1-1                                     1                                  
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 126
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is proud to join citizens from
 1-4     across the Lone Star State in the observance of Kidney Day at
 1-5     the Capitol and to honor the memory of Senator Greg Luna on
 1-6     February 13, 2001; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, The Texas Renal Coalition, the National Kidney
 1-8     Foundation affiliates of Texas, and other organizations throughout
 1-9     the State of Texas are committed to heightening the public's
1-10     awareness of kidney-related problems; the Texas Renal Coalition
1-11     is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to assist in the
1-12     advancement of future health care programs for dialysis and
1-13     transplant patients and those patients affected by urinary tract
1-14     or kidney disease; acting as a clearinghouse for information
1-15     related to legislative issues and advances in research, the
1-16     coalition will provide a forum for all interested parties involved
1-17     in treatment, research, or educational programs related to kidney
1-18     disease; and
1-19           WHEREAS, In order to achieve these worthy goals, efforts
1-20     are being focused on creating adequate support for research and
1-21     education, monitoring health policy development, and educating
1-22     those with the power to develop health policy to do so in a way
1-23     to make lives better in Texas; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, Dedicated volunteers and health professionals work
 2-2     in tandem to ensure the finest care for people afflicted with
 2-3     kidney ailments and hope to ultimately prevent this devastating
 2-4     disease; current treatment options for patients experiencing end
 2-5     stage renal failure include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis,
 2-6     and organ transplantation, and each of these methods has been
 2-7     developed within the last 27 years; and
 2-8           WHEREAS, Many individuals associated with organizations have
 2-9     demonstrated compassion and professionalism in their efforts to
2-10     eradicate kidney disease, and they have been of great benefit to
2-11     countless Texans; now, therefore, be it
2-12           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 77th Texas Legislature
2-13     hereby recognize February 13, 2001, as Kidney Day at the Capitol
2-14     and Senator Greg Luna Day and extend warmest wishes for continued
2-15     success to the staff, boards of directors, and volunteers from the
2-16     Texas Renal Coalition, the National Kidney Foundation, and other
2-17     organizations throughout Texas; and, be it further
2-18           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
2-19     the Texas Renal Coalition, the affiliates of the National Kidney
2-20     Foundation, and other organizations as an expression of high
2-21     regard by the Texas Senate.
2-22                                                            Van de Putte
2-23                                  ______________________________________
2-24                                          President of the Senate
2-25                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-26                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-27                                  on January 29, 2001.
2-28                                  ______________________________________
2-29                                          Secretary of the Senate
 3-1                                  ______________________________________
 3-2                                           Member, Texas Senate