1-1 By: Haywood S.B. No. 1488 1-2 (In the Senate - Filed March 9, 2001; March 13, 2001, read 1-3 first time and referred to Committee on Finance; April 30, 2001, 1-4 reported favorably by the following vote: Yeas 11, Nays 0; 1-5 April 30, 2001, sent to printer.) 1-6 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-7 AN ACT 1-8 relating to performance expectations and compensation systems for 1-9 state employees. 1-10 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-11 SECTION 1. Subchapter K, Chapter 659, Government Code, is 1-12 amended by adding Sections 659.2551 and 659.2552 to read as 1-13 follows: 1-14 Sec. 659.2551. PERFORMANCE LINKED TO AGENCY GOALS. Each 1-15 state agency shall adopt policies to ensure that an employee's 1-16 performance expectations are linked to the goals in the agency's 1-17 strategic plan adopted under Chapter 2056. 1-18 Sec. 659.2552. TASK FORCE TO EVALUATE EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION 1-19 SYSTEMS. (a) The task force is composed of: 1-20 (1) a representative of: 1-21 (A) the governor's office, appointed by the 1-22 governor; 1-23 (B) the state auditor's office, appointed by the 1-24 state auditor; 1-25 (C) the comptroller's office, appointed by the 1-26 comptroller; and 1-27 (D) the Legislative Budget Board, appointed by 1-28 the director; and 1-29 (2) the following representatives, appointed by the 1-30 governor: 1-31 (A) three representatives from state agencies 1-32 that employ fewer than 100 full-time employees; 1-33 (B) three representatives from state agencies 1-34 that employ at least 100 but fewer than 1,000 full-time employees; 1-35 and 1-36 (C) three representatives from state agencies 1-37 that employ 1,000 or more full-time employees. 1-38 (b) The representative of the state auditor's office shall 1-39 serve as the presiding officer of the task force. 1-40 (c) The task force shall: 1-41 (1) evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the 1-42 current merit increase system for compensating employees; 1-43 (2) identify statewide opportunities for funding 1-44 pay-for-performance policies and practices to supplement current 1-45 efforts at recruiting and retaining employees; and 1-46 (3) provide recommendations on those matters to the 1-47 legislature not later than January 1, 2003. 1-48 (d) A member of the task force serves at the will of the 1-49 appointing entity. 1-50 SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001. 1-51 * * * * *