1-1                                     1                                  
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 99
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is proud to join the citizens
 1-4     of Lufkin on January 25, 2001, in the celebration of Lufkin Day
 1-5     at the State Capitol; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, The county seat of Angelina County and situated
 1-7     in the Piney Woods of East Texas, Lufkin possesses a rich history
 1-8     of enterprise and progress; it was founded in 1882 along the
 1-9     Houston, East and West Texas Railway, and its citizenry quickly
1-10     capitalized on their rail connections in their determination to
1-11     build a successful town; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Shortly after the arrival of the railroad, a
1-13     boom began in the timber industry as three local families, the
1-14     Kurths, Hendersons, and Wieners, organized the Angelina County
1-15     Lumber Company, which became one of the largest timber concerns
1-16     in the state; the company also became known for its many
1-17     innovations in lumber manufacturing and forest management; and
1-18           WHEREAS, In 1902, the Lufkin Foundry and Machine Company,
1-19     now called Lufkin Industries, was established and not only launched
1-20     another burst of economic activity but eventually gained world
1-21     prominence for its oilfield pumping units; two major companies,
1-22     Southland Paper Mills and Texas Foundries, were created in the late
 2-1     1930s and played a large role in Lufkin's growing industrial sector;
 2-2     by the late 20th century the economy had expanded beyond the timber
 2-3     and forest-products industries to embrace oilfield machinery, truck
 2-4     trailers and flooring, and various dairy products and recreational
 2-5     goods; and
 2-6           WHEREAS, A cultural blossoming took place between 1965
 2-7     and 1983 as a new library and a civic center were erected, along
 2-8     with the establishment of two museums and Angelina College; today
 2-9     the area's rich heritage is on display at the Texas Forestry Museum
2-10     and the Museum of East Texas, while a fine collection of contemporary
2-11     Western art is on view at city hall; and
2-12           WHEREAS, Just as Lufkin is blessed with a wealth of
2-13     natural resources and the fruits of more than a century of steady
2-14     development, its citizens are endowed with a strong sense of
2-15     community spirit and an ambitious vision for the future; members
2-16     of this delegation and all their neighbors can take great pride in
2-17     their forebears' past accomplishments and their own expectations;
2-18     now, therefore, be it
2-19           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
2-20     77th Legislature, hereby recognize January 25, 2001, as Lufkin Day
2-21     at the State Capitol and extend best wishes to the members of the
2-22     delegation present today on this noteworthy occasion. 
2-23                                                    Staples
2-24           Armbrister           Gallegos            Ogden
2-25           Barrientos           Harris              Shapiro
2-26           Bernsen              Haywood             Shapleigh
 3-1           Bivins               Jackson             Sibley
 3-2           Brown                Lindsay             Truan
 3-3           Cain                 Lucio               Van de Putte
 3-4           Carona               Madla               Wentworth
 3-5           Duncan               Moncrief            West
 3-6           Ellis                Nelson              Whitmire
 3-7           Fraser                                   Zaffirini
 3-8                      Ratliff, President of the Senate
 3-9                                  ______________________________________
3-10                                          President of the Senate
3-11                                       I hereby certify that the above
3-12                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
3-13                                  on January 25, 2001.
3-14                                  ______________________________________
3-15                                          Secretary of the Senate
3-16                                  ______________________________________
3-17                                           Member, Texas Senate