By Staples                                            S.B. No. 1610
         77R9170 T                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the collection of delinquent fines by county attorneys,
 1-3     district attorneys or criminal district attorneys.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Amending Code of Criminal Procedure Article
 1-6     102.007 as follows:
 1-8     OR DELINQUENT FINE. (a)  A county attorney, district attorney, or
 1-9     criminal district attorney may collect a fee if his office collects
1-10     a delinquent fine, or collects and processes a check or similar
1-11     sight order if the check or similar sight order:
1-12                 (1)  has been issued or passed in a manner that makes
1-13     the issuance or passing an offense under:
1-14                       (A)  Section 31.03, Penal Code;
1-15                       (B)  Section 31.04, Penal Code; or
1-16                       (C)  Section 32.41, Penal Code; or
1-17                 (2)  has been forged, as defined by Section 32.21,
1-18     Penal Code; or
1-19                 (3)  if a delinquent fine, if the delinquent fine is
1-20     for a case which the county attorney, district attorney or criminal
1-21     district attorney is charged with prosecuting.
1-22           (b)  The county attorney, district attorney, or criminal
1-23     district attorney may collect the fee from any person who is a
1-24     party to the offense described in Subsection (a).
 2-1           (c)  The amount of the fee may not exceed:
 2-2                 (1)  $10 if the face amount of the check, [or] sight
 2-3     order or delinquent fine does not exceed $10;
 2-4                 (2)  $15 if the face amount of the check, [or] sight
 2-5     order or delinquent fine is greater than $10 but does not exceed
 2-6     $100;
 2-7                 (3)  $30 if the face amount of the check, [or] sight
 2-8     order or delinquent fine is greater than $100 but does not exceed
 2-9     $300;
2-10                 (4)  $50 if the face amount of the check, [or] sight
2-11     order or delinquent fine is greater than $300 but does not exceed
2-12     $500; and
2-13                 (5)  $75 if the face amount of the check, [or] sight
2-14     order or delinquent fine is greater than $500.
2-15           (d)  If the person from whom the fee is collected was a party
2-16     to the offense of forgery, as defined by Section 32.21, Penal Code,
2-17     committed by altering the face amount of the check or sight order,
2-18     the face amount as altered governs for the purposes of determining
2-19     the amount of the fee.
2-20           (e)  In addition to the collection fee specified in
2-21     Subsection (c) of this article, the county attorney, district
2-22     attorney, or criminal district attorney may collect the fee
2-23     authorized by Article 9022, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, for the
2-24     benefit of the holder of a check or its assignee, agent,
2-25     representative, or any other person retained by the holder to seek
2-26     collection of the check.
2-27           (f)  Fees collected under Subsection (c) of this article
 3-1     shall be deposited in the county treasury in a special fund to be
 3-2     administered by the county attorney, district attorney, or criminal
 3-3     district attorney.  Expenditures from this fund shall be at the
 3-4     sole discretion of the attorney and may be used only to defray the
 3-5     salaries and expenses of the prosecutor's office, but in no event
 3-6     may the county attorney, district attorney, or criminal district
 3-7     attorney supplement his or her own salary from this fund.
 3-8           (g)  For the purposes of this section; delinquent fines are
 3-9     defined as fines, court costs or court ordered attorney fees which
3-10     are not paid within the period granted by the judgment for payment
3-11     of said fines, court costs or court ordered attorney fees.
3-12           SECTION 2.  This act takes effect immediately if it receives
3-13     a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, as
3-14     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
3-15     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
3-16     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.