weight provided by law.]
 13-9          SECTION 20.  Section 621.402, Transportation Code, is amended
13-10    by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
13-11    follows:
13-12          (a)  A weight enforcement officer who has reason to believe
13-13    that the single axle weight, tandem axle weight, or gross weight
13-14    [or axle load] of a loaded motor vehicle is unlawful may:
13-15                (1)  weigh the vehicle using portable or stationary
13-16    scales furnished or approved by the Department of Public Safety; or
13-17                (2)  require the vehicle to be weighed by a public
13-18    weigher.
13-19          (c)  Prior to assessment of a penalty for weight which
13-20    exceeds the maximum allowable axle weights, the owner or operator
13-21    is authorized to shift the load to reduce or eliminate such excess
13-22    axle weight penalties as long as no part of the shipment is
13-23    removed.
13-24          SECTION 21.  Section 621.404, Transportation Code, is amended
13-25    to read as follows:
13-26          Sec. 621.404.  UNLOADING VEHICLE IF AXLE WEIGHT [LOAD]
 14-1    EXCEEDED.  (a)  If the axle weight [load] of a motor vehicle
 14-2    weighed under Section 621.402 is heavier than the maximum axle
 14-3    weight [load] authorized by law for the vehicle plus a tolerance
 14-4    allowance equal to five percent of that maximum weight [load], the
 14-5    weight enforcement officer shall require the operator or owner of
 14-6    the vehicle to rearrange the vehicle's cargo, if possible, to bring
 14-7    the vehicle's axles within the maximum axle weight [load] allowed
 14-8    by law for that vehicle.  If the requirement cannot be satisfied by
 14-9    rearrangement of cargo, a part of the vehicle's load shall be
14-10    unloaded to decrease the axle weight [load] to a weight that is not
14-11    heavier than the maximum axle weight [load] allowed by law for the
14-12    vehicle plus the applicable tolerance allowance.
14-13          (b)  The vehicle may not be operated further over the public
14-14    highways or roads of the state until the axle weight [load] of the
14-15    vehicle has been reduced as required by Subsection (a).
14-16          SECTION 22.  Subsection (b), Section 621.405, Transportation
14-17    Code, is amended to read as follows:
14-18          (b)  The operator of a motor vehicle may proceed to the
14-19    vehicle's destination without unloading the vehicle as required by
14-20    Section 621.403 or 621.404 if[:]
14-21                [(1)]  the vehicle is loaded with livestock[; and]
14-22                [(2)  the vehicle's destination is in this state].
14-23          SECTION 23.  Subsection (a), Section 621.409, Transportation
14-24    Code, is amended to read as follows:
14-25          (a)  A port-of-entry supervisor, an inspector employed by the
14-26    Alcoholic Beverage Commission, or a weight enforcement officer who
 15-1    has reason to believe that the axle or gross weight [or axle load]
 15-2    of a loaded motor vehicle is unlawful may weigh the vehicle using
 15-3    portable or stationary scales furnished or approved by the
 15-4    Department of Public Safety.
 15-5          SECTION 24.  Subsection (a), Section 621.502, Transportation
 15-6    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 15-7          (a)  A person may not operate or move a vehicle on a highway
 15-8    if:
 15-9                (1)  the vehicle's size is larger than the applicable
15-10    maximum size authorized for that vehicle by this subtitle;
15-11                (2)  the vehicle's single axle weight, tandem axle
15-12    weight, or gross weight[, axle load, or wheel load] is greater than
15-13    the applicable weight [or load] authorized for that vehicle by this
15-14    subtitle; or
15-15                (3)  the vehicle is not constructed or equipped as
15-16    required by this subtitle [chapter].
15-17          SECTION 25.  Subsection (b), Section 621.503, Transportation
15-18    Code, is amended to read as follows:
15-19          (b)  Intent to violate a limitation is presumed if the weight
15-20    of the loaded vehicle is heavier than the applicable axle or gross
15-21    [vehicular] weight limit [or axle load limit] by 15 percent or
15-22    more.
15-23          SECTION 26.  Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (g), Section
15-24    621.506, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
15-25          (a)  A person commits an offense if the person:
15-26                (1)  operates a vehicle or combination of vehicles in
 16-1    violation of Section 621.101, 622.012, 622.031, 622.133, 622.953,
 16-2    or 623.162; or
 16-3                (2)  loads a vehicle or causes a vehicle to be loaded
 16-4    in violation of Section 621.503.
 16-5          (b)  An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
 16-6    punishable:
 16-7                (1)  by a fine of not less than $100 and not more than
 16-8    $150;
 16-9                (2)  on conviction of an offense involving a vehicle
16-10    having a single axle weight, tandem axle weight, or gross weight
16-11    that is more than 5,000 but not more than 10,000 pounds heavier
16-12    than the vehicle's allowable [gross] weight, by a fine of not less
16-13    than $300 or more than $500;
16-14                (3)  on conviction of an offense involving a vehicle
16-15    having a single axle weight, tandem axle weight, or gross weight
16-16    that is more than 10,000 pounds heavier than the vehicle's
16-17    allowable [gross] weight, by a fine of not less than $500 or more
16-18    than $1,000; or
16-19                (4)  on conviction before the first anniversary of the
16-20    date of a previous conviction under this section, by a fine in an
16-21    amount that is twice the amount specified by Subdivision (1), (2),
16-22    or (3).
16-23          (c)  On conviction of a violation of an axle weight [load]
16-24    limitation, the court may assess a fine less than the applicable
16-25    minimum amount prescribed by Subsection (b) if the court finds that
16-26    when the violation occurred:
 17-1                (1)  the vehicle was registered to carry the maximum
 17-2    gross weight authorized for that vehicle under Section 621.101; and
 17-3                (2)  the gross weight of the vehicle did not exceed
 17-4    that maximum gross weight.
 17-5          (g)  A governmental entity that collects a fine under this
 17-6    section for an offense involving a vehicle having a single axle
 17-7    weight, tandem axle weight, or gross weight that is more than 5,000
 17-8    pounds heavier than the vehicle's allowable [gross] weight shall
 17-9    send an amount equal to 50 percent of the fine to the comptroller
17-10    unless the offense occurred within 20 miles of an international
17-11    border in which event the entire amount of the fine shall be
17-12    deposited for the purposes of road maintenance in:
17-13                (1)  the municipal treasury, if the fine was imposed by
17-14    a municipal court; or
17-15                (2)  the county treasury, if the fine was imposed by a
17-16    justice court.
17-17          SECTION 27.  Subsection (a), Section 621.507, Transportation
17-18    Code, is amended to read as follows:
17-19          (a)  A person commits an offense if the person violates a
17-20    provision of this subtitle [subchapter] for which an offense is not
17-21    specified by another section of this subtitle [subchapter].
17-22          SECTION 28.  Section 621.508, Transportation Code, is amended
17-23    to read as follows:
17-26    affirmative defense to prosecution of, or an action under
 18-1    Subchapter F for, the offense of operating a vehicle with a single
 18-2    axle weight or tandem [an] axle weight [load] heavier than the axle
 18-3    weight [load] authorized by law that at the time of the offense the
 18-4    vehicle:
 18-5                (1)  had a single axle weight or tandem [an] axle
 18-6    weight that was not heavier than the axle weight [load] authorized
 18-7    by law plus 12 percent;
 18-8                (2)  was loaded with timber, pulp wood, wood chips, or
 18-9    cotton, livestock, or other agricultural products that are:
18-10                      (A)  in their natural state; and
18-11                      (B)  being transported from the place of
18-12    production to the place of first marketing or first processing; and
18-13                (3)  was not being operated on a portion of the
18-14    national system of interstate and defense highways.
18-15          SECTION 29.  Section 622.012, Transportation Code, is amended
18-16    to read as follows:
18-17          Sec. 622.012.  AXLE WEIGHT [AXLE-LOAD] RESTRICTIONS.  (a)  A
18-18    ready-mixed concrete truck may be operated on a public highway of
18-19    this state only if the tandem axle weight [load] is not heavier
18-20    than 46,000 pounds and the single axle weight [load] is not heavier
18-21    than 23,000 pounds.
18-22          (b)  A truck may be operated at a weight that exceeds the
18-23    maximum single axle or tandem axle weight [load] limitation by not
18-24    more than 10 percent if the gross weight [load] is not heavier than
18-25    69,000 pounds.
18-26          SECTION 30.  Subsection (a), Section 622.013, Transportation
 19-1    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 19-2          (a)  The owner of a ready-mixed concrete truck with a tandem
 19-3    axle weight [load] heavier than 34,000 pounds shall before
 19-4    operating the vehicle on a public highway of this state file with
 19-5    the department a surety bond subject to the approval of the
 19-6    department in the principal amount set by the department not to
 19-7    exceed $15,000 for each truck.
 19-8          SECTION 31.  Subsection (b), Section 622.014, Transportation
 19-9    Code, is amended to read as follows:
19-10          (b)  The rules may include weight limitations on a truck
19-11    with:
19-12                (1)  a tandem axle weight [load] that is heavier than
19-13    36,000 pounds;
19-14                (2)  a single axle weight [load] that is heavier than
19-15    12,000 pounds; or
19-16                (3)  a gross weight [load] that is heavier than 48,000
19-17    pounds.
19-18          SECTION 32.  Section 622.015, Transportation Code, is amended
19-19    to read as follows:
19-20          Sec. 622.015.  LOCAL SURETY BOND.  The governing body of a
19-21    county or municipality may require the owner of a ready-mixed
19-22    concrete truck to file a surety bond in an amount not to exceed
19-23    $15,000 and conditioned that the owner of the truck will pay to the
19-24    county or municipality any damage to a highway caused by the
19-25    operation of the truck with a tandem axle weight [load] that is
19-26    heavier than 34,000 pounds.
 20-1          SECTION 33.  Section 622.031, Transportation Code, is amended
 20-2    to read as follows:
 20-3          Sec. 622.031.  LENGTH AND AXLE WEIGHT [AXLE-LOAD]
 20-4    RESTRICTIONS.  A vehicle used exclusively to transport milk may be
 20-5    operated on a public highway of this state only if:
 20-6                (1)  the distance between the front wheel of the
 20-7    forward tandem axle and the rear wheel of the rear tandem axle,
 20-8    measured longitudinally, is 28 feet or more; and
 20-9                (2)  the weight [load] carried on any group of axles is
20-10    not heavier than 68,000 pounds.
20-11          SECTION 34.  Subsection (b), Section 622.041, Transportation
20-12    Code, is amended to read as follows:
20-13          (b)  [The limitation in] Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to
20-14    a truck-tractor or truck-tractor combination transporting poles,
20-15    piling, or unrefined timber.
20-16          SECTION 35.  Subsection (a), Section 622.0435, Transportation
20-17    Code, is amended to read as follows:
20-18          (a)  The width, height, and gross weight of a vehicle or
20-19    combination of vehicles subject to this subchapter that is
20-20    transporting raw wood products shall conform to Chapters 621 and
20-21    623, except that a vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting
20-22    raw wood products that has an outer bridge of 39 feet or more may
20-23    have a maximum gross weight of 80,000 pounds [when it is necessary
20-24    to transport the load, the distance between axles on a vehicle may
20-25    be shortened by not more than 12 feet for gross weight
20-26    determinations].
 21-1          SECTION 36.  Subchapter D, Chapter 622, Transportation Code,
 21-2    is amended by adding Section 622.045 to read as follows:
 21-3          Sec. 622.045.  INTERSTATE AND DEFENSE HIGHWAYS.  (a)  This
 21-4    subchapter does not authorize the operation on the national system
 21-5    of interstate and defense highways in this state of a vehicle of a
 21-6    size or weight greater than those permitted under 23 U.S.C. Section
 21-7    127, as amended.
 21-8          (b)  If the United States authorizes the operation on the
 21-9    national system of interstate and defense highways of a vehicle of
21-10    a size or weight greater than those permitted under 23 U.S.C.
21-11    Section 127 on August 29, 1997, the new limit automatically takes
21-12    effect on the national system of interstate and defense highways in
21-13    this state.
21-14          SECTION 37.  Subsection (b), Section 622.051, Transportation
21-15    Code, is amended to read as follows:
21-16          (b)  [The limitation in] Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to
21-17    a truck-tractor or truck-tractor combination transporting poles for
21-18    the maintenance of electric power transmission or distribution
21-19    lines.
21-20          SECTION 38.  Subsection (b), Section 622.061, Transportation
21-21    Code, is amended to read as follows:
21-22          (b)  [The limitation in] Subsection (a) does not apply to a
21-23    truck-tractor or truck-tractor combination transporting poles or
21-24    pipe.
21-25          SECTION 39.  Section 622.133, Transportation Code, is amended
21-26    to read as follows:
 22-1          Sec. 622.133.  AXLE WEIGHT [AXLE-LOAD] RESTRICTIONS.  A
 22-2    single motor vehicle used exclusively to transport recyclable
 22-3    materials may be operated on a public highway only if the tandem
 22-4    axle weight [load] is not heavier than 44,000 pounds, a single axle
 22-5    weight [load] is not heavier than 21,000 pounds, and the gross
 22-6    weight [load] is not heavier than 64,000 pounds.
 22-7          SECTION 40.  Subsection (a), Section 622.134, Transportation
 22-8    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 22-9          (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the owner of a
22-10    vehicle covered by this subchapter with a tandem axle weight [load]
22-11    heavier than 34,000 pounds shall before operating the vehicle on a
22-12    public highway of this state file with the department a surety bond
22-13    subject to the approval of the department in the principal amount
22-14    set by the department not to exceed $15,000 for each vehicle.
22-15          SECTION 41.  Section 622.953, Transportation Code, is amended
22-16    to read as follows:
22-18    (a)  The weight limitations of Section 621.101 do not apply to a
22-19    single motor vehicle [or combination of vehicles] used exclusively
22-20    to transport seed cotton modules.
22-21          (b)  The overall gross weight of a single motor vehicle [or
22-22    combination] to which this section applies may not be heavier than
22-23    59,400 pounds.
22-24          (c)  The owner of a single motor vehicle [or combination] to
22-25    which this section applies that has a gross weight of more than
22-26    59,400 pounds is liable to the state, county, or municipality for
 23-1    any damage to a highway, street, road, or bridge caused by the
 23-2    weight of the load.
 23-3          (d)  A vehicle [or combination] to which this section applies
 23-4    may not be operated on the national system of interstate and
 23-5    defense highways if the vehicle exceeds the maximum weight
 23-6    authorized by  23 U.S.C. Section 127, as amended.
 23-7          SECTION 42.  Section 623.162, Transportation Code, is amended
 23-8    to read as follows:
 23-9          Sec. 623.162.  AXLE WEIGHT [AXLE-LOAD] RESTRICTIONS.  A
23-10    single vehicle used exclusively to transport solid waste may be
23-11    operated on a public highway of this state only if the tandem axle
23-12    weight [load] is not heavier than 44,000 pounds, the single axle
23-13    weight [load] is not heavier than 21,000 pounds, and the gross
23-14    weight [load] is not heavier than 64,000 pounds.
23-15          SECTION 43.  Subdivision (20), Section 522.003,
23-16    Transportation Code, is repealed.
23-17          SECTION 44.  Sections 621.505, 622.017, 622.033, 622.081,
23-18    622.136, 622.951, and 623.165, Transportation Code, are repealed.
23-19          SECTION 45.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
23-20          (b)  Subsection (d), Section 522.011, Transportation Code, as
23-21    added by this Act, applies only to an offense committed on or after
23-22    the effective date of this Act.  An offense committed before the
23-23    effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
23-24    date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
23-25    effect for that purpose.
23-26          (c)  Subsection (a), Section 522.021, Transportation Code, as
 24-1    amended by this Act, applies only to an application for a
 24-2    commercial driver's license that is filed on or after the effective
 24-3    date of this Act.  An application for a commercial driver's license
 24-4    that was filed before the effective date of this Act is governed by
 24-5    the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this
 24-6    Act, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
 24-7          (d)  Subsection (a), Section 522.062, Transportation Code, as
 24-8    amended by this Act, applies only to an offense committed on or
 24-9    after the effective date of this Act.  An offense committed before
24-10    the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect
24-11    immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the former
24-12    law is continued in effect for that purpose.
24-13          (e)  Section 522.081, Transportation Code, as amended by this
24-14    Act, applies only to an offense committed on or after the effective
24-15    date of this Act.  An offense committed before the effective date
24-16    of this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before the
24-17    effective date of this Act, and the former law is continued in
24-18    effect for that purpose.
24-19          (f)  Section 522.087, Transportation Code, as amended by this
24-20    Act, applies only to a disqualification that is issued under
24-21    Chapter 522, Transportation Code, on or after the effective date of
24-22    this Act.  A disqualification that is issued under that chapter
24-23    before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
24-24    effect on the date the disqualification was issued, and the former
24-25    law is continued in effect for that purpose.
24-26          (g)  Sections 522.102 and 522.103, Transportation Code, as
 25-1    amended by this Act, apply only to an offense committed on or after
 25-2    the effective date of this Act.  An offense committed before the
 25-3    effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect
 25-4    immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the former
 25-5    law is continued in effect for that purpose.
 25-6          (h)  The changes in law made by Section 44 of this Act and
 25-7    Sections 621.506 and 621.507, Transportation Code, as amended by
 25-8    this Act, apply only to an offense committed on or after September
 25-9    1, 2001.  An offense under Section 621.506 or 621.507,
25-10    Transportation Code, or under a law repealed by Section 44 of this
25-11    Act, that was committed before September 1, 2001, is covered by the
25-12    law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this
25-13    Act, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
                                                                S.B. No. 886
            _______________________________     _______________________________
                President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
                  I hereby certify that S.B. No. 886 passed the Senate on
            April 19, 2001, by a viva-voce vote; May 25, 2001, Senate refused
            to concur in House amendment and requested appointment of
            Conference Committee; May 25, 2001, House granted request of the
            Senate; May 27, 2001, Senate adopted Conference Committee Report by
            the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0, one present not voting.
                                                    Secretary of the Senate
                  I hereby certify that S.B. No. 886 passed the House, with
            amendment, on May 23, 2001, by a non-record vote; May 25, 2001,
            House granted request of the Senate for appointment of Conference
            Committee; May 27, 2001, House adopted Conference Committee Report
            by a non-record vote.
                                                    Chief Clerk of the House