1-1     By:  Bivins                                           S.B. No. 1789
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed April 2, 2001; April 3, 2001, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Intergovernmental
 1-4     Relations; April 19, 2001, reported favorably by the following
 1-5     vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 0; April 19, 2001, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to the appointment of a public defender by the
 1-9     Commissioners Court of Randall County.
1-11           SECTION 1.  Chapter 26, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
1-12     amended by adding Article 26.053 to read as follows:
1-13           Art. 26.053.  PUBLIC DEFENDER IN RANDALL COUNTY.  (a)  The
1-14     Commissioners Court of Randall County may appoint an attorney to
1-15     serve as a public defender.  The public defender serves at the
1-16     pleasure of the commissioners court.
1-17           (b)  To be eligible for appointment as a public defender, a
1-18     person must be a member of the State Bar of Texas.
1-19           (c)  With the approval of the commissioners court, the public
1-20     defender may employ assistant public defenders, investigators,
1-21     secretaries, and other necessary personnel.  An assistant public
1-22     defender must be a licensed attorney and may perform the duties of
1-23     a public defender under this article.
1-24           (d)  A public defender's office consists of the public
1-25     defender and the personnel employed by the public defender under
1-26     Subsection (c).
1-27           (e)  A public defender is entitled to receive an annual
1-28     salary in an amount set by the commissioners court.  Subchapter B,
1-29     Chapter 152, Local Government Code, applies to the compensation of
1-30     personnel and the payment of office expenses in the public
1-31     defender's office.
1-32           (f)  Except as authorized by this article, a public defender
1-33     or an assistant public defender may not:
1-34                 (1)  engage in the private practice of law; or
1-35                 (2)  accept anything of value not authorized by this
1-36     article for services rendered under this article.
1-37           (g)  The commissioners court may remove a public defender or
1-38     an assistant public defender who violates Subsection (f).
1-39           (h)  The public defender or an assistant public defender
1-40     shall represent each indigent person who is:
1-41                 (1)  charged with a criminal offense in Randall County
1-42     punishable by confinement or imprisonment;
1-43                 (2)  a minor who is a party to a juvenile delinquency
1-44     proceeding in the county; or
1-45                 (3)  entitled to representation under:
1-46                       (A)  Chapter 462, Health and Safety Code; or
1-47                       (B)  Subtitle C or D, Title 7, Health and Safety
1-48     Code.
1-49           (i)  If at any stage of the proceeding the judge determines
1-50     that a conflict of interest exists between the public defender and
1-51     the indigent person, the judge may appoint another attorney to
1-52     represent the person.  The attorney must be licensed to practice
1-53     law in this state and is entitled to the compensation provided by
1-54     Article 26.05.
1-55           (j)  The public defender's office shall investigate the
1-56     financial condition of any person the public defender is appointed
1-57     to represent.  The public defender's office shall report the
1-58     results of the investigation to the appointing judge.  The judge
1-59     may hold a hearing to determine if the person is indigent and
1-60     entitled to representation under this article.
1-61           (k)  Except for the provisions relating to daily appearance
1-62     fees, Article 26.05 applies to the public defender and an assistant
1-63     public defender.
1-64           (l)  The commissioners court may accept gifts and grants from
 2-1     any source to finance an adequate and effective public defender
 2-2     program.
 2-3           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
 2-4     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
 2-5     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
 2-6     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
 2-7     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
 2-8                                  * * * * *