1-1     By:  Bivins                                           S.B. No. 1798
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed April 6, 2001; April 10, 2001, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Education; April 17, 2001,
 1-4     reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the
 1-5     following vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 0, 1 present, not voting;
 1-6     April 17, 2001, sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1798                  By:  Bivins
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the creation, funding, and operation of the Teachers'
1-11     Home Loan Program.
1-13           SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 1372, Government Code, is
1-14     amended by adding Section 1372.0221 to read as follows:
1-15           Sec. 1372.0221.  DEDICATION OF PORTION OF STATE CEILING FOR
1-16     TEACHERS' HOME LOAN PROGRAM.  Until August 25, 20 percent of that
1-17     portion of the state ceiling that is available exclusively for the
1-18     Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the purpose
1-19     of issuing qualified mortgage bonds is set aside for one year for
1-20     the Teachers' Home Loan Program established under Subchapter GG,
1-21     Chapter 2306.
1-22           SECTION 2.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by
1-23     adding Subchapter GG to read as follows:
1-25           Sec. 2306.801.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
1-26                 (1)  "Home" means a dwelling in this state in which a
1-27     teacher intends to reside as the teacher's principal residence.
1-28                 (2)  "Lending institution" means a mortgage lender as
1-29     defined by Section 2306.004.
1-30                 (3)  "Loan" means a Teachers' Home Loan Program loan
1-31     made under this subchapter that is secured by a mortgage on a
1-32     teacher's home.
1-33                 (4)  "Program" means the Teachers' Home Loan Program.
1-34                 (5)  "Teacher" means a person who is a classroom
1-35     teacher as defined by Section 5.001, Education Code.
1-36           Sec. 2306.802.  TEACHERS' HOME LOAN PROGRAM.  (a)  The
1-37     department shall establish a program to provide eligible teachers
1-38     with low-interest home mortgage loans.
1-39           (b)  To be eligible for a loan under this subchapter, a
1-40     teacher must:
1-41                 (1)  have been residing in this state for the five-year
1-42     period preceding the date the teacher files an application for a
1-43     loan under this subchapter;
1-44                 (2)  have been working as a teacher for the three-year
1-45     period immediately preceding that date; and
1-46                 (3)  reside in this state on that date.
1-47           Sec. 2306.803.  FUNDING.  The department may solicit and
1-48     accept funding for the program from the following sources:
1-49                 (1)  gifts and grants for the purposes of this
1-50     subchapter;
1-51                 (2)  available money in the housing trust fund
1-52     established under Section 2306.201;
1-53                 (3)  federal block grants that may be used for the
1-54     purposes of this subchapter;
1-55                 (4)  other state or federal programs that provide money
1-56     that may be used for the purposes of this subchapter;
1-57                 (5)  amounts received by the department in repayment of
1-58     loans made under this subchapter; and
1-59                 (6)  amounts received by the department as a result of
1-60     the issuance of qualified mortgage bonds set aside under Section
1-61     1372.0221.
1-62           Sec. 2306.804.  ADMINISTRATION.  (a)  The department shall
1-63     administer the Teachers' Home Loan Program in accordance with this
1-64     subchapter.
 2-1           (b)  The department may contract with other agencies of the
 2-2     state or with private entities to determine whether applicants
 2-3     qualify as teachers under this subchapter or otherwise to
 2-4     administer all or part of this subchapter.
 2-5           (c)  The board may set and collect from each applicant any
 2-6     fees the board considers reasonable and necessary to cover the
 2-7     expenses of administering the program.
 2-8           (d)  The board shall adopt rules governing:
 2-9                 (1)  the administration of the program;
2-10                 (2)  the making of loans under the program;
2-11                 (3)  the criteria for approving lending institutions;
2-12                 (4)  the use of insurance on the loans and the homes
2-13     financed under the program, as considered appropriate by the board
2-14     to provide additional security for the loans;
2-15                 (5)  the verification of occupancy of the home by the
2-16     teacher as the teacher's principal residence; and
2-17                 (6)  the terms of any contract made with any lending
2-18     institution for processing, originating, servicing, or
2-19     administering the loans.
2-20           Sec. 2306.805.  LOAN STRUCTURING.  The department shall
2-21     ensure that a loan under this subchapter is structured in a way
2-22     that complies with any requirements associated with the source of
2-23     the funds used for the loan.
2-24           Sec. 2306.806.  EXPIRATION.  This subchapter expires
2-25     September 1, 2012.
2-26           SECTION 3.  The Texas Department of Housing and Community
2-27     Affairs shall:
2-28                 (1)  aggressively pursue funding for the Teachers' Home
2-29     Loan Program required by Subchapter GG, Chapter 2306, Government
2-30     Code, as added by this Act;
2-31                 (2)  aggressively market and advertise the Teachers'
2-32     Home Loan Program to teachers in this state; and
2-33                 (3)  implement the Teachers' Home Loan Program required
2-34     by that subchapter not later than September 1, 2002.
2-35           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
2-36     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
2-37     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
2-38     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
2-39     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
2-40                                  * * * * *