1-1                           SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION
 1-2     proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to
 1-3     authorize the board of trustees of an independent school district
 1-4     to donate certain surplus district property of historical
 1-5     significance in order to preserve the property.
 1-7           SECTION 1.  Article VII, Texas Constitution, is amended by
 1-8     adding Section 4B to read as follows:
 1-9           Sec. 4B.  (a)  The legislature by general law may authorize
1-10     the board of trustees of an independent school district to donate
1-11     district real property and improvements formerly used as a school
1-12     campus for the purpose of preserving the improvements.
1-13           (b)  A law enacted under this section must provide that
1-14     before the board of trustees may make the donation, the board must
1-15     determine that:
1-16                 (1)  the improvements have historical significance;
1-17                 (2)  the transfer will further the preservation of the
1-18     improvements; and
1-19                 (3)  at the time of the transfer, the district does not
1-20     need the real property or improvements for educational purposes.
1-21           SECTION 2.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
1-22     submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 6, 2001.
1-23     The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
1-24     proposition:  "The constitutional amendment authorizing the
1-25     legislature to authorize the board of trustees of an independent
 2-1     school district to donate certain surplus district property of
 2-2     historical significance in order to preserve the property."
         _______________________________     _______________________________
             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
               I hereby certify that S.J.R. No. 2 was adopted by the Senate
         on February 27, 2001, by the following vote:  Yeas 29, Nays 0, one
         present, not voting.
                                                 Secretary of the Senate
               I hereby certify that S.J.R. No. 2 was adopted by the House
         on May 3, 2001, by the following vote:  Yeas 144, Nays 0, one
         present, not voting.
                                                Chief Clerk of the House