By Carona                                             S.B. No. 1197
         77R9148 T                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a blue ribbon panel to study and make
 1-3     recommendations for a strategic plan for the education, prevention
 1-4     and treatment of problem gambling and an interagency council to
 1-5     coordinate the state's resources in meeting the needs of
 1-6     individuals, families, businesses, organizations and communities
 1-7     impacted by problem and pathological gambling.
 1-9           SECTION 1. Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code is amended by
1-10     adding Section 461.019 to read as follows:
1-11           Sec. 461.019.  INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON PROBLEM GAMBLING. (a)
1-12     The Interagency Council on Problem Gambling is established to
1-13     foster cooperation between agencies in order to meet the needs of
1-14     individuals, families, businesses, organizations and communities
1-15     impacted by problem gambling.
1-16           (b)  The membership of the interagency council includes
1-17     high-level representatives as appointed by the directors of these
1-18     entities:
1-19                 (1)  Health and Human Services Commission;
1-20                 (2)  Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drugs;
1-21                 (3)  Texas Lottery Commission;
1-22                 (4)  Charitable Bingo Division of the Texas Lottery
1-23     Commission;
1-24                 (5)  Texas Racing Commission;
 2-1                 (6)  Department of Public Safety;
 2-2                 (7)  Texas Education Agency;
 2-3                 (8)  Department of Protective and Regulatory Services;
 2-4                 (9)  Texas Department of Aging;
 2-5                 (10)  Texas Agricultural Extension Service;
 2-6                 (11)  Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner;
 2-7                 (12)  Department of Human Services;
 2-8                 (13)  Texas Department of Health;
 2-9                 (14)  Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
2-10     Retardation;
2-11                 (15)  Office of the Attorney General;
2-12                 (16)  Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
2-13                 (17)  Texas Youth Commission;
2-14                 (18)  Texas Juvenile Probation Commission;
2-15                 (19)  Texas State Office of Rural Health;
2-16           (c)  The appointed representative of the Health and Human
2-17     Services Commission shall serve as the presiding officer of the
2-18     interagency council.  The commission may provide administrative
2-19     support to the committee.
2-20           (d)  The Texas Council on Problem and Compulsive Gambling
2-21     shall appoint one or more persons to serve as advisors to the
2-22     interagency council.
2-23           (e)  The interagency council shall meet at least once each
2-24     quarter of each calendar year on dates determined by the
2-25     interagency council members.
2-26           (f)  The interagency council shall make quarterly reports to
2-27     the governor, speaker of the house, and lieutenant governor.  The
 3-1     quarterly report shall include the efforts of each agency to
 3-2     address the needs of Texans impacted by problem gambling.
 3-3           SECTION 2.  (a)  The Blue Ribbon Panel on Problem Gambling is
 3-4     established to study problem gambling in order to develop a
 3-5     strategic plan to provide education, prevention and the treatment
 3-6     of problem and pathological gambling in Texas.
 3-7           (b)  The panel is composed of not less than twelve members as
 3-8     follows:
 3-9                 (1)  A representative of the governor's office
3-10                 (2)  One member of the senate appointed by the
3-11     lieutenant governor.
3-12                 (3)  One member of the house of representatives
3-13     appointed by the speaker of the house; and not less than 10 members
3-14     appointed by the governor who have an interest in problem and
3-15     pathological gambling and who has experience in one of the
3-16     following:
3-17                       (a)  Research institutions;
3-18                       (b)  Clinical practices;
3-19                       (c)  Youth education;
3-20                       (d)  Mental health community or community mental
3-21     health centers;
3-22                       (e)  Financial literacy or credit counseling;
3-23                       (f)  Services for older adults;
3-24                       (g)  Legal or criminal justice;
3-25                       (h)  Student activities or athletics in higher
3-26     education; and
3-27                       (i)  The faith community.
 4-1           (c)  Initial appointments must be made not later than
 4-2     December 31, 2001.  The governor shall appoint one of the members
 4-3     to serve as presiding officer of the blue ribbon panel.  Chapter
 4-4     2110, Government Code, does not apply to the panel.  A member of
 4-5     the panel is not entitled to compensation or reimbursement by the
 4-6     state for travel expenses related to the business of the panel,
 4-7     unless the person is a member by virtue of state employment, in
 4-8     which event the employing agency shall reimburse the member for
 4-9     reasonable and necessary expenses.  The entities represented by the
4-10     members of the panel may provide staff and other support services
4-11     as need by the panel.
4-12           (d)  The Texas Council on Problem and Compulsive Gambling
4-13     shall designate one or more persons to serve as a resource to the
4-14     committee.
4-15           (e)  The blue ribbon panel shall:
4-16                 (1)  examine current research of the prevalence of
4-17     problem and pathological gambling, both in Texas, the United States
4-18     and other jurisdictions;
4-19                 (2)  identify best practices in the education,
4-20     prevention and treatment of problem and pathological gambling in
4-21     the United States and Canada;
4-22                 (3)  identify how co-morbidity factors impact the onset
4-23     and treatment of problem and pathological gambling;
4-24                 (4)  evaluate how problem and pathological gambling
4-25     impacts individuals, families, businesses, organizations and
4-26     communities, including the criminal justice system;
4-27                 (5)  consider changes in the law necessary to reduce
 5-1     the incidences of problem and pathological gambling;
 5-2                 (6)  determine what standards are necessary to protect
 5-3     the public who seek counseling and treatment for pathological
 5-4     gambling problems; and
 5-5                 (7)  evaluate how state gambling regulatory agencies
 5-6     are promoting responsible gaming practices.
 5-7           (f)  The blue ribbon panel shall submit a report based on its
 5-8     findings to the 78th Legislature not later than January 15, 2003.
 5-9     As part of its report, the panel shall submit to the legislature a
5-10     strategic plan that includes a timetable for implementation.
5-11           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
5-12     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
5-13     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
5-14     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
5-15     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.