By Truan                                              S.B. No. 1805
         77R11270 T                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to transferring the Texas Strategic Military Planning
 1-3     Commission to the office of the governor.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Section 481.0066, Government Code, is transferred
 1-6     to Subtitle C, Title 4, Government Code, redesignated as Chapter
 1-7     436, Government Code, and amended to read as follows:
 1-9           Sec. 436.001 [481.0066].  DEFINITION [TEXAS STRATEGIC
1-10     MILITARY PLANNING COMMISSION]. [(a)]  In this chapter, "commission"
1-11     means the Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission.
1-12           Sec. 436.002.  COMMISSION. The commission is within the
1-13     office of the governor.
1-14           Sec. 436.003.  COMPOSITION. [(b)]  The commission is composed
1-15     of:
1-16                 (1)  nine public members, appointed by the governor;
1-17     and
1-18                 (2)  the following ex officio members:
1-19                       (A)  the chair of the committee of the Texas
1-20     House of Representatives that has primary jurisdiction of matters
1-21     concerning state, federal, and international relations; and
1-22                       (B)  the chair of the committee of the Texas
1-23     Senate that has primary jurisdiction of matters concerning veteran
1-24     affairs and military installations.
 2-1           Sec. 436.004.  TERMS AND OFFICERS. (a) [(c)]  The nine public
 2-2     members of the commission serve staggered terms of three years with
 2-3     the terms of one-third of the members expiring February 1 of each
 2-4     year.  A legislative member vacates the person's position on the
 2-5     commission if the person ceases to be the chair of the applicable
 2-6     legislative committee.
 2-7           (b) [(d)]  The governor shall designate the presiding officer
 2-8     of the commission from among the members of the commission.
 2-9           Sec. 436.005.  COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES. [(e)]  A public
2-10     member of the commission is not entitled to compensation but is
2-11     entitled to reimbursement, from commission funds, for the travel
2-12     expenses incurred by the member while conducting the business of
2-13     the commission, as provided by the General Appropriations Act.  The
2-14     entitlement of a legislative member to compensation or
2-15     reimbursement for travel expenses is governed by the law applying
2-16     to the member's service in that underlying position, and any
2-17     payments to the member shall be made from the appropriate funds of
2-18     the applicable house of the legislature.
2-19           Sec. 436.006.  MEETINGS; OPEN GOVERNMENT. (a) [(f)]  The
2-20     commission shall meet at least quarterly.
2-21           (b)  The commission is a governmental body for purposes of
2-22     the open meetings law, Chapter 551.
2-24     [(g)]  Chapter 2110 does not apply to the commission.
2-25           Sec. 436.008.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSION. [(h)]  The
2-26     commission shall:
2-27                 (1)  serve as an advisory committee to the office of
 3-1     the governor and the Office of Defense Affairs in the Texas
 3-2     Department of Economic Development [department] on the effect of
 3-3     the military on the economy of this state; and
 3-4                 (2)  make recommendations regarding:
 3-5                       (A)  the development of policies and plans to
 3-6     support the long-term viability and prosperity of the military,
 3-7     active and civilian, in this state;
 3-8                       (B)  the development of methods to improve
 3-9     private and public employment opportunities for former members of
3-10     the military residing in this state;
3-11                       (C)  the development of methods to assist
3-12     defense-dependent communities in the design and execution of
3-13     programs that enhance a community's relationship with military
3-14     installations and defense-related businesses; and
3-15                       (D)  the compilation of information for use in
3-16     the report required under Section 481.0065(c).
3-17           Sec. 436.009.  ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT. The Texas Department
3-18     of Economic Development shall provide administrative support to the
3-19     commission.
3-20           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.