1-1     By:  Sibley                                           S.B. No. 1659
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 9, 2001; March 14, 2001, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Business and Commerce;
 1-4     March 29, 2001, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; March 29, 2001,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1659                  By:  Sibley
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the format of telecommunications utility billing
1-11     statements.
1-13           SECTION 1.  Section 55.012, Utilities Code, as added by
1-14     Chapter 1212, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999,
1-15     is amended to read as follows:
1-16           Sec. 55.012.  TELECOMMUNICATIONS BILLING.  (a)  The
1-17     proliferation of charges for separate services, products,
1-18     surcharges, fees, and taxes on a bill for telecommunications
1-19     products or services has increased the complexity of those bills to
1-20     such an extent that in some cases the bills have become difficult
1-21     for customers to understand.
1-22           (b)  A bill from a local exchange company for
1-23     telecommunications products or services should be [simplified into
1-24     general categories to the extent that simplification is] consistent
1-25     with providing customers sufficient information about the charges
1-26     included in the bill to understand the basis and source of the
1-27     charges.
1-28           (c)  To the extent permitted by law, a monthly bill from a
1-29     local exchange company for local exchange telephone service shall
1-30     clearly identify all charges including [include an aggregate charge
1-31     for each of the following categories:]
1-32                 [(1)]  basic local service charges, [and] fees, [which
1-33     includes] carrier's charges, [for basic local telecommunications
1-34     service and related fees,] assessments, [and] surcharges,[;]
1-35                 [(2)]  optional services,[;] and
1-36                 [(3)]  taxes[, which includes any taxes applicable to
1-37     the charges described by Subdivisions (1) and (2)].
1-38           (d)  Local exchange carriers shall annually file a copy of
1-39     that portion of their bill that has not been previously approved by
1-40     the commission for compliance review with this section.
1-41           (e)  The commission shall have all necessary authority to
1-42     enforce this section.
1-43           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
1-44     a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, as
1-45     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
1-46     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
1-47     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
1-48                                  * * * * *