By: Fraser S.B. No. 1398 2001S0784/1 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the authority of the governing body of a municipality 1-3 to change previously adopted zoning regulations. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Section 211.003, Local Government Code, is 1-6 amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: 1-7 (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, 1-8 the governing body of a municipality may not change a previously 1-9 enacted zoning regulation affecting a property unless: 1-10 (1) the owner of the property: 1-11 (A) waives any right to object to the proposed 1-12 change; or 1-13 (B) fails to file a written objection with the 1-14 governing body before the 90th day after the date the governing 1-15 body notifies the property owner of the proposed change; or 1-16 (2) the governing body compensates the property owner 1-17 for the diminution in value resulting from the change as determined 1-18 by: 1-19 (A) an agreement with the property owner; or 1-20 (B) a condemnation proceeding governed by 1-21 Chapter 21, Property Code. 1-22 SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.