By:  Carona                                           S.B. No. 1024
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the regulation of podiatrists.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 202.204, Occupations Code, is amended by
 1-5     adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 1-6           (e)  A private investigator whose services are obtained under
 1-7     Subsection (a) is immune from liability and may not be subject to a
 1-8     suit for damages for any act arising from the performance of the
 1-9     investigator's duties in:
1-10                 (1)  investigating a complaint;
1-11                 (2)  holding an informal conference or testifying at a
1-12     hearing to determine facts; or
1-13                 (3)  making an evaluation, report, or recommendation,
1-14     or issuing an opinion or conclusion involving a podiatrist, a
1-15     podiatric patient, or a third party who requests the services of or
1-16     submits a complaint to the board.
1-17           SECTION 2.  The section heading to Section 202.253,
1-18     Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows:
1-19           Sec. 202.253.  GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF LICENSE OR FOR
1-21           SECTION 3.  Subsection (a), Section 202.253, Occupations
1-22     Code, is amended to read as follows:
1-23           (a)  The board may refuse to admit a person to an
1-24     examination, [and may] refuse to issue a license to practice
1-25     podiatry to a person, or make a determination that a person is in
 2-1     violation of this chapter, for:
 2-2                 (1)  presenting to the board a license, certificate, or
 2-3     diploma that was illegally or fraudulently obtained or engaging in
 2-4     fraud or deception in passing the examination;
 2-5                 (2)  being convicted of:
 2-6                       (A)  a felony;
 2-7                       (B)  a crime that involves moral turpitude; or
 2-8                       (C)  an offense under Section 202.606;
 2-9                 (3)  engaging in habits of intemperance or drug
2-10     addiction that in the board's opinion would endanger the health,
2-11     well-being, or welfare of patients;
2-12                 (4)  engaging in grossly unprofessional or dishonorable
2-13     conduct of a character that in the board's opinion is likely to
2-14     deceive or defraud the public;
2-15                 (5)  directly or indirectly violating or attempting to
2-16     violate this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter as a
2-17     principal, accessory, or accomplice;
2-18                 (6)  using any advertising statement of a character
2-19     tending to mislead or deceive the public;
2-20                 (7)  advertising professional superiority or the
2-21     performance of professional service in a superior manner;
2-22                 (8)  purchasing, selling, bartering, or using or
2-23     offering to purchase, sell, barter, or use a podiatry degree,
2-24     license, certificate, diploma, or a transcript of a license,
2-25     certificate, or diploma, in or incident to an application to the
2-26     board for a license to practice podiatry;
 3-1                 (9)  altering, with fraudulent intent, a podiatry
 3-2     license, certificate, diploma, or a transcript of a podiatry
 3-3     license, certificate, or diploma;
 3-4                 (10)  using a podiatry license, certificate, or
 3-5     diploma, or a transcript of a podiatry license, certificate, or
 3-6     diploma, that has been fraudulently purchased, issued,
 3-7     counterfeited, or materially altered;
 3-8                 (11)  impersonating, or acting as proxy for, another
 3-9     person in a podiatry license examination;
3-10                 (12)  impersonating a license holder, or permitting
3-11     another person to use the license holder's license to practice
3-12     podiatry in this state, to treat or offer to treat, by any method,
3-13     conditions and ailments of human feet;
3-14                 (13)  directly or indirectly employing a person whose
3-15     license to practice podiatry has been suspended or associating in
3-16     the practice of podiatry with a person whose license to practice
3-17     podiatry has been suspended or who has been convicted of the
3-18     unlawful practice of podiatry in this state or elsewhere;
3-19                 (14)  wilfully making in the application for a license
3-20     to practice podiatry a material misrepresentation or material
3-21     untrue statement;
3-22                 (15)  being unable to practice podiatry with reasonable
3-23     skill and safety to a patient because of age, illness, drunkenness,
3-24     or excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or other
3-25     substances or as a result of a mental or physical condition;
3-26                 (16)  failing to practice podiatry in an acceptable
 4-1     manner consistent with public health and welfare;
 4-2                 (17)  being removed, suspended, or disciplined in
 4-3     another manner by the podiatrist's peers in a professional podiatry
 4-4     association or society, whether local, regional, state, or national
 4-5     in scope, or being disciplined by a licensed hospital or the
 4-6     medical staff of a hospital, including removal, suspension,
 4-7     limitation of hospital privileges, or other disciplinary action, if
 4-8     the board determines that the action was:
 4-9                       (A)  based on unprofessional conduct or
4-10     professional incompetence likely to harm the public; and
4-11                       (B)  appropriate and reasonably supported by
4-12     evidence submitted to the association, society, hospital, or
4-13     medical staff; or
4-14                 (18)  having repeated or recurring meritorious health
4-15     care liability claims filed against the podiatrist that in the
4-16     board's opinion are evidence of professional incompetence likely to
4-17     injure the public.
4-18           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.