By Shapiro                                            S.B. No. 1529
         77R9311 PAM-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to procedures for maintaining information on lists of
 1-3     registered voters.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Section 16.003, Election Code, is amended to read
 1-6     as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 16.003.  FELONY CONVICTION. (a)  Each week the
 1-8     Department of Public Safety shall prepare an abstract of each final
 1-9     judgment received by the department convicting a person 18 years of
1-10     age or older who is a resident of the state of a felony.  [Each
1-11     month the institutional division of the Texas Department of
1-12     Criminal Justice shall prepare an abstract of each final judgment
1-13     received by the institutional division, occurring in the month,
1-14     convicting a person 18 years of age or older who is a resident of
1-15     the state of a felony.]
1-16           (b)  The Department of Public Safety shall file each abstract
1-17     with the secretary of state not later than one week following the
1-18     week in which the abstract is prepared. The secretary of state
1-19     shall file each abstract received under this subsection with the
1-20     voter registrar of the person's county of residence not later than
1-21     one week following the week in which the abstract is received under
1-22     this subsection.  [The institutional division of the Texas
1-23     Department of Criminal Justice shall file each abstract with the
1-24     voter registrar of the person's county of residence not later than
 2-1     the 10th day of the month following the month in which the abstract
 2-2     is prepared.]
 2-3           SECTION 2. Sections 18.063(a), (c), and (d), Election Code,
 2-4     are amended to read as follows:
 2-5           (a)  Once each week [On or after the first day but before the
 2-6     16th day of January, March, June, September, and December of each
 2-7     year], each registrar of a county that has not contracted with the
 2-8     secretary of state for electronic data services to facilitate the
 2-9     implementation of the registration service program shall deliver to
2-10     the secretary of state a list containing each new registration,
2-11     canceled registration, and change in registration information that
2-12     has occurred in the county since the delivery of the previous list
2-13     under this subsection or Subsection (b), as applicable.
2-14           (c)  The information on the lists required by this section
2-15     must be current as of the date of delivery.  The secretary shall
2-16     use the information to update the state master file and to identify
2-17     any voters in the master file that may be duplicated, deceased, or
2-18     ineligible because of a felony conviction.  The secretary shall
2-19     notify the registrar of the appropriate county of any voter
2-20     included in the master file that may be duplicated, deceased, or
2-21     ineligible because of a felony conviction.
2-22           (d)  The secretary shall:
2-23                 (1)  prescribe the form for the lists required by this
2-24     section; and
2-25                 (2)  prescribe procedures as necessary to implement
2-26     this section.
2-27           SECTION 3. Section 19.004, Election Code, is amended to read
 3-1     as follows:
 3-2           Sec. 19.004.  USE OF STATE FUNDS RESTRICTED. (a)  State funds
 3-3     disbursed under this chapter may be used only to defray expenses of
 3-4     the registrar's office in connection with voter registration,
 3-5     including additional expenses related to:
 3-6                 (1)  implementation of the National Voter Registration
 3-7     Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. Section 1973gg et seq.); and
 3-8                 (2)  complying with the weekly updating requirements
 3-9     prescribed by Section 18.063.
3-10           (b)  The secretary of state shall specify the procedures that
3-11     result in additional expenses and that are required under this
3-12     section [to implement that federal law].
3-13           SECTION 4. Section 20.065, Election Code, is amended to read
3-14     as follows:
3-16     ADDRESS. (a)  At the end of each day a Department of Public Safety
3-17     office is regularly open for business, the manager of the office
3-18     shall deliver by mail or in person to the voter registrar of the
3-19     county in which the office is located each completed voter
3-20     registration application and applicable change of address submitted
3-21     to a department employee.
3-22           (b)  Once each week, the department shall electronically
3-23     transfer to the secretary of state the name of each person who
3-24     completes a voter registration application submitted to the
3-25     department.  The secretary shall prescribe procedures necessary to
3-26     implement this subsection.
3-27           (c)  Not later than the seventh day after the date the
 4-1     secretary of state receives information under Subsection (b), the
 4-2     secretary shall inform the appropriate voter registrar of the name
 4-3     of each person who completes a voter registration application
 4-4     submitted to the department.  The registrar may verify that the
 4-5     registrar has received each application as indicated by the
 4-6     information provided by the secretary under this subsection.
 4-7           SECTION 5. This Act takes effect January 1, 2002.