1-1                ****** NEED TWO-PAGE HEADER ******
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 223
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas proudly recognizes
 1-4     Henry Kellen, who was recently honored at the 34th annual
 1-5     Hannan G. Solomon Award Dinner hosted by the El Paso section
 1-6     of the National Council of Jewish Women; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, Mr. Kellen is a survivor of the Holocaust;
 1-8     in 1941, the German army took him and his family from Kovno,
 1-9     Lithuania, to the ghetto and then to concentration camps; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Mr. Kellen miraculously escaped the camps and
1-11     spent the remainder of the war in the cellar of a Lithuanian
1-12     farmer; he was the only one of his family to survive; and
1-13           WHEREAS, In 1946, Mr. Kellen moved to the United States
1-14     and began his life anew; though it would be many years before
1-15     he told his story, Mr. Kellen felt it his duty to do something to
1-16     help his community remember the six million Jews and five million
1-17     Gentiles who were innocent victims of the Holocaust; and
1-18           WHEREAS, Because of Mr. Kellen's work, El Paso now has
1-19     the Holocaust Museum and Study Center, and it is estimated that
1-20     17,000 area students use these facilities in addition to other
1-21     community members; and
1-22           WHEREAS, In addition to establishing the Holocaust Museum
 2-1     and Study Center, Mr. Kellen has successfully lobbied to have
 2-2     all German Air Force troops that train at Fort Bliss attend the
 2-3     Holocaust Museum and Study Center for sensitivity training; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, Mr. Kellen's vital work has given young Texans in
 2-5     the El Paso area access to accurate and essential information
 2-6     about the Holocaust, and it will continue to serve future
 2-7     generations, helping them remember this harrowing period in world
 2-8     history and impressing upon them the necessity of preventing such
 2-9     tragedies; an exemplary and distinguished Texan, Mr. Kellen is
2-10     indeed worthy of the highest praise; now, therefore, be it
2-11           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
2-12     77th Legislature, hereby recognize Henry Kellen for his generous
2-13     contributions to the El Paso community and his noble efforts to
2-14     remember those victims of the Holocaust; and, be it further
2-15           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
2-16     him as an expression of highest esteem from the Texas Senate.
2-17                                                               Shapleigh
2-18                                  ______________________________________
2-19                                          President of the Senate
2-20                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-21                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-22                                  on February 12, 2001.
2-23                                  ______________________________________
2-24                                          Secretary of the Senate
2-25                                  ______________________________________
2-26                                           Member, Texas Senate