By Haywood                                            S.B. No. 1750
         77R2916 MI-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to authorizing plans for unit operations for oil or oil
 1-3     and gas production.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 3, Natural Resources Code, is
 1-6     amended by adding Chapter 104 to read as follows:
 1-7                          CHAPTER 104.  UNITIZATION
 1-8                      SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS
 1-9           Sec. 104.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
1-10     Texas Enhanced Recovery Unitization Act.
1-11           Sec. 104.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
1-12                 (1)  "Affiliate" means a corporation, partnership, or
1-13     other legal entity that owns, is owned by, or is under common
1-14     ownership with another corporation, partnership, or legal entity to
1-15     the extent of 50 percent or more or that otherwise controls or is
1-16     controlled by another corporation, partnership, or other legal
1-17     entity.  Affiliates of a common entity are also affiliates of each
1-18     other.
1-19                 (2)  "Commission" means the Railroad Commission of
1-20     Texas.
1-21                 (3)  "Common source of supply" means:
1-22                       (A)  a common reservoir as defined by Section
1-23     86.002; or
1-24                       (B)  separate multiple stratigraphic or
 2-1     lenticular accumulations of oil or gas or oil and gas that have
 2-2     been recognized and regulated as a common reservoir by the
 2-3     commission under Section 86.081(b).
 2-4                 (4)  "Extraneous substances" are hydrocarbon or other
 2-5     substances purchased or otherwise obtained from outside a unit area
 2-6     for injection into the common source of supply during unit
 2-7     operations.
 2-8                 (5)  "Marketing" includes sales of production and
 2-9     associated gathering, storage, treatment, and compression.
2-10                 (6)  "Oil and gas" means "oil" and "gas" as defined by
2-11     Section 85.001.
2-12                 (7)  "Plan of unitization" means a plan or agreement
2-13     that is consistent with the requirements of this chapter between
2-14     working interest owners and royalty owners in a common reservoir in
2-15     which unit operations may be conducted to enhance the production of
2-16     oil or oil and gas from the common reservoir above the volumes that
2-17     would otherwise be produced by primary recovery operations only.
2-18                 (8)  "Postunitized daily average primary production"
2-19     means the amount of production established by the commission under
2-20     Section 104.028(b).
2-21                 (9)  "Primary recovery" means the displacement of oil
2-22     or oil and gas from the earth into the well bore by means of the
2-23     natural pressure of the reservoir, including artificial lift.
2-24                 (10)  "Royalty interest" means the right to, or
2-25     interest in, oil and gas or proceeds of oil and gas production,
2-26     other than a working interest.
2-27                 (11)  "Royalty owner" means the owner of a royalty
 3-1     interest.
 3-2                 (12)  "Tract" means a parcel of land lying within the
 3-3     unit area that is under uniform royalty and working interest
 3-4     ownership.
 3-5                 (13)  "Tract participation" means the percentage shown
 3-6     in the plan of unitization for allocating unit production to a
 3-7     tract.
 3-8                 (14)  "Unit area" includes the surface area inside the
 3-9     boundaries of the unit and the common source of supply or the part
3-10     of the common source underlying the surface area that may be
3-11     reasonably required for conduct of unit operations.
3-12                 (15)  "Unit cost" or "unit expense" includes any cost
3-13     or expense incurred in the conduct of unit operations.
3-14                 (16)  "Unit incremental enhanced recovery production"
3-15     means the amount of production allocated to a working interest
3-16     owner exceeding the working interest owner's postunitized daily
3-17     average primary production established under Section 104.028.
3-18                 (17)  "Unit operations" means:
3-19                       (A)  operations, other than operations involving
3-20     experimental or unproven enhanced recovery techniques, related to
3-21     the production of oil and gas from the unit area, including:
3-22                             (i)  repressuring;
3-23                             (ii)  waterflooding;
3-24                             (iii)  pressure maintenance;
3-25                             (iv)  tertiary recovery operations; or
3-26                             (v)  any other similar operations that are
3-27     incidental or necessary to increase the ultimate recovery of oil or
 4-1     gas, oil and gas, or other hydrocarbons from the proposed unit
 4-2     area; or
 4-3                       (B)  the establishment and operation of the
 4-4     necessary facilities for the operations listed in Paragraph (A).
 4-5                 (18)  "Unit operator" means the person designated under
 4-6     the plan of unitization to conduct unit operations, acting as
 4-7     operator and not merely as a working interest owner.
 4-8                 (19)  "Unit participation of a royalty owner" means the
 4-9     percentage  equal to the sum of the products obtained by
4-10     multiplying the royalty interest of each royalty owner in each
4-11     tract by the tract participation of that tract.
4-12                 (20)  "Unit participation of a working interest owner
4-13     or unleased mineral interest owner" means the percentage equal to
4-14     the sum of the products obtained by multiplying the working
4-15     interest of the working interest owner in each tract or, if the
4-16     working interest owner is an unleased mineral interest owner, the
4-17     mineral interest of that owner in each tract, by the tract
4-18     participation of that tract.
4-19                 (21)  "Unit production" includes all oil and gas or oil
4-20     or gas produced and saved from a unit area after the effective date
4-21     of the unit regardless of the well or tract in the unit area from
4-22     which the oil and gas are produced.  The term does not include the
4-23     following substances if the working interest owners under a lease,
4-24     contract, agreement, or unit plan have excluded the substances from
4-25     unit production:
4-26                       (A)  recoverable extraneous substances injected
4-27     into the common source of supply or used in well treatment or
 5-1     pressure maintenance;
 5-2                       (B)  any production that is reinjected into the
 5-3     unit area, unless the reinjected production is later removed from
 5-4     the unit area for nonunit purposes or sold, in which case it will
 5-5     be considered to be unit production; or
 5-6                       (C)  any production used or consumed in unit
 5-7     operations.
 5-8                 (22)  "Working interest" means an interest in oil and
 5-9     gas by virtue of a lease, operating agreement, fee title, or
5-10     otherwise, including a carried interest, the owner of which is
5-11     obligated to pay, in cash, out of production, or otherwise, the
5-12     owner's share of the unit expense under the proposed or approved
5-13     plan of unitization.
5-14                 (23)  "Working interest owner" means the owner of
5-15     working interest.
5-16           Sec. 104.003.  POWER AND AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION.  (a)  The
5-17     commission shall adopt any necessary rule, issue and enforce any
5-18     necessary order, and perform all required acts necessary to carry
5-19     out the purposes of this chapter.
5-20           (b)  The commission in accordance with this chapter shall
5-21     determine whether a plan of unitization, including the
5-22     participation formula, proposed under this chapter for all or part
5-23     of a common reservoir is fair, reasonable, and equitable for all
5-24     interests concerned and necessary to carry out the purposes of this
5-25     chapter.
5-26           Sec. 104.004.  APPLICABILITY.  (a)  This chapter does not
5-27     apply to:
 6-1                 (1)  any common source of supply that has produced over
 6-2     five billion barrels of oil;
 6-3                 (2)  a gas field that produces primarily dry gas or
 6-4     natural gas and condensate; or
 6-5                 (3)  land that has been excluded from unitization under
 6-6     Section 104.030.
 6-7           (b)  This chapter does not affect or apply to a voluntary
 6-8     cooperative agreement in secondary recovery operations as provided
 6-9     by Subchapter B, Chapter 101.
6-10           Sec. 104.005.  APPLICATION TO PUBLIC LAND.  (a)  This chapter
6-11     does not apply to land owned by the state or land in which the
6-12     state has a direct or indirect interest.
6-13           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), this chapter does
6-14     not amend, repeal, change, alter, or affect in any manner the
6-15     authority or jurisdiction of the state, the commissioner of the
6-16     General Land Office, or any board or agency of the state with
6-17     respect to any land or interest in land in which the state, the
6-18     commissioner of the General Land Office, or any board or agency of
6-19     the state has jurisdiction or the unitization of such land.
6-20           (c)  Land in which the state has an interest as described in
6-21     this chapter may be unitized under this chapter:
6-22                 (1)  at the instance of the commissioner of the General
6-23     Land Office; or
6-24                 (2)  with the approval of or consent to a plan of
6-25     unitization by the state, the commissioner of the General Land
6-26     Office, or the board or agency having jurisdiction.
6-27           (d)  If land in which the state has an interest is to be
 7-1     unitized as provided for by Subsection (c), the plan of unitization
 7-2     and unit operating agreement is subject to and shall incorporate by
 7-3     reference all statutes, rules, and regulations that apply to the
 7-4     land in which the state has an interest.
 7-5           Sec. 104.006.  CONFLICT WITH ANTITRUST ACTS.  (a)  A plan of
 7-6     unitization and operation under an agreement that complies with
 7-7     this chapter, is approved by commission order, and is found by the
 7-8     commission to be necessary to prevent waste and conserve the
 7-9     natural resources of this state may not be construed to be in
7-10     violation of Chapter 15, Business & Commerce Code.
7-11           (b)  If a court finds a conflict between this chapter and
7-12     Chapter 15, Business & Commerce Code, this chapter is intended as a
7-13     reasonable exception to that law that is necessary for the public
7-14     interest described by Subsection (a).
7-15           (c)  If a court finds a conflict between this chapter and
7-16     Chapter 15, Business & Commerce Code, and finds that this chapter
7-17     is not a reasonable exception to Chapter 15, Business & Commerce
7-18     Code, the legislature intends that this chapter, or any conflicting
7-19     part of this chapter, be declared invalid rather than that Chapter
7-20     15, Business & Commerce Code, or any portion of that chapter, be
7-21     declared invalid.
7-22           Sec. 104.007.  APPEALS.  A person affected by an order of the
7-23     commission issued under this chapter is entitled to judicial review
7-24     of that order in accordance with Chapter 2001, Government Code.
7-25     The petition for review shall be filed in Travis County or in any
7-26     county in which the affected tract is located.
7-27              (Sections 104.008-104.020 reserved for expansion
 8-2                            AND APPROVAL OF PLAN 
 8-3           Sec. 104.021.  APPLICATION FOR UNITIZATION.  (a)  Any working
 8-4     interest owner or proposed unit operator may file an application
 8-5     with the commission requesting an order under this chapter for the
 8-6     unit operation of a common source of supply or a part of that
 8-7     common source of supply.
 8-8           (b)  The application shall contain:
 8-9                 (1)  a description of the proposed unit area and the
8-10     vertical limits and producing horizons to be included in that unit
8-11     area with a map or plat attached;
8-12                 (2)  a statement of the type of operations contemplated
8-13     for the unit area;
8-14                 (3)  a copy of a proposed plan of unitization and all
8-15     agreements related to that plan that the applicant considers fair,
8-16     reasonable, and equitable, including a unit operating agreement
8-17     that contains provisions dealing with:
8-18                       (A)  overhead rates, interest charges, costs
8-19     directly associated with marketing of unit production, or any other
8-20     profit or benefit that may accrue solely or in unequal shares to
8-21     the unit operator;
8-22                       (B)  voting procedures;
8-23                       (C)  removal or replacement of the unit operator;
8-24                       (D)  allocation of unit expense;
8-25                       (E)  audit periods and rights to review all
8-26     records pertaining to unit operation;
8-27                       (F)  dissolution of the unit; and
 9-1                       (G)  disclosure regarding any use by the unit
 9-2     operator of any affiliate of the operator for marketing production
 9-3     or for products or services costing more than $100,000 in the
 9-4     aggregate for each particular product or service;
 9-5                 (4)  an allegation of the facts required to be found by
 9-6     the commission under Section 104.024;
 9-7                 (5)  an allegation that the applicant has obtained at
 9-8     least the minimum required approval of the plan of unitization as
 9-9     required by Section 104.026; and
9-10                 (6)  an allegation that:
9-11                       (A)  each owner of an interest in the oil and gas
9-12     under each tract in the proposed unit area has been given an
9-13     opportunity to enter into the unit on the same basis; and
9-14                       (B)  the applicant or proposed unit operator has
9-15     made a good faith effort to voluntarily unitize all interests in
9-16     the proposed unit area.
9-17           (c)  The applicant shall submit with the application a list
9-18     including:
9-19                 (1)  the name of each person owning or having a working
9-20     or royalty interest in the proposed unit area and each offset
9-21     operator adjacent to the proposed unit area; and
9-22                 (2)  an address for each person listed or a statement
9-23     that the person's address is unknown.
9-24           Sec. 104.022.  HEARING REQUIRED.  (a)  On receipt of an
9-25     application, the commission shall promptly set the matter for
9-26     hearing and cause notice of the hearing to be given as provided by
9-27     Section 104.023.
 10-1          (b)  At the hearing an affected person is entitled to be
 10-2    heard, to introduce evidence, and to introduce and cross-examine
 10-3    witnesses.
 10-4          Sec. 104.023.  NOTICE.  (a)  Notice of the application and
 10-5    the time and place of the hearing on the application shall be
 10-6    mailed, postage prepaid, not later than the 31st day before the
 10-7    hearing date to each working interest owner, operator, and royalty
 10-8    owner in the unit area and to each offset operator whose name and
 10-9    address is shown on the list provided by the applicant under
10-10    Section 104.021.
10-11          (b)  Notice of an application and the time and place of
10-12    hearing shall be published once a week for four consecutive weeks
10-13    in a newspaper of general circulation authorized by law to publish
10-14    legal notices in the county or counties in which the land involved
10-15    is located, or in another newspaper or publication designated by
10-16    the commission, not later than the 31st day before the hearing
10-17    date.
10-18          (c)  Typographical errors in a notice that are not material
10-19    do not affect the validity of the notice.
10-20          Sec. 104.024.  FINDINGS OF COMMISSION.  After notice and a
10-21    hearing as provided by Sections 104.022 and 104.023, the commission
10-22    shall determine whether:
10-23                (1)  the unitized operation of the common source of
10-24    supply or the part of the common source of supply involved in the
10-25    plan of unitization is reasonably necessary to conduct unit
10-26    operations and the plan of unitization is reasonably necessary to
10-27    prevent waste, protect correlative rights, and promote the
 11-1    conservation of oil or oil and gas;
 11-2                (2)  the present value of the estimated incremental
 11-3    recovery of oil or oil and gas from the common source of supply is
 11-4    reasonably anticipated to exceed the present value of all estimated
 11-5    incremental expenses incident to conducting unit operations;
 11-6                (3)  the productive limits of the common source of
 11-7    supply or the part of the common source of supply proposed for
 11-8    unitization have been reasonably defined by development and the
 11-9    area proposed for unitization is reasonably necessary and
11-10    sufficient for unit operations;
11-11                (4)  the unsigned owners of interests in the oil and
11-12    gas under each tract of land in the proposed unit area have been
11-13    given a reasonable opportunity to enter into the unit on the same
11-14    basis as the owners of interests in the oil and gas under the other
11-15    tracts in the unit area and the applicant or proposed unit operator
11-16    has made a good faith effort to voluntarily unitize all interests
11-17    within the proposed unit area;
11-18                (5)  the applicant has obtained approval for the plan
11-19    of unitization from at least the minimum number of working interest
11-20    and royalty interest owners required by Section 104.026;
11-21                (6)  the expense of establishing the unit and unit
11-22    expenses that are to be charged as unit expenses are reasonable and
11-23    necessary;
11-24                (7)  the expenses relating to unit operations will:
11-25                      (A)  be for the common benefit of all persons
11-26    with interests in the unit;
11-27                      (B)  be allocated on a fair and equitable basis;
 12-1    and
 12-2                      (C)  result in a profit or other benefit that
 12-3    accrues solely or in unequal shares to the unit operator or an
 12-4    affiliate of the operator only if authorized by the plan of
 12-5    unitization;
 12-6                (8)  a working interest owner has a reasonable right to
 12-7    review all records pertaining to unit operations and a reasonable
 12-8    amount of time to audit unit expenses;
 12-9                (9)  the plan of unitization meets the requirements of
12-10    Subchapter C and reasonably conforms to the requirements of this
12-11    chapter; and
12-12                (10)  the proposed plan of unitization, including the
12-13    tract participation formula and percentages, is in all respects
12-14    fair, reasonable, and equitable.
12-15          Sec. 104.025.  UNITIZATION ORDER; EFFECT OF OPERATIONS.  (a)
12-16    If the commission finds that all the requirements of Section
12-17    104.024 are met, the commission shall order:
12-18                (1)  the unitized operation of the unit area; and
12-19                (2)  unitization of all working interests and royalty
12-20    interests in the unit area.
12-21          (b)  The order shall:
12-22                (1)  unitize all interests of all owners in the area
12-23    covered by the plan of unitization with the same effect as if those
12-24    owners had executed the plan of unitization and had been parties to
12-25    the unit agreement;
12-26                (2)  approve the area of the common source of supply or
12-27    the part of the common source of supply to be included in the unit
 13-1    area and the vertical limits of the common source of supply;
 13-2                (3)  approve the plan of unitization, including the
 13-3    allocation of production and costs among tracts; and
 13-4                (4)  designate the initial unit operator named in the
 13-5    plan of unitization.
 13-6          (c)  Unit operations on and production from any lease in the
 13-7    unit area for which a unitization order has been entered  shall be
 13-8    considered for all purposes the conduct of unit operations on and
 13-9    production from each separately owned lease in the unit.
13-10          (d)  If only a part of a lease is included in the unit, unit
13-11    operations on or production from the unit maintains an oil and gas
13-12    lease as to the part excluded from the unit only if the excluded
13-13    part of the lease would have been maintained under the lease.
13-15    WORKING INTEREST AND ROYALTY OWNERS.  (a)  A proposed plan of
13-16    unitization must be approved in writing by:
13-17                (1)  the owners, on a unit participation basis, of at
13-18    least 80 percent of the aggregate unit working interests; and
13-19                (2)  at least 80 percent of the owners, on a unit
13-20    participation basis, of the aggregate unit royalty interests that
13-21    complete and return the ballot provided for in Subsection (b).
13-22          (b)  A ballot distributed to the owners of royalty interests
13-23    must:
13-24                (1)  state that the applicant will confirm by mail that
13-25    the ballot has been received and whether it has been counted as a
13-26    vote for or against the proposed plan;
13-27                (2)  be sent by certified mail, return receipt
 14-1    requested, to each owner of a royalty interest in the proposed unit
 14-2    area, including each owner of an unleased mineral interest;
 14-3                (3)  be sent a second time by certified mail, return
 14-4    receipt requested, to any interest owner for whom a receipt from
 14-5    the first mailing is not returned after a reasonable effort has
 14-6    been made between the first and the second mailings to correct any
 14-7    address that appears to be inaccurate; and
 14-8                (4)  be accompanied by:
 14-9                      (A)  a copy of the proposed plan of unitization;
14-10                      (B)  an objective summary of the proposed plan
14-11    that is reasonably calculated to provide an ordinary royalty owner
14-12    with an adequate understanding of how the royalty owner's property
14-13    interest would be affected by a favorable vote and how that
14-14    interest would be affected by an unfavorable vote; and
14-15                      (C)  a postage-paid reply envelope.
14-16          (c)  A royalty owner may not be required to return a ballot
14-17    earlier than the 14th day after the date the owner receives the
14-18    ballot and other information required by Subsection (b).
14-19          (d)  The applicant shall confirm the receipt of each ballot
14-20    and indicate to the royalty owner returning the ballot whether it
14-21    has been counted as a  vote for or a vote against the proposed
14-22    plan.
14-23          (e)  The commission shall dismiss the application if the
14-24    commission finds that the applicant has not reasonably complied
14-25    with Subsection (b), (c), or (d).
14-26          Sec. 104.027.  WORKING INTEREST OWNER OPTIONS. (a)  Each
14-27    working interest owner, excluding the unit operator, may elect,
 15-1    before the commission issues the order approving unitization and
 15-2    subject to commission approval, to receive the rights associated
 15-3    with the postunitized daily average primary production net revenues
 15-4    of the working interest owner as established under Section 104.028
 15-5    throughout the life of the unit and the right to share in unit
 15-6    incremental enhanced recovery production, subject to the payment of
 15-7    costs of unit operations as established under Section 104.024.
 15-8          (b)  The working interest owner's share of unit expenses
 15-9    shall be credited by the amount of the working interest owner's
15-10    postunitized daily average primary production costs established
15-11    under Section 104.028 before the compensation amount established
15-12    under Section 104.048 is computed.
15-13          (c)  At no time during the life of the unit shall the unit
15-14    expenses associated with the working interest owner's share of the
15-15    unit incremental enhanced recovery production be paid from the
15-16    postunitized daily average primary production net revenues of the
15-17    working interest owner.
15-18          (d)  If a working interest owner makes the election under
15-19    this section, the operator is obligated to pay, or cause to be
15-20    paid, to the working interest owner's royalty owners their full
15-21    share of unit production, unless the royalty owners, the working
15-22    interest owner, and the operator voluntarily agree otherwise.
15-25    production net revenue of a working interest owner equals the
15-26    revenue associated with the postunitized daily average primary
15-27    production attributable to that working interest owner minus the
 16-1    unit operator's royalty obligations associated with the working
 16-2    interest owner and the postunitized daily average primary
 16-3    production costs to produce the postunitized daily average primary
 16-4    production.
 16-5          (b)  The postunitized daily average primary production
 16-6    attributable to the working interest owner is the amount of
 16-7    production the working interest owner would be entitled to if the
 16-8    leases were still in primary production.  The postunitized daily
 16-9    average primary production shall be based on:
16-10                (1)  the commission's establishing the working interest
16-11    owner's average daily preunitized production level based on the
16-12    six-month period before the filing of the plan of unitization or
16-13    another period established by the commission; and
16-14                (2)  the commission's establishing a production decline
16-15    curve that is agreed to by the working interest owner and the
16-16    operator or, if the working interest owner and the operator fail to
16-17    agree, set by the commission.
16-18          (c)  The postunitized daily average primary production costs
16-19    to produce the postunitized daily average primary production are
16-20    equal to an amount agreed to by the working interest owner and the
16-21    operator.  If the working interest owner and the operator fail to
16-22    agree, the postunitized daily average primary production costs are
16-23    the amount that the commission fairly and reasonably determines the
16-24    working interest owner would have incurred if the working interest
16-25    owner's operator immediately before the application was filed were
16-26    still operating the leases and associated production in primary
16-27    production.
 17-2    MARKETING RIGHTS. The working interest owner shall receive all net
 17-3    revenues attributable to the postunitized daily average primary
 17-4    production as established by Section 104.028.  At no time during
 17-5    the life of the unit may the unit operator or any other working
 17-6    interest owner attach or place a lien on the working interest
 17-7    owner's postunitized daily average primary production net revenues
 17-8    established under Section 104.027 or the production associated with
 17-9    those revenues.  The rights and obligations under Section 104.091
17-10    of a working interest owner who makes an election under this
17-11    section apply to both the owner's postunitized daily average
17-12    primary production and the owner's share of unit incremental
17-13    enhanced recovery production.
17-14          Sec. 104.030.  EXCLUSION OF LAND.  (a)  Land may be excluded
17-15    from a unitization plan if, on the date the application for
17-16    unitization is filed with the commission under Section 104.021:
17-17                (1)  the land is not under current lease or agreement
17-18    providing for permitting the exploration for or production of oil
17-19    or oil and gas;
17-20                (2)  the fee surface ownership has not been severed
17-21    from the fee mineral ownership; and
17-22                (3)  all the owners owning present possessory or future
17-23    possessory interests in the land have elected to exclude the land
17-24    from the proposed plan of unitization.
17-25          (b)  The commission shall provide an opportunity for, but may
17-26    not require, an owner described by Subsection (a)(3) to elect to
17-27    exclude land under this section.  The election must be made not
 18-1    later than the 30th day before the date on which the ballots
 18-2    required by Section 104.026 are mailed by the commission.
 18-3          (c)  If land is excluded from unitization under this section,
 18-4    and unless the owners who elected to exclude the land and the unit
 18-5    owners subsequently otherwise agree, the owners who have elected to
 18-6    exclude land forfeit:
 18-7                (1)  any right to present and future production of oil
 18-8    or oil and gas from the unitized formation established under the
 18-9    plan of unitization; and
18-10                (2)  any right to proceeds or other money arising from
18-11    or associated with the production described by Subdivision (1).
18-12          Sec. 104.031.  PARTIAL FIELD UNITIZATIONS.  (a)  Any party
18-13    who claims that the exclusion of a tract from a proposed unit area
18-14    will have an unreasonable adverse effect on the excluded tract has
18-15    the burden of proving that claim by clear and convincing evidence. 
18-16          (b)  The commission may not deny an application for
18-17    unitization under this chapter solely because the commission finds
18-18    that exclusion of a tract from a proposed unit area will have an
18-19    unreasonable adverse effect on the excluded tract.  In that
18-20    instance the commission shall issue an order under Section 104.025
18-21    approving the application on the condition that the applicant or
18-22    unit operator offer participation in the approved unit under the
18-23    unit expansion provisions of Section 104.072 or under the approved
18-24    unit agreement.
18-25          Sec. 104.032.  STATUS OF UNLEASED MINERAL INTERESTS.  Any
18-26    mineral interest in the unit area that is unleased on the effective
18-27    date of unitization is considered for purposes of unit
 19-1    participation:
 19-2                (1)  to have a royalty interest of one-fifth (1/5) of
 19-3    that interest, unless the commission determines that a different
 19-4    royalty interest is reasonable under the circumstances; and
 19-5                (2)  to be a working interest to the extent of
 19-6    four-fifths (4/5) of that interest, unless the commission
 19-7    determines that a different working interest is reasonable under
 19-8    the circumstances in order to consider the unleased interest or
 19-9    right to have a different royalty interest as provided by
19-10    Subdivision (1), with all the rights and obligations of a lessee as
19-11    if the mineral rights were leased.
19-12             (Sections 104.033-104.040 reserved for expansion
19-13                    SUBCHAPTER C.  PLAN OF UNITIZATION
19-14          Sec. 104.041.  AUTHORIZED PLANS.  (a)  A plan of unitization
19-15    may be proposed under this chapter only to establish units and
19-16    cooperative facilities necessary for unit operations that are
19-17    reasonably anticipated to substantially increase the recovery of
19-18    oil above that which would be recovered by primary recovery alone. 
19-19          (b)  The proposed plan of unitization and the commission
19-20    order approving the plan may provide for unit operation of less
19-21    than the whole of a common source of supply if:
19-22                (1)  the unit area is of a size and shape that is
19-23    reasonably suitable for unit operations; and
19-24                (2)  that operation will not have an unreasonable
19-25    adverse effect on the other parts of the common source of supply
19-26    that are not included in the plan of unitization.
19-27          Sec. 104.042.  SINGLE OR MULTIPLE AGREEMENTS.  The plan of
 20-1    unitization may consist of one or more agreements that the
 20-2    applicant considers to be fair, reasonable, and equitable if the
 20-3    applicant submits each agreement to the commission as required by
 20-4    Section 104.021(b)(3).
 20-6    (a)  The proposed plan shall provide for the apportionment and
 20-7    allocation of the unit production among the tracts in the unit area
 20-8    in order to reasonably  permit a person entitled to share in, or
 20-9    benefit by, the production from a tract in the unit to receive a
20-10    fair share of the unit production or other benefits.
20-11          (b)  A tract's fair share of the unit production shall be
20-12    measured by the value of each tract and its contributing value to
20-13    the unit in relation to like values of other tracts in the unit,
20-14    taking into account the amount of acreage, the quantity of oil and
20-15    gas recoverable from the tract, the tract's location on the
20-16    geological structure, the tract's probable productivity of oil and
20-17    gas in the absence of unit operations, or as many other factors,
20-18    including other pertinent engineering, geological, or operating
20-19    factors, as are reasonable.
20-20          Sec. 104.044.  VOTING BY WORKING INTEREST OWNERS.  (a)  The
20-21    proposed plan of unitization shall establish a voting procedure for
20-22    decisions by the working interest owners.  The voting procedure
20-23    need not be the same for each type of decision that may be made by
20-24    the working interest owners if each working interest owner has a
20-25    voting interest equal to that owner's unit participation.
20-26          (b)  Subject to reasonable limitations regarding voting
20-27    frequency and in addition to other appropriate provisions, the plan
 21-1    must require an operator to submit the following matters to the
 21-2    working interest owners for a decision in accordance with the plan
 21-3    if petitioned to do so by the vote of at least 15 percent of the
 21-4    nonoperating working interest owners:
 21-5                (1)  use of an affiliate of the operator to market
 21-6    production;
 21-7                (2)  use of an affiliate of the operator for purposes
 21-8    other than marketing production, including acquisition of
 21-9    extraneous substances such as carbon dioxide for unit operation
21-10    purposes; or
21-11                (3)  commencement of tertiary recovery operations.
21-12          Sec. 104.045.  OPERATING AGREEMENT.  The proposed plan of
21-13    unitization shall include a proposed operating agreement
21-14    establishing:
21-15                (1)  the manner in which the unit will be operated,
21-16    supervised, and managed by the unit operator in the conduct of unit
21-17    operations;
21-18                (2)  the grounds on which a unit operator may be
21-19    replaced for cause;
21-20                (3)  a procedure by which a unit operator may be
21-21    replaced without cause;
21-22                (4)  allocation of and provision for payment of unit
21-23    costs; and
21-24                (5)  the other matters required by Section
21-25    104.021(b)(3).
21-27    UNITIZATION.  (a)  The proposed plan of unitization shall provide
 22-1    for the date on which the plan takes effect, the manner in which
 22-2    and the circumstances under which unit operations terminate, the
 22-3    settlement of accounts on termination, and notice by the unit
 22-4    operator to the public within 30 days after the effective date of
 22-5    the unit.  After the commission by order adopts the plan of
 22-6    unitization, the unit operator shall give public notice by filing
 22-7    for record, in the real property records of the county or counties
 22-8    in which the unit area or any part of the unit area is located, a
 22-9    certificate containing:
22-10                (1)  the name of the unit;
22-11                (2)  the legal description of each tract included in
22-12    the unit area and a description of the common source of supply or
22-13    the part of the common source of supply included in the unit area;
22-14                (3)  the commission docket number;
22-15                (4)  the date of the commission order, including any
22-16    supplemental orders, relating to approval of the plan of
22-17    unitization;
22-18                (5)  the effective date of unit operations; and
22-19                (6)  a survey plat setting out the unit boundaries.
22-20          (b)  The plan of unitization shall require the unit operator,
22-21    not later than the 60th day after the date of termination of the
22-22    unit, to file for record in each county in which any part of the
22-23    unit area is located a certificate stating the date the unit
22-24    operations terminated.
22-25          Sec. 104.047.  FINANCING UNIT OPERATIONS.  (a)  The plan of
22-26    unitization shall provide the manner in which unit costs, including
22-27    overhead and interest, are determined, allocated, and charged to
 23-1    the separately owned tracts or interests and shall include a
 23-2    detailed accounting procedure for all charges and credits incident
 23-3    to unit operations.  The unit costs chargeable to a tract or
 23-4    interest shall be paid by the working interest owners who, in the
 23-5    absence of unit operations, would be responsible for the costs and
 23-6    expenses of developing and operating the tract or interest.
 23-7          (b)  The plan shall also:
 23-8                (1)  provide for the auditing of all records of the
 23-9    unit operator pertaining to unit operation;
23-10                (2)  require the operator to maintain records
23-11    sufficient to show the reasonableness of any payments to affiliates
23-12    of the operator and of other unit costs;
23-13                (3)  provide for disclosure so that working interest
23-14    owners will be informed in a timely manner whether particular costs
23-15    and expenses relate to activities undertaken by an affiliate of the
23-16    operator; and
23-17                (4)  include provisions that disallow or govern
23-18    situations in which a profit or other benefit accrues solely or in
23-19    unequal shares to the operator.
23-22    otherwise provided by Section 104.027 or 104.028, the plan of
23-23    unitization shall allow the attachment of proceeds of production
23-24    due to any owner who is not paying the owner's share of the costs
23-25    of unit operation as compensation to the paying owner or owners.
23-26    The compensation amount may not exceed 175 percent of the nonpaying
23-27    owner's share of unit costs, which is considered to include all
 24-1    interest.  The maximum compensation amount shall be set by the
 24-2    commission in each case.
 24-3          (b)  The plan of unitization shall provide that all of the
 24-4    unit production allocated to a nonpaying working interest owner who
 24-5    does not pay the share of the unit expenses charged and any
 24-6    additional compensation amounts applied to that nonpaying owner
 24-7    under Subsection (a) may be appropriated by the unit operator and
 24-8    marketed and sold for the payment of unit expenses and additional
 24-9    compensation amounts.  Any sale proceeds remaining after payment of
24-10    unit expenses and additional compensation amounts shall be remitted
24-11    to the nonpaying working interest owner.
24-12          (c)  As to an interest located in the unit that is not leased
24-13    by the effective date of unitization, one-fifth (1/5) of the
24-14    production attributable to the unleased interest, or a different
24-15    amount determined by the commission under Section 104.097(b), is
24-16    considered as royalty interest and shall be free and clear of all
24-17    unit expenses and additional compensation amounts.  Four-fifths
24-18    (4/5) of the unleased interest, or a different amount determined by
24-19    the commission under Section 104.097(b), is considered as working
24-20    interest and is subject to being financed or carried under this
24-21    section.
24-23    (a)  A nonsigning working interest owner may elect to offer through
24-24    the unit operator to sell and assign all of that owner's working
24-25    interest in the unit area to the unit operator and to other working
24-26    interest owners who desire to acquire a portion of the interest
24-27    under this section:
 25-1                (1)  at any time after a plan of unitization has been
 25-2    filed and before the 60th day after the later of the first day on
 25-3    which:
 25-4                      (A)  the order approving the plan of unitization
 25-5    is final; or
 25-6                      (B)  all appeals are final;
 25-7                (2)  at any time after the commencement of tertiary
 25-8    recovery operations and before the 120th day after the day of the
 25-9    commencement of those operations; or
25-10                (3)  at any time after an order is final that approves
25-11    an amendment referenced in Section 104.071(c) or (d) and before the
25-12    60th day after the first day on which that order is final.
25-13          (b)  The unit operator shall consider the offer to sell the
25-14    interest and shall promptly negotiate any differences in value with
25-15    the nonsigning working interest owner who is offering to sell.
25-16          (c)  If the unit operator and the nonsigning working interest
25-17    owner who is offering to sell agree on a price, payment shall be
25-18    made in accordance with the sales agreement.  The interest to be
25-19    acquired shall be offered for a period of 21 days to all signing
25-20    working interest owners, including the operator, at cost in
25-21    proportion to each owner's working interest ownership unless the
25-22    signing working interest owners agree on a different proportion.
25-23    Any part of the interest not acquired or contracted for by the
25-24    signing working interest owners within the prescribed period shall
25-25    then be offered for a period of 15 days to those persons who
25-26    acquired or contracted for the other part of the interest in
25-27    proportion to each person's percentage of acquisition.  The unit
 26-1    operator shall purchase any part of the interest remaining after
 26-2    the 15-day period expires.
 26-3          (d)  If the unit operator and the nonsigning working interest
 26-4    owner who is offering to sell are unable to agree on a sales price,
 26-5    the nonsigning working interest owner who is offering to sell may
 26-6    withdraw the offer to sell not later than the 30th day after the
 26-7    date of the offer to sell or may elect to be carried or otherwise
 26-8    financed under Section 104.048 and may submit the issue to binding
 26-9    arbitration or to qualified impartial appraisers to set the price
26-10    of the nonsigning working interest owner's interest in the unit.
26-11    If the nonsigning working interest owner who is offering to sell
26-12    chooses the use of impartial appraisers, that person and the unit
26-13    operator each shall select a qualified impartial appraiser and the
26-14    two selected appraisers together shall select a third qualified
26-15    impartial appraiser.  The arbitrator, arbitrators, or selected
26-16    appraisers shall establish a price that is equal to the higher of
26-17    the fair market value of the interest and the fair market value the
26-18    interest would have in the absence of the proposed unitized
26-19    operations.  The nonsigning working interest owner who is offering
26-20    to sell shall pay one-half of the appraisal or arbitration costs.
26-21    Each acquiring interest owner shall pay a part of the remainder of
26-22    the appraisal or arbitration costs in proportion to the owner's
26-23    working interest ownership.
26-24          (e)  The nonsigning working interest owner who is offering to
26-25    sell shall sell for the price set by the procedure described by
26-26    Subsection (d), and the unit operator shall purchase that interest
26-27    for that price, subject to the participation of other signing
 27-1    working interest owners as provided by Subsection (c).
 27-3    OVER.  The plan of unitization shall provide for the procedure and
 27-4    basis for adjustment among the working interest owners in the unit
 27-5    area of their respective investment in wells, tanks, pumps,
 27-6    machinery, materials, equipment, facilities, and other items of
 27-7    value taken over and used in unit operations.  Investment
 27-8    adjustments and credits for property taken over may not be used as
 27-9    a factor in setting participation percentages and allocations of
27-10    unit production under Section 104.043.
27-11          Sec. 104.051.  ADDITIONAL PLAN PROVISIONS.  The plan of
27-12    unitization may include any additional provisions approved by the
27-13    commission that are consistent with the findings required by
27-14    Section 104.024.
27-15             (Sections 104.052-104.070 reserved for expansion
27-17                    UNITIZATION; EXPANSION OF UNIT AREA
27-19    (a)  A commission order approving unitization may be amended in the
27-20    same manner and subject to the same conditions as are required for
27-21    an original order providing for unitized operations.
27-22          (b)  Approval of an amendment by royalty owners is not
27-23    required if the amendment affects only the rights and interests of
27-24    working interest owners.
27-25          (c)  An amendment to an order may not, without the aggregate
27-26    approval of at least the minimum percentage of the working interest
27-27    and royalty interest ownership required under Section 104.026 for
 28-1    approval of unitization and compliance with Section 104.005,
 28-2    change:
 28-3                (1)  the percentage of unit oil and gas production
 28-4    allocated to each tract in the plan approved by the original or
 28-5    amended order approving the existing unit;
 28-6                (2)  the percentage of unit expenses allocated to each
 28-7    tract in the plan of unitization approved by the original or
 28-8    amended order for the existing unit; or
 28-9                (3)  the unit operations from secondary recovery
28-10    operations to tertiary recovery operations.
28-11          (d)  An amendment to an order may not, without the aggregate
28-12    approval of at least the minimum percentage of the working interest
28-13    ownership required under Section 104.026 for approval of
28-14    unitization, change a provision of the operating agreement dealing
28-15    with:
28-16                (1)  overhead rates or any other profit or benefit that
28-17    may accrue solely or in unequal shares to the unit operator;
28-18                (2)  voting procedures;
28-19                (3)  change of operator procedures;
28-20                (4)  dissolution of the unit; or
28-21                (5)  disclosure provisions regarding the use of
28-22    affiliates of the operator.
28-23          (e)  This section does not apply to an order:
28-24                (1)  expanding an existing unit area under Section
28-25    104.072; or
28-26                (2)  creating a new unit area under Section 104.073.
28-27          Sec. 104.072.  EXPANSION OF UNIT AREA.  (a)  In accordance
 29-1    with this section and subject to Section 104.073, an existing unit
 29-2    area may be expanded to include additional nonunitized tracts under
 29-3    the terms contained in the plan of unitization for the existing
 29-4    unit if the working interest owners and the royalty interest owners
 29-5    in each additional tract and in the existing unit area approve the
 29-6    expansion by the same percentages and in the same manner as
 29-7    required by Section 104.026 and Section 104.005(c), if applicable,
 29-8    for the creation of a unit.  The requirements for creating a unit
 29-9    under this chapter apply to the expansion of the unit area under
29-10    this section.
29-11          (b)  Allocation of unit production from the expanded unit
29-12    shall be calculated first by allocating to the expansion area a
29-13    portion of the total production of oil or gas or both oil and gas
29-14    from the unit area as enlarged.  That allocation shall be based on
29-15    the relative contribution to the total production of oil or gas or
29-16    both oil and gas that the expansion area is expected to make during
29-17    the remaining course of unit operations.  If the expansion area
29-18    consists of separately owned tracts, the production allocated to
29-19    the expansion area shall be allocated to the separately owned
29-20    tracts in proportion to the relative contribution of each of those
29-21    tracts as provided by Section 104.043.  The remaining portion of
29-22    unit production shall be allocated among the tracts in the existing
29-23    unit area in the same proportions as those set out in the existing
29-24    plan of unitization.
29-25          Sec. 104.073.  ENLARGEMENT INCLUDING ALL OR PART OF
29-26    PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED UNIT.  (a)  The commission may not combine
29-27    two or more units created under this chapter or parts of units
 30-1    created under this chapter unless each working interest or royalty
 30-2    owner in each unit or part to be combined has agreed to the
 30-3    combination.
 30-4          (b)  A commission order combining units or parts of units
 30-5    created under this chapter, in allocating unit production between
 30-6    the previously established units or parts of units to be combined,
 30-7    shall first treat each unit or part to be combined as a single
 30-8    tract for purposes of production allocation.  The part of unit
 30-9    production that is allocated to each unit or part to be combined
30-10    shall then be allocated among the separately owned tracts included
30-11    in the previously established units or parts in the same proportion
30-12    as provided in each previous commission order establishing a unit
30-13    all or part of which is combined under this section.
30-14             (Sections 104.074-104.090 reserved for expansion
30-15                       SUBCHAPTER E. UNIT OPERATIONS
30-17    CARE; DISTRIBUTION.  (a)  Unit production, proceeds from the sale
30-18    of production, or other receipts may not be treated or taxed as
30-19    income or profit of the unit.  All unit production and proceeds are
30-20    income of the owners to whom or to whose credit the production or
30-21    proceeds are payable under the plan of unitization.
30-22          (b)  The unit operator does not become an agent or fiduciary
30-23    of a working interest owner to whom production or proceeds are
30-24    payable solely by reason of receiving or disbursing production or
30-25    proceeds.  When disposing of production for working interest
30-26    owners, a unit operator who is not an agent or fiduciary shall act
30-27    with the same standard of care as is required in the plan of
 31-1    unitization.  In the absence of such a standard, the operator shall
 31-2    act in the same manner in which a reasonably prudent operator would
 31-3    act under the same or similar circumstances.  A unit operator who
 31-4    is not an agent or a fiduciary who has acted according to these
 31-5    standards is not liable to any working interest owner who elects to
 31-6    have the owner's share of unit production disposed of by the unit
 31-7    operator for losses sustained or liability incurred as a result of
 31-8    the unit operator's actions under this section in selling or
 31-9    disposing of others' production.
31-10          (c)  The unit operator shall make available, to any working
31-11    interest owner or to any royalty interest owner who has the
31-12    preexisting right to take the owner's production in kind, to whom
31-13    production or proceeds are payable, the opportunity to elect either
31-14    to have the owner's share of production marketed by the unit
31-15    operator or to market the owner's share of production himself or
31-16    herself.  The operator, or any affiliate of the operator that
31-17    markets production at or in the vicinity of the unit, shall market
31-18    the production of owners, who elect to have their shares marketed
31-19    by the operator, in such a manner that each electing owner receives
31-20    the same price and proportionate share of premiums and other
31-21    compensation as the unit operator, or an affiliate of the unit
31-22    operator marketing at or in the vicinity of the unit, receives for
31-23    the unit operator's share of unit production, except to the extent
31-24    that a prior contractual commitment or express specific term of a
31-25    contract entered into in good faith prohibits such sharing or
31-26    marketing of additional production.  This subsection may not be
31-27    construed to require that any profit, compensation, or other
 32-1    benefit received by the operator or an affiliate of the operator
 32-2    that is realized on a transaction occurring beyond the point of
 32-3    first sale at the unit or in the vicinity of the unit be shared
 32-4    with or distributed to any owner electing to have the owner's
 32-5    production marketed by the operator.
 32-6          (d)  Unless the plan of unitization otherwise provides, a
 32-7    working interest owner or royalty interest owner described by
 32-8    Subsection (c) shall make an initial election under that subsection
 32-9    not later than the 30th day after the effective date of the
32-10    commission order approving the unit.  Unless the plan of
32-11    unitization otherwise provides, an initial marketing election takes
32-12    effect on the 60th day after the effective date of the commission
32-13    order approving the unit.  Unless the plan of unitization otherwise
32-14    provides, subsequent marketing elections shall be made annually by
32-15    written notice to the unit operator not later than the 45th
32-16    business day before the existing interval expires.  Failure of an
32-17    owner to make a timely election under this subsection is considered
32-18    an election by that owner, for the relevant period, to have the
32-19    owner's production marketed by the unit operator.
32-20          Sec. 104.092.  LIABILITY OF WORKING INTEREST OWNER.  (a)  The
32-21    liability of a working interest owner for payment of unit expense
32-22    is several and not joint or collective.
32-23          (b)  Except as provided by this subsection and Section
32-24    104.048, a working interest owner in a tract is not liable,
32-25    directly or indirectly, for more than the amount charged to that
32-26    owner's interest in the tract.
32-27          (c)  Unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the parties
 33-1    as part of a plan of unitization approved by the commission, any
 33-2    environmental condition or liability existing before the effective
 33-3    date of the commission order approving the unit remains the sole
 33-4    responsibility of the party or parties responsible for that
 33-5    environmental condition or liability before the effective date of
 33-6    the commission order approving the unit.
 33-7          Sec. 104.093.  LIEN FOR COSTS.  (a)  Subject to any
 33-8    reasonable limitations in the plan of unitization, a unit operator
 33-9    has a lien on the leasehold estate and other oil and gas rights in
33-10    each separately owned tract, the interest of the owners in the unit
33-11    production, and all equipment in the possession of the unit to
33-12    secure the payment of the amount of the unit expense and other
33-13    additional compensation charges as provided for in Section 104.048
33-14    charged to each separate working interest.
33-15          (b)  The lien established under this section does not attach
33-16    to the royalty interest under lease or the one-fifth (1/5) royalty
33-17    interest assigned to an unleased mineral interest or to any
33-18    interest in land directly or indirectly owned by the state.
33-20    IMPLIED COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS.  (a)  To the extent a lease,
33-21    division order, or contract covering lands in the unit area relates
33-22    to the common source of supply or the part of the common source of
33-23    supply included in the unit area, all terms of the lease, division
33-24    order, or contract, express or implied, shall be construed by
33-25    giving due regard to the plan of unitization approved by the
33-26    commission.  Operations conducted in accordance with a plan of
33-27    unitization approved by the commission are presumed to comply with
 34-1    those terms unless there is an irreconcilable conflict between the
 34-2    lease, division order, or contract and the approved plan of
 34-3    unitization.  If there is an irreconcilable conflict between the
 34-4    lease, division order, or contract and the approved plan of
 34-5    unitization, the plan controls, but the lease, division order, or
 34-6    contract terms shall be regarded as modified only to the extent
 34-7    necessary to conform to the plan.
 34-8          (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
 34-9    without a separate voluntary agreement supported by consideration,
34-10    a plan of unitization may not:
34-11                (1)  cause a royalty interest to become liable for any
34-12    part of unit expense that the interest is not otherwise obligated
34-13    to pay;
34-14                (2)  reduce a royalty interest fraction;
34-15                (3)  alter an express surface use restriction,
34-16    including a restriction on the use of freshwater, that exists in a
34-17    lease or contract on the date the application authorized by Section
34-18    104.021 is filed; or
34-19                (4)  alter a provision of a lease or contract providing
34-20    for indemnification or similar compensation in the event the
34-21    actions of one person cause another person to become liable for
34-22    damages to the environment or for a violation of a statute, rule,
34-23    or common-law standard that serves to protect the environment.
34-24          (c)  A surface use conflict that is not governed by express
34-25    lease or contract terms shall be accommodated or otherwise resolved
34-26    after giving due regard to the plan of unitization as provided by
34-27    this section.
 35-1          (d)  Section 104.091 may not be construed to diminish an
 35-2    operator's duty to market production on behalf of a royalty
 35-3    interest owner.
 35-4          Sec. 104.095.  DISTRIBUTION OF UNIT PRODUCTION.  Except as
 35-5    authorized by this chapter or in a plan of unitization approved by
 35-6    the commission, the unit production shall be distributed among, or
 35-7    the proceeds paid to, the owners entitled to share in the
 35-8    production from each tract in the same manner that those owners
 35-9    would have shared in the production or proceeds from the tract if
35-10    the unit had not been established.
35-12    Except to the extent that the parties affected by the plan of
35-13    unitization otherwise agree, a commission order entered under
35-14    Section 104.025 does not alienate, convey, cross-convey, transfer,
35-15    or change title or ownership, legal or equitable, of a person in a
35-16    parcel of land or the oil and gas rights in that parcel.
35-17          Sec. 104.097.  ROYALTY OBLIGATIONS; BURDENS; UNLEASED
35-18    INTERESTS.  (a)  Each working interest owner who is the owner of an
35-19    interest in an oil and gas lease is responsible for the payment of
35-20    all royalty, overriding royalty, or other lease burdens affecting
35-21    the owner's leasehold estate unless the plan of unitization
35-22    provides otherwise.
35-23          (b)  One-fifth (1/5) of the production or proceeds
35-24    attributable to any unleased interest located in the unit area,
35-25    free of all unit expense and free of any lien, shall be allocated
35-26    to that interest unless the commission determines that a different
35-27    allocation is reasonable under the circumstances.  Four-fifths
 36-1    (4/5) of any unleased interests in the production or proceeds shall
 36-2    bear its pro rata share of all unit expense and is subject to any
 36-3    lien provided by this chapter or the plan of unitization.  If the
 36-4    commission allocates more than one-fifth (1/5) of the production or
 36-5    proceeds free of all unit expense and free of any lien, the
 36-6    commission shall make an equal, opposite adjustment in the part of
 36-7    production or proceeds allocated to the interest that is to bear
 36-8    expense and be subject to liens.
36-10    ACQUIRED PROPERTY.  (a)  The part of the unit production allocated
36-11    to any tract and the proceeds from the sale of that production are
36-12    the property and income of the owners to whom or to whose credit
36-13    the production and proceeds are allocated or payable under the
36-14    order for unit operations.
36-15          (b)  Any property that is acquired in the conduct of unit
36-16    operations and charged as an item of unit expense is owned by the
36-17    working interest owners in the unit area as provided in the plan of
36-18    unitization.
36-19          SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
36-20    a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
36-21    provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
36-22    Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
36-23    Act takes effect September 1, 2001.