By Ellis                                              S.B. No. 1090
         77R7356 JRD-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to codifying in general law various riders in the General
 1-3     Appropriations Act.
 1-6                             APPROPRIATIONS ACT
 1-7           SECTION 1.01.  Subchapter B, Chapter 402, Government Code, is
 1-8     amended to codify Rider 10 following the appropriation to the
 1-9     office of the attorney general in the General Appropriations Act
1-10     for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
1-11     Section 402.030 to read as follows:
1-13     MATTER REFERRED BY STATE AGENCY.  (a)  In making a decision about
1-14     whether to initiate litigation or make a settlement in a matter
1-15     referred by a state agency, the attorney general shall follow the
1-16     written recommendation of the executive director of that agency or
1-17     a person designated by the executive director to make the
1-18     recommendation, unless the attorney general determines that good
1-19     cause exists to disregard the recommendation.
1-20           (b)  If the attorney general determines that good cause
1-21     exists to disregard the recommendation, the attorney general shall
1-22     provide the state agency with a written explanation of the reasons
1-23     for the determination.
1-24           SECTION 1.02.  Section 815.206, Government Code, is amended
 2-1     to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to the Employees
 2-2     Retirement System of Texas in the General Appropriations Act for
 2-3     the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 2-4     Subsection (f) to read as follows:
 2-5           (f)  In addition to the other requirements of this section,
 2-6     the board of trustees shall contract with an actuary to perform a
 2-7     limited actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the
 2-8     retirement system not later than February 28 of each odd-numbered
 2-9     year to determine the effect of investment, salary, and payroll
2-10     experience on:
2-11                 (1)  the unfunded actuarial liabilities of the
2-12     retirement system;
2-13                 (2)  the amortization period for the unfunded actuarial
2-14     liabilities of the retirement system; and
2-15                 (3)  the state contribution rate that would result in a
2-16     30-year amortization period of the retirement system.
2-17           SECTION 1.03. Subchapter B, Chapter 2205, Government Code, is
2-18     amended to codify Rider 7 following the appropriations to the
2-19     General Services Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
2-20     the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
2-21     2205.0345 to read as follows:
2-22           Sec. 2205.0345.  MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES AND OTHER REAL
2-23     PROPERTY. The General Services Commission shall maintain real
2-24     property, including facilities, owned by this state and used by the
2-25     board.
2-26           SECTION 1.04. Subchapter B, Chapter 2165, Government Code, is
2-27     amended to codify Rider 11 following the appropriation to the
 3-1     General Services Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
 3-2     the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
 3-3     2165.057 to read as follows:
 3-4           Sec. 2165.057.  NOTICE TO LEGISLATOR. Before the commission
 3-5     relocates a state office, executes a lease contract for a state
 3-6     office, or changes a policy that affects office location in a state
 3-7     legislative district, the commission shall notify each member of
 3-8     the legislature who represents the district.
 3-9           SECTION 1.05. Subchapter L, Chapter 481, Government Code, is
3-10     amended to codify Riders 7, 6, 8, 29, and 9 following,
3-11     respectively, the appropriations to the Parks and Wildlife
3-12     Department, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the Texas Department
3-13     of Economic Development, the Texas Department of Transportation,
3-14     and the Texas Historical Commission in the General Appropriations
3-15     Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
3-16     Section 481.175 to read as follows:
3-18     MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING.  (a)  The department, the Parks and
3-19     Wildlife Department, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the Texas
3-20     Department of Transportation, and the Texas Historical Commission
3-21     shall coordinate with each other on all matters, including
3-22     spending, relating to the promotion of tourism and travel.
3-23           (b)  The agencies listed in Subsection (a)  shall enter into
3-24     a memorandum of understanding that:
3-25                 (1)  details the specific travel and tourism objectives
3-26     and responsibilities of each agency; and
3-27                 (2)  continues to provide coordination among the
 4-1     agencies in the promotion of tourism and travel.
 4-2           SECTION 1.06. Section 442.005, Government Code, is amended to
 4-3     codify Rider 11 following the appropriation to the Texas Historical
 4-4     Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 4-5     biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (v) to read
 4-6     as follows:
 4-7           (v)  The commission shall cooperate with the General Services
 4-8     Commission for any bidding or contracting related to the
 4-9     construction of capital improvements on buildings owned or
4-10     maintained by the commission.
4-11           SECTION 1.07.  Chapter 443, Government Code, is amended to
4-12     codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to the State
4-13     Preservation Board in the General Appropriations Act for the state
4-14     fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 443.0153
4-15     to read as follows:
4-16           Sec. 443.0153.  PAVED SURFACES ON CAPITOL GROUNDS. The Texas
4-17     Department of Transportation shall maintain paved surfaces on the
4-18     Capitol grounds according to the long-range master plan approved
4-19     under Section 443.007.
4-21                         GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
4-22           SECTION 2.01.  Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code, is
4-23     amended to codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the Texas
4-24     Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the General Appropriations
4-25     Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
4-26     Section 461.019 to read as follows:
 5-1     NATIVE AMERICAN POPULATIONS.  The commission shall enter into
 5-2     agreements with Native American population authorities for the
 5-3     provision of programs to provide chemical dependency prevention,
 5-4     intervention, and treatment services for Native American
 5-5     populations.
 5-6           SECTION 2.02.  Section 461.0124(d), Health and Safety Code,
 5-7     is amended to codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to the
 5-8     Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the General
 5-9     Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
5-10     2001, to read as follows:
5-11           (d)  The plan must provide a priority for obtaining treatment
5-12     services for individuals in need of treatment who are:
5-13                 (1)  parents of a child in foster care;
5-14                 (2)  not adults and who are at risk of using or
5-15     abusing, are using or abusing, or have abused alcohol or a
5-16     controlled substance, including youth who are in the juvenile
5-17     justice system or have been referred by that system;
5-18                 (3)  at risk of being infected with the human
5-19     immunodeficiency virus or are infected with the human
5-20     immunodeficiency virus because of substance abuse;
5-21                 (4)  in the criminal justice system or have been in the
5-22     criminal justice system;
5-23                 (5)  at risk of institutionalization in or receive
5-24     services from a mental health facility;
5-25                 (6)  not adults and who are at risk of selling
5-26     controlled substances;
5-27                 (7)  women who are at an age when women can usually
 6-1     have children; and
 6-2                 (8)  indigent veterans who received honorable
 6-3     discharges.
 6-4           SECTION 2.03. Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code, is amended
 6-5     to codify Rider 7 following the appropriation to the Texas
 6-6     Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the General Appropriations
 6-7     Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 6-8     Section 461.01245 to read as follows:
 6-9           Sec. 461.01245.  COORDINATION OF SUPPORT SERVICES. (a)  The
6-10     treatment plan for each client of the commission must contain
6-11     complete and appropriate medical, educational, and vocational
6-12     objectives to meet the client's needs.
6-13           (b)  The commission shall:
6-14                 (1)  enter into formal agreements with other health and
6-15     human services agencies to facilitate for its clients referrals to
6-16     and access to needed ancillary services as a client's treatment
6-17     plan may provide;
6-18                 (2)  provide technical aids and assistance as necessary
6-19     to ensure that its clients are provided or referred to appropriate
6-20     services;
6-21                 (3)  monitor its contractors to measure their
6-22     performance in providing to its clients, or referring its clients
6-23     to, appropriate services; and
6-24                 (4)  evaluate the effects supportive services may have
6-25     in successfully achieving treatment objectives for its clients.
6-26           SECTION 2.04.  Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code, is
6-27     amended to codify Rider 10 following the appropriation to the Texas
 7-1     Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the General Appropriations
 7-2     Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 7-3     Section 461.01255 to read as follows:
 7-4           Sec. 461.01255.  HIV SERVICES CONTRACTING. (a)  In this
 7-5     section, "HIV" means human immunodeficiency virus.
 7-6           (b)  The contracting for HIV services by the commission shall
 7-7     be as comprehensive as the contracting for those services by the
 7-8     Texas Department of Health and shall include:
 7-9                 (1)  definitions of health and support services to be
7-10     provided;
7-11                 (2)  licensing requirements for facilities and other
7-12     service providers;
7-13                 (3)  budgets, financial status reports, and standards
7-14     for financial reports;
7-15                 (4)  performance measures and standards;
7-16                 (5)  fee schedules, when applicable; and
7-17                 (6)  restrictions or limitations on the use of contract
7-18     funds.
7-19           SECTION 2.05. Chapter 74, Human Resources Code, is amended to
7-20     codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to the Children's Trust
7-21     Fund of Texas Council in the General Appropriations Act for the
7-22     state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
7-23     74.0034 to read as follows:
7-24           Sec. 74.0034.  CONTRACTS. (a)  The council shall notify the
7-25     governor's office of a proposed contract to which the council is a
7-26     party at least 30 days before the proposed effective date of the
7-27     contract.
 8-1           (b)  The governor's office may disapprove the proposed
 8-2     contract by informing the council of the disapproval not later than
 8-3     the 30th day after the date the governor's office receives
 8-4     notification of the proposed contract.
 8-5           (c)  The council may not spend money appropriated to the
 8-6     council on a contract disapproved by the governor's office.
 8-7           (d)  The council may proceed with a proposed contract if the
 8-8     governor's office does not inform the council that the contract has
 8-9     been disapproved within the period prescribed by Subsection (b).
8-10           (e)  The council may not contract:
8-11                 (1)  with any person required to register with the
8-12     Texas Ethics Commission under Chapter 305, Government Code; or
8-13                 (2)  for the purpose of obtaining services relating to
8-14     legislative monitoring, bill tracking, or any other aspect of the
8-15     legislature.
8-16           SECTION 2.06. Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
8-17     is amended to codify Rider 28 following the appropriation to the
8-18     Texas Department of Health in the General Appropriations Act for
8-19     the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
8-20     32.0284 to read as follows:
8-22     MANAGED CARE. (a)  This section applies to payments made from funds
8-23     appropriated for acute care services to a rural hospital:
8-24                 (1)  located in a county with a population of less than
8-25     50,000;
8-26                 (2)  that has not more than 100 licensed beds; and
8-27                 (3)  is a party to a Medicaid managed care contract
 9-1     entered into or renewed on or after September 1, 1997.
 9-2           (b)  The department shall compute the reimbursement rate for
 9-3     a payment described by Subsection (a) using the higher of the
 9-4     prospective payment system rate or the cost reimbursement
 9-5     methodology authorized under the Tax Equity and Fiscal
 9-6     Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA).
 9-7           (c)  If the department uses the TEFRA method, the department
 9-8     may not impose the TEFRA cap.
 9-9           (d)  The participating managed care organization shall
9-10     reimburse the hospital under a full-risk managed care pilot
9-11     project.
9-12           SECTION 2.07. Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
9-13     is amended to codify Rider 29 following the appropriation to the
9-14     Texas Department of Health in the General Appropriations Act for
9-15     the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
9-16     32.0283 to read as follows:
9-18     MANAGED CARE. (a)  This section applies to a physician who:
9-19                 (1)  practices in a county with a population of less
9-20     than 50,000; and
9-21                 (2)  is a party to a Medicaid managed care contract
9-22     entered into or renewed on or after September 1, 1997.
9-23           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the department
9-24     shall reimburse a physician described by Subsection (a) at the rate
9-25     specified by the medical assistance fee schedule.
9-26           (c)  If the physician is participating in a health care
9-27     delivery system that uses a full-risk managed care model, the
 10-1    department shall reimburse the physician at the rate specified by
 10-2    the medical assistance fee schedule, including negotiated fee for
 10-3    service.  If the physician is a primary care physician
 10-4    participating in a health care delivery system that uses a primary
 10-5    care case management system model, the department shall also pay
 10-6    the physician a monthly case management fee.
 10-7          SECTION 2.08.  Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is
 10-8    amended to codify Rider 7 following the appropriation to the Health
 10-9    and Human Services Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
10-10    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
10-11    531.0392 to read as follows:
10-13    GROUPS.  The commission may enter into interagency contracts with
10-14    health and human services agencies, the Texas Youth Commission, and
10-15    the Texas Education Agency to support the operations of community
10-16    resource coordination groups, as defined by Section 242.801, Health
10-17    and Safety Code.
10-18          SECTION 2.09.  Section 32.021, Human Resources Code, is
10-19    amended to codify Rider 7e following the appropriation to the Texas
10-20    Department of Human Services in the General Appropriations Act for
10-21    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
10-22    Subsection (p) to read as follows:
10-23          (p)  The department shall encourage competition among nursing
10-24    facilities with which the department contracts.
10-25          SECTION 2.10.  Subchapter D, Chapter 533, Health and Safety
10-26    Code, is amended to codify Rider 24 following the appropriation to
10-27    the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation in the
 11-1    General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
 11-2    August 31, 2001, by adding Section 533.0845 to read as follows:
 11-3          Sec. 533.0845.  DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY. (a)
 11-4    To conserve appropriated money, the department may transfer surplus
 11-5    personal property from one facility to another with or without
 11-6    reimbursement. The department may transfer surplus personal
 11-7    property to a community mental health and mental retardation center
 11-8    with or without reimbursement. The department may sell or transfer
 11-9    surplus personal property belonging to a department facility.
11-10          (b)  The procedure provided by Chapter 2175, Government Code,
11-11    applies to a sale or transfer under this section.
11-12          (c)  Notwithstanding Chapter 771, Government Code, the
11-13    department may make a sale or transfer under this section without a
11-14    contract.
11-15          SECTION 2.11.  Subchapter B, Chapter 591, Health and Safety
11-16    Code, is amended to codify Rider 32 following the appropriation to
11-17    the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation in the
11-18    General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
11-19    August 31, 2001, by adding Section 591.014 to read as follows:
11-21    RESIDENTIAL SERVICES.  To ensure that individuals seeking
11-22    residential services for a person with mental retardation have a
11-23    choice among available providers, the department shall inform
11-24    individuals seeking those residential services of all the available
11-25    services options, including large and small congregate living
11-26    arrangements and Medicaid services available under a federal
11-27    waiver.
 12-2                      THE GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
 12-3          SECTION 3.01.  Section 8.102, Education Code, is amended to
 12-4    codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the Texas Education
 12-5    Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 12-6    biennium ending August 31, 2001, to read as follows:
 12-7          Sec. 8.102.  DATA REPORTING. (a)  Each regional education
 12-8    service center shall report audited or budgeted financial
 12-9    information and any other information requested by the commissioner
12-10    for use in assessing the performance of the center. The
12-11    commissioner shall develop a uniform system for regional education
12-12    service centers to report audited financial data, to report
12-13    information on the indicators adopted under Section 8.101, and to
12-14    provide information on client satisfaction with services provided
12-15    under Subchapter B.
12-16          (b)  The commissioner shall report information obtained under
12-17    Subsection (a)  to the State Board of Education for transmittal to
12-18    the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor's Office of Budget
12-19    and Planning, accompanied by any recommendations relating to the
12-20    performance of regional education service centers.
12-21          SECTION 3.02.  Section 30.003, Education Code, is amended to
12-22    codify Rider 27 following the appropriation to the Texas Education
12-23    Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
12-24    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by amending Subsections (d) and
12-25    (g) to read as follows:
12-26          (d)  Each school district and state institution shall provide
12-27    to the commissioner the necessary information to determine the
 13-1    district's share under this section.  The information must be
 13-2    reported to the commissioner on or before a date set by rule of the
 13-3    State Board of Education. After determining the amount of a
 13-4    district's share for all students for which the district is
 13-5    responsible, the commissioner shall deduct that amount from the
 13-6    payments of foundation school funds payable to the district.  Each
 13-7    deduction shall be in the same percentage of the total amount of
 13-8    the district's share as the percentage of the total foundation
 13-9    school fund entitlement being paid to the district at the time of
13-10    the deduction, except that the amount of any deduction may be
13-11    modified to make necessary adjustments or to correct errors.  The
13-12    commissioner shall provide for remitting the amount deducted to the
13-13    appropriate school at the same time at which the remaining funds
13-14    are distributed to the district.  If a district does not receive
13-15    foundation school funds or if a district's foundation school
13-16    entitlement is less than the amount of the district's share under
13-17    this section, the commissioner shall direct the district to remit
13-18    payment to the commissioner, and the commissioner shall remit the
13-19    district's share to the appropriate school.  A school district that
13-20    is required to take action under Chapter 41 to reduce its wealth
13-21    per student to the equalized wealth level whose students are
13-22    enrolled in the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or
13-23    the Texas School for the Deaf shall remit the payment to the
13-24    commissioner not later than the 60th day after the date the school
13-25    district receives a voucher from the Texas School for the Blind and
13-26    Visually Impaired or the Texas School for the Deaf.
13-27          (g)  The State Board of Education:
 14-1                (1)  shall adopt rules to ensure that each school
 14-2    district that has a student enrolled in the Texas School for the
 14-3    Blind and Visually Impaired or the Texas School for the Deaf share
 14-4    in the cost of the student's education as required by Subsection
 14-5    (a); and
 14-6                (2)  may adopt other rules as necessary to implement
 14-7    this section.
 14-8          SECTION 3.03.  Section 39.073, Education Code, is amended to
 14-9    codify Rider 28 following the appropriation to the Texas Education
14-10    Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
14-11    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (f) to read
14-12    as follows:
14-13          (f)  When the agency notifies a school district that the
14-14    district's accreditation status has been changed, the agency shall
14-15    also notify each state senator and state representative who
14-16    represents a legislative district that includes territory that is
14-17    within the school district.
14-18          SECTION 3.04.  Subchapter E, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
14-19    amended to codify Rider 48 following the appropriation to the Texas
14-20    Education Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state
14-21    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 29.158 to
14-22    read as follows:
14-24    EDUCATION AND CARE. The agency shall participate to the extent
14-25    practical in interagency initiatives relating to coordination and
14-26    funding of early childhood education and care, including
14-27    initiatives relating to the federal Head Start program.
 15-1          SECTION 3.05.  Subchapter C, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
 15-2    amended to codify Rider 49 following the appropriation to the Texas
 15-3    Education Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state
 15-4    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 29.087 to
 15-5    read as follows:
 15-6          Sec. 29.087.  PROGRAMS FOR PARENTS OF AT-RISK STUDENTS. (a)
 15-7    The agency shall encourage parents of students at risk of dropping
 15-8    out of school as defined by Section 29.081 to participate in
 15-9    parenting programs, including:
15-10                (1)  home instructional programs for preschool
15-11    children;
15-12                (2)  programs for parents as teachers;
15-13                (3)  parenting programs offered by the Texas
15-14    Agricultural Extension Service; and
15-15                (4)  other parenting programs available in parents'
15-16    communities.
15-17          (b)  The agency shall use money appropriated for providing
15-18    academic counseling and support service programs to accomplish the
15-19    purposes of Subsection (a).
15-20          SECTION 3.06.  Section 31.104, Education Code, is amended to
15-21    codify Rider 54 following the appropriation to the Texas Education
15-22    Agency in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
15-23    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (e) to read
15-24    as follows:
15-25          (e)  The agency shall assist each school district to ensure
15-26    that the appropriate textbook is available for each student
15-27    enrolled in kindergarten, first, second, or third grade in a
 16-1    foundation curriculum course offered by the district.
 16-2          SECTION 3.07.  Section 21.048, Education Code, is amended to
 16-3    codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to the State Board for
 16-4    Educator Certification in the General Appropriations Act for the
 16-5    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by amending
 16-6    Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 16-7          (d)  The board shall ensure that the examination for the
 16-8    certification of educators in Texas (ExCET), or any similar
 16-9    successor examination, is offered at multiple locations, including
16-10    at least one location within 50 miles of each location where an
16-11    educator preparation program approved by the board under Section
16-12    21.045 is provided.
16-13          (e)  In this section:
16-14                (1)  "Hearing impairment" means a hearing impairment so
16-15    severe that the person cannot process linguistic information with
16-16    or without amplification.
16-17                (2)  "Reliability" means the extent to which an
16-18    experiment, test, or measuring procedure yields the same results on
16-19    repeated trials.
16-20                (3)  "Validity" means being:
16-21                      (A)  well-grounded or justifiable;
16-22                      (B)  relevant and meaningful;
16-23                      (C)  correctly derived from premises or
16-24    inferences; and
16-25                      (D)  supported by objective truth or generally
16-26    accepted authority.
16-27          SECTION 3.08.  Subchapter A, Chapter 30, Education Code, is
 17-1    amended to codify Rider 6 of the special provisions for the Texas
 17-2    School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Texas School for the
 17-3    Deaf in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 17-4    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 30.006 to read
 17-5    as follows:
 17-8    If the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or  the
 17-9    Texas School for the Deaf performs an assessment of a student, that
17-10    school shall impose on the school district in which the student
17-11    resides a fee in a reasonable amount to cover the cost to the
17-12    school of performing the assessment.  The school shall make a
17-13    reasonable effort to collect a fee imposed under this section.
17-14          SECTION 3.09.  Section 825.206, Government Code, is amended
17-15    to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to the Teacher
17-16    Retirement System in the General Appropriations Act for the state
17-17    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (g) to
17-18    read as follows:
17-19          (g)  In addition to the other requirements of this section,
17-20    the board of trustees shall contract with an actuary to perform a
17-21    limited actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the
17-22    retirement system not later than February 28 of each odd-numbered
17-23    year to determine the effect of investment, salary, and payroll
17-24    experience on:
17-25                (1)  the unfunded liability of the retirement system;
17-26                (2)  the amortization period of the retirement system;
17-27    and
 18-1                (3)  the state contribution rate that would result in a
 18-2    30-year amortization period of the retirement system.
 18-3          SECTION 3.10.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2205, Government Code,
 18-4    is amended to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to The
 18-5    University of Texas System Administration and Rider 4 following the
 18-6    appropriation to The University of Texas Medical Branch at
 18-7    Galveston in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 18-8    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2205.0331 to
 18-9    read as follows:
18-10          Sec. 2205.0331.  UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM AIRCRAFT. (a)
18-11    The University of Texas System may acquire, operate, maintain, and
18-12    replace a passenger airplane. The system may purchase the airplane
18-13    if the system is unable to acquire the airplane by gift.  If the
18-14    system purchases the airplane, the airplane is subject to the
18-15    authority of the board under this chapter.  The system may use
18-16    money allocated to the system from the available university fund to
18-17    pay for the cost of acquiring, operating, maintaining, or replacing
18-18    the airplane.
18-19          (b)  The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston may
18-20    lease and operate a helicopter to transport critically ill or
18-21    emergency patients to the medical branch hospitals.  The medical
18-22    branch may not use state funds to operate the helicopter unless:
18-23                (1)  the helicopter is used:
18-24                      (A)  to transport an indigent patient; or
18-25                      (B)  to transport a patient pursuant to an
18-26    interagency contract; or
18-27                (2)  the cost of operating the helicopter is reimbursed
 19-1    by insurance proceeds.
 19-2          (c)  The University of Texas System may lease additional
 19-3    aircraft on a short-term basis as needed.
 19-4          SECTION 3.11.  To conform to the codification as Section
 19-5    2205.0331, Government Code, of Rider 2 following the appropriation
 19-6    to The University of Texas System Administration and Rider 4
 19-7    following the appropriation to The University of Texas Medical
 19-8    Branch at Galveston in the General Appropriations Act for the state
 19-9    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, Section 2205.031(a),
19-10    Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
19-11          (a)  This chapter applies to all aircraft owned or leased by
19-12    the state, except as provided by Sections [Section] 2205.033 and
19-13    2205.0331.
19-14          SECTION 3.12.  Section 87.004, Education Code, is amended to
19-15    codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to Tarleton State
19-16    University in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
19-17    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsections (g) and (h)
19-18    to read as follows:
19-19          (g)  The institute shall monitor the water quality in the
19-20    Bosque River and report the data collected to the Texas Natural
19-21    Resource Conservation Commission not later than February 1 and July
19-22    1 of each year.  The institute shall coordinate the collection and
19-23    reporting of data to conform with protocols of the commission.
19-24          (h)  The institute, the commission, and other appropriate
19-25    entities shall cooperate with each other and avoid duplication of
19-26    efforts in water quality monitoring the institute conducts.
19-27          SECTION 3.13.  Subchapter A, Chapter 74, Education Code, is
 20-1    amended to codify certain provisions of Rider 3 following the
 20-2    appropriation to The University of Texas Medical Branch at
 20-3    Galveston in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 20-4    biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 74.009 to read
 20-5    as follows:
 20-6          Sec. 74.009.  PATIENT CHARGES; GIFTS AND GRANTS. (a)  The
 20-7    board of regents may set reasonable rates to be charged and
 20-8    collected by hospitals of the medical branch and may accept gifts
 20-9    and donations for the support and maintenance of those hospitals.
20-10          (b)  The board of regents may use not more than $5 million of
20-11    local revenue each year to match any gift made to endowments of the
20-12    medical branch, if the use of the local revenue for that purpose
20-13    does not:
20-14                (1)  result in a reduction of service levels for
20-15    patients; or
20-16                (2)  require general revenue to replace that local
20-17    revenue.
20-18          (c)  A project initiated under Subsection (b) may not be
20-19    structured so that it will require future specific appropriation of
20-20    general revenue.
20-21          (d)  This section does not authorize the board of regents,
20-22    without prior specific approval of the legislature, to accept real
20-23    property that would require a legislative appropriation for the
20-24    maintenance, repair, or construction of buildings.
20-25          SECTION 3.14.  Subchapter K, Chapter 74, Education Code, is
20-26    amended to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to The
20-27    University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler in the General
 21-1    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 21-2    2001, by adding Section 74.604 to read as follows:
 21-3          Sec. 74.604.  PATIENT CHARGES; GIFTS AND GRANTS.  (a)  The
 21-4    board of regents shall set reasonable rates to be charged and
 21-5    collected from paying patients of The University of Texas Health
 21-6    Science Center at Tyler, and may enter into contracts for the
 21-7    hospitalization of indigent persons.
 21-8          (b)  The board of regents may accept gifts and donations for
 21-9    the support and maintenance of the health science center.  This
21-10    subsection does not authorize the board of regents, without prior
21-11    specific approval of the legislature, to accept real property that
21-12    would require a legislative appropriation for the maintenance,
21-13    repair, or construction of buildings.
21-14          SECTION 3.15.  Subchapter B, Chapter 86, Education Code, is
21-15    amended to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to The Texas
21-16    A&M University Health Science Center in the General Appropriations
21-17    Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
21-18    Section 86.25 to read as follows:
21-20    AFFILIATION WITH HEALTH FACILITIES. (a)  The Texas A&M University
21-21    Health Science Center may unite with Scott & White Clinic, Scott &
21-22    White Memorial Hospital, and the Scott, Sherwood and Brindley
21-23    Foundation as its long-term primary partners for high-quality
21-24    clinical education and research for the benefit of the people of
21-25    this state.
21-26          (b)  The Texas A&M University Health Science Center may
21-27    collaborate with the Central Texas Veterans Health Care System,
 22-1    Darnall Army Community Hospital, and Driscoll Children's Hospital.
 22-2          SECTION 3.16.  Section 321.0137, Government Code, is amended
 22-3    to codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to public
 22-4    community/junior colleges in the General Appropriations Act for the
 22-5    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection
 22-6    (c) to read as follows:
 22-7          (c)  In an independent audit of a junior college district
 22-8    that receives an appropriation under the General Appropriations
 22-9    Act, the state auditor shall determine whether that district has
22-10    complied with the eligibility requirements for receiving the
22-11    appropriation and any limitations on the expenditure of the
22-12    appropriation prescribed by the General Appropriations Act.
22-14                        GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
22-15          SECTION 4.01.  Chapter 91, Government Code, is amended to
22-16    codify Rider 3 following the appropriation to the State Law Library
22-17    in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
22-18    ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 91.010 to read as
22-19    follows:
22-20          Sec. 91.010.  COMPUTER-BASED LEGAL RESEARCH SERVICE. (a)  The
22-21    library may enter into interagency contracts with other state
22-22    agencies and courts to provide a computer-based legal research
22-23    service.
22-24          (b)  The library shall charge a fee for the service in an
22-25    amount equal to the cost to the library of providing the service.
22-26          SECTION 4.02.  Subchapter C, Chapter 22, Government Code, is
22-27    amended to codify Rider 5, of Article IV, Special
 23-1    Provisions-Judiciary,  in the General Appropriations Act for the
 23-2    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
 23-3    22.229 to read as follows:
 23-4          Sec. 22.229.  TRANSFER OF CASES.  The chief justice of each
 23-5    court of appeals shall cooperate with the chief justice of the
 23-6    supreme court in transferring cases between courts of appeals in
 23-7    adjacent jurisdictions to equalize the disparity in workloads of
 23-8    the courts of appeals.
 23-9          SECTION 4.03.  Subchapter D, Chapter 22, Government Code, is
23-10    amended to codify Rider 6 following the appropriation to the
23-11    Article IV Special Provisions-Judiciary in the General
23-12    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
23-13    2001, by adding Section 22.303 to read as follows:
23-14          Sec. 22.303.  VOICE OR VIDEO RECORDING. (a)  The supreme
23-15    court and the court of criminal appeals shall jointly adopt rules
23-16    authorizing the use of voice or video recording technology,
23-17    including CD-ROM, to make a record of court proceedings.
23-18          (b)  Rules adopted under Subsection (a) may not authorize the
23-19    use of voice or video recording technology as a substitute for a
23-20    written transcript.
23-22                        GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
23-23          SECTION 5.01.  Subchapter B, Chapter 431, Government Code, is
23-24    amended to codify Rider 9 following the appropriation to the
23-25    adjutant general's department in the General Appropriations Act for
23-26    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
23-27    431.0301 to read as follows:
 24-2    MABRY.  The Texas Department of Transportation shall construct,
 24-3    repair, and maintain roads in Camp Mabry in Austin and roads
 24-4    providing access to and from Camp Mabry.
 24-5          SECTION 5.02.  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Alcoholic Beverage
 24-6    Code, is amended to codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to
 24-7    the Alcoholic Beverage Commission in the General Appropriations Act
 24-8    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 24-9    Section 5.19 to read as follows:
24-10          Sec. 5.19.  COMMISSION AS STATE POLICE AGENCY. For the
24-11    purposes of application to the federal government for a license,
24-12    permit, or other authorization, including a radio frequency, or for
24-13    law enforcement assistance grants, the commission is a state police
24-14    agency.
24-15          SECTION 5.03.  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Alcoholic Beverage
24-16    Code, is amended to codify Rider 9 following the appropriation to
24-17    the Alcoholic Beverage Commission in the General Appropriations Act
24-18    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
24-19    Section 5.143 to read as follows:
24-21    commission, as part of the initial and ongoing training of the
24-22    agency's commissioned inspectors and representatives, shall
24-23    emphasize the evidentiary threshold required in the prosecution of
24-24    criminal cases as it applies to minors in possession of alcoholic
24-25    beverages.
24-26          SECTION 5.04.  Subchapter B, Chapter 495, Government Code, is
24-27    amended to codify Rider 7 following the appropriation to Texas
 25-1    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
 25-2    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 25-3    Section 495.025 to read as follows:
 25-5    AGENCIES.  The department shall enter into contracts with the Texas
 25-6    Youth Commission and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission that
 25-7    provide that the department will provide construction management
 25-8    services to those agencies for construction projects funded by
 25-9    bonds issued by the state.
25-10          SECTION 5.05.  Subchapter A, Chapter 496, Government Code, is
25-11    amended to codify Rider 8 following the appropriation to the Texas
25-12    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
25-13    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
25-14    Section 496.008 to read as follows:
25-15          Sec. 496.008.  REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDERS. The
25-16    department shall, on review of a change order, develop a procedure
25-17    to determine the cause of the change order and document the cause
25-18    of the change order in the project file. If the department
25-19    determines that the change was caused by the error or omission of a
25-20    contracted party, the department shall hold the party financially
25-21    responsible.
25-22          SECTION 5.06.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended to
25-23    codify Rider 14 following the appropriation to the Texas Department
25-24    of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act for the state
25-25    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 493.026
25-26    to read as follows:
25-27          Sec. 493.026.  PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS. The department shall use a
 26-1    payroll deduction program, in circumstances in which a deduction is
 26-2    practical, to collect money owed the department by employees for
 26-3    meals and other services.
 26-4          SECTION 5.07.  Subchapter E, Chapter 497, Government Code, is
 26-5    amended to codify Rider 18 following the appropriation to the Texas
 26-6    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
 26-7    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 26-8    Section 497.098 to read as follows:
 26-9          Sec. 497.098.  LABOR FOR PERSONAL SERVICES PROHIBITED. Inmate
26-10    labor may not be used to provide personal services to an employee
26-11    of the department.  This section does not apply to the use of
26-12    inmate labor to maintain state property.
26-13          SECTION 5.08.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended to
26-14    codify Rider 22 following the appropriation to the Texas Department
26-15    of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act for the state
26-16    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 493.0071
26-17    to read as follows:
26-18          Sec. 493.0071.  EMPLOYEE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The department
26-19    may not employ a person who, in the course of the person's official
26-20    duties as a department employee, conducts business with an
26-21    individual or firm in which the person has a direct or indirect
26-22    financial interest.
26-23          SECTION 5.09.  Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended to
26-24    codify Rider 23 following the appropriation to the Texas Department
26-25    of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act for the state
26-26    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 493.0075
26-27    to read as follows:
 27-1          Sec. 493.0075.  DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES. (a)
 27-2    The board shall maintain disciplinary procedures that allow a
 27-3    department employee to designate a person of the employee's choice
 27-4    to represent the employee in a hearing held to consider
 27-5    disciplinary action against the employee.
 27-6          (b)  The board shall maintain grievance procedures that:
 27-7                (1)  attempt to solve problems through a process that
 27-8    recognizes the employee's right to bring a grievance under this
 27-9    section; and
27-10                (2)  recognize an employee's right to independent
27-11    mediation or independent nonbinding arbitration of an
27-12    employer-employee dispute resulting in the employee's termination
27-13    or recommended termination.
27-14          (c)  A disciplinary or grievance hearing at which a
27-15    department employee serves as an employee representative must be
27-16    held during normal business hours on a weekday, unless the employer
27-17    and employee agree on a different time.  An employee who is the
27-18    subject of a disciplinary or grievance hearing shall attend the
27-19    hearing as a regular duty of employment.  An employee
27-20    representative who is a department employee must obtain prior
27-21    approval to use unpaid leave to attend a hearing.
27-22          SECTION 5.10.  Chapter 60, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
27-23    amended to codify Rider 35 following the appropriation to the Texas
27-24    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
27-25    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
27-26    Article 60.053 to read as follows:
27-27          Art. 60.053.  MANAGEMENT OF OFFENDER INFORMATION.  The Texas
 28-1    Department of Criminal Justice shall automate, to the greatest
 28-2    extent feasible, the management of information relating to
 28-3    offenders.  To accomplish this objective, the Texas Department of
 28-4    Criminal Justice may enter into a contract for automation or
 28-5    reengineering assistance on receiving approval from the Department
 28-6    of Information Resources.
 28-7          SECTION 5.11.  Subchapter B, Chapter 496, Government Code, is
 28-8    amended to codify Rider 39 following the appropriation to the Texas
 28-9    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
28-10    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
28-11    Section 496.0511 to read as follows:
28-12          Sec. 496.0511.  PURCHASE OF SERVICES, INMATE CARE THROUGH
28-13    PROPOSAL PROCESS. (a)  The department may purchase treatment
28-14    services, residential services, and inmate care through a request
28-15    for proposal process.
28-16          (b)  The department shall:
28-17                (1)  negotiate purchases of services and care described
28-18    by Subsection (a) at fair and reasonable prices that do not exceed
28-19    maximums provided by law; and
28-20                (2)  select providers on the basis of each provider's
28-21    qualifications and demonstrated competence.
28-22          SECTION 5.12.  Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is
28-23    amended to codify Rider 49 following the appropriation to the Texas
28-24    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
28-25    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
28-26    Section 51.949 to read as follows:
 29-1    An inmate confined in a facility operated by or under a contract
 29-2    with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is classified as a
 29-3    resident of this state for educational purposes at an institution
 29-4    of higher education.
 29-5          SECTION 5.13.  Subchapter C, Chapter 501, Government Code, is
 29-6    amended to codify Rider 50 following the appropriation to the Texas
 29-7    Department of Criminal Justice in the General Appropriations Act
 29-8    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 29-9    Section 501.098 to read as follows:
29-11    COURSE TO INMATE. (a)  A postsecondary educational course is
29-12    available only to an inmate who demonstrates:
29-13                (1)  a clear and convincing record of rehabilitation
29-14    during the inmate's period of imprisonment;
29-15                (2)  an interest in a field of study that would enhance
29-16    the inmate's performance of specified, productive prison tasks
29-17    during that period; and
29-18                (3)  an aptitude and ability to undertake a course of
29-19    study at the postsecondary level.
29-20          (b)  If released on parole or mandatory supervision, an
29-21    inmate shall reimburse as a condition of parole or mandatory
29-22    supervision the cost of a course of study undertaken by the inmate
29-23    under this section.
29-24          (c)  The department may not provide in-cell tutoring for an
29-25    inmate who is confined in administrative segregation.
29-26          SECTION 5.14. Section 419.027, Government Code, is amended to
29-27    codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the Texas Commission
 30-1    on Fire Protection in the General Appropriations Act for the state
 30-2    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, to read as follows:
 30-3          Sec. 419.027.  BIENNIAL INSPECTIONS. (a)  At least
 30-4    biennially, the commission shall visit and inspect each institution
 30-5    or facility conducting courses for training fire protection
 30-6    personnel and recruits, each fire department, and each local
 30-7    governmental agency providing fire protection to determine if the
 30-8    department, agency, institution, or facility is complying with this
 30-9    chapter and commission rules.
30-10          (b)  When conducting an inspection of a fire department, the
30-11    commission may not provide prior notice of the inspection to the
30-12    fire department.
30-13          SECTION 5.15.  Subchapter A, Chapter 419, Government Code, is
30-14    amended to codify Rider 6 following the appropriation to the Texas
30-15    Commission on Fire Protection in the General Appropriations Act for
30-16    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
30-17    419.0092 to read as follows:
30-18          Sec. 419.0092.  STANDARDS COMPLIANCE OFFICERS. The commission
30-19    shall appoint one person from the staff of each regional office to
30-20    serve as the standards compliance officer.
30-21          SECTION 5.16.  Subchapter C, Chapter 141, Human Resources
30-22    Code, is amended to codify Rider 16 following the appropriation to
30-23    the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission in the General
30-24    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
30-25    2001, by adding Section 141.04315 to read as follows:
30-27    SANCTIONS GUIDELINES.  The commission shall provide training to
 31-1    maximize the appropriate placement of juvenile offenders under the
 31-2    progressive sanctions guidelines in Chapter 59, Family Code, to:
 31-3                (1)  personnel of local juvenile probation departments;
 31-4    and
 31-5                (2)  judges of the juvenile courts.
 31-6          SECTION 5.17.  Subchapter B, Chapter 1702, Occupations Code,
 31-7    is amended to codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the
 31-8    Texas Commission on Private Security, referred to as the Board of
 31-9    Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, in the General
31-10    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
31-11    2001, by adding Section 1702.0291 to read as follows:
31-12          Sec. 1702.0291.  MEETING LOCATION.  A commission meeting may
31-13    be held only at a state facility in Austin.
31-14          SECTION 5.18.  Subchapter A, Chapter 411, Government Code, is
31-15    amended to codify Rider 3 following the appropriation to the
31-16    Department of Public Safety in the General Appropriations Act for
31-17    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
31-18    411.0135 to read as follows:
31-19          Sec. 411.0135.  USE OF MOTOR VEHICLE FOR PURPOSE OTHER THAN
31-20    OFFICIAL BUSINESS.  The director may not authorize more than 30
31-21    officers or employees of the department to use a state-owned or
31-22    state-leased motor vehicle to commute to and from work under
31-23    Section 2113.013.
31-24          SECTION 5.19.  Subchapter A, Chapter 411, Government Code, is
31-25    amended to codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the
31-26    Department of Public Safety in the General Appropriations Act for
31-27    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
 32-1    411.0079 to read as follows:
 32-3    CALLS.  (a)  The department shall maintain, for each fiscal year, a
 32-4    record of the number of emergency calls to which a supervisory
 32-5    officer above the rank of lieutenant responded from:
 32-6                (1)  the officer's private residence; or
 32-7                (2)  the officer's district headquarters or station.
 32-8          (b)  The department shall clearly identify the nature of each
 32-9    emergency call included in the record.
32-10          SECTION 5.20.  Section 411.014, Government Code, is amended
32-11    to codify Rider 20 following the appropriation to the Department of
32-12    Public Safety in the General Appropriations Act for the state
32-13    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (c) to
32-14    read as follows:
32-15          (c)  The department may allow the Texas Department of Public
32-16    Safety Historical Museum to use department property for a
32-17    historical museum.
32-18          SECTION 5.21. Chapter 750, Transportation Code, is amended to
32-19    codify Rider 22 following the appropriation to the Department of
32-20    Public Safety in the General Appropriations Act for the state
32-21    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 750.001
32-22    to read as follows:
32-23          Sec. 750.001.  STRANDED MOTORIST ASSISTANCE. (a)  The
32-24    Department of Public Safety is the lead state agency to help
32-25    motorists whose vehicles are disabled on state or federal roads.
32-26    The department shall obtain the cooperation of the Texas Department
32-27    of Transportation and all other relevant state agencies and
 33-1    coordinate its efforts with all local law enforcement agencies and
 33-2    interested private businesses.
 33-3          (b)  As part of its duties under this section, the Department
 33-4    of Public Safety shall establish and publicize a toll-free number
 33-5    and a universal distress signal for motorists who need assistance.
 33-6          SECTION 5.22.  Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended to
 33-7    codify Rider 29 following the appropriation to the Department of
 33-8    Public Safety in the General Appropriations Act for the state
 33-9    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subchapter J to
33-10    read as follows:
33-11                     SUBCHAPTER J.  COMPLEX CRIME UNIT
33-12          Sec. 411.301.  COMPLEX CRIME UNIT.  The department shall
33-13    maintain a complex crime unit to investigate offenses that involve
33-14    the theft or misappropriation of government property, the
33-15    investigation of which requires a level of expertise in disciplines
33-16    such as accounting or computer technology that is not readily
33-17    available to local law enforcement agencies of this state.
33-18          Sec. 411.302.  PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO COMPLEX CRIME UNIT. (a)
33-19    The complex crime unit shall be staffed by commissioned peace
33-20    officers and noncommissioned employees as determined appropriate by
33-21    the director.
33-22          (b)  To be eligible for appointment to the complex crime
33-23    unit:
33-24                (1)  a commissioned peace officer must:
33-25                      (A)  hold a degree from an accredited institution
33-26    of higher education in law, accounting, or computer science; or
33-27                      (B)  have at least two years' experience in the
 34-1    investigation of complex criminal offenses or similar law; and
 34-2                      (C)  have at least four years' experience as a
 34-3    peace officer; and
 34-4                (2)  a noncommissioned employee must meet the
 34-5    experience, training, and educational requirements established by
 34-6    the director.
 34-7          Sec. 411.303.  INVESTIGATIONS BY COMPLEX CRIME UNIT. On
 34-8    request of the governor, and with approval of the director, the
 34-9    complex crime unit may investigate any allegation of criminal
34-10    activity that involves harm to the interests of an agency of this
34-11    state.
34-13    On request of an attorney representing the state, and with approval
34-14    of the director, the complex crime unit may assist any local law
34-15    enforcement agency of this state in the investigation of a criminal
34-16    offense described by Section 411.301.
34-17          SECTION 5.23.  Section 61.033, Human Resources Code, is
34-18    amended to codify Rider 12 following the appropriation to the Texas
34-19    Youth Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the state
34-20    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, to read as follows:
34-21          Sec. 61.033.  ANNUAL [FINANCIAL] REPORT.  (a)  The commission
34-22    shall prepare annually a complete and detailed written report:
34-23                (1)  accounting for all funds received and disbursed by
34-24    the commission during the preceding fiscal year; and
34-25                (2)  assessing the effectiveness of providing
34-26    specialized treatment to children, including an assessment of the
34-27    rearrest rates of children who receive specialized treatment.
 35-1          (b)  The annual report must meet the reporting requirements
 35-2    applicable to financial reporting provided in the General
 35-3    Appropriations Act.
 35-5                        GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
 35-6          SECTION 6.01.  Section 12.0144, Agriculture Code, is amended
 35-7    to codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to the Department of
 35-8    Agriculture in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
 35-9    biennium ending August 31, 2001, to read as follows:
35-10          Sec. 12.0144.  FEE SCHEDULE.  (a)  The department shall by
35-11    rule adopt a schedule for all fees set by the department under this
35-12    code.  Except as provided by Subsection (b) [for those activities
35-13    exempted in the General Appropriations Act], the department shall
35-14    set fees in an amount which offsets, when feasible, all of the
35-15    direct and indirect state costs of administering its regulatory
35-16    activities.
35-17          (b)  The cost offset requirement established by Subsection
35-18    (a) does not apply to:
35-19                (1)  seed testing;
35-20                (2)  quarantine enforcement and education;
35-21                (3)  piece rate crop surveying;
35-22                (4)  activities conducted under the pest management
35-23    program;
35-24                (5)  activities conducted under the Agriculture Hazard
35-25    Communication Act;
35-26                (6)  boll weevil eradication activities; and
35-27                (7)  activities conducted under the predatory
 36-1    management program.
 36-2          SECTION 6.02.  Section 61.067, Natural Resources Code, is
 36-3    amended to codify Rider 12 following the appropriation to the
 36-4    General Land Office in the General Appropriations Act for the state
 36-5    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (f) to
 36-6    read as follows:
 36-7          (f)  The land office may use trusty inmates provided by the
 36-8    institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
 36-9    to clean and maintain public beaches.
36-10          SECTION 6.03. Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Water Code, is amended
36-11    to codify Rider 3 following the appropriation to the Texas Natural
36-12    Resource Conservation Commission in the General Appropriations Act
36-13    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
36-14    Section 5.127 to read as follows:
36-15          Sec. 5.127.  AUTHORITY TO CHARTER AIRCRAFT.  The commission
36-16    may spend appropriated money to charter aircraft for monitoring
36-17    environmental quality and enforcing state environmental and water
36-18    rights laws.
36-19          SECTION 6.04. Section 5.235, Water Code, is amended to codify
36-20    in part Rider 5 following the appropriation to the Texas Natural
36-21    Resource Conservation Commission in the General Appropriations Act
36-22    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
36-23    Subsection (p) to read as follows:
36-24          (p)  A fee charged under Subsection (b) or (c) may not exceed
36-25    $2,000.
36-26          SECTION 6.05. Section 382.062, Health and Safety Code, is
36-27    amended to codify in part Rider 5 following the appropriation to
 37-1    the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in the General
 37-2    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 37-3    2001, by amending Subsection (d) to read as follows:
 37-4          (d)  A fee assessed under this section may not be less than
 37-5    $25 or more than $80,000 [$75,000].
 37-6          SECTION 6.06.  Subchapter B, Chapter 11, Parks and Wildlife
 37-7    Code, is amended to codify Rider 13 following the appropriation to
 37-8    the Parks and Wildlife Department in the General Appropriations Act
 37-9    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
37-10    Section 11.0202 to read as follows:
37-11          Sec. 11.0202.  CLOTHING PROVISION. The department may not
37-12    provide a clothing or cleaning allowance to any nonuniformed
37-13    personnel.  The department may provide a cleaning allowance not to
37-14    exceed $500 per year to an employee required to wear a uniform.
37-16                        GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
37-17          SECTION 7.01.  Subchapter A, Chapter 481, Government Code, is
37-18    amended to codify Rider 11 following the appropriation to the Texas
37-19    Department of Economic Development in the General Appropriations
37-20    Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
37-21    Section 481.0064 to read as follows:
37-22          Sec. 481.0064.  DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT. (a)  The
37-23    department shall prepare annually a plan stating in detail the
37-24    department's intended action to support the defense infrastructure
37-25    of the economy of this state.  The plan must contain information
37-26    stating in detail the department's proactive strategy for providing
37-27    support to the defense industry in this state, including:
 38-1                (1)  the manner in which the strategy will be
 38-2    implemented;
 38-3                (2)  the results to be achieved; and
 38-4                (3)  the manner in which the results will be measured
 38-5    and evaluated.
 38-6          (b)  The department shall make the plan available to the
 38-7    legislature at the beginning of each fiscal year.
 38-8          (c)  The department shall also prepare a quarterly report
 38-9    stating in detail the economic effect of the military and civilian
38-10    defense industry on the economy of this state.
38-11          SECTION 7.02.  Subchapter A, Chapter 2306, Government Code,
38-12    is amended to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to the
38-13    Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
38-14    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
38-15    2001, by adding Section 2306.008 to read as follows:
38-16          Sec. 2306.008.  CONTRACT REPORTING REQUIREMENT.  (a)  A party
38-17    that  enters into a contract with the department shall provide a
38-18    full accounting of state money expended under the terms of the
38-19    contract to the director not later than the 90th day after the date
38-20    the contract is concluded or, at the option of the party
38-21    contracting with the department, not later than the 90th day after
38-22    the date of conclusion of that contracting party's fiscal year
38-23    during which the contract was in force.
38-24          (b)  All contracts entered into by the department must state
38-25    the reporting requirement provided by Subsection (a).
38-26          (c)  The failure of a party contracting with the department
38-27    to provide the full accounting of expended state money as required
 39-1    by Subsection (a) is sufficient reason for the department to
 39-2    terminate the contract and to deny any future contracts to that
 39-3    contracting party.
 39-4          SECTION 7.03. Subchapter Z, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
 39-5    amended to codify Rider 4 following the appropriation to the Texas
 39-6    Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
 39-7    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 39-8    2001, by adding Section 2306.590 to read as follows:
39-10    BOARD. The department and the Texas Water Development Board shall
39-11    coordinate funds, as outlined in a memorandum of understanding, to:
39-12                (1)  assure that appropriated funds are not:
39-13                      (A)  expended in a way that encourages the
39-14    proliferation of colonias; or
39-15                      (B)  used in any other way that is inconsistent
39-16    with the intent of the economically distressed areas program
39-17    operated by the Texas Water Development Board under Subchapter K,
39-18    Chapter 17, Water Code;
39-19                (2)  maximize delivery of the funds; and
39-20                (3)  minimize administrative delay in the funds'
39-21    expenditure.
39-22          SECTION 7.04. Subchapter H, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
39-23    amended to codify Rider 6 following the appropriation to the Texas
39-24    Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
39-25    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
39-26    2001, by adding Section 2306.185 to read as follows:
39-27          Sec. 2306.185.  LOCAL SITE VISIT.  (a)  For a proposed rental
 40-1    housing development that is the subject of an application for a
 40-2    federal tax incentive, the department shall send a department
 40-3    employee to visit the site of the proposed development if the
 40-4    department receives a letter opposing that development from the
 40-5    mayor or county judge of the affected political subdivision.
 40-6          (b)  The department employee shall visit the site with the
 40-7    mayor or judge:
 40-8                (1)  not later than the 30th day after the date of
 40-9    receipt of the letter by the department; and
40-10                (2)  before any approval of the application by the
40-11    department.
40-12          (c)  The department may obtain reimbursement, at a rate not
40-13    to exceed the federally authorized rate, from the applicant for
40-14    necessary travel expenses of the department employee making the
40-15    site visit.
40-16          SECTION 7.05. Subchapter A, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
40-17    amended to codify in part Rider 9 following the appropriation to
40-18    the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the
40-19    General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
40-20    August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2306.009 to read as follows:
40-21          Sec. 2306.009.  SCORING CRITERIA. The department shall
40-22    integrate into any scoring system used to award contracts for the
40-23    construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of single-family or
40-24    multifamily housing, or contracts for the operation of multifamily
40-25    housing, scoring criteria that reward contract proposals that
40-26    include the provision of comprehensive services to low-income
40-27    residents of this state, including services related to case
 41-1    management, homebuyer assistance, and family budgeting.
 41-2          SECTION 7.06. Section 2306.358, Government Code, is amended
 41-3    to codify in part Rider 9 following the appropriation to the Texas
 41-4    Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
 41-5    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 41-6    2001, by adding Subsection (i) to read as follows:
 41-7          (i)  To the extent practicable, the department shall develop
 41-8    a sliding scale fee schedule applicable to the issuance of
 41-9    qualified 501(c)(3) bonds described by this section to encourage
41-10    increased participation in the bond program by nonprofit entities,
41-11    including community housing development organizations.
41-12          SECTION 7.07.  Section 2306.677, Government Code, is amended
41-13    to codify in part Rider 9 following the appropriation to the Texas
41-14    Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
41-15    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
41-16    2001, by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read
41-17    as follows:
41-18          (a)  A fee charged by the department to an applicant for a
41-19    low income housing tax credit may not be excessive and, except as
41-20    provided by Subsection (c), must reflect the department's actual
41-21    costs in processing applications and providing copies of documents
41-22    in connection with the allocation process.
41-23          (c)  To the extent practicable, the department shall develop
41-24    a sliding scale fee schedule for applications submitted under this
41-25    subchapter to encourage increased participation in the low income
41-26    housing tax credit program by nonprofit entities, including
41-27    community housing development organizations.
 42-1          SECTION 7.08.  Subchapter H, Chapter 2306, Government Code,
 42-2    is amended to codify Rider 13 following the appropriation to the
 42-3    Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the General
 42-4    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 42-5    2001, by adding Section 2306.1801 to read as follows:
 42-7    HOMEBUYERS. (a)  Through  the mortgage revenue bond program for
 42-8    first-time homebuyers, the department shall  maximize the creation
 42-9    of single family housing for individuals and families of very low
42-10    income by setting aside for a period of one year at least 30
42-11    percent of the lendable bond proceeds for individuals and families
42-12    with incomes at or below 60 percent of the area median family
42-13    income.
42-14          (b)  The department shall use down payment and closing cost
42-15    assistance or other methods of assistance to facilitate the
42-16    origination of single family mortgage loans to individuals and
42-17    families with incomes at or below 60 percent of the area median
42-18    family income.
42-19          (c)  The department shall manage the mortgage revenue bond
42-20    program for first-time homebuyers in a manner that will obtain the
42-21    highest reasonable bond rating.
42-22          SECTION 7.09.  Section 201.403, Transportation Code, is
42-23    amended to codify Rider 13 following the appropriation to the Texas
42-24    Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for
42-25    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
42-26    Subsection (e) to read as follows:
42-27          (e)  The department shall implement the policy statement
 43-1    prepared under Section 201.402(a) to hire qualified minority
 43-2    applicants for supervisory or management positions and to promote
 43-3    qualified minority employees into supervisory or management
 43-4    positions.
 43-5          SECTION 7.10.  Section 201.108, Transportation Code, is
 43-6    amended to codify Rider 20 following the appropriation to the Texas
 43-7    Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for
 43-8    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 43-9    Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:
43-10          (c)  In complying with the requirements of Chapter 2102,
43-11    Government Code, the department shall assign at least one internal
43-12    auditor to each district office and to each division in the
43-13    department.  An internal auditor assigned under this subsection
43-14    shall report either directly to the commission or to the internal
43-15    auditor appointed under Section 2102.006, Government Code.
43-16          (d)  An internal auditor assigned to a district office under
43-17    Subsection (c) may consider suggestions from a district engineer in
43-18    developing a proposal for the department's annual audit plan.
43-19          SECTION 7.11. Subchapter B, Chapter 223, Transportation Code,
43-20    is amended to codify Rider 21 following the appropriation to the
43-21    Texas Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations
43-22    Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
43-23    Section 223.049 to read as follows:
43-25    MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS.  In a contract for construction or
43-26    maintenance work made with the private sector, the department shall
43-27    require a contractor and a subcontractor to pay all employees and
 44-1    contract labor not less than the federal minimum wage rate.  The
 44-2    department shall withhold payments to the contractor until the
 44-3    contractual obligations to pay employees and contract labor have
 44-4    been fulfilled.
 44-5          SECTION 7.12. Subchapter H, Chapter 201, Transportation Code,
 44-6    is amended to codify Rider 32 following the appropriation to the
 44-7    Texas Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations
 44-8    Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 44-9    Section 201.6091 to read as follows:
44-10          Sec. 201.6091.  PROJECT STATUS. (a)  Before January 1 of each
44-11    year, the department shall provide each member of the legislature,
44-12    unless the member requests it not be provided, a status report of
44-13    all highway construction projects, by legislative district, under
44-14    contract or awaiting funding at the time of the report, including
44-15    projects that would be funded fully or partially by state, federal,
44-16    or toll funds.
44-17          (b)  Not later than the 91st day before the date the
44-18    department grants any loan for any project in a legislative
44-19    district, the department shall notify all legislative members of
44-20    the legislative district about the status of the project and how
44-21    other projects in any legislative district would be affected.
44-22          SECTION 7.13.  Section 22.055(b), Transportation Code, is
44-23    amended to codify in part Rider 33 following the appropriation to
44-24    the Texas Department of Transportation in the General
44-25    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
44-26    2001, to read as follows:
44-27          (b)  A local government may designate the Texas Department of
 45-1    Transportation as its agent to accept, give a receipt for, and
 45-2    disburse money from grants and loans for any of the purposes of
 45-3    this chapter.  The department shall accept and shall transfer or
 45-4    spend federal money accepted under this section on the terms
 45-5    prescribed by the United States.  The department shall deposit
 45-6    money it receives under this subsection in the state treasury and
 45-7    shall hold the money in trust to be used for those purposes for
 45-8    which the money is made available.  Unless[, unless] the agency
 45-9    from which the money is received prescribes otherwise, the
45-10    department shall keep the money in separate funds designated
45-11    according to the purposes for which the money is made available,
45-12    including a fund designated for the purpose of reimbursing the
45-13    state highway fund for expenditures made for projects for which
45-14    federal money is made available[, and the state shall hold the
45-15    money in trust for those purposes].
45-16          SECTION 7.14. Section 222.052, Transportation Code, is
45-17    amended to codify in part Rider 33 following the appropriation to
45-18    the Texas Department of Transportation in the General
45-19    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
45-20    2001, by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
45-21          (d)  The department shall hold in trust contributions made
45-22    under this section for the purpose of reimbursing the state highway
45-23    fund for expenditures made by the commission under Subsection (a)
45-24    for roads and highways in the political subdivisions that
45-25    contribute to the account.
45-26          SECTION 7.15.  Section 201.706, Transportation Code, is
45-27    amended to codify Rider 37 following the appropriation to the Texas
 46-1    Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for
 46-2    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, to read as
 46-3    follows:
 46-4          Sec. 201.706.  LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE. (a)  From
 46-5    appropriated funds, the department shall:
 46-6                (1)  assist counties with materials to repair and
 46-7    maintain county roads in an amount having a value of[.  The
 46-8    department shall:]
 46-9                [(1)  provide that the total annual value of assistance
46-10    under this section is:]
46-11                      [(A)  at least $12 million per year for fiscal
46-12    years 1998 and 1999; and]
46-13                      [(B)] at least $6 million per fiscal year [for a
46-14    fiscal year other than 1998 or 1999];
46-15                (2)  make maximum usage of surplus materials on hand;
46-16                (3)  develop rules and procedures to implement this
46-17    subsection [section] and to provide for the distribution of the
46-18    assistance with preference given to counties with an above average
46-19    number of overweight trucks receiving weight tolerance permits
46-20    based on the previous year's permit totals; and
46-21                (4)  undertake cooperative and joint procurement of
46-22    road materials with counties under General Services Commission
46-23    procedures.
46-24          (b)  From appropriated funds, the department may assist
46-25    municipalities in the maintenance of municipal streets by providing
46-26    expertise in the field of roadway maintenance.
46-27          (c)  If the department possesses surplus materials, the
 47-1    department shall make the surplus materials available to any local
 47-2    government of this state that establishes a need for the surplus
 47-3    materials.  The department shall adopt rules and procedures to
 47-4    implement this subsection.
 47-5          SECTION 7.16.  Section 201.608, Transportation Code, is
 47-6    amended to codify Rider 48 following the appropriation to the Texas
 47-7    Department of Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for
 47-8    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 47-9    Subsection (d) to read as follows:
47-10          (d)  The department annually shall review its proposed road
47-11    and maintenance projects to determine whether the projects are
47-12    adequate to allow for the projected effect of overweight trucks on
47-13    state highways resulting from international trade.
47-14          SECTION 7.17.  Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
47-15    amended to codify Rider 13 following the appropriation to the Texas
47-16    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
47-17    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
47-18    302.0042 to read as follows:
47-19          Sec. 302.0042.  DONATED PURCHASE AGREEMENTS.  The commission
47-20    shall use donated purchase agreements and other funding mechanisms,
47-21    to the extent permitted by federal law, to:
47-22                (1)  maximize the availability of state matching funds
47-23    for federal child care funds; and
47-24                (2)  encourage local child care planning and matching
47-25    funds participation.
47-26          SECTION 7.18.  Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
47-27    amended to codify Rider 14 following the appropriation to the Texas
 48-1    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
 48-2    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
 48-3    302.0041 to read as follows:
 48-4          Sec. 302.0041.  MAXIMIZING FEDERAL CHILD CARE FUNDS. (a)  The
 48-5    commission shall cooperate with municipalities, nonprofit
 48-6    organizations, the Texas Education Agency, and school districts to
 48-7    obtain local matching funds necessary to maximize federal funds for
 48-8    child care.
 48-9          (b)  The commission may implement necessary system and
48-10    accounting system changes as needed to implement this section.
48-11          SECTION 7.19.  Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
48-12    amended to codify Rider 23 following the appropriation to the Texas
48-13    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
48-14    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
48-15    302.009 to read as follows:
48-17    AREAS.  The commission and local workforce boards shall expand the
48-18    availability of employment and child care programs to rural areas
48-19    to the extent the expansion is determined to be cost effective.
48-20          SECTION 7.20. Subchapter G, Chapter 2308, Government Code, is
48-21    amended to codify Rider 27 following the appropriation to the Texas
48-22    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
48-23    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
48-24    2308.317 to read as follows:
48-26    BENEFITS. (a)  A person receiving child care assistance benefits
48-27    who is at least 17 years of age and holds a high school diploma, or
 49-1    other diploma or certificate issued on the basis of the successful
 49-2    performance on a high school equivalence examination, continues to
 49-3    be eligible for child care assistance benefits while the person is
 49-4    enrolled in an educational program for an associate's degree.
 49-5          (b)  A person is eligible for benefits under Subsection (a)
 49-6    for a period not to exceed four years as long as the person
 49-7    continues to be enrolled in an educational program that will
 49-8    prepare the person for employment in a high demand occupation with
 49-9    an upward career path as determined by the board.
49-10          (c)  The board may determine the eligibility of a person
49-11    under this section based on the person's progress towards
49-12    completion of the educational program.
49-13          SECTION 7.21.  Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
49-14    amended to codify Rider 29 following the appropriation to the Texas
49-15    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
49-16    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
49-17    302.010 to read as follows:
49-19    OBJECTIVE.  The primary objective of job training programs that
49-20    offer employment assistance, training services, volunteer
49-21    resources, needs assessment, and skills enhancement to individual
49-22    clients through a locally-based network of career development
49-23    centers is to teach job skills adequate for employment in the
49-24    community.  While a job training program may contain instruction in
49-25    English as a second language, a program of instruction in English
49-26    as a second language may not substitute for a job training program.
49-27          SECTION 7.22.  Subchapter C, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
 50-1    amended to codify Rider 30 following the appropriation to the Texas
 50-2    Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
 50-3    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
 50-4    302.044 to read as follows:
 50-5          Sec. 302.044.  REALLOCATION OF PERSONNEL. The commission
 50-6    shall reduce the number of its employees in proportion to the
 50-7    amount of funds transferred to a local workforce development board
 50-8    to provide workforce services unless the local workforce
 50-9    development board contracts with the commission for the commission
50-10    to provide those services.
50-11          SECTION 7.23.  Subchapter A, Chapter 31, Human Resources
50-12    Code, is amended to codify Rider 33 following the appropriation to
50-13    the Texas Workforce Commission in the General Appropriations Act
50-14    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
50-15    Section 31.0128 to read as follows:
50-17    ELIGIBILITY. If the department, the Texas Workforce Commission, or
50-18    both the department and the Texas Workforce Commission require an
50-19    applicant for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families to register
50-20    with the commission before the department  determines the
50-21    applicant's eligibility for assistance, the applicant's
50-22    registration and orientation must take place at an office at which
50-23    the department determines an applicant's eligibility for
50-24    assistance.
50-26                        GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT
50-27          SECTION 8.01. Subchapter B, Chapter 2003, Government Code, is
 51-1    amended to codify Rider 2 following the appropriation to the State
 51-2    Office of Administrative Hearings in the General Appropriations Act
 51-3    for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding
 51-4    Section 2003.025 to read as follows:
 51-6    BILLED.  The office shall establish procedures under which a state
 51-7    agency may establish a limit, in an interagency contract that the
 51-8    agency executes with the office, on the aggregate billable amount
 51-9    for a fiscal year.
51-10          SECTION 8.02.  Section 1601.154, Occupations Code, is amended
51-11    to codify Rider 1 following the appropriation to the State Board of
51-12    Barber Examiners in the General Appropriations Act for the state
51-13    fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (c) to
51-14    read as follows:
51-15          (c)  The board may not spend money appropriated for
51-16    inspections unless the board has entered into an interagency
51-17    contract with the Texas Cosmetology Commission to maintain a
51-18    statewide crossover inspection and enforcement program.  The board
51-19    shall send a copy of the signed contract to the Legislative Budget
51-20    Board, the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning, and the
51-21    comptroller.
51-22          SECTION 8.03.  Subchapter D, Chapter 1602, Occupations Code,
51-23    is amended to codify Rider 1 following the appropriation to the
51-24    Texas Cosmetology Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
51-25    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
51-26    1602.1545 to read as follows:
 52-1    ENFORCEMENT.  The commission may not spend money appropriated for
 52-2    inspections unless the commission has entered into an interagency
 52-3    contract with the State Board of Barber Examiners to maintain a
 52-4    statewide crossover inspection and enforcement program. The
 52-5    commission shall send a copy of the signed contract to the
 52-6    Legislative Budget Board, the Governor's Office of Budget and
 52-7    Planning, and the comptroller.
 52-8          SECTION 8.04.  Subchapter D, Chapter 1602, Occupations Code,
 52-9    is amended to codify Rider 5 following the appropriation to the
52-10    Texas Cosmetology Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
52-11    the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
52-12    1602.156 to read as follows:
52-13          Sec. 1602.156.  PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTIONS.  If the
52-14    commission divides the state into districts for the purpose of
52-15    inspecting schools of cosmetology, the inspector assigned to the
52-16    district in which a school is located shall inspect the school.  If
52-17    a school is located in a district to which an inspector has not
52-18    been assigned, the commission's director of enforcement may inspect
52-19    the school.
52-20          SECTION 8.05.  Section 1602.151, Occupations Code, is amended
52-21    to codify Rider 7 following the appropriation to the Texas
52-22    Cosmetology Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the
52-23    state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection
52-24    (c) to read as follows:
52-25          (c)  The commission shall adopt written policies and
52-26    procedures relating to overnight travel.
52-27          SECTION 8.06.  Subchapter D, Chapter 51, Occupations Code, is
 53-1    amended to codify Rider 10 following the appropriation to the Texas
 53-2    Department of Licensing and Regulation in the General
 53-3    Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
 53-4    2001, by adding Section 51.207 to read as follows:
 53-5          Sec. 51.207.  ELECTRONIC EXAMINATIONS.  The department shall:
 53-6                (1)  identify programs regulated by the department for
 53-7    which the required examinations could be offered in an electronic
 53-8    medium; and
 53-9                (2)  develop and implement electronic examinations for
53-10    those programs.
53-12          SECTION 9.01. (a)  This Act is enacted as part of the state's
53-13    continuing statutory revision program under Chapter 323, Government
53-14    Code.  This Act is a revision for purposes of Section 43, Article
53-15    III, Texas Constitution, and has the purpose of codifying without
53-16    substantive change various provisions of Chapter 1589, Acts of the
53-17    76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999 (the General Appropriations
53-18    Act).
53-19          (b)  If any provision of this Act conflicts with another
53-20    statute enacted by the 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, the
53-21    other statute controls.
53-22          SECTION 9.02.  This Act takes effect August 31, 2001.