1-1     By:  Nelson, Truan                                    S.C.R. No. 24
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed February 9, 2001; February 12, 2001,
 1-3     read first time and referred to Committee on Veteran Affairs and
 1-4     Military Installations; February 26, 2001, reported favorably by
 1-5     the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; February 26, 2001, sent to
 1-6     printer.)
 1-7                        SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-8           WHEREAS, The most important asset in the Texas of today is
 1-9     our young people, who are the leaders and statesmen of tomorrow;
1-10     and
1-11           WHEREAS, It is vitally important to emphasize the qualities
1-12     which we want future generations of Texans to emulate and value;
1-13     among the foremost of those qualities are patriotism and dignity;
1-14     and
1-15           WHEREAS, Each year, Veterans Day is the designated day that
1-16     our nation honors the noble fighting men and women who so
1-17     stalwartly defended our country and our cherished freedoms; and
1-18           WHEREAS, The brave men and women who fought in wars and
1-19     peace-keeping missions have left a lasting standard for others to
1-20     follow; and
1-21           WHEREAS, True patriots in word and deed, these honorable
1-22     warriors have made all Texans and Americans proud of their splendid
1-23     and selfless devotion to ideals that all our citizens
1-24     wholeheartedly embrace; and
1-25           WHEREAS, It is of paramount significance that we instill in
1-26     our young people an appreciation of the courage and valor
1-27     demonstrated by those who have given their lives to protect our
1-28     country; and
1-29           WHEREAS, Providing an educational opportunity for our
1-30     children to learn about the costs of securing the blessings of
1-31     democracy for future generations is a commendable goal for Texas
1-32     schools to pursue; now, therefore, be it
1-33           RESOLVED, That the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas,
1-34     hereby encourage schools throughout our great state to emphasize
1-35     the observation of Veterans Day and to stress the important
1-36     sacrifices veterans made to ensure all the rights and privileges
1-37     that today's students enjoy; and, be it further
1-38           RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be prepared as an
1-39     expression of the sentiment of the Texas Legislature.
1-40                                  * * * * *